The Whispering Verses

Chapter 1853: The secret of the ritual


"In the worst case scenario, at least we were able to save the witch, which is not a bad result. I'm in good shape today, so what shall we continue to divine?"

Luvia asked the two of them, and Yin Luna thought about it:

"There are still five keys left out of the thirteen keys, and Laplace Howard's entire plan is more important. The less important thing is where Maria Edwards's soul is wandering in the Green Lake area."

"And 'Edwardsden Theocracy'. I highly suspect that this is actually the name the seer gave to the ritual of the chosen one. Finally, there is a method to enter the other island."

Shade added that the three of them discussed it and finally decided to divine the whereabouts of the remaining five keys. The information from Maria Edwards might not be important. Shade felt that many clues about how to enter the island could be found, and the Prophet Association was also working hard on this. As for the Ascension Technique and the fortune teller's plan, it was possible that too many coins would be consumed because of the involvement of the Chosen One.

Then one of the new coins that Yin Luna brought was thrown into the air and turned into ashes before falling back in front of Luvia. The purple-eyed girl opened her eyes, with a thoughtful look on her face:

"It's very interesting. Three of the remaining five keys have been fully formed. One is in the hands of the Tyranny Club, and one is in the hands of the Dragon Feast Cult. If nothing unexpected happens, these should refer to the two Edwards cultists. The last fully formed key is in the hands of the Truth Society. Through divination, we know that they traded it from the soul of the last gravekeeper of the town cemetery on the island after they landed on the island."

This is consistent with the way Megan and Shad exchanged keys from the blacksmith and mineralogist.

"What about the two that are not yet formed?"

"One clue is on the island, and the other is outside the island. The clue on the island is not inside the island, but under the waters at the edge of the island covered by white fog. It is hidden in the soul of the boatman of the former Green Lake Town. The clue outside the island is in the hands of the descendants of the last mayor of Green Lake Town."

"Wait a moment."

Yin Luna asked Xiang Xiade in confusion:

"Isn't the mayor of Green Lake Town a member of the Edwards family?"

"No, the mayor and the lord are not the same thing. However, it has been more than a hundred years since Green Lake Town was abandoned. I'm afraid the fifth and sixth generation Edwards don't know who the mayor was back then."

"It doesn't matter. I divined it. I also divined the location of the boatman's body underwater."

Luvia smiled and said:

"This kind of divination for finding something is the simplest, especially when you know detailed information and can find something within a certain range. The underwater clues still require Shade to go there in person. As for the mayor's descendants, they are now living in the Glass City on the other side of the lake. I will write down the specific address now, but I can only divine that the clues are in his hands. We have to find out the specifics ourselves."

The first mechanical blessing solved all the key problems, and Luvia picked up the second one:

"Do we need to continue divination to find out the relationship between the bloody door and Edwards's magic?"

Yin Luna signaled Xia De to make a decision, and Xia De thought about it:

"Well, let's try and see if we can get the answer."

A coin was thrown into the air, but it had no effect. After the three discussed it for a while, Luvia threw a Mechanical Blessing and a Ghost Iron Coin into the air at the same time.

The two coins turned into ashes in the air, and Luvia opened her eyes, meeting the inquiring gazes of Xia De and Yin Luna;

"The result is not very clear, but what is certain is that the Ritual of the Chosen in Space is only a part of Edwards's magic. This is not only related to the fusion of the family, but also to the creation of space required by the ritual. In addition to the Ritual of the Chosen, Edwards's magic has other secrets. He collected the flesh and blood of the descendants of Green Lake Town and made thirteen keys, which are all related to it. Becoming the Chosen is only part of his plan. He is seeking other things."

After three special divinations, her face turned pale. Xia De asked her to take a rest, and Yin Luna poured her a cup of hot tea. Luvia didn't force it, holding the cup of tea, she sorted out her thoughts:

"To see Laplace Klein Howard, one must pass through the bloody door. Although the door appeared in the Edwards' dreams, the door itself is on another island. Through the symbolic act of 'passing through the door', the Edwards will copy and pass the awakened power in their blood to the fortune teller at the top of the root system, just like the nutrients absorbed by the roots, and truly realize the fusion of soul and flesh after the so-called 'banquet'. The thirteen keys, as Shad guessed, symbolize the degraded version of the ritual of the thirteen chosen ones in the Whispering Poems. The process of finding the keys is the process of finding the chosen ones. The keys themselves represent the history and heritage of the Edwards family. The accumulation of the two, the thirteen keys opening the door is equivalent to the door finally opened by the chosen ones: the Edwards pushed open the final door."

