The Whispering Verses

Chapter 1752: With the Mirror Man


"It's safe."

Shade said, after confirming that it was completely safe through the "Visual Demon". He collected the floating beads above his head with a little tiredness. Looking at Megan again, she also looked tired. Walking was not tiring at all, but the characteristics of the demon maze increased the loss of mental and physical strength.

Fortunately, they finally came out now. It was 9:43 on Wednesday night. At this time of year, the sun had already disappeared below the western horizon. The starlight and moonlight could not penetrate the thick fog covering the island, and there were naturally no lights in the deserted town. It was pitch black all around, and after Megan called out the light ball for lighting, the visibility nearby returned to the level of daytime:

"Are you letting us go so easily?"

Neither of them had the heart to do anything else, and together they followed the road they had walked many times today to leave the town, through the forest and back to the dock. This took more than ten minutes, and it was almost ten o'clock. Even though the lunar eclipse had not yet occurred, the sensitive ring sorcerers were able to sense in advance that the spirits of the entire world, especially the spirits in the starry sky, were undergoing indescribable changes.

This is a change in nature and the world, but it is also a good opportunity to comprehend spiritual runes.

Megan's boat was parked at the dock. When the boat carried the two people away, Shad turned around and looked at the dock disappearing in the fog. He didn't relax at all. He didn't think that the devil would let them go just like that, especially him.

He gently stroked the Demon Hunting Seal on his finger, and then noticed that Megan, who was sitting at the bow, also looked alert:

"It doesn't look like the demon is trying to trap us at all."

The witch is quite rational:

"It's more like it's deliberately delaying time so that we can't leave as soon as possible. The lunar eclipse is about to begin. What will the ancestors do this time?"

Nothing unusual happened for the time being. The boat silently crossed the lake, approaching the edge of the fog area little by little.

The two people on the boat did not speak, but drank holy water and potions to recover from their current poor condition and prepare to face an unknown battle.

The water was quite calm, with no water ghosts or other monsters harassing them. However, as they got closer to the edge of the fog, they became more alert. When the faint moonlight shone on the brown-haired sorceress, she stood up suddenly, because she had seen Green Lake beyond the fog.

“It’s out!”

The bow of the boat was the first to rush out of the fog. When the evening breeze from the lake blew on the sorceress's face, she felt that she had never liked this warm wind before. The starry sky had spread out above her head, and three silver, yellow and red moons were already hanging in the starry sky.

The touch brought by the starry sky, like a painting, made her feel that she was about to touch the true meaning of the starry sky. At the same time, the back half of the ship where Xia De was located had also left the fog area, allowing him to bathe in the starlight and moonlight.

The stranger looked up at the moon, and then felt himself shaking unconsciously. He couldn't understand what was going on, but Megan came over and said with a smile:

"The third time we landed on the island, it was a success. We won't be coming again in the short term, absolutely not. It's too dangerous. When my friends arrive, we'll discuss the next plan."

"Look over there."

Shade said, and looked to the left of the bow with Megan. Although they were disguised, they still noticed that a small boat was heading here.

The other party's target was not them, they just happened to run into each other. The ring magicians on the small boat also noticed the boat that had just emerged from the fog after approaching, so both sides tacitly stopped their respective boats and looked at each other from a distance of a hundred meters.

The small boat of the Mirror Association, which included the Mirror Man and the Edwards brothers, was slightly larger than Megan's boat. Although both boats were camouflaged, at such a close distance, they could easily see who the other party was.

"Is it such a coincidence?"

This was probably what everyone was thinking at the moment. One of the blind brothers whispered a few words in the ear of the "Mirror Man" who was wearing a light gray coat and had a small reflective mirror hanging on his right ear as an earring. The latter nodded, walked to the bow and said:

"I have been looking forward to seeing you again since we last parted at the cemetery on the island."

He used fairly standard Kasenric:

"Mr. Edwards, Ms. Edwards, you look like you are in danger on the island? Can you share some information with each other? My two students respect you very much."

The two blind brothers nodded to Shad and Megan, as the latter stood together, they still hadn't realized that Shad was not actually Edwards at all.

It seems that the last encounter with the wishing demon really left a deep impression on them. The content revealed by the demon must have really scared them, otherwise there is no reason why the Mirror Man did not attack Shade and Megan as soon as they met.

