The Whispering Verses

Chapter 1796: Disaster cards


The more they know about the stories of the past, and the clearer they are about the ending of the world after the end of the world, the more they cannot accept that the world will become like this again.

He waited for the white mist to wrap him up, then took a step forward, walked out of the door, and returned to the dark hallway without turning on the lights. Three seconds passed, he lost his clothes and shoes, and had a card in his hand, but the good news was that Treefather had repaired all his injuries.

The small orange cat was standing on Shad's coat waiting for him, staring at him with wide amber eyes in the dark. The cat also felt that Shad was mentally exhausted, so it just meowed gently and jumped to a higher step, waiting for Shad to go upstairs together.

"I have learned more about Luvia's failure in the past. We cannot delay, and we cannot allow any failure, otherwise the situation will deteriorate little by little until the cultists dare to attack Tobesk like in the past. At the same time, I must unite all the people who can be united and unite all forces."

In the darkness, Shade looked at the cards in his hand again, looking at Mrs. Flamel in the deep sea:

"But apart from the information about past lives, it is not without gain."

You mean this card

"No, I witnessed Yin Luna's thirteen-ring posture. My Cinderella of the Mystic Lock can transform the girls I made a promise to into their strongest postures in my memory. I memorized the thirteen rings that Yin Luna was destined to achieve."

He first went to the basement and put the Shadow of the Deep Sea and the Twin Lovers in the "Felianna Notes". When he was about to return to the bedroom with Mia to rest, Shade thought of a relatively boring question in the dark:

"Since there will definitely be one more card every month, should we give them a name? To distinguish them from the Vientiane Card and the Rhodes Card."

How about "Disaster Solitaire"

“A nice name.”

So, there was one more type of playing cards that Xia De wanted to collect.

Although the physical injuries were repaired by the Tree Father, the weak soul and mental depression were not so easy to heal. Even with the top mental and soul repair magic like Moon Dream, the battle was so fierce that when Shade fell asleep on Sunday night and opened his eyes again, it was already 8:30 on Monday morning.

When he woke up, he saw Luvia and Yin Luna sitting on the chairs beside the bed. He thought he was still dreaming. Fortunately, "she" gently reminded Xia De to distinguish between reality and dreams, and Luvia's surprised voice also proved that this was not a dream:

"You're awake, don't worry about your cat, we've prepared breakfast for it. Oh, I'll go to the kitchen and bring you breakfast, you don't have to get up."

He stood up and left the bedroom. Xia De sat up from the bed and looked at Yin Luna blankly. The 17-year-old girl explained worriedly:

"I'm leaving Tobesk this afternoon. Luvia has some new discoveries, so she came with me to tell you. We arrived at 7:30. As soon as we opened the door, we saw the newspaper still on the doormat and little Mia came running down from upstairs. We knew something must have happened to you. But after checking, Luvia said you were just too tired, so we didn't disturb you."

As for the cat, it was lying next to Shad's pillow. It had probably stayed there since breakfast.

"I'm fine, just tired."

He didn't explain what he did, but just covered his forehead and sighed, which made Yin Luna even more worried.

Luvia came back with breakfast soon, but Shade still insisted on going to the restaurant. He talked about the ghoul Nicholas Green that was investigated yesterday, and also talked about the speculation about the relationship between "Edwards's Divine Art" and the thirteen keys and poems. Then, Shade ate breakfast while listening to the girls talk about things. The new investigation results came from Yin Luna:

"I saw some of the poems in advance and learned about the ritual of the chosen one in the space. The ritual of the chosen one has three requirements: understanding the power of the ancient gods, possessing an artifact that symbolizes the power of the ancient gods, and holding a specific ritual. We know that this ritual includes 'many in one', and secondly, there is a location requirement: it must be in a stable special space."

"Shade, you are better at space power than any of us, you should understand this sentence."

Luvia said, and Shade nodded. After waking up, his mental state had completely recovered, but he didn't plan to tell anyone about what happened last night:

"I learned it in the course. A stable special space means that it can be anything other than the real material world. But the space itself must have fixed rules, and the subspace seal won't work. I can think of spaces left by the ancient gods, the interior of the narrow space between life and death of the unknowable relics, etc. ... The Word of Sublimation shouldn't work, because it's basically a bomb, not stable at all. But some special puzzle locks with strong enough support, like the one I deployed with all my strength..."

He tried to come up with a unique name for his combined puzzle:

"The Mystery Lock Fairy Tale Town will do."

