The Whispering Verses

Chapter 1889: Parliamentary Space - Study Room


"Look, Megan, you're saying that again."

Xia De said with a smile while holding Mia, and Megan shook her head quickly:

"This is really hard to understand. As a witch in the council who is responsible for passing on and preserving knowledge and history, it is difficult for me to accept what you said... Forget it, if you can't figure it out, just forget about it. There are many more strange things about you. Compared to now, you are sitting so close to us, but we don't feel annoyed yet. It doesn't matter at all that you traveled through time and space."

She adjusted her mindset:

"During the period you mentioned, a serious disaster did occur. The Church of the Five Gods and the Zalaas Academy of Literature should have detailed records."

At that point in time, Zarathus Academy of Arts existed as the "Zarath Academy", while the founders of St. Byrons College had not yet been born, and the Sixth Higher Medical School was in its infancy.

"This can also be considered a scandal of the Fifth Age. Combined with the love story you mentioned, some of the things I didn't understand when I read this history before have been answered. However, that history is related to the scandal of the parliament after all, so I can't talk about it here."

"Want to go to Parliament?"

Miss Sylvia asked, and after Megan nodded, she took Shad's hand and pulled him up;

"Meghan, you haven't seen Shade appear in the parliament yet, right? Come on, let's go in now. I don't know why, but every time I see Shade appear in the parliament, I get excited."

"Will you not meet other witches? Although I have met six great witches now, I am not ready to meet your speaker yet."

Shad raised his concerns.

"Don't worry, we just finished a meeting and no one wants to go back alone. Now is the safest time."

To enter the Witch Council, you need an empty and deserted corridor, which can be done in the basement of the hotel.

Although Megan had heard that Shade could not only learn the witches' secrets but also enter the parliament, it was the first time she saw Shade do this. So the two witches held Shade's hands, one on each side, and Shade carried Mia on his shoulders. To the gentle singing of Miss Sylvia, they walked from the corridor in the basement into the old corridor with white ash on the floor.

When Miss Sylvia finished singing, the corridor had come to the end. A white fog door blocked the three people, and then the three of them stepped in together.

"Although you have demonstrated so many incredible things, I am still surprised that you can enter here directly... Theoretically, even we cannot bring anyone in without the Speaker's permission."

Megan said softly in the vast white fog, and then took out her witch jewelry - the ancient witch's gold earrings (right):

"May the hidden chaos protect me, a fellow witch."

The white mist dissipated, and an inexplicable skylight enveloped the old stone round table located in the circular open space from above. Around the round table were thirteen chairs with backrests engraved with different symbols on the back.

Around the open space where the parliament seats are placed are layers of stone steps leading upwards. This is very similar to the sacrificial site where Sister Defulin stores the First Fire, except that the open space here is very small.

"Look, Shade really comes in."

Miss Sylvia said, pulling Shade's hand again, introducing Megan and Audrey's seats to him. The thirteen seats here can actually be moved with the permission of the Speaker, and their corresponding seats are determined by their own level. The higher the level, the closer to the Great Witch of Time. If they are of the same level, the young witch will sit at the back.

Therefore, the people who had been sitting opposite the Great Witch of Time were Miss Sylvia, the youngest member of the Council, and Granny Cassandra, who was also a Tenth Ring. However, Miss Sylvia was preparing to be promoted from the Tenth Ring to the Eleventh Ring recently, so that she could exchange seats with Granny Cassandra... although she would still be opposite the Speaker.

"Shad, last time, Carina and I showed you the extra functions of the parliament in order to help you investigate the information about the Witch Emperor Chloe Yin (Chapter 1071). However, last time we opened the bookshelves behind the 'Moon' seat that contained records about the parliament members. The information we are looking for this time is behind Megan and Audrey's chairs."

As Miss Sylvia was speaking, Megan had already come to the back of her chair with the gold earring on her right ear. She gently touched the symbol of "knowledge and wisdom" on the back of the chair, then raised her jewelry towards the steps behind the back of the chair.

The relic gave off a soft light, and within that light, the originally solid stone steps began to ripple like an illusion, and soon a square hole was revealed.

"There is a hidden wall ahead."

Xia De said to himself in his heart to amuse himself, holding the cat who was looking around curiously, and walked in with the two witches.

