The Whispering Verses

Chapter 1879: Top of the bell tower


The world was spinning, as if the tower itself was shaking violently. Holding on to the wall, the familiar voices in his ears disappeared one by one, and the familiar figures in the paintings on the wall no longer appeared. It seemed like many years, but it also seemed like just a few minutes. Shade, who was holding on to the wall and moving forward, finally saw the firelight appearing above the rotating stone steps. He knew that he had finally arrived.

Whether those interrogations were just his own thoughts or something was really imitating their voices, Shade no longer wanted to think about it. If he had encountered such a problem a few weeks ago, he would have been defeated. But he already understood his own thoughts, and he also admitted his meanness and greed. Since he had done something wrong, he would use his whole life to make it up to them, just like he promised to Leicia in the hotel yesterday afternoon.

Even with the support of the wall, he could hardly walk. He tried hard to finish the last few steps, but at this moment, he felt someone gently tug at his clothes from behind. It was just a light tug, but it seemed as if the force was as heavy as a thousand pounds.

The man behind him asked:

"This time, have you really made up your mind to never be confused again, never regret again, and bring happiness to everyone?"

That was Luvia's voice, but if you listened carefully, it was clearly not the voice of one person, it was the voice of countless familiar voices superimposed together, and then asked this question. He could think of many familiar faces, and the many stories he had experienced with them so far:

"I am you, a loyal knight."

He answered in a low voice.

"Then keep your word."

The force pulling at the back of his clothes disappeared, and when Xia De looked back, he could only see the dark stairs shrouded in black fog. There was no one there anymore, and Xia De knew that those people had been taken back into his heart by him.

Your soul has grown stronger, stranger.

Your resistance to illusions is greatly enhanced.

He stared blankly behind him, then pursed his lips and continued to climb upwards, feeling his body relax with every step. When Shade reached the end of the stairs, the top of the tower, he even felt that he had completely returned to normal.

Not only did it return to normal, the soul-freezing chill that was everywhere in the camp completely disappeared, and the black fog that had become thinner due to the appearance of the fire on the top floor could no longer obstruct his vision.

Because his body recovered so quickly, when he stepped over the last step and reached the flat ground, he even felt that his feet were light as if they were equipped with springs. There was no visible damage to his body and soul, and it was even more comfortable than waking up from a night of sleep and holding Mia at the window to watch the sunrise.

Although Shad felt good himself, his appearance really scared Miss Higgins.

This tower of unknown height is a bell tower, but it is not a bell tower like the one in Tobysk with complicated mechanical devices, but an old-fashioned bell tower with only a copper bell.

The area of the top floor is not very large. The bronze bell has rolled to one side. On the surrounding walls that slope slightly inward from bottom to top, there is a huge window to facilitate the transmission of the bell sound.

The huge bronze bell rolled to the side of the wall, and in the center of the top floor where the bronze bell was originally located, there was now a blazing bonfire. The flame was exactly the same as the flame outside the Black Mist Camp.

Miss Higgins was standing by the campfire, the tired Mrs. Miles was sitting by the fire, and there was an inconspicuous dark shadow in the corner.

The witch was frightened by Shade, not because of his sudden appearance, but because of his miserable condition at the moment:

"What happened to you? Are you okay?"

Although Shad's body and soul were not damaged at all, as if he had experienced an illusion, the mud and dust on his clothes and skin, as well as his own blood, would not disappear on their own.

Because his brain had just returned to normal, he didn't realize how miserable he looked. When he saw Miss Higgins coming towards him with concern, he finally realized that something was wrong.

He looked down at his chest, then looked at the marks on the sleeves on his arms in the light of the fire, and realized that the suit was ruined.

"It's okay, but please let me rest for a while."

Although his injuries had healed, he was really tired. Under Miss Higgins's worried gaze, he came to the fire and sat with Mrs. Miles. It was difficult for Miss Higgins's spirit to recover here, so she did not treat Shade herself, but chose a bottle of potion from the few remaining potions she had and handed it to Shade:

"It's relaxing. You need this."

Xia De thanked him softly, drank the mint-flavored potion, and indeed felt much better.

The black scale was now lying by the fire, and Miss Higgins and Mrs. Miles had taken with them a small bag containing whatever might be of use when they went deeper into the camp.

