The Whispering Verses

Chapter 1833: disaster


In fact, in the eyes of the Edwards, the one who really led all this was actually Shad, who had not spoken much. The Forlan brothers knew that Shad was not Edwards, but the Edwards brothers did not know it until now.

Before the banquet, Megan and Audrey made an amulet with their own hair and blood and gave it to Shad, so that when Edwards' bloodline approached, they would think he was also a member of the family.

But in fact, for everyone present today, whether Shade is a family member or not is not important. What is most important is that he has expressed his willingness to lead them to rebel against the ancestors. The ring sorcerers who regard Shade as the thirteenth ring "God Caller" understand that all the people in the family combined cannot defeat the terrible fortune teller, so there must be someone among them who can at least stand and talk with the ancestors.

Judging from the current situation, Xia De is the best candidate.

When the dinner was halfway through, Durrut Giles finally arrived with the soul of Rust Edwards. In fact, they didn't want to attend this dinner. The former was not a member of the Edwards family at all, and even robbed the grave. The little girl's soul simply felt that it was all quite boring.

Megan gave the Green siblings special eye drops in advance so that they could also see Rast's soul. When the man and the ghost came in, Shade introduced them, and then the Edwards brothers and the Forlan brothers immediately stood up in surprise to greet them.

For the sixth generation, the eldest daughter of the second generation who died young is the most senior elder besides the ancestors. The appearance of such an elder now also makes them believe to a certain extent that the action against the ancestors is definitely not a wishful thinking, and they have enough power around them.

Of course, although many serious topics were discussed at this dinner, everyone did not forget to talk about their own lives and the life trajectories of their parents outside their hometown.

Even the little girl, Rusty Edwards, was somewhat concerned about the situation of her brother's descendants. She pretended to be an adult and listened carefully to what people were saying. But in Shad's opinion, she seemed to want to show off her "majesty" next to Durrut Giles, which was a manifestation of a child's delusion that she had grown up.

"That is to say, after leaving Green Lake, Great-Uncle Hohenheim went to live in the southern islands of Carsenrick, Great-Uncle Edward moved to the city of Willendel in Carsenrick, and Great-Uncle Alphonse traveled around the Old World as a traveling painter, and even went to the New World. It was not until 20 years after the incident on the central island of Green Lake that he got married and settled in the eastern part of Delarion?"

Mr. Soren Green summarized the whereabouts of his grandfathers, and everyone present sighed:

"My grandmother probably never thought that her brothers would go to such a faraway place. She looked forward to someone writing to her every year, but she knew that this was unlikely, after all, no one left an address when they parted."

"My grandfather and his family probably didn't leave their address on purpose. They should have vaguely known some of the family's secrets, but they couldn't have known at the time that our ancestors had already arranged everything."

Glass Edwards said, and Eric Foran nodded:

"From the current situation, my grandfather and his family should be ordinary people. If my great-grandfather hadn't brought the thick fog covering the central island of Green Lake for the children's freedom, I'm afraid my grandfather and his family would never know these family secrets until they died."

"My father and his generation hoped that we could live a good life. We cannot go against their wishes. Letting my father and his generation rest in peace is what we must do."

Megan also spoke softly, and everyone, including Rusty Edwards, nodded gently, but Durut Giles knew that the little girl floating beside him also needed to rest.

Eating was not the most important thing at this party, but that didn't stop Shade and the orange cat disguised as a dog from attending the party from enjoying the dinner.

From 6:30 in the evening until nearly 8:00 in the evening, the city scenery outside the window changed from dusk to sunset, and then to a night scene with streets dotted by gas street lamps.

They had so much to say and so many things to discuss. However, at 7:56:23, Shade was discussing with the elder brother of the Edwards brothers about buying the fragments of poems that the Mirror Association didn't need - Megan and Audrey wanted the relics of the Witch Emperor. Glass Edwards, one of the Edwards brothers, was talking to the Forlan brothers about how he had suddenly learned spatial power in his dreams recently, and then he asked Durut Giles about what he had seen when he landed on the island. Mr. Green went to the kitchen to add more dishes, and Ms. Green was talking to Rust Edwards about her life over the years with a sad face. Suddenly, all the ring magicians were stunned and looked at the southeast corner of the room together.

