The Whispering Verses

Chapter 1864: Men's small talk


A smile appeared on Miss Danister's delicate face:

"I knew you had something wrong. Tell me about the Level 0 relic. Even if you want our principal to help you, he will consider agreeing to it."

"It's not that troublesome. I would like you to arrange for me to meet with the believers of the old gods. I am not interested in the Pedestal of Destiny, nor do I want to ask about the relic. I want to ask them some questions about the old gods and doctrines."

"No problem. The Prophet Association actually hid such an important thing. I thought they were really preparing seriously for the big ceremony this weekend."

Miss Danister spoke softly, and then asked Shade a new question:

"With regard to Green Lake, Saint Byron has almost figured out everything based on your preliminary investigation and the information provided by the church in the past few days. Shade, do you think Laplace Klein Howard can really become the chosen one of the space as he wishes?"

Xia De was a little surprised that she would ask him this question, but then he understood and gave a half-truthful answer:

"The ancient god of space, the original rift, symbolizes not only space, but also separation and aggregation. The fortune teller only saw the unity of many, but did not realize that the complete unity of many is really consistent with the power of the ancient god?"

Miss Danister was very satisfied with his answer:

"I see. So, when do you think this Green Lake thing will be over?"

"In a week or two, after the Prophet Association's big prediction, it's time to take action."

"Since you know more about this place, do you have any suggestions for the academy's recent actions?"

Xia De thought about it:

"Relics of places and events have been appearing frequently on both sides of Green Lake recently. At the same time, the two fifth-generation Edwardses hidden in the Tyranny Club and the Dragon Feast Cult must have important information about their ancestors. I am almost certain that at least one of these two people has been dissatisfied with his ancestor for a long time."

Miss Danister nodded in understanding, and Shade added:

"Also, I already have a clue about the investigation of the sun, moon and star ritual array. I saw the symbol in the book next to Laplace Klein Howard. The letter in your hand comes from the third generation Pride Edwards. It was because of his investigation that the central island of Green Lake became what it is today. I think he should have seen this pattern from the fortune teller. It's a pity that Pride Edwards has become a demon now... Don't worry about the demon, it has been resolved."

The sorceress nodded, and she and Shade continued to look out at the island in the distance from the abandoned dock.

a long time:

"Shadow, you are really excellent."

"Thank you... You taught me well. It is my honor to contribute to the college."

Miss Danister glanced at him and felt that she had some idea of where all those sorceresses came from around him.

Nothing else interesting happened this Tuesday. Megan and Audrey were studying the broken wooden boat that Shad brought back. Miss Benanis and Miss Sylvia on the other side of the lake were responsible for finding the descendants of the mayor of Green Lake Town according to Luvia's divination. The two Edwards who became cultists were now the target of everyone. The soul of Mr. Nicholas Green's mother was still wandering somewhere unknown.

At dinner that evening, Shade heard from the doctor and priest who had returned from an outing that a giant centipede-like monster with at least a hundred legs had appeared in the sparsely populated rural area on the south bank of the lake due to a space crack, and they saw with their own eyes the church's team fighting it. The serial murder case published in the corner of the evening paper that day was about the three brothers, the ghouls, the witches, and the people who were hunting the descendants of Green Lake Town.

As for the discussion of the abnormal phenomenon in the night sky last night, it was only circulated among a few citizens. Everything seemed to be fine, but in Shade's opinion, this was clearly the calm before the storm.

Waking up early on Wednesday morning, Shad first glanced at the cat sleeping beside his pillow, then got up and went to the bedroom window to draw the curtains. The morning in Tobesk seemed a little gloomy in the drizzle, and it was not suitable to go out in such weather. Fortunately, most of Shad's friends in Tobesk had already arrived at Green Lake, so he didn't need to walk around the city.

It was still raining in Green Lake today, and it was still the kind of hazy drizzle that you could hold an umbrella but also not hold one. Shad did not eat at home, but came to Green Lake with Mia and goat milk. When he walked out of the back door of the hotel, it was still early, so the boy John had not "woke up" yet, so Shad put a few coins next to his "home" and then entered the hotel through the main door.

He greeted Ms. Green at the front desk and handed the goat milk to the waiter to heat it up. Shade yawned subconsciously, took a newspaper from the front desk that had not yet been delivered upstairs, and sat down on the seat by the wall.

