The Whispering Verses

Chapter 1870: Followers of the Old Gods


Nothing happened that night and everything was peaceful. After being woken up by Mia at 6:30 on Thursday morning, the blonde girl in her nightgown was still lying next to Shad. Her golden hair covered her small ears and delicate profile, and her eyelashes trembled slightly when her eyes opened. Dorothy Louisa also liked such mornings.

Miss Sylvia, who was decorating Dorothy's room, opened the portal early and came to Green Lake Hotel from the basement. When Shad was having breakfast with Dorothy and Miss Sylvia, he heard that Sister Defulin had arrived:

"The nun brought more than a dozen blind nuns from the spiritual order. They have already met with the church. The church plans to rely on the powerful inspiration of these blind nuns to find a way to enter another island if the divination of the Prophet Association does not go well. This can be regarded as a second plan."

Grandma Cassandra and her group will probably arrive tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. As for Miss Aurora, who came here in a private capacity and in a low-key manner, she may not arrive in the Glass City until the weekend.

However, Shade didn't need to go to Sister Defulin specifically, because the nun would come to him. The most important thing for Shade today was to meet the believers of the old gods.

The time agreed with Miss Danister was nine o'clock in the morning, so Shade was not in a hurry to go out. After breakfast, he went to see Dr. Schneider and Father Augustus respectively.

The doctor had been busy making the alchemical item for Shade these days, so he spent most of his time either in his room or in the basement doing alchemical experiments. When Shade entered the doctor's room that morning, the unfinished coin was being calcined in the small stove on the coffee table in the living room. The blue giant in the bottle was floating in the air, with his hands clasped in front of his chest to monitor the calcination temperature.

The flames in the small portable stove, which looked like an ordinary gas stove, were related to the power of the Balrog, but even so, the coin only changed color and did not melt.

“The production went smoothly.”

The doctor invited Xia De to sit down:

"Now there is only one last question: What do you want the size and the front and back of this coin to be? Do you want it to be made according to existing currency, or do you have any other ideas for me?"

Because it involves betting on heads and tails, this question is indeed important:

"There is no requirement for the size, just use whatever is convenient. As for the pattern... one side has the moon symbol, and the other side has the sun symbol. If you feel that it would look too simple with just the symbols, doctor, you can just pick some runes related to the sun and the moon to decorate it."

"This is easy. Since there are no special requirements for the design, the coin will probably be completed tonight. Remember to come and pick it up."

This happened quickly. Shad met with the Old God believers in the morning, got the coins in the evening, and could use the key immediately without even waiting until Friday.

Are you really that anxious

Dr. Schneider would probably be busy all day, but that was a good thing, because it was still raining outside so it was not a good time to go out. And according to the doctor's luck, it was hard to say what would happen when he went out, but during the time he stayed in the hotel, nothing happened except Dorothy's accident.

Priest Augustus insisted on going out these days, but today Shade found him before he left. The priest seemed to be in a good mood. Occasionally leaving Tobesk and going out to other places can indeed change one's mentality.

"I went to see Mr. Nicholas Green, and he really likes roast chicken."

The room on the third floor where the priest lived, he said with a smile:

"Although Mr. Green doesn't know much, it's very valuable. Among the materials and books left to him by the fortune teller you mentioned, there is some information related to the ancient god - the ancient god of death. I can guess where he got the wreckage from."

This also means that at least the angel skeleton was not originally on the island.

"Can you get the bones? If not, you can go to the island with the church and us when we wash up on the island. You will always see the bones."

But the priest shook his head while wiping his pipe:

"It's not that troublesome. Besides, getting the skeleton back in advance will make your final move easier. I need something that is closely connected to the skeleton and can use it to resonate with the skeleton's location. Combined with the other remains I have, it will be enough to make it appear in front of me on its own initiative."

In other words, you can get the bones without landing on the island.

Xia De thought about it:

"You mean the lich that the three Edwards brothers turned into?"

"Yes, the special ghoul that Nicholas Green transformed into also has some of the power of the skeleton, but not much."

The priest nodded:

"Didn't you say that the three brothers are now looking for the descendants of Green Lake Town?"

