The Whispering Verses

Chapter 1897: Stories from the group's past


The three people under the moon were not just posing. When the ghoul noticed them and took a fighting stance, the figure holding the sword disappeared under the moon. The ghoul instinctively dodged to the left, but the holy silver sword still easily cut off its arm.

The last time they met, the "Moonlight Greatsword" was not very destructive to these strange corpse ghosts and liches. But at this time, the Augustus priests had arranged enough rituals under the battlefield, and the special features of the corpse ghosts were being lost.

As the sword fell, three identical swords appeared in the void at the same time, and then were deflected by the space slash thrown out by the undead creature's left hand.

Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!

A white skeleton grew out of the rotten flesh on his left hand. He swung his arm to block the Moonlight Greatsword's attack, but the cracks on the skeleton increased little by little. As for the fracture on his right shoulder, pink crystals appeared from the wound. It suddenly retreated and appeared ten meters behind him. He lowered his head and tried to tear off the flesh and blood attached to the crystals, but a black hand like a giant tree with pus flowing out of it appeared above his head and pressed it to the ground.

The ghoul moved forward under the moonlight, barely dodging Dr. Schneider's attack with the help of the spatial force, but then deviated from the place where it originally wanted to appear due to the restriction of the "spatial stability halo", and actually appeared directly in front of Priest Augustus:

"Sleep well~"

The old priest stretched out his right hand and punched the corpse ghost on the head. After a loud bang, it flew backwards like a cannonball, and was then firmly tied up in the air by a black chain that sprang out from the side. After falling to the ground with another muffled sound, it could no longer move.

"It's really simple, I just don't understand it."

The doctor clapped his hands and picked up the hat he had just dropped on the ground:

"If you can trap two, why not trap all three at once, instead of leaving us to deal with the third?"

"Because the detective said that the three of them can use some kind of combined power. If all three are trapped at once, they may explode directly. For these nearly immortal ghouls and liches, self-explosion is the most suitable way to escape."

As he said this, the priest called the doctor to get out the two ghouls that were buried in the ground and trapped in the coffin. Of course, before freeing them, the priest fed them some magic potion in advance, so that their bodies and souls fell into a temporary sleep state.

Afterwards, the three men each carried a corpse, and hurriedly climbed over the fence under the moonlight, left the cemetery, and headed north.

The three of them stopped at the crossroads of a dirt road a few hundred meters away from the village of Daflin. This was the site that the priest had found in advance. The oak tree on one side of the crossroads was rumored to have been planted by the first inhabitants of the village.

The three people who came from Tobesk were not very afraid of this rumor. The doctor took out the three ropes he had prepared in advance and hung them on the strong branches of the huge oak tree. Then the three wights were hung up by the three people and the other end of the rope was tied to the trunk.

The height and position of the corpse were controlled by Priest Augustus.

After the preparations were completed, he gestured to Shade and the doctor, and the two of them entered the wheat field nearby. In the middle of the rain-praying month, the wheat in the farmland grew very well in the cool and rainy Green Lake area. Shade and the doctor only walked a few hundred meters away, and when they looked back, they could not see clearly what Father Augustus was doing.

Next is the priest's own business. It is not convenient for Shade and the doctor to intervene too much, so they wait here. This also makes it convenient for them to provide timely assistance in case of any unexpected situation.

Standing in the wheat field at night was boring. Looking at the hazy gray fog rising in the distance that covered the situation under the tree, Xia De casually said:

"Today's operation went really smoothly. The priest is always so reliable. However, I always see the priest holding his pipe, but rarely see him smoking."

"He would not smoke in the presence of writers, fortune tellers, or other ladies. He has a mission to perform tonight, and smoking would leave traces, so he would not smoke. But everyone knows that the priest was a complete smoker when he was young."

The doctor whispered:

"When I first met him, he smoked much more frequently than he does now. Later, he focused on his studies and gradually began to quit smoking."

"Was the priest like this before?"

Xia De was a little surprised:

"In my opinion, priests are always the kind of people who are strict with themselves and others."

Dr. Schneider also looked towards the area shrouded in gray fog:

"He is indeed that kind of person, but you have to understand the priest. He has served in the parish for so many years, but because of something that happened when he was young, he has not yet become a formal priest at such an old age. Even if the priest himself says that he doesn't care, how can he not care at all?"

