The Whispering Verses

Chapter 1813: Path of Demigod*


After asking questions related to his own origins, Shad thought that the possible situations that might occur were "the crystal ball exploded and he got double coins" or "the divination had results, and he knew part of the situation of the ancient Moon Tower that collapsed in the Karas Mountains in the spring of 1853."

But this time, Xia De was completely wrong. After waiting for less than a second, a voice that sounded like a snake and could not be distinguished between male and female whispered in his ear:

"The fog has been cleared, and the past is revealed: you appeared because of an accident that absolutely could not happen, you appeared because of the chaos of the collapse of time and space, you appeared because of someone's desperate wish, and you appeared because of a series of mistakes. Audiences under the stage, welcome your arrival."

A moment of surprise:


Xia De was not prepared to really hear the content. In the first second after the voice fell, he couldn't believe what he heard. Then, as his thoughts turned rapidly, he didn't even think about what he heard, and immediately put the last two coins in his hand on the scale again:

"I want to continue to occupy..."

But this time, the shadow sitting behind the table was even faster. It raised its hands to pick up the crystal ball and the base, then stood up and made a gesture to see the guest off.

Xia De was shocked as he held the coin in his hand and watched the scene. Miss Higgins behind him did not dare to ask any more questions, fearing that she would hear something she should not hear:

"It looks like the divination is over, let's go."

She reminded him carefully, and Xia De nodded subconsciously without realizing it, with those words still echoing in his mind:

"What do you mean by an impossible accident? The chaos of time and space collapse? Someone's desperate wish? A series of mistakes? There really is a reason why I came to this world as a foreigner!"

In fact, I already knew that "time travel" was most likely some kind of accident that would never happen, but after listening to the divination, I realized that in addition to the accident, there must be some other reason that caused this accident.

But the good news is that if this divination is correct, his arrival was definitely not the result of a plot by some "ancient god" or something like that, nor was it to use him as a pawn and place him in the chaotic Sixth Era. It was even less likely that this was still his hometown Earth, but that tens of millions of years had passed.

But Xia De was quite confused, because the four sentences in the divination results seemed to have nothing to do with the tower last spring.

But no matter what, this was the first time so far that he knew so much about the reason why he came here. Just based on these four sentences, this adventure in the "Black Mist Camp" was more valuable than most of the time key adventures he had taken.

What the devil's face said was indeed true. He was able to get a lot of information in this camp that he would never hear anywhere else.

"Wait, is this a trap deliberately set by the devil to trick me into spending? No, even if it's a devil, it's impossible for it to arrange an unknowable relic at will."

While he was thinking, he had already walked out of the tent with Grandma Miles, who had taken off her earplugs, following Miss Higgins.

The witch did not disturb his meditation, but "she" beside him suddenly said:

Stranger, why was I born and why am I me? These are the ultimate answers that all life is seeking.

"I know, so..."

You are exploring your own beginnings, you are on your own path to becoming a demigod.

Xia De paused for a moment. Although it was another surprise, the information this time was not as shocking as what he had just heard:

"Wait, what does this have to do with demigods? Besides, I'm only at the sixth ring, and I'm still halfway to the thirteenth ring."

What's more, Xia De doesn't care much about demigods. What he wants is to become a god.

The experience of the Silver Snow Mountain and Kloyin's path to demigodhood made Xia Demohu realize that the paths to demigodhood of all witches are different. Although demigods are still mortals, the significance they represent is definitely not comparable to that of mortals.

He was not sure whether he would become a demigod after the thirteenth ring, after all, the "Twelve Paths of Divine Sublimation" directly ascended to godhood after the thirteenth ring. But since there was one more possibility, he was still very happy.

"She" only gave so much hints, and did not explain the so-called "Demi-God Path" in detail, as if Shade could become a demigod as long as he figured out his origins. But whether he wanted to become a demigod or not, Shade would definitely continue to explore the question of why he came here.

He originally thought that if he didn't become a god, he wouldn't know the answer to his question, but he didn't expect that there would be such a surprise in the Black Mist Camp. This also meant that even if he didn't become a god, there would be more opportunities to answer his questions. And maybe there were other similar opportunities in the Black Mist Camp.

After the accident in the fortune-telling house, the rest of the journey was particularly easy. The absent-minded Shade even felt that it was only a few steps, and Miss Higgins led the three to the final destination, which was the location of the merchant that the devil had pointed out to Grandma Miles.