"Yes, the church has fought with them recently. When I first saw those three ghoul liches, they could only unite to launch a maze, but now they are getting stronger and stronger. You know that Miss Yin Luna Bei Yasi of the Church of the Sun is my friend. She told me not long ago that now those three things together are difficult for ordinary eleventh-ring warlocks to deal with. What's more, they are very good at escaping, and they are immortal."

Shade explained that in addition to the church, the witch's followers had also encountered the three ghoul liches recently when they were carrying out the witch's task list. They had a high opinion of the three undead spirits, and if Shade encountered them again, it would probably be Shade's turn to think about how to escape.

"The most troublesome problem is that most powers that have special damaging effects on the undead are ineffective against the three brothers. Priest, when I encountered them, even the power you gave me that was integrated into the badge could not harm them."

"That's why I'm here."

Father Augustus pointed to himself:

"Now that I'm here, there's no need to trouble you with this matter. There's no need to set any traps to lure the three brothers. I'll find a way to sense their location myself. However, I need a pass that allows me to travel back and forth between Green Lake City and Michaela Blast Furnace City. Then you just wait for good news."

"No problem. Take my pass first. It can be used at the Crossroads Barracks. If you encounter any difficulties, go to Captain Rades. He is my friend."

Shade handed the pass to the priest. He could write to Captain Rades to ask for another one later. Although Miss Carina, a big shot, could directly issue him an unlimited transit document, on the one hand, it would make too much noise, and on the other hand, Captain Rades was the current governor, and sometimes the current governor was more useful than the Duke's order.

The matter of the angel's remains was handed over to the priests, and the search for Maria Edwards' soul was to be done by the Witch Council, so Shad could focus on dealing with other matters.

After saying goodbye to the priest, he set out to meet Miss Danister. Shad arrived ten minutes early, but he did not expect that the believers of the old gods were sent by the people of the Prophet Association half an hour earlier.

Miss Danister did not participate in the conversation, but let Shade go to see them by himself. Similarly, Shade would not ask the college what they thought about the pedestal of destiny. This was a tacit understanding among everyone.

Entering the study, two men who looked like Carsonrick were sitting on the sofa waiting. The older one looked at least ten years older than Dr. Schneider, but he looked younger because his hair had not turned gray. The younger one wore glasses and looked to be around thirty years old.

Their common feature is that they all wear golden rings on their fingers. This is not a relic like the "witch's golden ring", but an ordinary piece of jewelry, which is said to be a necessary medium for performing divine magic.

"I won't introduce myself. I came to you through Saint Byrons this time to ask you something about your order."

After he sat down, he started the conversation directly, and the two men opposite him sat up straight.

Before they came, the ring magicians of the Prophet's Association told them that someone had found Saint Byrons and asked him to ask them to discuss some doctrinal issues with the stranger. Therefore, they knew that the person in front of them was definitely not ordinary.

"I heard that you have lost most of the information about the Fifth Age, and even most of the religious texts. But I think you must have preserved some stories passed down by word of mouth. I have no intention of exploring your core secrets, but..."

"Please don't say that. St. Byrons has already paid, so we can tell you whatever you ask."

The older man reminded him, and Shad suddenly realized it and quickly changed his mind, reorganizing his words in the same way as he communicated with Old John, who ran a pawn shop in Tobesk:

"I understand. Then I will ask directly: In the Fifth Era, the Golden Order was one of the most influential religious organizations. At the same time, the Great One you believe in is also the one with the most recorded divine descents. So in the Fifth Era, if you want to meet the gods you believe in, is there a common way? I am investigating the history of the Fifth Era, and I have many questions about the old gods' entry into the material world."

He even explained his question, and the two people on the other side gave the answer without much thought:

“First of all, we need to make one thing clear. Although our Lord is the god who has set foot in the material world the most in the Fifth Era, there must be a reason for the appearance of gods. It is not the case that gods will appear as long as mortals call them.

As for the common way to call our Lord, the mortal must have a very valuable transaction item in his hand, or the transaction to be carried out is of great value. Our Lord likes those interesting transactions, and also likes those treasures that cannot be estimated. The treasures here do not refer to powerful weapons, strange relics, or huge amounts of gold and silver treasures. God does not care about these mundane things.

There are other things that matter to our Lord—great music composed in a flash of inspiration, true love that moves everyone, and fearless heroic souls willing to sacrifice. These are priceless treasures.”