The Whispering Verses

Chapter 1862: Green Lake with the group of five


Shad did not stay in Rose Manor for long. After breakfast, he said goodbye to the ladies of the Cavendish family and returned to Green Lake Hotel with Mia.

I pushed open the door and entered the hotel, thinking about what to do today, when I saw Luvia, Father Augustus, Dorothy and Dr. Schneider sitting together at a table in the corner of the first floor.

The table that was originally close to the wall was moved out to make room for people to sit. Luvia and Dorothy sat on one side, and Father Augustus and Dr. Schneider sat opposite them, so Shad sat opposite the two girls.

The five people greeted each other naturally, as if they were still in Tobesk. Each of them had their own secrets, and they just treated this moment as normal:

"It's a strange feeling, that outside of Tobesk, everyone is sitting together."

Shade commented, placing the well-fed cat on his lap.

The doctor put down the newspaper in his hand and nodded:

"This morning, when I was about to go downstairs for breakfast, I opened the door and saw the priest passing by my door. I was also startled."

Father Augustus came here late last night, and the doctor had already gone to bed. The old priest looked very healthy and smiled and shook his head:

"I didn't expect that. I was about to go downstairs for breakfast, but the door of the next room opened and it turned out to be the doctor."

"I was even more surprised because when I came downstairs half an hour ago, I saw the doctor and the priest sitting together. I thought I had accidentally taken the wrong path again."

The blonde writer added, then winked at Shade playfully, and Luvia was very interested in the scene.

Although Shade and Leicia "rested" together in the guest room of Rose Manor last night, it was actually the three of them's time. As for Dorothy's sudden departure from Tobesk, there was no need to consider whether it would cause a commotion. No matter how famous she was, she was different from the princess Leicia. As long as she claimed to be out collecting materials, and then Shade brought her handwritten letter back to Tobesk to give to her friends and family, no one would suspect her whereabouts.

"Actually, I was the most surprised. I arrived ten minutes earlier than the detective. When I opened the door, I saw the three of them sitting here and looking at me. I took a step back to make sure I was in the right place before I dared to walk in."

Luvia shook her head.

“So, our writer friend came here by accident?”

"From the current perspective, this is the case."

That was the only way Shad could answer, but he knew it wasn't normal. If it was just Dorothy, it could be explained as bad luck, but the fact that she and Lecia had this happen almost at the same time was as incredible as Rust Edwards and Durrut Giles appearing at the circus together.

The former tomb robber that Shade missed happened to be carrying the little girl's soul downstairs at this time. He yawned as he walked, probably because he didn't sleep well last night. He also saw Shade sitting by the wall and talking to a group of strangers, so he didn't take the initiative to talk to him. Rusty Edwards, who was floating around, saw the kind old man in a robe look up and see her, so the girl shuddered suddenly and pulled Durutte Giles to go out for dinner:

"Not here, not here! Let's go out to eat, let's go out to eat!"

"Padre, you are scaring people."

Dorothy smiled and said, the old priest shook his head helplessly:

"Don't make fun of me. I'm in the church choir, and I'm very popular among the children. So, the fortune teller was summoned by the association, the doctor came to purchase materials, the writer encountered an accident, and the detective was originally active here, so should I also explain why I'm here?"

He looked at Xia De, and when Xia De nodded, he took out the reason he had prepared:

"I'm ready to be promoted to the fourth ring."

"Huh? So soon?"

Except for Xia De, the others were all shocked, and the doctor even said:

"Priest, weren't you just promoted at the end of last year?"

"Doctor, isn't it just as fast that you went from five rings after the detective joined the team last year to seven rings now? Not to mention, the detectives here are faster than us."

After hearing what the priest said, Dr. Schneider understood:

"So, you are here to look for materials as well?"

"Yes, there is a very important material on the island over there, but the detective said it is very dangerous over there, so I haven't figured out how to get it yet, but it shouldn't be difficult."

The priest spoke so easily that the doctor, Luvia, who had probably guessed something, and Dorothy all offered to help.

"So writer, do you plan to stay here for a while, or go back by train?"

The Doctor then turned to Dorothy, who thought for a moment:

"Now that we're here, there's no need to leave. I've been thinking about going out to collect materials for a long time. The two sides of Green Lake are very interesting right now. Spies and detectives are the best match."

