The Whispering Verses

Chapter 1845: Preparation for the decisive battle


After a night's rest, Shade paid a rare visit to Luvia's apartment before breakfast on Sunday. The purple-eyed girl was still wearing her nightgown when she opened the door for Shade. As for the cat that Shade brought with him, it was curled up in Shade's arms and was angry. In Little Mia's opinion, going out without breakfast early in the morning was something that the cat could not accept at all.

Shade invited Luvia to have breakfast together, and explained what the demon had solved:

"This way, there will be one less obstacle standing in our way."

"We must get rid of the fortune teller on the island before he completes 'creating space'."

"Don't worry about that. Once he completes the ceremony, he will definitely invite all his descendants to the island. I have already gathered quite a few people here, just waiting for you to arrive at Green Lake, and then use the last ghost iron coins and home coins to do divination."

Shade touched the cat squatting on a high stool drinking goat milk. This is the "Fenshini and Clodier Restaurant" on Silver Cross Avenue. Breakfast provides dairy products, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausages and toast. Shade usually eats breakfast at home, and Mia rarely has the opportunity to eat breakfast outside, but it seems that it likes the food here very much.

"Yes, once we understand Edwards's divine arts, the door with thirteen keyholes, and the reason for collecting the descendants of the Green Lake residents, we can almost plan for the decisive battle."

Luvia ate very little for breakfast. She picked up the red tomatoes in the vegetable salad with a fork and looked at the other guests in the restaurant. Luvia and Shade sat by the wall, under the portrait of a person wearing a cat mask. There were not many people in the restaurant early in the morning. Most people in this era were used to eating breakfast at home:

"Although the danger is still great this time, we can mobilize more forces. The six great witches of the Witch Council, Sister Defulin, Yin Luna, oh, and Miss Danister. If you ask her for help, she will not refuse."

She smiled at Shade:

"You see, your social skills and ability to charm sorceresses are playing an increasingly important role."

Xia De coughed, and Xiaomia immediately looked at him. After finding that he was not choking, he continued to eat:

"And the one from the Randall Valley. Although he can't leave the Randall Valley area for a long time, he has no problem joining the battle at a critical moment."

"I'm very curious, if the guardian and the 'ancestor' face off, who will win."

Luvia asked, tilting her head.

Both were originally thirteen rings, and the Guardian of the Earth was even closer to a demigod with thirteen rings. Now the Fortune Teller has chosen to give up his human form, and the Guardian of the Earth has become the Chosen One. Although neither of them is a so-called demigod, neither of them is a simple thirteen ring.

"It's hard to say, but this kind of opportunity is hard to create. After all, a fortuneteller who masters the power of space will never easily expose himself to the guardians."

Xia De said, while asking the waiter to take away the empty plates. After the waiter left, he said hesitantly:

"Also, there is one thing you can probably guess. When you arrive, you will find that the three men in our group are all there."

The purple-eyed girl raised her eyebrows, but did not ask what the priest and the doctor were doing:

"Will Dorothy go too?"

"Not at this moment. She has no reason to go to Green Lake."

Luvia nodded thoughtfully, but did not express her guesses and thoughts.

"By the way, where will you live after you arrive in Green Lake City? The Prophet's Association in Green Lake City is not very large, even smaller than a doctor's clinic, and is completely incomparable to the branches in Tobesk and Randall River Valley. However, the Prophet's Association in the Glass City on the south bank of the lake is quite impressive. How will the association be arranged?"

"All the supporting fortune tellers will gather in Green Lake City on the North Shore. Accommodation should be arranged uniformly by then. This requires the association to communicate with the local city hall. However, they will not live far away. The association will make arrangements."

After breakfast, Luvia went to work, and Shad went to Green Lake Hotel with Mia, who was very satisfied with the meal and was willing to go out with him to digest it.

As usual, he greeted the boy and the puppy in the trash can, and after entering the hotel through the main entrance, Shade first went to find the doctor who also lived on the third floor. The doctor was about to go out with the glowing bottle:

"I went to the local black market to buy some materials. I didn't think about making the coins you wanted before I came here, so some of the materials are not complete. I also walked around the city and collected some 'war aura'."

This should be conceptual material that only demons would use. Shad didn't quite understand it, but he introduced the doctor to the shop of Grandma Natalie of the Guiding Light Hermitage, and told the doctor that if necessary, he could always go back to Tobesk and bring some materials that were not available here.

