The Whispering Verses

Chapter 1783: Dreams and Saturday Meetings


Saturday afternoon, 6 St. Teresa's Square.

Dorothy, wearing an apron and humming an unknown tune, was in a good mood as she brought the plate of beef stew to the dining table. The owner of the house and the pet cat were resting their heads on the table, one on each side, looking at the glass jar brought by the writer.

Xiade poked his head out, while Xiaomia lay flat on the table like a cat. As for the small cylindrical glass jar, there were three spiders crawling around.

This is Dorothy's spellcasting material. She is trying to learn a new magic trick called "Spider Walk" based on the traditional story "Spider Walker". This magic trick allows the caster to walk on any surface. Although the effect is not very strong, it is related to Dorothy's series of magic ideas.

After lunch, she will kill these spiders and make potions, so even though the spiders cannot have lunch, this will be their last lunch.

"Speaking of which, since you don't have spiders, geckos, mice, or anything like that at home, would you like me to put these spiders here?"

The blonde said jokingly, and Shade shook his head:

"No need. Things are going well at home now. Besides Mia and I, the flowers that Luvia grows are also growing well on the windowsill."

That is the effect of "Power of the Earth·Field of Fertility".

As he said this, he slapped away Mia's curious paw that was reaching towards the glass jar. This cat was sometimes too curious, especially about small moving things.

"Then let's continue with the topic we were talking about. You said you had a strange dream last night?"

asked Dorothy, who had reentered the kitchen.

Xia De was speechless for a moment:

"It's not surprising. I also had a nightmare a few days ago. What Luvia said when she interpreted the dream can be used to analyze my dream last night."

In last night's dream, he only remembered that white hands like fleshy snakes grabbed him and pulled him in all directions. The dream was magnificent, bizarre, hazy but charming. If it weren't for last night's experience, he would really suspect that his recent series of dreams were all caused by "desire".

Not really.

"I know it's not, please don't humiliate me."

Then he looked at the painting hanging in the living room, and Dorothy, who came back with the vegetable soup, asked with a smile:

"Luvia can interpret dreams? This is the first time I've heard of this. From your expression, did your experience yesterday affect your dream tonight? But yesterday, Friday, I heard from Leicia that you went to Karina's dinner party, didn't you? What did you experience?"

Although it was quite embarrassing, since Dorothy asked, Shade still waved to the girl in the apron, and then briefly introduced the situation. This also explained to her and Leicia what the real fusion of "two-in-one" was. Megan and Audrey had been one since they were born, which was a special existence of innate structure, while Leicia and Dorothy were obviously acquired.

But it was obvious that Dorothy was not concerned about the current situation of the "two-in-one" witches. Her face turned red, and she listened in shock to what happened to Shade last night:

"How could this happen? I thought that the Red Butterfly Day between Lecia and I was already..."

“That shouldn’t be the point.”

"Shad, please let Leicia and I meet this witch!"

"Once the incident at Green Lake is over...what do you want to do?"

Dorothy smiled and said nothing. Instead, she bent down and kissed the forehead of the sitting Shad.

"Have you doubted our relationship with you recently?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Your dream shows that you are really uneasy. You have encountered so many things in the past. Have you ever had such frequent dreams as now?"

Today is a relatively leisurely Saturday. After lunch, Xia De held Xiaomia in his arms and went to a meeting with Dr. Schneider together with the writer.

It is the beginning of the rain-praying month, the best season of the year. It is Saturday afternoon, and everyone seems a little lazy. We chat about recent events and spend the whole afternoon together.

There wasn't much new in this group meeting. Xiaomia's sleepiness seemed to have infected everyone, so that except for the doctor who presided over the meeting, everyone, including Xia De, took a nap in the middle, but the doctor didn't care.

As for the most important thing about this meeting, he announced the notice from the academy to the team members:

"Since the lunar eclipse on Wednesday, the spatial stability of the material world has been affected to a certain extent. With Green Lake as the center, spatial instability phenomena have increased dramatically. Therefore, the academy hopes that the correspondence ring sorcerers can report abnormal spatial phenomena in the stationed areas. If they can solve it themselves, that's better. If they can't, the academy can contact the church to handle it."

He held a long roll of parchment in his right hand, and supported his face with his left hand on the armrest of the sofa:

"The spatial anomalies currently counted by the academy include: random teleportation - if you are not careful, you can end up thousands of miles away, so we need to pay attention to the number of missing people in the area; spatial fragmentation area - after entering, the body will be shattered into slag, which is also very dangerous for ring magicians. Fortunately, our inspiration is enough to capture the danger signal; spatial disorder area - similar to the 'endless alley' or 'looping street' in urban legends, but the church should be able to discover this kind of thing in time."

