The Whispering Verses

Chapter 1838: Dragon and Dragon


"You don't understand the greatness of our ancestors."

The third generation's little daughter responded to Shade in a low voice. She grabbed the young dragon in her arms with her right hand. As the dark light in her right hand condensed, the dragon turned into a black sword with patterns on the surface that looked like it was breathing. The sword didn't look like metal, but rather some kind of active substance. Even Shade couldn't recognize what it was.

"The scene just now is introducing me to your twisted feelings towards your brother?"

Instead of discussing with her whether the "ancestors" were great, Shade asked directly. Glatoni Edwards nodded slightly, her voice clear and cold:

"That woman does not belong to Edwards. She gave birth to three children for the family, which is enough. Although this is what the ancestors considered necessary, her bloodline still tainted the purity of the family. I have always known that she is not worthy of my brother, and her descendants are not worthy of my brother's bloodline."

Xia De looked at the madman in front of him:

"What on earth do you want to tell me?"

"The bloodline of four generations was tainted because of that woman. Fortunately, at my request, our ancestors preserved a pure bloodline for the family. Didn't you come here with her last time?"

Gratoni Edwards asked Xiang Shade, the black armor on the neck began to liquefy, the liquefied armor proliferated upwards, turning into a helmet that gradually wrapped around her head, and reserved space for the two corners.

"Pure blood..."

Xia De suddenly understood something, Tong Kong looked at her slightly, and the woman nodded slightly:

"That woman thought that Alphonse was really just a child adopted by his brother according to his father's wishes. But in fact, Alphonse is..."

"Wait! Don't tell me that!"

Shad swung his sword forward, not wanting to hear about the origins of Megan and Audrey's father. If it was just his own guess, he could use the excuse of "just guessing and not knowing whether it's true or not" to not tell them, but if it was a confirmed fact, he had no reason to hide it.

But Shad didn't want to tell the witches how their father was born. This would be more embarrassing than introducing Carina to them. It was almost like Mia sneaking into the kitchen at night and being seen by Shad who got up to go to the bathroom.

Gratoni Edwards took a step back and disappeared. Then a woman wrapped in black armor appeared at the gate of the yard and dodged Shade's sword.

"Alphonse Edwards is a child created by our ancestors using my brother's and my blood through human transformation. Although every generation of Edwards has undergone human transformation experiments by our ancestors before birth, Alphonse is the most perfect artificial human. He is my son. As for the female companion who accompanied you last time..."

The eyes of the armor gradually turned scarlet:

"Young man, your female companion is my granddaughter. So, what should you call me?"


In the blood mist, the silver long sword collided with the black sword, orange sparks splashed in the blood mist, and cracks appeared on the ground under the feet of Shade and Gratoni at the same time. She didn't expect Shade's power to be so great, and the sword in her hand, which had the power of dragons and demons, suddenly cracked at this time.

The black sword was not directly broken by the Night Watcher in the dream, but it also meant that her weapon was at a disadvantage.

The woman wrapped in black armor wanted to retreat, but Shade did not give her the chance. With the dense and rapid sound of metal collision, the two people in the blood mist entangled with each other, the silver long sword and the black sword collided frequently, and two completely different sword styles were displayed by the two.

Shade didn't know where Gratoni Edwards learned swordsmanship from, he only knew that his swordsmanship became more and more proficient. This was not only because of Sister Develyn's frequent guidance recently, but also because the Night Watcher, in his hands, finally used swordsmanship to fight against a humanoid creature with demonic power, which was rare.

Even though Gratoni Edwards' actual strength was far stronger than Shad's normal strength, this was a dream that the doctor had prepared in advance, and it was Shad and the doctor's home court. He was able to temporarily suppress this crazy woman, and force her to retreat step by step under the suppression of his swordsmanship and weapon advantages.

The two men fought from the yard of Edwards' old house to the small path leading to the old house from the town. It was not that either side intended to leave their original place, but because there was no restriction on casting spells for spatial movement in the dream, so while the figures in the blood mist flashed frequently, they had unknowingly arrived at the town at the foot of the mountain.

The dark tail whipped Shade's waist like a chain saw, the golden seal shield exploded, and the silver sword stabbed at the black armor's throat in the dissipating golden light. The woman disappeared in the blood mist, and appeared above Shade's head with a sword in both hands, slashing down, but it only broke the red butterfly illusion, and after landing, he had to face the silver-white thunder spear flying from a distance.