After saying goodbye to the doctor, he returned to his room. When he was in the corridor just now, he felt the badge on his chest was very hot. After opening the door, the four witches stood up from the sofa and looked at Shade - Miss Carina with long red hair, Audrey with brown shawl hair, Miss Benanis with long curly blond hair, and Miss Sylvia with a long black shawl.

"You're here so early?"

Margaret and Sirius are not here, but Tifa is here.

The Duchess motioned for Shade to sit down and talk:

"We are discussing how to arrange for Rusty Edwards. We just went to see her. She is indeed a very peculiar soul."

"So what's the plan?"

Shade asked, taking the cup from Tifa:

"Move or continue to live here."

"Continue to live here."

Miss Sylvia said calmly:

"We have checked the area around here. This is a very good location. Audrey's previous arrangements around the hotel can still be used. We plan to work together to make this the Parliament's base during the Green Lake incident, just like the Wilde Opera House during the Randall River Valley incident."

Shade nodded, but he was not good at arranging ceremonies, so he could not help with this matter:

"When will Miss Aurora and Granny Cassandra arrive?"

"Before next weekend."

Miss Benanis said that although she had just arrived at the Glass City with the Golden Dawn Opera Troupe last night, she did not look tired at all:

"This time, the witches sent by the parliament came here in two groups. Carina, Sylvia, and I are in the second group. Granny and Xiwei are sensitive and cannot appear with us. But now that there are four great witches here, those difficult investigations can begin."

In the "Witch's Task List", there are many tasks that are more difficult than the "Dark Moon Circus", which need to be solved by the witches themselves. Moreover, as the spatial instability phenomenon becomes more and more intense, now it is not just the distant trains rushing into the city, but the frequency of the appearance of location and event relics in the entire area centered on Green Lake is increasing.

This also means that the next investigation is likely to collide head-on with the church team.

Everyone was talking when they suddenly shut up and looked at the door. Three seconds later, there was a knock on the door. Xia De frowned slightly:

"Excuse me, who is it?"

"It's me, Yin Luna."

Hearing the voice of the 17-year-old girl, Shad immediately smiled. He did not let the maid brought by Miss Carina open the door, but got up and opened the door himself.

It was Yin Luna who was outside the door. She greeted Xia De with a smile. After following him into the door, she saw the four beautiful witches there.

Among these witches, only Audrey Edwards was someone Yin Luna didn't know, but Yin Luna could guess who she was. Xia De introduced them to each other, and Audrey stood up and shook hands with Yin Luna.

Although Yin Luna only has seven rings, the chosen one deserves such respect.

The wise witch also noticed that Yin Luna's eyes were not right when she was talking to Xia De and looking at Xia De. She touched Miss Benannis beside her with her arm, and the blonde witch smiled and nodded. Audrey was a little surprised, but after thinking about it carefully, she felt it was reasonable:

"As expected of me..."

Yin Luna's arrival brought new news from the church to Shade and the witches. In addition to the arrival of professors from the three major colleges and the gathering of seven thirteenth-ring warlocks from the Five Gods Church on both sides of Green Lake, the more important thing was what the church was doing recently:

"The church has also noticed the recent frequent appearance of relics and spatial anomalies in the Green Lake area. However, even though the church has transferred excellent teams from all over the Old Continent, it is still a little short of manpower. Now the team led by the middle-ring warlock is monitoring abnormal spatial phenomena in the urban and rural densely populated areas, and the high-ring warlocks are deployed on both sides of Green Lake to monitor the situation on the central island."

Although Laplace Klein Howard said during the night of the lunar eclipse that he would not leave Central Island during the negotiations, the church would not completely believe his words.

"In addition to these defensive actions, the high-level sorcerers of the church are cooperating with the Prophet's Association to prepare a large-scale divination ceremony. We need to understand the purpose, plan, means and arrangements of the thirteenth-ring fortune teller all at once."

"Does the church have any plans to go to the island in the near future?"

Miss Sylvia asked again, and Yin Luna nodded:

"Brother Fulen brought news from Shade, letting the church know that Laplace Howard would not act easily. In addition to the divination of the Prophet Association, the Five Gods Church itself is also trying to find a way to open the way to the other island. Oh, and the church is also investigating the key, the descendants of the Green Lake Town residents, and the illegal ring magician organization that assisted the fortune teller."

Therefore, the Five Gods Church's ability to maintain basic order is also very helpful to Shade's investigation. Once it becomes like the memory of Mrs. Lemaire, the fishman of the Sixth Epoch, the material world loses the order maintained by the church, things will become much more troublesome, and Shade will not be able to concentrate on the investigation.