Soon, the doctor and the priest came down from upstairs and sat at the same table with Shad. The doctor would stay in the hotel today to help Shad make the coin to fool the devil, while the priest, who already had a general understanding of the local area, planned to continue walking around the lake and meet Mr. Nicholas Green, the old ghoul that Shad mentioned.

Their conversation did not avoid Ms. Helena Green at the front desk. After hearing about Shad's friend's plan, the lady asked the priest to help bring a recently taken photo to their father, and the priest readily agreed.

"By the way, Bill, did you hear any strange noises last night? It was about eleven o'clock, and I was already asleep. It was raining heavily outside. Was there an explosion in the city?"

While eating breakfast, the priest asked the doctor, who nodded:

"I was going downstairs to get some hot chocolate and I heard it. It wasn't a steam bomb, but I looked out the window and it looked like something big was coming into town."

The priest shook his head, as if lamenting that this city was so dangerous. Seeing that Shade was reading the newspaper, he asked Shade again:

"Detective, now that the city has become like this, is it really necessary for the two countries to continue the negotiations? I heard in Tobesk that the negotiations here have not been going smoothly."

Xia De turned the newspaper to the second page and showed them:

"The church also means this, but the negotiations cannot be stopped just because we want to. Look here - 'King Larus III receives Carsenrick's ambassador to Tobesk at Yodel Palace.' The newspapers are now spreading rumors, preparing for a sudden suspension of the negotiations. Carsenrick is making a fuss about the injuries of Princess Margaret and Duke Simir, trying to suspend the negotiations on the grounds that it is no longer safe here."

"But now that the negotiations have not produced any results, won't this only intensify the conflict?"

The priest commented based on his own life experience, while the doctor asked another question:

"Speaking of which, in recent days, I have often seen follow-up reports on the assassination of Princess Margaret of Carsenrick in local newspapers, but few people have seriously discussed the Duke of Simiel who was shot as mentioned by the detective."

"Even if a princess of the royal family gets whooping cough, it will attract more attention than a flood somewhere killing hundreds of people."

Shade shrugged and flipped the newspaper back a page:

"But it's not right to say that the negotiations were fruitless. At least the two sides reached an agreement on the northwest border of the Pantanal Swamp, and also solved the issue of potato import and export tariffs that had been shelved for more than ten years."

"If I remember correctly, isn't the northwest side of the Pantanal border a real swamp where even people can't walk?"

The doctor asked in surprise, but Father Augustus was very interested in the topic of potatoes:

"The two countries have imposed tariffs on each other over potatoes for more than ten years, but I didn't expect that the issue was resolved. Oh, I must try the baked sweet potatoes from Carsonrick again if I have a chance. When I was young, I went to Carsonrick on a business trip, and I always felt that the potatoes there were sweeter."

"Old man, you are talking about potatoes produced in the southwest of Carsonrick. If you like, we can prepare dinner for you."

The young waiter who brought them the new teapot said this, and the priest thanked him politely.

By the time Dorothy yawned and came down from upstairs at about nine o'clock, the guests who had breakfast on the first floor had basically left. Shad was still sitting by the wall flipping through the newspaper, with Little Mia still lying on his knees.

"Are you awake? Did you sleep late last night? Why are you up just now?"

Shad called the waiter to bring the breakfast he had ordered for Dorothy. The lazy blonde sat down opposite Shad.

"I slept well, but it's not easy to get out for a trip, why get up so early? And I'm a freelancer, I don't need to get up early. Besides, it's raining outside, you know? In rainy weather, the happiest thing is to curl up in bed with a quilt and read a book."

She was in a good mood, and Shade also laughed:

"It's okay to stay in the hotel. Leicia might ask you for help."

This refers to swapping bodies and letting Dorothy help with things when they are tired.

"I was just chatting with the priest and the doctor, but the priest has gone out. Can you guess what we talked about?"

"Three men gathered together, and you are all serious people. I guess you must be talking about politics."

She hit the nail on the head with her casual remark.

The waiter quickly brought Dorothy's breakfast. The lazy girl had nothing to do that day and had no intention of going out in the rain, so she was not in a hurry to eat. She seemed to be sitting here until noon and then having lunch with Shad.

However, she did mention something strange while eating.