Without the witch asking, Shade talked about his experience just now. From the time he won the bet against the devil and freed the boy's soul, to the strange projects he encountered in the camp, to the crisis at the lighthouse... ... Of course, he was embarrassed to tell in detail what he heard and saw. Although he saw himself clearly, there was no need to tell others.

"I see..."

Miss Higgins was a little embarrassed. She pointed to the bonfire:

"The demon outside the camp did not lie. We did come here according to its guidance. There is a way for us to leave the camp in this tower, but we haven't found it yet. When Mrs. Miles came here, she was almost dying, and the torches in our hands were about to go out, and there was no campfire here originally..."

Xia De understood and looked at the dark figure standing in the corner:

"What did you trade with it

"The shadow in the tower is quite unusual. You'd never guess what merchandise it has, but you can go and see for yourself later. It's selling bonfires that can be laid on the top of the tower. I saw that Mrs. Miles was really desperate at the time, so she took the initiative to make the deal. However, most of the special goods sold by the shadow can't even be traded with coins. The price of this bonfire is five coins, plus a complete test of your heart."

Miss Higgins pursed her lips and showed an apologetic expression. Mrs. Miles beside her said for her:

"She thought she would be tested once she left the light of the bonfire, and she was so scared that she dared not move. Not long ago, she noticed that she had two fewer coins, and she knew you were coming, so she wanted to wait for you to come and discuss how to deal with the test. But she didn't expect..."

"I didn't expect that even though I was the one who paid, the test fell on you."

This witch, who had brown hair similar to Audrey and Megan, bowed formally to Shade and apologized:

"I'm so sorry, so sorry. I didn't know it would be like this. When we leave, I will give you one tenth, no, one fifth of my future mithril mine. Please forgive me."

However, Shade knew that this unexpected disaster was definitely not caused by the witch in front of him. The rule of the camp was that whoever bought something had to pay for it. Miss Higgins's test fell on him, which could only mean that someone was playing a joke on him:

"It's okay. I don't want your mithril mine. But if I can take this, it will belong to me."

Shade said, and then pointed to the small black scale. Who was joking with him? He would know in a moment. As for the black scale, it came from the first transaction of the group. Although it was just an ordinary item, it was very important in the camp.

"Okay, okay, no problem."

Miss Higgins agreed immediately, Mrs. Miles beside her also breathed a sigh of relief, and everyone was very happy.

As for the current situation, the relic that can summon souls by writing down the last memories - the golden memories - was brought here, so they only need to find a way to leave here, and their adventure will be over.

Now that Shade had reappeared, Miss Higgins suddenly felt that at least half of the trouble had been solved:

"You'll help us, right?"

Although she felt a little embarrassed, she still asked.

Xia De nodded:

"You definitely can't leave here using ordinary methods, but I know there is someone who can definitely send you away safely. However, let's discuss leaving after Mrs. Miles's last story is over and the long-lost soul appears."

Miss Higgins smiled and nodded, but before the old man began his last recollection, Shade went to the dark shadow in the corner to find out what the other party could sell.

However, the black shadow did not move when facing Xia De who was approaching, and did not react even when he picked up the scale.

The young witch was confused, and Mrs. Miles had no idea what was going on. But Shade understood:

"None of this matters anymore, Mrs. Miles. Please start your story."

The old woman took out her notebook and the ink mixed with blood and gold powder. Miss Higgins also came to the campfire and sat down, asking curiously:

"Ma'am, I remember you said that you and your lover, Mr. Richard Knight Jackman, parted at the intersection of the path in front of the village. So is your last memory about the time of separation?"

The elderly Mrs. Miles shook her head, with a hint of smile on her face, which was red in the firelight:

"It wasn't just him and I who said goodbye, there were other people who saw him off. When he received the lord's call to join the distant battle as a knight, he told me his decision alone and said goodbye to me alone."

"Where is that?"

The young witch asked again. Although she had never felt love, she was really curious about it.

"That was a long time ago, but I remember it very clearly. It was also in the bell tower, yes, just like it is now. Our village is very populous, and the bell tower in the village has existed since I was born. The bell tower is the highest point in the village. When I was a child, I often played in the bell tower with my friends."