The passage was wide enough that even if three people walked side by side, it would not be crowded. However, unlike the straight passage behind the "Moon" with only five bookshelves of symbols at the end, the passage behind "Knowledge and Wisdom" was slightly inclined downward, and it took more than twenty steps to reach the end.

It was an underground space similar to a study - underground relative to the location of the parliamentary round table.

The area here is not very large, about two-thirds of the study room in Xia De's house. The things placed here are also quite simple, just a desk, a chair and a bookshelf behind the desk.

The materials of the three are exactly the same as the long table of the parliament. The lighting comes from an old lantern placed on the desk, and the light just covers the entire table.

"I once told you that these hidden areas in the parliament are not actually closed. Each one is connected to at least two other areas. It's just that the Speaker has sealed the passages."

Miss Sylvia introduced, and Megan nodded:

"But that's not what we're here to talk about. Even the Speaker himself probably doesn't dare to say that he knows all the secrets of the parliament. Let me help you look up some information."

As she spoke, she sat directly on the chair behind the desk and pulled out a book from the bookshelf behind her.

This bookshelf should also be a symbol. The books on the bookshelf do not represent all the books in the collection. Megan just flipped through a few pages and found the part she remembered reading:

"Here... Every time I see it, I want to sigh. There were good witches in ancient times, but there were also bad ones."

She didn't hand the book to Shad, but simply described what Shad wanted to know;

"In the beginning, it was indeed just a war between ordinary people. Firearms had already appeared at that time, but ordinary people's kingdoms could obtain the witch's blessing and some magic potions by paying tribute to the witch to enhance the combat effectiveness of the knights holding cold weapons in large-scale battles. The first month of the war was uneventful, but then someone spent a lot of money to invite the witch of one side to fight directly, so the other side also gave more wealth to let the witch they worshipped also fight directly."

"The difference between ancient witches and modern witches is that they are very keen on learning those secret techniques that are highly lethal and have a large killing range."

Miss Sylvia added, and Megan nodded, continuing the story:

"The witches' fight directly affected the ordinary people on the battlefield. Then someone shot an arrow at the witches in the air. The witches, feeling that their dignity was offended, used secret techniques to summon the devil's fire, burning all the mortals below.

However, she was not very skilled, and the summoning ritual went wrong, opening a crack to an unknown subspace by mistake, causing a steady stream of flames to pour out of the crack... ... She was rescued by witches who were hostile to her. They wanted to conceal their mistakes and did not dare to ask the local witch emperor for help directly, so when they had to reveal the matter, even the thirteenth-level witch could not close the crack. "

She sighed softly, and Xia De also understood:

"Is this why Mr. Jackman never returned to his hometown?"

"Yes. Because it involved the warp and unknown evil spirits, all the information about that war was hidden. But in the end, the matter was not handled by the parliament. The local emperor somehow contacted a believer of an old god and spent a great deal of money to ask the god to help stop the expansion of the rift."

Shade was too lazy to calculate how many people the Old God, the Golden Lord, had received as compensation in this incident.

"The subsequent records are very simple. The gods stopped the crack from expanding, and the burning plain was completely blocked. About fifty or sixty years later, a strange skeleton fell from the sky and completely blocked the crack. But when people wanted to find the skeleton again, they couldn't find it anymore."

Megan gently closed the book and looked at Shade:

"When I read about this before, I just took it as a warning. We all need to use our strength carefully. After listening to your story, I realized that there are so many hidden stories and a love legend behind it."

"How many unknown stories are hidden in those lost histories? No one can tell for sure, so we need ring sorcerers like Shade who have the gift of time to go back in time and witness the past events one by one."

Miss Sylvia said, placing her hand on Shad's shoulder.

Looking at Xia De with her golden eyes, she asked softly:

"In fact, we are also willing to wait for you silently, or suffer like Richard Jackman."

"Well... Actually, at this time, you should be the one asking me if I am willing to do this, not you asking me to do it."

Xia De reminded, and the black-haired girl smiled:

"We are not ordinary girls. All witches know that happiness must be earned by oneself. If you do nothing and expect others to look at you, you will only end up living a lonely life."

Megan also stood up and was about to say something when the three of them suddenly changed their expressions and heard footsteps coming from the other side of the passage behind them.