This passage is a bit complicated, and the ritual knowledge involved is quite abstract. This is only the part that Luvia can see. The fortune tellers on the island should be more prepared:

"I don't know what the ultimate purpose of Edwards's divine art is. I have never seen such a ceremony."

"That is to say, the stronger the Edwards are, the stronger the final fortune teller will be. And our collection of these keys is actually equivalent to helping his ritual?"

Yin Luna frowned and concluded, Luvia shook her head:

"That ceremony is a ceremony of unity. It doesn't mean that the ceremony cannot be carried out if we don't collect the keys. Laplace Howard has plenty of ways to get those keys back and open the door himself. Once we can collect thirteen keys in advance, we can land on the island before the other party's ceremony starts and meet him through that door before he can hold the ceremony."

Xia De finally understood the most important and final task at hand:

"Gather the thirteen keys as quickly as possible, then bring people to the island and defeat or contain Laplace Klein Howard."

Luvia nodded slightly:

"The final information of this divination: Once the ritual is initiated, all Edwards will instantly appear on another foggy island and arrive in front of the bloody door under guidance. This is the spatial power hidden in their blood, which is passed down from generation to generation and cannot be erased just like the blood prophecy."

There were only two coins left on the table. Yin Luna kept the home coin that could be exchanged for a house and picked up the last mechanical blessing:

"Now that the goal has been clarified, you can ignore the other details of Edwards's divine art for now. Just like when we fought against the 'Silver Boy' and the blood of mercury, please do the last divination and try to divine what other dangers the diviner has around him and in his hands that we have to face."

This is a divination of possible dangers in the future. Although the devil has been eradicated, the "ancestor" is surrounded by more than just devils.

Luvia also understood Yin Luna's meaning, but she had already done divination three times in a row, so Xia De and Yin Luna asked her to rest for a while. The three of them then started chatting with tea cups, and on this rainy Monday morning, under the light of the gas lamp in the hotel room, they talked about their thoughts and plans with each other.

Yin Luna liked this atmosphere very much. Chatting in a warm room on a rainy day was a joy, not to mention that Shade and Luvia were around. She complained to Luvia that the environment in Green Lake City was not as good as Tobesk, and talked to Shade about whether Green Lake would turn green as rumored. Finally, she recommended Luvia to try Green Lake City's specialty wild berry jam. The jam made from blueberries and cranberries produced by the Green Lake Lake is only sold locally, but it tastes quite good.

Luvia listened to her with a smile, and the topic she brought up was the scenery and topography that Shade had seen on the island during his several visits there.

As for Shade, in addition to mentioning that the Witch Council was preparing supplies for the Chosen Ceremony for Rust Edwards and Durrut Giles, he also mentioned that after the matter in the Green Lake area was over, he would definitely go to the town where Miss Mia Gold's family lived:

"I'm really curious about that lady."

He held the very lively cat to prevent it from sticking its claws into his teacup:

"Because of my serious illness in the spring, and Miss Godd was too busy to entertain me, the original spring trip was cancelled. I have to go this time anyway. It won't take too long to get from Midhill Castle to the small town on the east coast of the Old World."

The chat lasted for an hour, during which Luvia repeatedly claimed that she had rested, but Xia De and Yin Luna still did not allow her to toss the coin. It was not until half past ten in the morning that the fourth coin finally flew high into the sky.

Just as the coin fell and quickly turned into ashes, the purple-eyed girl suddenly groaned in pain, and then blood flowed from the corner of her mouth:

"It's okay, I'm fine. I've seen too much."

Xia De hurriedly supported her, and Yin Luna handed her her handkerchief and placed her hand, which was shining with warm sunlight, on her back. This was a healing magic.

However, Luvia's condition was not as bad as they imagined. It was not that there was something wrong with the divination itself, but that she saw something very dangerous:

"This decisive battle is definitely more dangerous and troublesome than the one in Randall Valley. No matter how powerful the polluted guardian was in Randall Valley, no matter how powerful he was, he was essentially just one individual. But now, Laplace Klein Howard has at least five things that have surpassed the thirteenth ring."