The Whispering Verses

Chapter 1867: The final goal


"You said I could hold on."

"Ms. Louisa was at the desk in her room when she encountered the spatial anomaly. In addition to her, the chair and part of the desk were also moved. So... your cat also went to Mikaela Blast Furnace City. Princess Leisia urged you to pick up Miss Louisa as soon as possible. The writer can no longer control Mia."


Shad was almost frightened by Tifa's expression just now. Although Mia's disappearance was also very serious, fortunately both Dorothy and it were safe.

After hurriedly saying goodbye to Audrey, he took a carriage and headed towards the border with Tifa and Miss Sylvia. They still crossed the border at the military camp near Crossroads Village. He did not ask Tifa to produce the certificate issued by Miss Carina, and still relied on Captain Rades's relationship to cross the border without inspection.

They arrived at the Mikaela Blast Furnace City before lunch and met Dorothy and Mia at the manor where Margaret was staying. The witches had a special contact method, and Miss Carina had already informed Miss Benanis, who was still in the Glass City, of the situation in advance, so she arranged for someone to send Dorothy, who was unfamiliar with the city, to Margaret first.


The door of the study opened, and Shade walked in hurriedly, followed by Miss Sylvia and Tifa. Little Mia, who was squatting on the coffee table and looking at the snacks on the plate, turned her head, then quickly jumped off the coffee table and ran towards him.

Margaret and Dorothy, who were chatting happily in Carsenric on the sofa, also stood up. Shad bent down and picked up Mia. Seeing that Dorothy was safe, he finally breathed a sigh of relief:

"Good afternoon, Margaret. Oh, Dorothy."

He walked forward and gave Dorothy a hug. Miss Sylvia reminded behind Shad:

"It's not normal to encounter two spatial anomalies in a row, and both times the spatial transfers were done without incident. Shade, this kind of thing needs to be prevented in advance. I can set up a ritual to stabilize the space in the room of Green Lake Hotel to reduce the probability of similar situations, but it is impossible to reduce the probability to zero."

"I see."

He hugged the girl in his arms, knowing full well that the matter at Green Lake must be ended as soon as possible. Dangers were coming from all sides, and he really couldn't wait any longer.

"Speaking of which, can Mia foresee danger?"

Dorothy asked suddenly. Shad let her go and asked in surprise:

"Why do you say that?"

The blonde looked at the cat standing on Shad's shoulder:

"Before the accident, I was holding it in front of the desk and reading a book. It suddenly struggled and meowed. I didn't realize what it meant at the time. It was not until I met Her Highness Margaret and told her what happened that I realized something was wrong."

"This cat is really smart. We fed it snacks, but it refused to eat. It seems that it must see you."

Margaret also said that she and Dorothy were both traditional "blonde beauties", which was the most suitable for the aesthetics of the time. However, there were differences between southerners and northerners in the shape of cheekbones, nose bridges and eyes, and Dorothy's hair was not very curly, while Margaret inherited the curly hair of the Angevin royal family. In addition, due to their different growth environments, Dorothy was more intellectual and calm, while Margaret was more passionate and flamboyant.

"Little Mia..."

Shade touched the cat on his shoulder, and the cat happily accepted his touch.

Since Dorothy was found and she was safe, the group stayed at Margaret's manor for lunch. Margaret warmly entertained Shad, Tifa and Dorothy. Although Dorothy and Margaret had only met at a banquet in Tobesk, Margaret still respected the female writer very much.

After all, the Carsonian version of Hamilton's Detective Stories has been published. Once the detective novel that caused a sensation in the North was released, it once again triggered a trend of reading in the South. The literary and artistic achievements of this detective story may not be comparable to those of long-established writers, but if we only talk about commercial success, Dorothy can already call herself the best-selling writer of this era.

The combined earning power of Shad, Luvia, Dr. Schneider, and Reverend Augustus is probably not even a fraction of Dorothy's royalties.

After lunch, Hillis came to the manor on behalf of Miss Benannis and brought good news:

"Look at this."

The small copper key lay in her hand. The shape and size of the key were the same as the key she had obtained from the boatman that morning.

"We found our target based on the location of the descendants of the last mayor of Green Lake Town provided by Shad. Benannis and I personally participated in the operation. After searching his home, we found a small mirror hidden behind an old oil painting."

