The Whispering Verses

Chapter 1828: Fire and roots


Only now did Shad have a general idea of the story of the Edwards family.

More than two hundred years have condensed into roots that spread across six generations; and the stories experienced by each person have determined the heavy family genealogy that Xia De "touches" at this moment.

"Actually, I'm more curious about how you know so many things?"

They were both silent for a moment, then Shade asked curiously. Although the information provided by Mr. Green was not particularly detailed, Shade and the church had never been able to find this information.

Mr. Green did not answer this time, but said very cautiously:

"You have to know that not everyone is like me, without any intention of rebelling against our ancestors."

Xia De narrowed his eyes slightly, so even within the Edwards family, there were different voices.

"Let's not continue this topic. There are so many family members, and there will always be some who have unique ideas."

The corpse shook his head:

"Anything else? I've already answered your question. If there's nothing else, I'm going to go back to bed. Although I'm not afraid of the sun, I usually stay active at night."

Xia De thought about it:

"For the sake of the roast chicken I brought, I would also like to ask you about any strange relics or ancient magical items your ancestors possessed."

"I don't know. I really don't know this time."

Mr. Green shook his head:

"After all, I haven't landed on the island. I haven't returned to the family yet."

"I'll just ask about two things. First, does he play Rhodes?"

Mr. Green was a little surprised by this topic, but he still said:

"My mother told me that everyone in our family, at least until her generation, loved playing Rhodes cards. As for our ancestor, I heard that he did a lot of rituals and experimental research based on Rhodes cards, but I don't know the specific details."

Laplace Klein Howard betrayed the Prophet Association because of the problem with the Rhodes card. He would naturally continue his research, but this was not what Shade wanted to know:

"Well, does your family have any special rule cards? I don't mean the usual special cards... the founding series, you know?"

"Of course I know! That's the origin of all Rhodes cards, the original series!"

Mr. Green was also very interested in talking about this topic, but he was not sure whether his family had such powerful cards:

"At least I've never heard of it."

It seems that the missing Creation Space is still not the right time to appear.

"Then the second thing is flame. Does your ancestor have a special flame in his hand?"

Xia De asked again.

"I know this! There is indeed a flame. I'm not sure what kind of flame it is, but I'm sure it's not ordinary. You know, there is another island behind that island, which makes the space state of the entire island extremely chaotic."

He pointed in the direction of the central island:

"Before I mention the fire, let me ask another question: Guess what happened when Green Lake Town was in ruins? Why did the island, which had never had any problems before, become what it is now?"

Xia De thought about it, this has always been a mystery:

"Did an experiment of your ancestors fail and activate the chaotic space?"

"No, no, no, our ancestors have been hiding for so many years. It would be ridiculous if they were exposed because of a failed experiment."

He looked at Xia De seriously, and was obviously going to mention the family's secret past again:

"The descendants don't know that their ancestors are still alive until they die or are transformed. My grandfather, Pride Edwards, who was forcibly transformed into a demon in the third generation, discovered the secret research of his ancestors before he died and traced it to another island. He didn't want his four children to be transformed into non-humans by their ancestors and not have peace even after death, so he made a decision."

Mr. Green sighed deeply:

"This is also a story I only learned sporadically seven or eight years ago. My grandfather pretended to know nothing and secretly investigated the entire island, fighting against the countless mechanisms, monsters, and death traps left by our ancestors. At that time, our ancestors were not like they are now, always keeping their eyes on the outside world. Therefore, after countless days and nights of exploration and investigation, my grandfather finally achieved results. He found that the problems on the central island of Green Lake were definitely not caused by my grandfather alone. This lake and this island, as the most unstable of the unstable spaces in the material world, can be traced back to the distant past, so far back that it can even be traced back to the Second Era. Nothing happened before because of some magical device and ritual that stabilized the space of the island."

"So, Mr. Pride Edwards destroyed the device, allowing the white mist to invade the normal island, leading to the destruction of Green Lake Town? But in doing so, he also released his four children?"

Xia De asked, and the corpse ghost nodded heavily:

"Yes, the ancestor had to control the white fog so that it would not spread further. Otherwise, once the church stepped up its investigation, his hiding for so many years would be exposed. So, my mother and three uncles left their hometown by boat with the surviving townspeople. My grandfather disappeared in the accident. In fact, he almost died and was transformed into a demon by the ancestor afterwards."

