The Whispering Verses

Chapter 1772: Thaumaturgy - Thorn of Eros


As he spoke, a dreamy bookshelf as colorful as stars appeared beside Xia De. He took out a book from the shelf and opened it to see the two relics and the coin.

Granny Natalie took out her glasses from behind the counter, looked carefully for a long time, and flipped through a few books before shaking her head at Xia De:

"It's really not easy to figure out what these are just by looking at their appearance. I can only tell this, and you can ask someone else for the rest."

She pointed at the broken sword:

"The Sword of the King of Dead Souls, a keeper-level relic, is a broken sword. Its effect is to summon dead souls, absorb the dead souls that voluntarily follow the sword holder into the sword, and release them to assist the sword holder at the appropriate time. The number of souls this sword can absorb is only related to the level of the sword holder. Note that there are many weapons that can absorb souls, but only the souls that are truly willing to follow the sword holder can be absorbed by this relic. This is almost a contract of the soul."

"The effect is very good, but why is the danger level only at the keeper level?"

Xia De asked curiously, and Grandma Natalie shook her head:

"No matter how powerful a soul is, it cannot compare to a ring sorcerer whose soul and body coexist harmoniously. Even among those special undead spirits that have appeared in the Midhill Castle area, only a small number can be said to be strong enough. But how many such undead spirits are there in the material world? Moreover, getting a powerful and special soul to sign a contract with oneself is a very difficult thing in itself."

"That's right, unless the dead soul knew him when he was alive."

"It is said that this sword was originally in the Church of Peace, but was moved to Midhill Castle after last autumn. If you want to get more information, you can only go to the people of the Church of Peace. It is said that the Church of War and Peace has studied the idea of using this sword to form an undead army, but because it is too dangerous, this idea has been shelved for a long time."

Of course, there was a charge for information about the relics, but because Shad was introduced by Mr. Edmund, Natalie's mother-in-law's charges were also very low.

Before Shade said goodbye and left, the high-level warlock of the Guiding Light Priory mentioned another topic:

"You and Megan have caused such a big problem on the central island of Green Lake. Neither the church nor Megan's ancestors will let you go. Keep a low profile recently. The investigation on the central island of Green Lake will probably enter the next stage after the thirteen-ring fortune-teller showed up last night. Next, the ring sorcerers on both sides of Green Lake should just act secretly to collect information and make the negotiations between the two countries the center of attention again. If you need my help during this period, you can come to me at any time."

It seems that mother-in-law Natalie really knows a lot of things.

"Okay... Will the hermitage send other people here this time?"

"No, my being here is enough."

An eleventh-ring warlock is qualified to say such things.

With the arrival of the two countries' most important negotiating delegations, crossing the border has become more troublesome than usual. Even though Shad had a special pass given by Captain Rades, he still had to wait for five or six minutes when crossing the camp. Only after the captain showed up and re-signed and stamped Shad's pass did he let him leave.

"I'm so sorry, the previous passes have been invalidated. You need a guarantee from the camp officers before you can use them again."

To express his apology, Captain Rads personally sent Shad to the border, which is the gate at the south end of the military camp.

"Don't apologize. I understand. But who came up with the idea of making the same money twice?"

Shade asked with a smile. The captain pointed to the camp behind him, made a helpless expression, and waved goodbye to Shade.

What happened on Green Lake during the lunar eclipse last night was known to the local ring sorcerers. Shad was not sure whether the followers of the god of love knew the information about desire during this period, but when he arrived at the Victory Carrier Hotel, Mr. Richard, Ms. Hope, and even Mr. Upton, who was a little crazy because of the oil painting, were waiting for him in Room 402 where Mr. Richard lived.

Ms. Hope welcomed Shad in. At this time, Mr. Richard was looking at Mr. Upton with concern. The latter looked unkempt last time, but now he was wearing decent clothes and his hair was obviously combed.

However, his face looked extremely haggard, and his eye bags were swollen as if he hadn't slept for many days.

Seeing Xia De coming over, Mr. Richard greeted him and explained to him:

"I was looking out the window at Green Lake last night when Upton suddenly ran upstairs and knocked on my door, then hugged me and cried all night."

With a relaxed smile on his face, he motioned for Shad to sit next to him, while Ms. Hope and Mr. Upton sat opposite him.

"Why are you crying?"

Shade asked curiously, and Ms. Hope drew the holy emblem on her chest before explaining:

"On the one hand, I was repenting for believing in the Lord, but I was attracted by that painting and almost fell. On the other hand, it was probably because I was heartbroken..."

She also had a smile on her face. Mr. Upton nodded tiredly and covered his chest.

"For a moment, it felt like a piece of my heart was missing, and then I realized what I had fallen in love with. I knew I was liberated, but the love and affection for more than a year... ... Love can make people blind and crazy."