In the study, Hillis sat on the sofa and narrated what happened:

"The soul of the mayor from more than a hundred years ago is hidden in the mirror. I used the memory thread and the hair given by Miss Edwards to simulate her appearance, making the soul mistakenly believe that Edwards' descendants have appeared. Then it told us the formula for the key."

Miss Sylvia took the key:

"Including the key from this morning, we now have six keys. One for Grimm Grimm, one for the Grimm siblings, one for the Edwards brothers, and one for the Forlan brothers. According to Shad, all the keys are in place, and the last three are in the hands of the Truth Society, the Dragon Feast Cult, and the Tyranny Club."

She let the key float in her palm and spun it rapidly:

"Edwards's divine art must be related to these keys. Since all the keys have been forged, I think the ancestors on the island should do something about it, right? No, the keys on our side have already taken shape, and the other keys may still be collecting materials, but they should be ready soon."

"Even if he doesn't take action, the church won't wait any longer. After the divination ceremony of the Prophet Association is over this weekend, the church will probably prepare for a decisive battle. No, maybe they will have to suspend the negotiations between the two countries and let the important people leave the area first."

Shad said.

"When do you plan to act?"

Hillis asked him, looking at him with her beautiful eyes, full of confidence in Shad.

"Girls under your command, after finding the wandering soul of Maria Edwards in the Green Lake area and asking about the situation on the island, you can start the final plan to land on the island. Of course, it would be even better if we can contact the two Edwards who have become ring wizards before that. The island we are going to land on is not the island in the fog, but another island. This time I will not go alone. The Orthodox Church, the Prophet Association, the Parliament, the Academy, and even the Mirror Association will help."

He picked up the cat lying in his arms and put it down heavily to show his plan:

"Since we have so many helpers, there is no need to take risks alone. Let's all attack together. I don't believe that with so many thirteen-ring warlocks, plus Sister Devlin, Yin Luna, and the Earth Guardian who can be called upon when necessary, we will not be able to defeat Laplace Klein Howard."

Hillis imagined the overwhelming number of ring wizards, entering another island through the entrance divined by the Prophet's Association, walking on water, sitting on boats, riding on strange water transportation like Shade's doctor friend, or even flying, and couldn't help but nodded:

"It does sound good. And since we have the second candidates, Rust Edwards and Durrut Giles, in our hands, we have the upper hand. We need to prepare the ceremonial supplies for them in advance, and the Council will do that."

"But if we think about it from a bad perspective, what if the fortune teller limited the number of people who would participate in the final battle?"

Margaret, who had gradually come to understand what the "Chosen Ones" and the "Whispering Verses" were in recent months, couldn't help but ask.

Xia De lowered his eyes and said softly under the gaze of the ladies:

"Then I will kill him myself."

By now, Dorothy and Leicia have been completely involved in the dispute between The Whispering Verses and the Chosen Ones. They are also very talented ring wizards, but their personalities are not suitable for being involved in such a dangerous matter, not to mention that Shade has no intention of involving them in the vortex of fate. Despite this, it is still necessary to tell them the complete epic of the Sixth Age of The Whispering Verses.

On the way back to Green Lake City that afternoon, Shad told Miss Writer about the Thirteen Chosen Ones and the rules of the candidate mechanism, and Tifa, who went back with him, helped to add details.

Dorothy is a writer with an active mind. She understood this set of rules easily. She was quite excited and even thought it was very interesting and romantic:

"For a gate that could influence an entire era, people who originally lived all over the world, some already famous, some unknown, gathered together under the pull of fate and fought for the qualification to represent an ancient god. This is more interesting than any story I have ever read! Shade, it turns out that you have been doing such an amazing thing all along!"

Telling Dorothy meant letting Lesia know as well, so this was the common attitude they both had towards the matter.

"Balance, darkness, death, knowledge and wisdom, the earth, and now to the 'space'. We suspect that you and Leicia are candidates for the chosen ones of the space. Your ranking may not be very high, and I will not let you get involved, but just in case, you still need to know this."

Shad explained his attitude, and Dorothy understood what he meant:

"We have no interest in being the chosen ones, it's too much trouble."

This is the truth. The writer and the princess have their own clear life trajectories and life plans, and they are not the kind of girls who like to fight and kill, or who will encounter events or relics out of control when they go out:

"Shad, you mentioned earlier that almost every candidate for the Chosen One has a special mechanism?"