The Whispering Verses

Chapter 1874: The last time was in 1576 of the Fifth Era


"Ten days?"

Although he was a little surprised by the time Sister Defulin proposed, Shade still nodded:

"No problem. Now we just have to wait for the priests to take action. Then the Council can find Maria Edwards and plan to land on the island. The result of my negotiation with the Witch Council is to stop the fortune teller and let Rust Edwards and the former tomb robber hold a ceremony to become the chosen ones."

The nun did not answer immediately, but Shade could clearly feel the eyes behind the silver mithril eye mask "looking" at him:

"Hero of the Fire, you should know who is the most suitable person for this position. Since they are leaving with Mother-in-law, they are already prepared."

"... ..."

Xia De lowered his eyes:

"I know they want to help me. But that's why I can't let them... Besides, the second candidate is not dead yet, so it's not their turn. Do we have to kill Durut Giles in advance?"

The nun said nothing, and Shad talked about the new idea he had gotten from Dorothy yesterday, which was the possibility of the Edwards family merging with Durrut Giles.

Sister Defulin is a ring sorcerer who is good at soul power and is also the chosen one of death, so Shade thinks she may be able to make a judgment. But the nun did not give a conclusion, but raised a new question:

“There is a possibility that the first candidate and the second candidate are fused together. Are there other possibilities?”

The nun's voice was very low:

"Only when many become one can one be truly chosen. If after the Chosen Ceremony, the 'one' becomes the 'many' again, then can a single individual still be considered the Chosen of the space?"

Judging from the current state, the effect of "Edwards Ascension" is definitely permanent devouring. Laplace Howard must walk towards his goal surrounded by his own bloodline;

If Durut Giles and Rast were to perform the ritual, given their current state, they would most likely become in a strange state like the Disaster Card in Shad's hand - the Twin Lovers, and they would also be inseparable;

As for Grace and Helen, although they can merge or separate at any time, even if they separate, they are still the same person. They have never acted alone. Therefore, once they become the chosen ones, no matter what state they are in, as the "Red Butterfly Twins", they can never escape the shackles of the fate of the chosen ones.

If it is the most unlikely case of Leicia and Dorothy, the fusion of their souls will be irreversible, and the angel feather can only separate them before the fusion is completely completed.

"Sister, do you mean to use other ways to separate the two-in-one? After the chosen one's ceremony, separate the chosen one. In this case, the individual components may not be the chosen one? This... Isn't this what I have always wanted to do? The spirit, flesh and soul, a triple combination of the two-in-one..."

Shade muttered to himself, and Sister Devlin did not speak again, for she knew that the hero she had chosen had already made a judgment.

Xia De has indeed come up with some amazing ideas, but all this still depends on whether he can get the last Enlightenment Rune of the Six Rings.

He wasn't sure if his idea was correct, but at least he might be able to wait for a better ending by the Green Lake.

Sister Defulin did not stay in the hotel for long and left soon. Miss Sylvia and Megan, who were at the meeting, had not returned from the parliament by dinner time.

But Father Augustus, who was out, returned to the hotel before dinner, so Shade called Dr. Schneider and Dorothy, so that the four people in the group, except Luvia, had dinner together on the first floor of the hotel.

After dinner, the doctor found Shad alone and handed him a golden coin in Shad's room:

"It's been made successfully. You can take a look at the effect. The demon of the maze, Yaru, left a lot of good things for us. The effect should be good."

The coin was the same size as a shilling coin, but it looked like pure gold. On one side was a crescent moon symbol, and on the other side was a sun pattern. After Shade touched it, he did not immediately notice the elemental reaction. After repeated inspection, he recognized the traces of alchemical items.

The doctor reminded:

"Demons can't easily tell that this is an alchemical item, but if they keep staring at it like you do, it's not easy to hide it. It's very simple to use. One side is the sun and the other side is the moon. Whether you toss the coin or someone else tosses the coin, you only need to rub the front and back sides of the coin twice before it leaves your hand. Then, when the coin is in the air, imagine the pattern you want to be on the side facing up. Then the side facing up must be the side you want."

The doctor asked Xia De to give it a try. Xia De tried to throw it three times, and sure enough, all of them were moons:

“It’s really useful.”

"Yes, and no matter how you check, you can't find out that you cheated. This is a trick of the devil. Oh, actually, this coin has more than two patterns."