Yin Luna understood what he was saying:

"Can the island behind the central island of Green Lake that you mentioned many times be counted?"

Shade hesitated:

"It shouldn't be. The island on the back is a reflection of the opposite side of the material world. Strictly speaking, it is still the material world, but there are spatial anomalies. I heard from Miss Danister that the professors of space studies in the three major colleges are all studying this special spatial phenomenon. Now it can be confirmed that it is not outside the material world... I wonder if Laplace Klein Howard knows the full content of the Chosen One's Ceremony."

Luvia nodded:

"But at least this is good for us. Shade has already mastered the location of the space maze in Green Lake City. As long as we kill that fortune teller and find the next candidate, at least we don't have to worry about the location of the ceremony. Yin Luna, when you get to the Green Lake area, you must be careful. This time is different from the past. In the past, the chosen ones and other enemies related to this will not take the initiative to attack you, but this time Laplace Klein Howard may take the initiative to test other chosen ones."

Yin Luna nodded, very happy about Luvia's concern. Looking at Yin Luna's appearance at this moment, Xia De really couldn't imagine what she had experienced to become the cold and indifferent person he saw in his past life memory last night.

Yin Luna left in the afternoon, still riding a steam floating airship. She had to go to the Holy See for training first, and would arrive at Green Lake this weekend or early next week. Therefore, this was Yin Luna's farewell to the two before they left. Shade and Luvia both gave her a hug, and Shade also agreed with Yin Luna to meet again at the Green Lake Hotel. But what he didn't know was that after the two girls left St. Teresa's Square together, Luvia said something that she hadn't said just now:

"The association has called on elite fortune tellers from other branches in the Old World to go to the Green Lake area to help. It seems that the association is really going to make a big move this time. I am eligible to sign up, and I am still in the qualification review stage. If I pass the review, I will also go to Green Lake in about a week or two."

Yin Luna asked worriedly:

"You won't tell Shade?"

"I'll tell him then."

The girl with purple eyes shook her head:

"He always thinks I'm too fragile, but with the development of the Chosen One, it will only get harder and harder for him to walk alone. I reached out to him last summer, and now our relationship is definitely more than just love and attachment. We have also agreed to work together to change the ideals and goals of this world that is about to change. I will not let him walk alone."

Today is a brand new week. Last week, I took out a useless gift, a cat-shaped mask, from the gift box. This week, when I went to pick up the gift with great anticipation, I saw Xiaomia standing beside me with an expectant look on her face.

So after thinking about it, he put the cat in the box, and Mia was quite happy about it. But soon Shade took the cat out again, and then he saw that Mia's tail was hooked with a string of irregular translucent stones strung together with a red rope.

There were seven stones in total. Although they were irregular in shape, they felt smooth to the touch. Each one was smaller than the beads on the pearl necklaces worn by the girls. The stones looked like glass, but the feel was very different from that of glass.

Because there are spiritual fluctuations, this must be some kind of special material. It's a pity that Xia De can't tell what it is.

He was going to ask Sister Defulin about something, so he took the cat with him. As for Mia, the cat was still at home looking after the house.

However, Shade did not go to Midhill Castle immediately, but went out first and took a carriage to visit Mrs. Lemaire's family whom he had not seen for a long time. The family, who had received a relatively rich inheritance, had now moved out of the attic where they originally lived and moved to the North District of Tobesk, a neighborhood with a relatively better living environment, and rented a room on the third floor of an apartment with a separate bathroom and kitchen.

Mrs. Lemaire was quite surprised when Shade came to visit with a bag of apples, but she still entertained him warmly. Shade claimed that he was here for a "commissioned return visit". He looked around the warmly decorated home and listened to Mrs. Lemaire talk about the improvement of the family's life. Then he learned that she had never left the city in the past year:

"That's good, I won't bother you then."

After sitting for just over ten minutes, Shade got up and left. He said goodbye to the enthusiastic woman, put his hands in his pockets, holding the Deep Sea Shadow, and watched Mrs. Lemaire waving from the car window.

How do you feel

"I don't feel anything. I just did what I was supposed to do."

After returning home, he finally went from the basement to the abandoned tower in the mountains of Mount Sikar. After coming down from the mountain, he passed through the Snake Heart Hospital in Midhill Castle and quickly went to the ancient sacrificial site on the top of the mountains. Sister Defulin and Grandma Cassandra had not set off yet, so Shade could still find the nun.