Last night, Shade also talked about this topic with Dorothy. Dorothy made the decision after consulting Shade's opinion. She could also feel that her and Leisia's arrival was definitely not normal. Even if they left immediately, they would most likely come back, so it would be better to stay and be prepared. And if their premonition was wrong and they were just unlucky, then it would be fine if they just stayed at the Green Lake Hotel.

Xia De summarized for everyone:

"Although for various reasons, we all happened to be sitting here."

The five people had different expressions:

"But since you're here, let's take care of our own affairs first. As for the priest's matter, he should investigate the situation first. Once he has a clue and needs help, we can all help. Luvia will probably be busy with the Prophecy Association for a while. The doctor is preparing to make a difficult alchemical item recently, so he will also be very busy. As for Dorothy, you will live here recently. The bosses here are my friends, and their chefs are very good. You can walk around Green Lake City more, but be careful. This city... is very dangerous."

Shad said, picking up the cat from his lap and handing it to her. Dorothy happily took Mia:

"I'll need you to go to Tobesk later and bring my luggage and manuscripts over. This way I can stay here with peace of mind."

Everyone here knew that Shad could run around, so it was no surprise what Dorothy said. But the doctor thought of another thing:

"Now that our entire team has left the base, if the academy tracks us down... it will be very troublesome."

After he finished speaking, everyone looked at Xia De, who nodded in understanding.

"Several high-ranking professors from St. Byron's are in Green Lake City right now, including Miss Danister. It just so happens that I should go visit her, so leave this matter to me."

The others were relieved, but the doctor, the priest and Dorothy had to keep their identities secret and not show up in public.

"So, how long will we be in the Green Lake area?"

Luvia asked an interesting question, and Shade did some calculations in his mind:

"It won't be long, two weeks at most, or even a week."

"But since everyone is here, no matter who needs help, the rest of the team can't refuse without special reasons. Come to think of it, it seems that the last team mission didn't last long ago... It was indeed a bit dangerous last time, but the last time we acted together, I remember it was Lakeview Manor... Hmm, is it that dangerous?"

The doctor said softly, as for how the people at the table understood this sentence, only each person knew it in his or her own heart.

Dorothy had already written a list of clothes and manuscripts for Shad to bring to her, and Shad immediately returned to Tobesk to do it. The other four members of the group continued to chat, and when Shad returned to the Green Lake Hotel at ten o'clock in the morning with two huge suitcases, the doctor had already taken Reverend Augustus out to visit the Green Lake. Luvia and Dorothy were chatting in the room with Mia in their arms, and it was obvious that the cat was not very happy.


Seeing Xia De walking in with two large suitcases, the cat immediately ran towards Xia De. After being picked up by Xia De, it seemed as if it would never leave him today.

Dorothy looked behind Shad in surprise, at the very pretty lady with brown hair. She took the box with a smile and listened to Shad's introduction:

"This is Miss Audrey Edwards, and Paradise Island Pharmaceuticals is her business. Dorothy, haven't you always wanted to talk to her?"

Shad once told about Audrey and Megan's situation, so Dorothy and Lesia, who had similar "two-in-one" tendencies, always wanted to meet this witch.

As for Audrey and Megan, they had also heard of the name of this famous female writer. While lamenting that there was another girl around Xia De, they also thought in their hearts that although the two sisters were still relative latecomers, they must not lose in momentum this time.

Shade said softly:

"The separation and fusion feather I used on you was actually... something I asked for for her."

The witch immediately became reserved, and Dorothy invited her to sit in the room. While Dorothy and Audrey were talking, Luvia gave Shad a look, and then the two went to the room where Shad lived to talk.

"I'm not a superstitious person, but it's not a good sign that all five of us are here."

The purple-eyed fortune teller was very serious:

"Especially, what's going on with Dorothy and the princess? When can they meet? I need to see them both at the same time to confirm whether they are candidates. The current situation is unclear and no one knows what will happen in the end. The position of the chosen one cannot be vacant. If the previous candidates are really dead, Dorothy and the princess..."

"I'll arrange it. You don't have to worry about it. I've been preparing for it a long time ago."

Shade said, and Luvia nodded. She knew that Shade was very cautious about this kind of thing:

"As long as you have confidence, it's fine. But I didn't come to see you today because I guessed Dorothy's arrival in advance. You know what happened last night, right? But I'm not here to talk about that. Maybe the church has solved the problem. I came to see you today because of the matter about the Unknowable Relic Destiny Pedestal."