The Whispering Verses

Chapter 1886: Sentimental girl


This feeling of using oneself as a bridge to connect the broken time became increasingly clear after confirming that there was a "past age, sixth age" between the fifth age and the "present age". Because the long-haired Luvia destroyed time and space six times, the fifth age and the sixth age were no longer connected. This abnormality would definitely have an impact on the world. Even Shade speculated that the fact that no new relics appeared in the sixth age might be related to this.

Amid the rustling sound of the branches, two green leaves swirled down from the sky and landed in Shade's raised palm. Two green and youthful leaves, one representing a new spell, and the other representing information related to the "Silver Moon Library".

Even though Xia De tried his best to control himself, he couldn't help but smile.

And you said that you used the key right away because you wanted to get the library information as quickly as possible

"She" whispered softly in Xia De's ear, but there was clearly some mockery in her tone.

"Even if the information in the library doesn't allow me to enter it immediately, it might have a beneficial impact on the upcoming decisive battle at Green Lake."

Xia De responded to her like this, nodded slightly to the shadow of the giant tree in front of him, and took a step back with a smile.

The mist lifted, and he was clearly moving backwards, but he walked out of the bathroom door of Dorothy's room at the Green Lake Hotel on Thursday night.

Just as he was about to explain the ending of the touching story he had just read to Dorothy who was waiting for him, the blonde girl spoke in panic:

"Shad, what happened to you? Oh! You are hurt somewhere, how do you feel now?"

Xia De looked down at himself. He was still in a terrible state with mud all over his body and blood on the front half of his body.

After finally explaining to Dorothy that she was fine, she was sent to take a bath again. After the bath, Little Mia stood on the bed, sniffing two leaves of the immortal youth, the scales and the bronze clock were placed on the desk, and the golden girl folded her hands on her chest, leaning against the wall by the window and looking at the rainy night outside.

Of course, she also relied on the reflection of the glass to supervise Xiaomia so that she would not eat the precious leaves. While the Eternal Youth Leaves have the characteristic of being "not easily damaged" that all relics have, they can only be easily destroyed by teeth.

She heard footsteps and turned to see Shad coming out, wiping his hair with a towel. He dropped the towel, hugged Dorothy warmly, and then, in the writer's surprised eyes, kissed her.

"Why are you so proactive today?"

After the kiss, the satisfied writer blushed and asked:

"You usually don't ask to kiss anyone. What happened in the past? It seems that you should take more risks."

She gently helped Shad change his clothes, and then sat down and listened to Shad tell the ending of Mrs. Miles's love story, the story of the girl who had been waiting all her life and the young man who had been suffering in the flames all his life, walking hand in hand towards the last 365 days.

Finally, he showed Dorothy the six-ring Enlightenment Rune on the life ring on his back.

The writer is sentimental. Although Shad's storytelling skills may not be as good as hers, she can still rely on her imagination and the few scenes that Shad reproduced using the "Moon Library" to know how sincere and touching the story that happened in the previous era was.

When Xia De finished her story, she leaned on Xia De's arms, her eyes red, and she actually sobbed. Xia De originally thought that she was sobbing because of the love story, but she was thinking about something else:

"Tomorrow is Friday, and the day after tomorrow is Saturday. We've been waiting for 21 days, and it's already the day of the Red Butterfly, but it's being delayed."

"Then let's not delay and do it on Saturday. We've never spent Red Butterfly Day together outside of town."

Then Dorothy grabbed his sleeve and looked at him fiercely with her tear-stained green eyes:

"How can that be? On Saturday, Lecia and I... haven't had our wedding yet. Are we just going shopping together on Red Butterfly Day? Then what's the point of waiting for so long?"

For a moment, Shad suspected that it was Leicia who was speaking. Only after Dorothy finished speaking did she realize what she had said, and she patted him with a blushing face.

Although Dorothy was reminded of herself by someone else's story, this story, which was almost the original version of the fairy tale "The Clock Tower Lovers", still touched her deeply. Shad was very curious whether this fairy tale really originated from this story. Dorothy didn't know, but she drove Shad and Mia out of the room:

"I have inspiration~ I have a lot of inspiration! Anyway, we can't... ... so don't stay and seduce me. Oh, Shad, you don't know how attractive you are to me and Leicia. Please don't disturb me tonight. I want to write all the inspirations I just had into my own story in one go!"

