The Whispering Verses

Chapter 1803: The Holy Grail and the whereabouts of the body


"So where's my gift?"

Megan asked expectantly, and Audrey, who was dealing with the "Mushroom Soup" behind her, turned around and smiled at him.

"I thought you were looking forward to the land. But don't worry, I brought the land here. Look~"

As he spoke, Shade took out a golden holy grail the size of a wine glass from his pocket... ... You could also call it a wide-mouthed wine glass. This was the product of Shade using the power of the earth and healing aura to purify the land in order to prevent the land that was infiltrated by the power of space from spreading further.

Although the land lost its ability to produce special mushrooms, Shade thought safety was the first priority. Fortunately, the Holy Grail could replace the land and produce mushrooms together with the Green Ridge Ore:

"This is for you. The inscription on it is 'Spatial Alienation'."

He gave the small cup to Megan, who played with it with interest and then put it on the table beside her:

"This mushroom is very interesting, but it's best not to use it directly. I'll study whether it can be made into a potion. It might be useful for observing another island. In this way, the Speaker's task list is really useful."

"But the alienation of that piece of land is not serious, and the Holy Grail is very small. I don't think the mushroom yield will be very large in the future. It's good enough that it can be useful. This kind of investigation is simple and interesting."

Of course, Shade didn't say where he went after passing through the crack. He cherished his reputation very much.

Audrey picked up the cup behind her and tried to take out some of the "mushroom soup" and put it into the cup, while Megan continued to tease Shad:

"This cup is the Holy Grail of Earth, right? I heard that you gave a Holy Grail of Youth to Carina as a token of love. That Holy Grail is very large. When water is added to it, it can immediately transform the water into a potion that has a real effect, delaying the aging of the body and enhancing the elasticity of the skin. In fact, that liquid can even be added to most potions that maintain youth to enhance the efficacy of the potion."

When the "Youth" Holy Grail was created, Shade had not yet completely absorbed the filthy earth essence in his body, so the power leaked out and made the Holy Grail exceptionally strong. For a long time, it would be the strongest earth Holy Grail that Shade could make.

"She even said something like this?"

Xia De was a little surprised.

"What can she not say that can show off? You also saw how she treated me the night we met."

Megan and Audrey looked at Shad with sad eyes:

"I don't ask for any token of love. After all, I haven't known you for that long. But stay with me this afternoon and study the function of these mushrooms together. Then I'll tell you about the progress of the search for the key and the bones. As for dinner... I'll sail the boat to Green Lake. The rain should stop by then. How about we eat together under the stars?"

Since she said so, Xia De naturally couldn't refuse, otherwise he would feel like a scumbag.

Currently, five of the thirteen keys corresponding to the keyholes on the bloody door in Megan's dream have appeared. After a careful search, the Green siblings also found clues about the other keys.

As for the other members of the Edwards family, Shad had already received clear information that the Forlan brothers had formally contacted the church, so only the two people from the Mirror Society were missing.

But Xia De was not in a hurry at all. Before he figured out the specific plan of the Thirteen-Ring Fortune Teller, he would rather everything develop slowly so that he could sort out what he needed to do bit by bit.

Wednesday after Tuesday was the day Dr. Schneider arrived at Green Lake. Since Megan and Audrey didn't like to let men other than Shade enter their dreams, Shade discussed with the witch in advance and wanted to try to use Soren Green's dream to lead out of the door again.

However, while he was on the ship on Tuesday afternoon, he did not tell anyone about Dr. Schneider. He only said that he had found a "demon exorcist and witch hunter", so he asked the witch to prepare how to guide Mr. Soren Green to have that dream.

As for Dr. Schneider, even if he arrived, he would need to adapt to the local environment first and learn about what was happening here. As for going into dreams to find the devil, it would take at least Friday or even this weekend.

It's not just Shad who's taking action. Although the Green Lake area experienced a brief calm after the lunar eclipse last week, the undercurrents surging beneath the surface of the water have actually never subsided.

Although Shad was unable to meet the Forlan brothers of the Rosicrucian Order, the church has begun to look for the "key" for them. The search for the bodies of the Edwards family members who died outside the island has also been launched from all sides.

The first to bring the news were Megan and Audrey. The two sisters are the fifth generation of the family, so their only elder is their father of the fourth generation, Alphonse Edwards, who is rumored to be an adopted son.

The witch was unable to go to the cemetery in the Principality of Milson in person, but her followers who stayed there had already dug up the cemetery and confirmed that there was only a female corpse left in the coffin of the couple buried together.

On Tuesday evening, when Megan and Audrey received the news, they stood by the railing on the deck with their glasses of wine and did not speak for a long time.

