The Whispering Verses

Chapter 1827: A century-old story


Although Shade had never held a proper promotion ceremony, he knew that the promotion ceremony of ring sorcerers was quite complicated. In the beginning, the doctor indirectly dragged the team members into the "Lakeview Manor God's Descent Incident" in order to obtain the "forged Philosopher's Stone", a substitute material for the promotion of the fifth ring to the sixth ring... Of course, it is also possible that it was purely because of the doctor's bad luck.

Fortunately, Lecia is much richer than Dr. Schneider. She only needs to prepare herself mentally and invite Shade, who helped Dorothy get promoted, to help her.

In short, although Leicia has been tired recently, all tasks are progressing in an orderly manner. Tomorrow is Saturday, and she accepted Xia De's invitation to go to the opera house to watch a play tomorrow night, and laughed and joked:

"It's a pity that Ajelina is not here this time. I don't know who to find to watch the door for us."

After saying goodbye to Leicia, Shad took advantage of the morning time and went to the dilapidated house outside the village of Lower Grieol near the Green Lake City Public Cemetery. He found the corpse ghost Mr. Nicholas Green who lived in the underground tomb. He was very sorry that he did not see the interesting and philosophical sheep again this time.

Mr. Green really kept his promise and still lived here. After being called out by Shade and receiving the roast chicken as a gift, Shade told him the purpose of his visit:

"Next week, I invited Edwards' descendants to have a dinner together. The living members of the fifth and sixth generations are all here, and in addition, two of the dead are also here."

The time was actually tonight, and only one person died, but Mr. Green was related to the "ancestors" on the island, so Shade did not tell the truth:

"Do you want to come with me? Meet your family. I don't think they will mind that you have become a ghost. At least, your son and daughter won't mind."

Mr. Green, who was squatting on the side and chewing on the roast chicken, stopped eating. He was dazed for a moment:

"A family gathering? I never thought there would be such a day."

He did not ask Xia De for details, but stared at the half-eaten roast chicken in his hand for a long time. Xia De did not bother him until he spoke up:

"I won't go."

He opened his mouth, threw the remaining half of the chicken in, chewed the meat and bones, and then swallowed them all into his stomach:

"If I go to meet them, once the ancestors know about it, they will no longer contact me. Then, no one will give you information."

"In fact, your ancestors might have expected you to meet me now... Please continue."

"I actually know a lot more things, but I just didn't decide whether to tell you last time. Just ask me one question, and I'll tell you everything I know."

He burped and leaned comfortably against the wall of the shabby house. There was the sound of drizzling rain outside. It was really rainy in the spring in the Green Lake area:

"Just consider it as a thank you for fulfilling my mother's last wish. Although you didn't say it, I think you held that dinner at the Green Lake Hotel, right?"

Shade did not answer:

"Let me ask you a question: How much do you know about the whereabouts and current conditions of the deceased Edwardses?"

Mr. Green thought for a moment and sighed:

"This is a completely unexpected question. Yes, yes, I know everything. Why are you so surprised? Do you think I just stay down there reading books and doing experiments every day? Let's talk about it from the younger generation to the older generation.

All six people in the sixth generation are alive, you know better than me; there are five people in the fifth generation where I am, and theoretically three of them died. But in fact, of the three people who died, except for the son of the eldest son of the fourth generation, Uncle Hohenheim, and the daughter of the second son, Uncle Edward, who are right in front of you, they are not dead at all. "


Xia De was shocked:

"Not dead? What happened?"

"Before they died, our ancestors gave them a potion that caused them to fake death, and stole their bodies after they were buried."

The corpse shrugged very humanely:

"So you see, after four generations of the family, I'm the only one who really died. Ha~ Let's not talk about Uncle Alphonse's two children for now. It is said that they are very powerful, but the other two have survived to this day thanks to their ancestors. My ancestors saved them, so why can't they save me? This is also one of the reasons why I don't want to go to the island. He is too partial to me!"

"this... ... "

The old corpse ghost opened up and continued to chatter:

"If I hadn't known that the bodies of my three uncles from the fourth generation were also made into ghouls after they died, I would probably be even more unhappy."

He seemed to have found a balance from it, but Shade couldn't help but say:

"I met your uncles the other day. I'm afraid they are different from you."

"What's wrong?"

Mr. Green was puzzled, so Shade explained:

"They don't look as human as you, but they're not wights. They're more like liches. Their souls aren't in their bodies at all, so they're nearly immortal. Even if their shells are destroyed, they can be reborn. But if I'm not mistaken, your soul is in the shell in front of you... So even though they're not very intelligent, all three of them are very strong, and there's still room for further improvement. But you, can only rely on your own wisdom to learn on your own."

Mr. Green taught himself from books and became an expert in necromancy, so he certainly knew what "lich" meant:

"this... ... "

He opened his mouth, his cloudy yellow eyes full of shock. For a moment, Shade actually felt guilty for telling the other party the truth.