Although Xia De was still wondering whether what happened just now was a "consumption trap" set for him by the devil, he still looked at the goods in front of the merchant.

There were five items on the stall, two of which were displayed: a fist-sized heart soaked in liquid and a constantly rotating golden magic eye.

The other three items were covered by the black fog, and they only revealed their appearance after Granny Miles proposed to trade them. This time, there was no need to choose one out of three or one out of two, because Shade and Miss Higgins each knew one of the three items:

"Demon Hunting Seal?"

As expected, in places related to demons, there is a high probability of encountering such relics.

"Oh! Baby Fruit!"

What Miss Higgins recognized was the pink fruit on the tray. It looked exactly like a curled-up baby, except that there was a green fruit stem on the bald head.

Xia De had never heard of this thing, and Miss Higgins explained excitedly:

"Although it is a relic derivative, it is a good thing. The baby fruit is named after its appearance. Only the relic tree species called the 'Eternal Life Tree' can produce a small amount after successfully crossing the era.

After being consumed in its entirety, there is a 2% chance of pregnancy, regardless of gender, but it is ineffective against witches;

There is a 12% chance that the body and soul will return to the age of 18, and the soul memory and muscle memory will not be erased. Before death, the person will remain at the age of 18 forever. If the person is under 18 when consuming it, it will take effect after the person reaches 18 years old.

There is a 19% chance that they will gain the ability to manipulate plants, and they can also transform sunlight into spirits, similar to the witch's secret technique of photosynthesis and the secret techniques of ancient Dru Yin. There is nothing much to explain.

The 33% chance of extending lifespan by 300 years and increasing the speed of soul recovery to a near-infinite level is a temptation for everyone;

There is a 33% chance that your body will have the following characteristics: After intercourse with the opposite sex, the strength of both parties will increase slightly, but this increase has an upper limit and cannot exceed the racial limit. And if the offspring is female, they will definitely awaken as witches, and they will definitely have amazing talents;

The last 1% possibility is immediate death. Regardless of the characteristics of the baby fruit, after the eater dies, the body will turn into a sapling of the "Immortal Tree". This is probably the way this relic tree species reproduces. "

She finished explaining in one breath, and then looked at the fruit with a conflicted look. Even though she knew she shouldn't consume it anymore, she couldn't help but think about whether she should buy the fruit.

Although Shade brought news and dangers of coins to his companions, this camp had many ways to make these visiting guests voluntarily hand over all their "existences". Shade had just encountered this kind of "consumption trap".

Miss Higgins initially had 23 coins. After spending 17 coins last time and 2 coins this time, she only had 4 coins left. It was hard to say whether she could buy the fruit in front of her.

As for Grandma Miles, she was staring at the third thing that neither Shad nor the witch could recognize. Obviously, this was her target this time.

It was a tattered notebook, and Shade somehow thought of the Angel-level Relic Puppet Master's Notebook, but it was obviously not that thing. The notebook had a blue cover, the corners were curled up, and the blue color seemed to have faded and had mottled marks everywhere.

Since it is a notebook, there is definitely no name on the cover, which means that there is no way to know what it is.

Before Shade and Miss Higgins made any move, old lady Miles took the initiative to put the scales on the table:

"I want this."

She put all three of her coins on the scale in one go, and the scale immediately tilted in her favor. The witch hurriedly helped her take down a coin, and the scale regained its balance.

The old woman reached out and took the notebook on the table, then followed Shad and Miss Higgins, who was determined not to be tempted, all the way back to the camp by the campfire in a daze.

There was no one in the camp. The boy who had returned early was still nowhere to be seen. As for the giant demon face made of coins, there was no trace either. It probably hid in the fire again. Because the action was quick this time, everyone's torches were still lit, and they didn't have to rush back like last time.

The three of them sat down by the fire, and Mrs. Miles rested by the fire while Shade and the witch checked the notebook she had bought. After quickly flipping through it, they found that it was indeed all blank pages, except for the last page, which was written in cursive letters that only Shade could recognize:

If my memory cannot bear witness to her, then please record her story.

"Memories always fade. But if you put pen to paper, maybe the memory of the past will last longer if you're lucky."

Miss Higgins exclaimed after hearing Shad's translation, and then told Shad what it was.