The Whispering Verses

Chapter 1893: Face your fate


Grace and Helen were apparently seeing the object for the first time, but the twin sisters had some guesses about it.

So Shad described in detail what the two twin old ladies who seemed to know about his relationship with the Red Butterfly Girl said in the corridor outside the church bathroom.

When they heard the words "It was the cult that let them down", Grace and Helen's expressions didn't change. Even when Shade repeated everything, their expressions didn't change, as if Shade had just told a boring joke.

Xia De knew that they had a complicated impression of the Old God - the Twin God Church, so he didn't say much, but handed the beautiful red bead to them:

"This is for you. It's probably something left behind a long time ago. I'm not sure what it is."

The older Grace reached out to take it, played with it for a while, and then gave it to her sister. Helen pointed it towards the sun, shook it twice, put it to her ear and listened, and finally the bead returned to Shad.

"If we lied to you and told you that this was just an ordinary souvenir, or that it could purify our power and further suppress the revival of the whispering elements in us, you would definitely not doubt us."

Grace sighed slightly. A fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl shouldn't have so many worries:

"But we don't want to lie to you, so please make up your mind - this is a holy object left by the god we met - the Twin Gods. Or it's not an exaggeration to say it's a 'divine artifact'."


No divinity.

"She" seemed to know what Xia De was thinking at once.

In this world, the definition of "artifact" is an object made or used by gods, but it is not necessarily powerful. For example, "God's Gift Box" and "Butterfly Summoning Flute" are both genuine artifacts, but neither can play a key role in fighting the enemy.

Helen added:

"The cult probably left this thing behind as compensation for us, ha~"

She wanted to make a disdainful expression, but when she thought of her sister and Xia De in front of her, she obediently put that expression away:

"Although there is a red butterfly mark on it, it is not entirely the creation of the old god. Its original form is just a transparent glass ball. Legend has it that it is the materialized space fragment left by the ancient god - the original rift when he created space."

Xia De immediately thought of the card of Genesis Space, which showed a man whose face could not be seen clearly, with his back to the outside of the card, holding a book in one hand and pointing to the inside of the card with the other. The background of the card was a strange and luminous bubble in the infinite black starry sky.

Grace continued:

"The red mist inside is the power filled by the old gods. Once Helen and I absorb this red gem, in addition to further purifying our own attributes corresponding to the red butterfly and making us more like living people, it can also give us other powerful powers, such as..."

She paused, and then she and Helen said:

"The power of space, even the creation of space."

The most important characteristic of the chosen ones of space is “unity among many”, the ritual location is a stable space outside the material world, and the content of the ritual is “creating space”.

"It's not really like a god opening up space in the void, but it's more like a maze. However, Helen and I are not ring magicians, so it's not accurate to call it a maze."

Grace said, looking at Shade with her blue eyes:

"Sir, we now have all the three elements of the Chosen Ceremony: understanding, ancient artifacts, and ritual content. We all know what this means, and Helen and I have no intention of exploring why the cult passed this down. But we leave the choice to you."

She used her little hand to half hold Xia De's hand holding the red gem, and then Helen put her hand up as well.

The two sisters looked at Xia De, and Xia De understood what they meant.

"Since we chose to follow Zina to Green Lake, we have already made up our minds to become the chosen ones. But we listen to you. Since you have been helping us choose our future, and every time you have been right, then this time, we will still put our lives in your hands."

The red orb seemed to be responding to their words and heated up slightly. Shade could even feel the dampness of Grace and Helen's palms.

"You know as well as I do what the fate of the chosen one represents."

"Yes, sir, but when fate really comes, no one can retreat. Once fate makes a choice, even if we are the farthest away from Green Lake, we cannot escape the inevitable tomorrow. Besides, if Sister Defulin and the guardian of the earth can do it, so can we."

The only person they didn't mention was Yin Luna. After all, compared with the other chosen ones, Yin Luna Bei Ya Si was too normal.

Three pairs of eyes looked at each other, and Shade confirmed their thoughts and nodded slightly:

"If fate really chooses you at the end of the Battle of Green Lake... please become the chosen one of space."