The lightning was swallowed by the black flames that spewed out of the woman's mouth, but the slight paralysis prevented her from avoiding the shadow ball flying in the fog. The black armor multiplied rapidly, making Gratoni Edwards' figure more hideous, and the petrified armor peeled off from her body to prevent more parts from being petrified.

Then, she held the sword in both hands and stabbed it into the ground in anger. A large earthquake centered on the sword and swept across the entire dream:

"Dragon's Fury!"

Shade, who had used illusion to hide in the blood mist, had to reappear. Her large-scale destruction of the dream would cause serious damage to Mr. Soren Green's spirit.

The red butterflies looked even more bizarre in the blood mist. Shade emerged from the butterflies and shot the Chain of Sin at her, forcing her to pull out the greatsword that was inserted into the ground and caused the dream to vibrate. She stepped back and disappeared again on the spot.

On the roof of a three-story building on one side of the street, the figures of Shad and Gratoni Edwards appeared almost at the same time. The two swords collided again, but this time, the silver Night Watcher sword had an extra layer of red flames.

The long sword with the "Original Fire" finally shattered the black sword that was already covered with cracks. The woman under the helmet was dazed by the sharp pain from the backlash, and at this moment, the long sword with flames pierced her chest.


She threw away the broken hilt of the greatsword and immediately grabbed Shade's right hand, which was holding the Night's Watcher. She had no intention of letting go even though the armor on her chest was corroded by the sword and black smoke was coming out of her flesh and blood.

The helmet disappeared, and this time it opened its mouth directly towards Shad's face, but it didn't see the Higgs Dragon Stone fall into Shad's hands. Then Shad also opened his mouth:



The collision of the black and holy silver lights at close range forced the two people who were almost close to each other to separate. The location where the two balls of light collided remained still. On both sides of the light, due to the casters being pushed away, the light marks each extended hundreds of meters backwards. Then, the two people stabilized their bodies on the roof of other buildings, bent down to stabilize their center of gravity, and spewed out the light of spirit and elements more violently.

The dual restraint of Higgs Dragon Head Stone and Silver Moon on dragons and demons formed a huge superposition advantage. The silver moonlight spewed out and compressed the black light bit by bit. After this brief confrontation, Glatoni Edwards suddenly found that her soul suddenly hurt, and then looked at the edge of the penetrating wound on her chest in disbelief, and pink crystals appeared.


Realizing that her original soul outside the dream was damaged, she disappeared into the dream without a second thought. The silver moonlight spewed out by Shade lost its target, so it penetrated the entire town and disappeared at the edge of the dream.

He seemed to be using the Night Watchman just now, but it was actually the Moonlight Greatsword under the Night Watchman's shell. Although the Moonlight Greatsword with the power of the Thorn of Eros was only a power created in a dream, it still had the power to hurt or even destroy the soul.

The blood mist seemed to have calmed down, and there were no more enemies around. The drizzle was still falling. Xia De stood on the roof of an unknown building in the town with a sword in one hand. Suddenly, he felt the air vibrating abnormally, and realized that it was a signal from the doctor.

He didn't move at all, just took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

The next second, in the darkness behind him, Gratoni Edwards, whose injuries had healed, appeared again. This time, she was not holding a greatsword in her hand, but a dagger flashing with a faint light, aimed at his back.

Xia De's figure disappeared in front of her, and then appeared behind her. He grabbed the woman's left arm with his right hand, and then suddenly opened his eyes in the coffin at the bottom of Green Lake in the real world:

"Come out!"

Shade hugged his hands in front of him, and then grabbed Megan and Audrey's grandmother from the void. The dream and reality overlapped briefly. This special ritual, which was originally intended to catch demons, naturally also worked for demons with demonic powers.

A special coffin designed to accommodate only one person could not possibly hold two people. So after Gratoni Edwards was briefly surprised by the current situation, one of the three coffins that were resting safely at the bottom of the lake exploded.

On Green Lake at night, the lake surface was originally calm but flashing with ritual light. Suddenly, a huge splash of water exploded. Then, a woman with black bone wings spread out from the bottom of the lake flew out rapidly with sword wounds. She continued to fly upward while looking down. After coming to reality, Shade was indeed no longer her opponent, but it was definitely not a stupid move to pull her into reality.

When the flying woman looked up, she bumped head-on into Miss Sylvia and Megan who were waiting in the air.

Under the moon, black and brown hair swayed in the wind, and robes and skirts rustled in the evening breeze. The ten-ring and eleven-ring brass life rings emitted strong light behind the witches. Without any extra words, the beams and missiles representing the power of destruction and destruction drowned Gratoni Edwards in the air.