It took Mr. Green a long time to recover from his shock:

"The two people who faked their deaths in the fifth generation: Uncle Hohenheim's son, Jarvis Edwards, was arranged by our ancestors to join the Tyranny Club. He is now a believer in the God of Tyranny; Uncle Edward's daughter, Nadia Foren, was arranged by our ancestors to become a member of the Dragon Feast Cult, which is composed of believers of the evil god Dragon Devourer. However, I haven't heard from this cousin of mine for a long time."

The Tyranny Club and the Dragon Feast Cult, like the Drowned Cult, are organizations that secretly support the Thirteen-ring Fortune Teller, but they are very deeply hidden and Shade has not encountered them yet.

"So, I know the whereabouts of the six people of the sixth generation, and I also know the whereabouts of the five people of the fifth generation. Of the four people of the fourth generation, three boys are now liches. Only your mother's whereabouts are unknown to me."

Xia De looked at Mr. Green, who nodded with a sad tone:

"I respected my mother's will. After she passed away, I buried her in the lake using the traditional method. She was truly dead, and her soul returned to the central island of Green Lake. But according to my investigations over the years, my mother's soul was unwilling to be controlled by the ancestors. She was a kind person, and she didn't want to be controlled by the ancestors to do bad things, so she ran away. I believe that her soul is bound by the ancestors and cannot leave, so it has been wandering in this land until now, but I can't find her."

Xia De was silent for a moment:

"Do you understand the five people from the second and third generations?"

"I don't know much about this. They were all dead before Green Lake Town was abandoned. I never saw them when I was alive, and my mother didn't talk much about them. The news I know now is that the eldest daughter of the second generation, Rusty Edwards, who died young, is said to be the only one who rests in peace. She was the first child of the ancestor. The ancestor probably understood what family affection was at that time..."

Thinking of the scene from the little girl's memory where she was killed by Laplace Cline Howard himself, Shad pursed his lips and shook his head.

The old ghoul saw his action, but just sighed and continued:

"My great-grandfather, Sloss Edwards, the second son of the second generation, voluntarily accepted transformation before his death because of his fear of death. He accepted the power of the evil creature and turned into a group of wriggling tentacles. He has been assisting the ancestors in completing various tasks on the island. When the weather is fine, I go out for a walk at night, and occasionally I can see him walking on the water."

Now, Xia De finally knew who the tentacle man was.

"Three generations ago, my grandfather was Pride Edwards, the last Lord of Green Lake Town. He was the second son. Something terrible happened to him... a demon."

The corpse ghost shuddered. Normal undead spirits don't have such fear emotions:

"He was transformed into a demon by the ancestors and the devil. Yes, he is a very scary thing. As for my grandfather's brother, the eldest son of the third generation, Envy Edwards, who died young, he is not actually dead. He was kept in a secret room under the well by my grandfather since he was a child, and was experimented with various elixirs of immortality. He has lived as an ordinary person until now, and is over a hundred years old. Finally, there is the youngest daughter of the third generation, Gratoni Edwards, who has never married. She is actually..."

Old Mr. Green dispelled his fear and sighed sadly this time:

"This is a family scandal, young man. I really don't want to tell you this, but I know you need this information..."

Xia De's eyes became sharp, and he felt that he was about to hear something extraordinary.

"Grandfather's sister, the youngest daughter of the third generation, Glatoni, actually loved my grandfather, her brother, Pride Edwards. After my grandfather was transformed into a demon, she also voluntarily accepted the power of the demon. After experimenting and drinking the magic potion that her ancestors obtained from the Dragon Feast Cult, she gained the power of the dragon and became a half-demon, half-dragon monster."

Mr. Green covered his face:

"Compared to what happened to my mother's soul, compared to the threats my children encountered, compared to what happened to my other blood relatives, what I find most difficult to understand is that my ancestor was actually tainted with the power of the devil. Those evil spirits of the Third Age are the enemies of all intelligent life. My ancestor... I fear him and respect him, but I don't understand his behavior."

Xia De understood Mr. Green's feelings at the moment. He concluded softly:

"Ghosts, evil creatures, immortals, demons, experimental half-dragons, three liches, hidden souls, you are a ghoul, two cultists, ordinary people, a ring wizard... You were right last time, your family composition is really complete. Oh, the ghost refers to the eldest daughter of the second generation who died young. She left the Green Lake area a long time ago and came back a few days ago."

In fact, there are "witches", but this cannot be said. Moreover, Shade does not know whether Megan and Audrey becoming witches is also part of the plan.

Mr. Green gave a dry laugh:

"Over two hundred years, all the stories, all the destinies, are condensed in our discussion just now. Edwards, Green Lake, everything was planned long ago, the multiplying family, the spreading roots, the generations of descendants, each person... That's it. Look, the ancestor has done so many things, do you really think you can beat him?"