"There was an incident of this kind yesterday in Tobesk North."

Father Augustus suddenly said, waking up Luvia who was nodding and dozing off:

"Tobesk? We heard nothing."

It seems that although she took a short nap, she did not miss any important content.

"I only found out about this when I heard people chatting in the church. It wasn't a big deal. It only trapped a newspaper boy and a beggar."

The priest added, yawning as well, that this temperature and the sunshine outside the window were really suitable for a nap.

"Doctor, go on, are there any other phenomena that have been collected?"

' said Dorothy again, expressing her great interest.


The doctor continued to look at the parchment in his hand:

"The next is relatively rare, a solidified space crack, that is, a teleportation crack connecting two different locations. However, this has only appeared once, on Carsenrick's side, and has nothing to do with us. The most dangerous is the weak area in space. Some ancient sealed evil creatures, or creatures outside of space, may use this to break into the material world. This is the main problem that the academy has asked us to pay attention to."

The others wrote down this information, and the doctor focused on Xia De and said:

"The academy warns all students with space powers not to cast spells across space too frequently in the near future, to avoid danger. For a period of time, the spatial order of the material world will remain in its current chaotic and fragile state, so you must be careful."

Xia De nodded while touching the sleeping Mia:

"I see."

He knew very well that if this situation continued to develop, it would end up like the end of the Sixth Epoch in the Past Life, with the time and space order of the entire world completely destroyed. However, it was too far to think about this now. He only felt that the cat lying on his lap was getting hot. The sun from the window just happened to shine on the cat's back. Shade was a little worried that Xiaomia would be "roasted".

He tried to pick up the cat, who had become even limp once he fell asleep, but was immediately objected by little Mia.

This week, Shade submitted a book report and a work for the potion class, "The Poison Eliminator", a potion that can dispel most common plant poisons. While he was busy investigating Green Lake, he did not delay his studies. Father Augustus borrowed a book from the college library, and Luvia submitted her stargazing records.

Before the meeting ended that afternoon, Father Augustus took out a small bag of coins and gave it to Luvia. He helped Luvia collect several special coins, and Luvia would help Father Augustus with divination as a reward. After the meeting, Shad did not leave with Dorothy like last time. Instead, he waited until everyone left before sitting on the sofa and saying to the doctor who came in:

"It's confirmed. It's the Labyrinth Demon - Yaru. I saw it on Wednesday night, during the lunar eclipse."

The doctor was not too surprised. After listening to Xia De's description of how he and the pharmacist had come into contact with the demon, he also thought there was nothing wrong:

"That's it. That guy is very alert and won't easily reveal his true form. Xia De, do you have a way to lure it out again?"

Xia De nodded:

"Yes, by touching a door in the dreams of certain people, the evil demon will definitely show up again. That's what it said. But it will definitely still appear as an illusion, and it is highly unlikely that it will be its real self."

"It's okay, it's okay."

The doctor smiled and shook his head:

"As long as it projects its power towards me, I can catch its tail. This guy isn't strong, at least not as strong as the mirror in Randall Valley. It's just that his hiding ability is too good. And you said it was in a dream? That would be even more convenient. I have fewer concerns in a dream."

Xia De also thought this was more convenient:

"When do you plan to leave, Doctor?"

"Let's do it on Monday next week. I still need to make some targeted preparations. You don't need to see me off. I will leave quietly and try not to attract other people's attention. I checked the train schedule. It will take a day and a half to get to Green Lake. We can meet on Tuesday or Wednesday."

He shook his head, as if looking forward to it.

"But I have to point out in advance that the situation at Green Lake is very complicated right now."

Shade warned.

"I know. I will follow your arrangements at that time."

The doctor said it was totally fine:

"Although I don't know how long I can stay in Green Lake, I can definitely help you. Last time I heard you say that the evil demon was working for a thirteen-ring fortune teller? This is dangerous, but not enough to scare me off."

"Well, I'll prepare a room for you in advance. It's called Green Lake Hotel, the best hotel on the north shore of the lake. The owners of the hotel are my friends, and the living conditions are very good."

Xia De said with a smile, and the doctor nodded, then looked out the window at the good weather:

"I hope everything goes well on this short trip. The power of the Labyrinth Demon Yaru is different from all the powers I have now. After swallowing it... the Eighth Ring is not far away."