Shad thought she was joking, and then he was really pushed out of the door by Dorothy while holding Mia. Although the blonde gave him a kiss in the end, when he stood in front of the door holding his things and watched the door close and almost hit his nose, he still didn't expect to be "driven away" like this.

Not far away, in front of another door, Father Augustus saw Shade being pushed out and staring at the door. When he passed behind Shade as he walked down the stairs, he patted his shoulder as a comfort:

"If she's mad at you, don't bother her now. I've dealt with a lot of similar conflicts in the church, and almost every man has had the experience of being shut out by girls. Need comfort? I have a lot of good stories here."

"No, no, priest, I wasn't kicked out, I just... well, that's it."

The priest was going downstairs to serve hot tea, and Shade accompanied him downstairs and learned a few words about the priest's investigation progress on the stairs. Shade didn't know how the priest Augustus would find the whereabouts of the three corpse ghost lich brothers, but he looked very confident:

"Today is Thursday, I will finish this before the end of the weekend. If necessary, I will ask you and Bill for help. If everything goes well, I can handle it myself."

Shade went downstairs to the basement to confirm whether Miss Sylvia and Megan, who were attending the parliamentary meeting, had returned. However, in the huge basement, only the completed ceremony was flashing, and the girls in charge of maintaining the ceremony did not see the return of the witch:

"Do their meetings always take this long? They don't start in the evening and go on until before dawn, do they?"

With such doubts, Xia De went back to the third floor to find the doctor and told him the good news:

"It's over. This coin is really useful."

The demon gold coin made by the doctor was not consumed and did not belong to the past, so it returned to the present with him. Although the doctor was curious about how Shade ended the matter with another demon so quickly after leaving with the coin ten minutes ago, he did not ask more questions:

“You’re really quick in action, as long as it works, I know there won’t be any problems with my craftsmanship.

However, you should keep this gold coin. Although it is an item made by demonic craftsmanship, it does not have much demonic power. It will be fine for you to use it normally... I remember playing Rhodes cards, and sometimes I also need coins. You may need them again if you keep them."

"Doctor, I don't actually cheat at playing cards. I'm a serious Rhodes player."

Even though he said this, Shade still put the coin away. He expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the doctor, who was also happy about this and shook his head:

"You've helped me more, so there's no need for such polite words. Why, do you still need me to stay here? Or do you have other plans for me? I think the situation here is not right. Isn't your target that island?"

This is a question Shade has also considered:

"Priest Augustus is looking for materials to advance to the fourth ring, and he may need our help. Also, doctor, I hope you can live here and protect the safety of the store owners, the Green siblings... And by the way, please keep an eye on Dorothy for me. You know about her space transfer issue."

The doctor naturally had no objection:

"You're all here anyway, and I won't be able to find anyone to attend the meeting if I go back. I've also arranged things at the clinic, so don't worry about that. I'll stay here. By the way, I haven't been to the Glass City across the street yet. I heard from the priest that you gave him a special pass? Then I'll just follow the priest and take a look around."

"Captain Rades of the Crossroads Camp is my friend. If you are in trouble, you can ask him for help."

Shade continued, pointing to the closed bathroom door in the doctor's room:

"What are you going to do with that guy?"

The doctor then pointed to the door, and the door opened, and a bottle with colorful smoke floated out. Although this sage-level relic, Greed's Reward, was once a demon, after it was transformed into a relic, the doctor could no longer devour its power - the whispering element was also fatal to Dr. Schneider, who was still a normal person.

Now the blue giant in the bottle has helped the doctor capture the demon of the maze - Yalu, and helped to create the demon gold coin in Shade's hand. According to the agreement, it is time to let it go.

The doctor didn't intend to break his promise, at least not this time. After the cork popped open and the blue giant appeared from the colorful smoke, he waved his hand at the "giant":

"You can leave now. You've worked really hard during this period. However, we signed a contract. You cannot reveal any of our information to anyone at any time. If you violate the contract, you know what will happen."

"Can I really leave now?"

The floating giant asked back, and the doctor was a little surprised:

"Why, do you still want to stay and help us deal with that Edwards' ancestor?"