What they noticed was not the interior of the room, but another street across the street from the room.

"Strong spatial perception!"

Xia De closed his eyes and scanned the entire area with his diffused perception. Then he understood what was going to happen:

"There is a large-scale spatial disorder. Something is coming here from afar!"

"This side" does not refer to the neighborhood where everyone is, but the location in the southeast.

Seeing this, Megan poured the wine in the glass beside her onto the table. The liquid did not wet the dishes, but formed a red water curtain on the table, in which was a scene of the abnormal space zone in the distance.

The first few seconds showed a normal night scene of Green Lake City. As white light of lightning appeared outside the window, followed by rumbling thunder, the scene in the water curtain became blurry, as if the city overlapped with a wilderness area with a railway.

The train roared and appeared directly on the street. Amid the shocking loud noise outside the window, the train from an unknown distance crashed straight into the street in the central urban area of Green Lake City under the night sky.

The train's incredible speed caused it to slide straight for half a block before finally stopping. The damage to the buildings on the street was not serious, because the train was sliding along the center of the wide street. Except for the damaged signs and glass, the other damage to the buildings on both sides was not serious. The main problem was that almost all the street tiles were destroyed.

The people on that train were the ones who really suffered a catastrophe. If the people in the first three carriages still had a small chance of survival, then the people in the fourth and fifth carriages who happened to be swallowed up by the unstable space were definitely dead.

The people at the table were all looking at this scene in shock. Then Charles Foran, who was closest to the window, stood up and walked to the window, looking at the smoke drifting towards the night sky under the moon:

"Oh my God! This..."

"There will probably be more and more such incidents in the future. However, accidents with a low probability like train accidents will not happen very often."

Megan should be the most rational person at this time. She poured herself another glass of wine and stared at the water curtain on the table:

"With such a big commotion, the church will be very busy tonight."

The Foran brothers were startled, and Eric Foran also stood up:

"Aunt, and cousin Green, thank you for your hospitality. Please excuse me, we have to go back first."

Megan nodded, and the two brothers left first. Then, the Edwards brothers from the Mirror Association also stood up and said goodbye:

"Aunt, uncle, and cousin Green, the church should send someone to check here. We can't stay here for long. Thank you for your hospitality. If you need to find us, please do so this time. I will also inform you if there is any new information from the association."

They said goodbye politely and left in a hurry. Megan looked at the remaining people at the table with a sense of loss. Mr. Green, who had just gone to order more food, also came back. He met the two pairs of brothers who had left early in the corridor and realized that the party was over.

“There will be another chance.”

He said, sitting next to his sister. Duruto Giles looked out the window at the smoke rising into the night sky with worry, while Luster surrounded Megan's water curtain and clapped his hands happily, probably thinking it was some kind of magic.

Shade stood up:

"I'll go take a look downstairs and be back soon."

As she spoke, she picked up Mia who was eating. Megan nodded:

"Be careful, there might be a temporary curfew around here."

"I see."

The martial law was imposed to prevent any dangerous objects from entering the Green Lake area from the stable space barrier during the abnormal space connection, and to prevent the spread of news. At a time when there were no daily necessities such as telephones, blocking people's activities was the best way to prevent the spread of news.

Shad put the reluctant cat on his shoulder and hurried downstairs. At this time, the Forlan brothers had already left the hotel, but Shad met the Edwards brothers on the first floor.

They also knew that Xia De was going downstairs to check the situation, and they chatted for a while before they separated at the door of the hotel:

"This is a near-natural spatial disorder. Even if the Prophet Association could predict it in advance, there aren't many people in the entire material world who can prevent it from happening. The most they can do is stop the train."

Wood Edwards' expression was quite complicated:

“I wonder if the casualties in this incident will eventually be blamed on our ancestors.”

The two brothers waved goodbye to Xia De and walked away to the left along the street. Xia De stood under the light at the door of the hotel and watched their backs. Then he saw a middle-aged man in a black coat and holding his silk hat with his hand walked out from the alley in front of the two brothers.

The middle-aged man and the Edwards brothers almost bumped into each other because the three of them were walking too fast. So they all raised their heads, one wanted to apologize, the other wanted to see clearly who was in front of them.

In this way, Dr. Bill Schneider and the one-eyed brother came into contact with each other.