As for the bodies of the eldest and second sons of the fourth generation, the two brothers from the Mirror Association and the two brothers Fulun are needed to determine their locations.

Shad couldn't contact the Mirror Society, but he learned about the Forlan brothers when he visited Miss Sylvia on Wednesday morning.

"In return for the intelligence I provided to the True God Church, the Church also gave me intelligence."

The two met again at the manor where Margaret was staying. The princess went to attend the meeting. Miss Sylvia was the owner of this manor:

"As expected, the bodies of Edward, the second son of the fourth generation, and Miss Forlan, his daughter, are missing. They were buried in the public cemetery in Willendel. Such public cemeteries in large parishes are guarded by professional gravekeepers appointed by the church, but no one noticed that the bodies were missing."

The witch made a similar judgment to Luvia:

"In fact, as long as one body is missing, the rest can all be considered missing. There is reason to believe that they have returned to the island. This investigation has basically confirmed that Laplace Klein Howard has been quite clear about the chapters in the Whispering Poems that correspond to the Chosen Ones of Space for hundreds of years. I just don't know whether it was the evil creature you mentioned that gave him the truth, or whether he collected enough fragments of the poems."

Xia De nodded slightly:

"In this way, the whereabouts of the fourth, fifth, and sixth generations have been basically figured out. Among the five people of the second and third generations, the soul of the second generation's eldest daughter, Last, who died young, is in Tobesk. The remaining four are buried on the island, but the man covered with tentacles that Megan and I have seen must be one of the four."

"That is to say, it is very likely that there are other people in the second and third generations who have been 'resurrected' and become the helpers of the Thirteen-ring Fortune Teller?"

Miss Sylvia concluded that Shad was also worried about the current situation:

"You also saw the ghoul Mr. Green that day. He was afraid of the power of his ancestors and did not dare to oppose it even though he knew it was wrong. We must be prepared. This time, except for the living Edwards, everyone else is our enemy."

"There are quite a lot of enemies, but there is only one person who is a real threat."

Miss Sylvia didn't feel any pressure. She was very happy to see Xia De again after such a long absence:

"You and Megan have worked hard before. Now that we are here, let us take care of the main investigation. Didn't you say that you wanted to get rid of the demon first and see Howard's reaction? Just focus on this matter."

"I'm just a guide... How's Margaret? I see she's really busy."

Picking up the teacup, Xia De temporarily ended the heavy topic and asked about the princess of the southern country. Miss Sylvia nodded and said with emotion:

"She has to work hard to play a role in the negotiations despite the obstruction of Duke Simil, collect intelligence for the parliament, and not fall behind in the study tasks assigned to her by Vanessa. Although she has successfully been promoted from the fifth ring to the sixth ring after passing the apprenticeship ceremony, this does not make her day 25 hours long."

Speaking of her students, Miss Sylvia didn't know how to evaluate them:

"But I think she really enjoys this kind of life. But such great pressure will eventually overwhelm her. If you have time, you should help persuade her."

"I came here today because I actually need Margaret's help. An apprentice from MI6 who was lurking in the manor where the Duke and the Prince were staying is missing, and I want to find him."

He briefly explained the task given by Director Anros yesterday. Miss Sylvia knew the relationship between Miss Carina and MI6, so she was not surprised that Shade was doing this kind of work:

"You think this is a way to spice up your life and enjoy the work of an ordinary person? But it's okay this way. I don't know if you are aware of the recent progress of the negotiations. In short, it has basically reached a deadlock. I am very worried that it will collapse. However, this has nothing to do with the parliament. You don't have to investigate. I know the situation."

Seeing Xia De's eyes widened slightly, she said with satisfaction:

"I heard from Margaret that Duke Simil was very cautious this time. After arriving at the local area, he arranged for Gray Gloves to take away all the servants, attendants, and kitchen helpers in the original manor and move them to other places, and let the trustworthy servants from Willendel fill the vacancies. This trick worked very well, and it is said that the suspicious person has been found among the original servants."

"Any news about the 'mole' I want to investigate? He's a kitchen helper, blond hair, about 27 or 28 years old."

Miss Sylvia thought about it and shook her head slightly:

"I don't really care about these things, but Margaret said that the people who were originally in the manor are now under surveillance outside the city. Since you only want to know the whereabouts of the other party and don't want to take him away directly, go and look for him yourself."

She wrote the address to Xia De, and when she handed it to Xia De, she gently stroked the back of Xia De's hand:

"Remember to come here and see us often when you're done. Carina saw you often when she was in Tobesk. Now that we're in Green Lake, I want to give her some time alone. She might be happy."