The doctor took the coin, rubbed both sides, and flipped it. The side facing up turned out to be a five-pointed star:

"It just so happened that I had more materials, and the bottle also made a suggestion, so I added a side. When throwing it, imagine the star pattern, and you can get this result."

Xia De took the coin in its current state, turned it over to the other side, and found that the other side was also a five-pointed star.

He tossed the coin again, and when it fell back, it turned back into the normal front and back of the sun and moon:

“That’s really interesting.”

"In addition to controlling the three patterns, its final effect is to poison all demons, but it is only extremely toxic to the 'Demon of Greed - Prisin', which is almost fatal. As long as you can make the opponent absorb this coin, even if it reacts in time, it will lose most of its combat effectiveness in a short period of time. Not to mention that you are now in the sixth ring, even if you are only in the second ring, you can still beat it."

Then, he took out another six identical golden coins and handed them to him:

"If you only carry one coin, it will look strange. Bring all of these, but these six are common items. Don't get them mixed up."

Xia De nodded to show his understanding. The doctor was indeed a professional in dealing with demons and had thought of every detail. He then tossed the coin a few more times and asked an interesting question:

"That bottle, did you let it go?"

The two were now in Shade's room, but the doctor didn't have the sage-level relic with him.

"Not yet, until you finish dealing with this matter."

The blue-eyed doctor pointed at the coin:

"Once I've confirmed that there's no problem, I'll let it go."

"That's a good idea, but I think that should be enough."

After meeting the followers of the old god, the Lord of Gold, in the morning and now having obtained the crucial coin, Shade planned to set off immediately to complete the last adventure in the Black Mist Camp.

After the doctor left, he went to Dorothy's room and found the writer. He took out the cracked time key and placed it on the coffee table. He also placed little Mia on the table beside her.

"This key is your last chance, and I will use it now. When I come into contact with this story later, I will be able to tell you the result of whether Mrs. Miles successfully found her lover. Aren't you very interested in this?"

“Yes, it’s good material.”

The blonde girl sitting at the table said with a smile, happy that Shade still thought about her, and then she saw that the cat looked unhappy:

"Are you bringing Little Mia with you this time?"


The cat seemed to understand what Dorothy said and called out to Shad, but this was not enough to change Shad's mind:

"Of course not. This destination is very dangerous. Let Mia stay here. Dorothy, we'll see you in three seconds. I hope Mrs. Miles can get what she wants in the end."

Then I added in my mind:

“I hope I can get what I want.”

"It's rare to see you so anxious. It seems that you really want to know the ending of the story. Stay safe and we'll see you later."

The writer hugged the unhappy cat, stood up, and walked with Shade to the door of the bathroom in the room, watching Shade insert the key in his hand into the keyhole:

"May the World Tree protect me throughout the infinite time."


Stranger, you have stepped into the "Corridor of Time".

Message from the ancient god "Father of the Infinite Tree":

Summer of the 1576th year of the Fifth Era, Western Continent, Black Mist Camp.

Event: Transaction with the Old God - "Golden Lord".

Duration: fifty minutes (3/3).

You get additional information.

The figure of the Infinite Tree Father watches over you.

The ancient god of time has given you a test.

Assist mortals to complete their respective transactions.

The Father of the Infinite Tree will give you rewards: Spell-Oath Binding, a piece of true information-Silvermoon Library.

Surrounded by endless white fog, Shade did not step directly into the past when he used the key for the last time as he did before, but stopped to think again. But it was not because the time changed from "20" to "50", this was not the first time he encountered such a thing:

"I am not using the Time Key just for the information in the Silver Moon Library. The two rewards this time can be of great help to me, so I will take the risk."

No one asked this question.

"... I was just talking to myself. If I could enter the library again, with higher privileges..."

What you expect is definitely not to explore information about the past and the future, right

"She" smiled gently, "she" certainly knew what Xia De was thinking.

Listening to "her" laughter, Xia De took a step forward and entered the dark and endless plain.

The cold environment quickly lowered Shad's body temperature, and the faint light on Shad's body also awakened the "sleeping" darkness, but the shaking ground and the strange plants that were crawling to catch up with him could not catch his figure. Raglai jumped and matched the red butterfly incarnation. He took a step forward and soon followed the path under his feet that was almost covered by weeds and entered the thick black fog. Not long after, he saw the faint light of the campfire.