Xia De was full of respect for the gentleman he had not yet met. According to seniority, he was also Megan and Audrey's grandfather:

“It turns out that this kind of story has happened before.”

"You see, in fact, ever since our ancestors came to Green Lake, the family story has been going on. Comedy and tragedy, every generation has its own legend.

The first generation of ancestors came to Green Lake alone and discovered the secret of Green Lake;

The second generation he raised went through his initial experiments and worked with him to expand the town of Green Lake, which was originally only the size of a village;

The third generation had a family scandal and incest between siblings, but it also led to the discovery and sacrifice of the grandfather.

The mothers and uncles of the fourth generation grew up happily on the island, but experienced the destruction of their homeland as children, and missed their childhood homeland until their death;

We, the fifth generation, are the happiest, far from home, raising our own families in various places while listening to stories from our hometown;

The sixth generation of children originally thought they had completely cut off ties with the family, but now they have to face family past events that they have never even heard of.

Every generation has its own story and legend. Just like the roots deep in the soil, everyone is there, and everyone has always been there. "

He squatted there and continued to sigh:

"I am really grateful for my grandfather's sacrifice, otherwise how could I have a peaceful life like an ordinary person? You should also thank him, otherwise the situation you would face would definitely not be as good as it is now."

"Yes, thank you Mr. Pride Edwards."

Shade said sincerely that the history of the Edwards family was so clearly presented in front of him. The shock he felt at this moment was definitely no less than the shock he felt when he saw the family tree in the restaurant when he first landed on the island with Megan.

"Let's get back to the point. What does this have to do with fire? Or is it that the device and ritual that existed in ancient times to suppress the chaotic space in the central island of Green Lake is actually fire?"

The corpse ghost nodded:

"According to the information I found and the rumors I heard from other family members, the flame should have come here around the Fourth Epoch. The unstable space worsened over time and became a big problem in the Fourth Epoch. As for the specific device, it is a portable metal kerosene lamp with the flame in the lamp. It stabilizes the space and uses fire and shadow to draw a clear boundary between the two islands. Grandfather irreversibly damaged the lamp, so the fog on the other island came to the real island."

Shade frowned deeply. Sister Defulin had predicted that she would definitely be able to find a new flame of the First Fire in Green Lake this time. It seemed that the blind nun was right. However, Shade did not remember that the flame of the First Fire alone could stabilize the central island of Green Lake, which was considered the largest spatial chaos point in the material world.

In other words, not only the flame, but also the kerosene lamp was most likely not an ordinary item. But this also created a new problem. Once the nun recovered the flame, the central island of Green Lake would be completely out of control.

Think about it again.

"She" gently reminded him, and Xia De suddenly realized:

"Oh, my puzzle lock - Kiss of the Tree, is specially used to seal this kind of unsolvable trouble."

Although Mr. Nicholas Green was unwilling to attend the banquet with Shade, he still said that he could continue to help him in the future. When the two separated, Mr. Green also said quite obscurely that the two living people of the fifth generation who were not on the island, Jarvis Edwards who became a follower of the God of Tyranny and Nadia Foran who became a follower of the evil god Dragon Devourer, both possessed information that even he did not know.

And his ancestor would not appear outside the island in the short term. Laplace Klein Howard seemed to be busy with something important and could not get away.

"I know he won't be able to get out any time soon."

Xia De was not surprised by this:

"He was so restrained on the night of the lunar eclipse and took the initiative to promise not to cause chaos during the negotiations between the two countries. Of course, he didn't have good intentions. But what on earth could have entangled him?"

In short, this Friday morning invitation trip unexpectedly allowed Xia De to gain quite a lot of useful information. This was not just good luck. If he had not kept his promise last time and let Mr. Nicholas Green go, he would not be so easy to talk to now.

Of course, Xia De thought this was also related to the fact that he did not forget to bring the roast chicken.

This time, Mr. Green allowed Shad to tell others what he said. When Shad asked if he could tell the Green siblings about his current condition, the old ghoul sighed and sank into the soil.