The sorceress motioned for Shade to come over and talk, and Shade nodded slightly:

"There is an evil demon on the island, a demon related to the power of space."

He didn't reveal too many details to prevent others from snatching the doctor's prey.

"The evil spirit of the Third Age..."

Zang Jingren nodded slightly, and then said:

"My students expressed their desire to work together after their last meeting with you. I think this is a good idea. After all, our goals are both Edwards' secrets and... the chosen ones."

"We don't want to work with the Mirror Society."

Megan said that this was also Shad's attitude, and he didn't need to cooperate with these people.

The Mirror Man smiled and shook his head:

"Miss, you probably misunderstood. I haven't decided whether to cooperate with you. After all, there is only one chosen one, and I don't want to share Edwards' secrets with others."

The blind brothers behind him showed an apologetic look to Shade and Megan, while the Mirror Man's sharp brown eyes turned to Shade:

"I'm just curious, what exactly are your strengths? During our brief fight in the cemetery last time, I could only judge that you were at a high level, but my students said that you could even threaten a dangerous sage-level demon relic."

"What do you think?"

Xia De asked with a cold face, and the Mirror Man nodded:

"I can't guess, so I want to give it a try. You see, the scenery here is really nice. Since there is a chance, why not do it here and now? If you can defeat me, the Mirror Association will definitely not go against you for a period of time."

As he spoke, he jumped off the boat and came to the water, and the remaining four people on the boat quickly left by boat.

Megan frowned slightly:

“Are you crazy? Don’t you know how many ring sorcerers from the Orthodox Church there are around this lake? Once you take action here, the three thirteenth ring sorcerers from the Orthodox Church may show up.”

"Of course I know that, that's why this is just a brief encounter, not a real duel."

The expression on the mirror man's face did not change, and he suggested to Xia De:

"Mr. Edwards, why don't you let your sister leave first? My students said that she doesn't have the same strength as you. Let her go first and don't hurt her by mistake."

He seemed to be really confused about what kind of power Shade had, so he suddenly asked for a fight. But the problem was that Megan was quite sure that unless Shade could show his strength of splitting space with one sword on the rainy night last Monday, even if he was far above the average level of the sixth ring, he would definitely not be a match for the thirteenth ring "Hidden Mirror Man".

Xia De knew this himself, but he also knew how to deal with the current situation. He was not worried about the hidden mirror man, but what the guy on the island was going to do on this night of the lunar eclipse:

"You leave first."

He said to the brown-haired girl beside him, pulled the key from his chest and turned it into a staff, then jumped onto the water.

"But... ... "


Xia De turned and looked at her sternly. Megan shuddered instinctively. Somehow she thought of Xia De swinging the whip again:

"You are such a jerk... be careful."

She said softly, and then sailed to the shore in a small boat.

On the lake that reflected the starry sky, only Xia De and Zang Jingren were left. The two men did not start fighting immediately, but looked at each other separately.

"Do you know who the chosen one of the space is?"

The man in gray suit suddenly asked.

"I guessed it. It must be related to the Edwards family."

Shad replied.

"You know what? Our association has several unique fragments of poems, so we were able to look for clues in advance during the city's jockeying competition in Tobesk."

His voice was so low that it almost sounded like a whisper in his sleep:

"Even my students don't know part of it, but I'm quite worried about it. The ancient gods of space have the power to break and heal, and the chosen ones of space are related to this. Breaking and healing, uniting as one, perhaps, you are all just the steps and nourishment for your ancestors to ascend to a higher position."

"I know all these things. What's the point of you saying them now?"

"I just hope that no matter whether you are the Thirteenth Ring or not, you should consider more seriously whether to cooperate with us."

A floor-to-ceiling silver mirror as tall as a person rose from the water and stood on the left side of the "Mirror Man", reflecting his body. Shade shook his left hand, revealing the gold bracelet on his wrist, and put his right hand into his pocket, taking out the small red leather book given by Miss Danister:

"We all don't want to be caught by the True God Church, so let's decide the outcome with one move, right?"


Xia De looked up at the three moons in the unusually clear starry sky, then jumped into the night sky, and the mirror man turned and walked into the mirror.