He stuffed the red gem into the hands of the red butterflies, but it was not as if he suddenly changed his mind:

"But there is a condition: you must wait until I activate the maze before you can hold the ceremony. You can hold the ceremony when you see the bell tower appear under the falling snow and hear the bell ringing."

Both sisters smiled sweetly:

"Yes, sir, we will obey you in everything."

As they spoke, they stood on tiptoe and kissed Xia De on the side of his face, one on the left and one on the right.


Ajelina, who came from Rose Manor with several maids holding vases, happened to walk around the corner of the corridor and saw this scene.

She stopped hesitantly. She had never seen Grace and Helen before, so she naturally had no idea what the relationship between these two beautiful girls who had appeared again and Xia De was.

"Twins... They're not very tall..."

Somehow she suddenly gained the confidence that she had never found in her sister, and walked towards Xia De with a smile.

Although Cassandra and her group had experienced a long journey from Midhill Castle, the ring sorcerers would not mind such fatigue. That afternoon, the old witch and the girls she brought immediately started investigating the Green Lake area.

Now the search for Maria Edwards' soul has made some progress. The witches are almost certain that the hidden soul should be in a hidden space by the lake.

Now that the experienced old witch has come here, it should not be difficult to find the other party. Sister Defulin told Shade yesterday that the space chosen must appear within ten days. Calculating the time, the work in everyone's hands must indeed be accelerated.

As for Grace and Helen, they actually didn't want to have much contact with anyone other than Shade, even if the other party was also a witch. Therefore, the two sisters only showed up when they first arrived at the manor, and disappeared after Shade introduced them as the nieces of Grandma Cassandra.

But later they seemed to go talk to Megan and Audrey, but Shade didn't know what they talked about. Currently, Shade knows three pairs of "twins", Megan and Audrey, Grace and Helen, and Leicia and Dorothy. The situations of the six are different. Only the Red Butterfly sisters have gone through a long time and fully understand what their own specialness means... ...

"If there is time, maybe we can have Grace and Helen give a 'Twin Lecture'."

This was a strange thought in Xia De's mind.

He did not stay in the small manor for the whole afternoon. After Ajelina delivered the vase, she called Shad to the Rose Manor on behalf of Miss Carina and asked Shad to explain whether the contact with Captain Rades went smoothly.

When he returned to Cassandra's place at three o'clock, Miss Sylvia had already arrived and was talking to the old witch. Margaret, who came with her, carefully asked questions to the old witch's apprentice, Miss Rita Swift. The girl who was quite unconfident when she first met Shade is now going to become a witch apprentice who can stand on her own... Moreover, this girl with flaxen curly long hair is the one who is most likely to become a great witch in the future among all the witch apprentices of the time.

Mother-in-law Cassandra was too old and had no interest in training other apprentices. According to parliamentary tradition, it was almost certain that Miss Rita Swift would inherit the seat of "Darkness".

Seeing Shade coming, Miss Sylvia took Margaret and Shade back to the Glass City through the portal. Afterwards, Shade followed Miss Benanis and Siris, who led the team, and attacked the temporary base of the "Dragon Feast Cult" in an abandoned village in the east of the city.

The battle that afternoon left a deep impression on Shade. Almost every follower of the evil god "Dragon Devourer" had the ability to transform a part of themselves into a dragon. Low-level warlocks could only transform parts like arms, while mid-level warlocks could transform internal organs.

The strongest of them, the Nine-Ring Warlock, although his ability to transform into a dragon was far less powerful than that of the demonized Gratoni Edwards, when he turned into a half-dragon with a dragon head and a dragon tail, he still brought a great shock to Miss Benannis:

"Damn, there are such ugly things in the world!"

This female opera singer, who could be called an "artist", became even more ferocious in her anger. The eleven-ring life ring was suspended behind her. Even if she didn't show the power related to the earth, just the most basic "visceral curse" and "tail-breaking curse" could achieve very good results.

In order to prevent Miss Benannis from destroying her elegant impression in Shade's mind, Siris, who came with him, had to let her fight in the sky. Shade still remembered that when he first met Miss Benannis, others said that she was not good at fighting among the witches... ... Now it seems that the witches don't fully understand their colleagues.