"That's not love."

Mr. Richard smiled and said sarcastically, then motioned for Shad to look at the coffee table between the crowd.

On the glass coffee table, a rolled-up oil painting was placed in a slender paper box, and the painting was wrapped with red silk thread with a strong miraculous element.

"That's the painting?"

"Yes, it's yours."

Mr. Upton, the original owner of the painting, nodded heavily:

"Although I don't know what you did, and I don't know if the commotion at Green Lake last night had anything to do with you, I believe you must have seen it and reached a deal with it, otherwise I would not have been suddenly released."

He reached out and pushed the box towards Xia De. This action finally reassured the other three people. It meant that he was no longer attracted by the charm of the painting. Xia De picked up the box, resisted the urge to open it and put it next to him.

"So... you actually saw it yesterday?"

Seeing that Xia De accepted the painting, Mr. Richard hesitated and asked carefully. Xia De nodded, and while the three of them showed complicated expressions, he apologized to Mr. Richard:

"I'm sorry, the holy emblem you lent me and the black sheet that contained the information were destroyed."

The flakes showed the information that Desire wanted Shade to see and then dissolved in the water. The Holy Emblem of the God of Love transformed the whispering element into a miracle element at the critical moment. Otherwise, the new spiritual rune Shade obtained would be Whisper-Charm.

"No need to apologize. It seems that my Lord still has high hopes for you."

Mr. Richard smiled and patted Shad on the shoulder:

"I lent you the Holy Emblem so that you can resist its power. The Holy Emblem has been passed down for thousands of years and it is not so easy to be damaged. Since it is damaged, it must be related to it."


Xia De wanted to briefly describe the situation at that time. When he was floating up in the lake, he saw the black-haired woman sinking to the bottom of the water. It still left a deep impression on him. He even suspected that his dream last night was related to this. But he didn't know how to start, so he had to show a corner of the life ring:

"Originally, she gave me a kiss. No, not a direct kiss, but a flying kiss. Then I gained a Whispering Element Spirit Rune. But the Holy Emblem suddenly glowed at that time, replacing the Whispering Element with the Miracle Element, so I got this—Miracle Charm."

The followers of the god of love who specialized in the love of the soul and the body looked at each other, then bowed their heads and drew the holy emblem on their chests. Ms. Hope exclaimed:

"Sure enough, our Lord has only left, but her power is still blessing the world, blessing those who believe in love and marriage. Our persistence and faith have been correct. Even if we wait for hundreds or thousands of years, our Lord will return sooner or later. This is the proof."

Even Mr. Upton, who originally looked unhappy, was now happy. Mr. Richard even stood up and took out a bottle of expensive-looking champagne and a wine glass from the wine cabinet, and clinked glasses with the other three.

Although Shade could not understand their joy, he was still happy to have a drink with those who helped him. After drinking and sitting down again, he brought up a new topic, which was the third thing he did here today, in addition to recovering the oil painting and apologizing for the damage to the holy emblem:

"I bought the magic spell - Heart Link from you last time, and this time I want to get another magic spell."

This is also the secret method of connecting souls that "Desire" told Shad, and this secret method can only be obtained through the believers of the old god - the god of love.

"No problem. You are a person blessed by our Lord. Even if you don't believe in our Lord, we will help you."

Mr. Upton, the keeper of the cult's knowledge, agreed readily:

"Excuse me, what kind of magic is it?"

"It can be associated with the Charm Spirit Rune. Yes, Thaumaturgy-Eros Thorn."

Thaumaturgy - Thorn of Eros, active thaumaturgy, no casting materials are required. After casting, a short thorn made of a material similar to red crystal will be summoned, but it is not a spiritual weapon, and it will basically break at the touch. This is a ritual item. The caster will stab the Thorn of Eros into the chest of another individual, which can make the other person have a good impression of him/her for a short period of time.

Of course, this won't cause wounds; it's not a weapon.

This feature is not "consciousness rewriting" or hypnosis, it just creates a little bit of goodwill. Of course, the main feature of the magic of the Thorn of Eros is not this, but the caster can pierce the "Thorn of Eros" into the body of an individual who has strong feelings for him or her and he or she also has strong feelings for him or her - not limited to family affection, love, etc., at the cost of temporarily sacrificing the upper limit of the caster's spirit, allowing the pierced object to briefly master the power of condensing and utilizing red crystals to form armor, weapons and energy attacks.

The state of being hit by the "Thorn of Eros" can last for a long time, but the caster cannot recover the reduced spiritual limit until he actively cancels the magic.

In other words, this magic can connect two souls, and through strong emotions, the power of the caster's soul becomes the power of the stabbed person. Its essence is "borrowing power", but if we follow the theory of "desire", this "borrowing power" is an extremely superficial and elementary manifestation of soul fusion.