As the leader of the group, although he was also suspected, he also knew some of the inside story:

"We know that the church's decision was definitely not wrong, and what happened back then was indeed terrible. But what seemed to us to be a mere cost has become the priest's life. He smoked, probably to relieve his boredom. I know that in the eyes of you young people, priests are the kind of people who are very open-minded and never have any worries, but who doesn't have worries?"

As a psychiatrist, Bill Schneider is indeed very good at analyzing the psychology of people around him:

"I quit smoking after joining the group because I had new hope and a new goal in life. But it's impossible to completely give up the smoking habit, so the priests always carry their pipes wherever they go."

“Before joining the group, everyone has their own story.”

Shade sighed and said that she was very familiar with Dorothy's story before she joined the group, which was the struggle of a female writer living independently. Although she had not yet crossed paths with Leicia, her diary at that time was also very interesting.

"By the way, what was that fortune teller like before he joined the group?"

Xia De asked again, and the doctor was puzzled:

"Didn't she tell you that you guys were so... close?"

Shade thought for a moment:

“It seems like I really didn’t say that.”

The doctor fiddled with the ears of wheat in front of him:

"As you know, she is a jointly trained student, and her situation is different from ours. She underwent an inauguration ceremony at the Prophet's Association, and was later introduced to join our group by the Association. In other words, she was already a ring mage when she joined the group."

Xia De nodded slightly:

"She's the second person to join the group besides the writer, right?"

"Yes, the academy contacted me directly and told me that someone was coming to visit. She was very different before and now. No, no, I don't mean her appearance, I mean her temperament. When I first met her, she had the temperament of a traditional fortune teller. In other words, at first glance, you can tell that no matter what she says, she will be mysterious, and she will probably split a sentence into two halves."

What the doctor was talking about was the stereotype that ringmasters had about fortune tellers.

"You can ask the writer in our group. She should remember how she felt when she first met the fortune teller. But she changed a lot later and became more approachable. It is said that her mental state was greatly affected by the elements during the period of awakening. To be honest, at the beginning, the writer and I were even a little afraid of her."

Shad imagined the scene of the doctor and Dorothy huddled on the sofa during the group meeting, watching the purple-eyed girl speaking with a cold face, and he couldn't help but smile.

However, Shade thought that Luvia's initial behavior was probably because the revived "Long-haired Luvia" unconsciously affected her personality when she first awakened. Later, when the short-haired Luvia was gradually able to control her power, she returned to normal.

These things happened before the outsiders came into this world, and they are still very interesting to listen to today.

There were many kinds of insects in the farmland at night, but none of them dared to approach the two men standing and chatting. The crawling long snake swam silently towards Xia De's position, but the moment it was exposed to the moonlight, it was ignited by the dark flames.

The doctor looked at the burning snake and talked about the past. He also had a lot of thoughts:

"Speaking of which, it's all thanks to you joining our group, otherwise the relationship between us wouldn't be so harmonious now."

Xia De was puzzled by this sentence:

"What do you mean? Doctor, when I joined the group, weren't you guys always on good terms?"

The doctor smiled and shook his head:

"That's why I say you're young. Let me give you an example. Look at the two ladies in the group. What was their initial relationship like?"

"very nice."

Shad even remembered that when he was eavesdropping in Dorothy's apartment using "Echoes of the Past", he heard Luvia asking Dorothy how much padding she put on her dress... ... That was a memory from the middle of last summer.

"It's really good. They are very good friends. After all, they are of the same age. But they are only very good friends. If they were asked to get along like family like they do now, it would be completely impossible."

As he spoke, the doctor glanced at Shade:

“So, you are an amazing person.”

Shade always felt that the doctor was mocking him, so he coughed and looked in the direction of the priest:

"What about you and the priest? Weren't you on good terms at the beginning? I remember that you often went to the tavern to drink together before I joined the group."

"Yes, but what if we both notice something abnormal in each other?"

The doctor asked, smiling at the young man standing under the moon:

"I can feel the extreme coldness of death in the priest. The priest can probably guess that I am related to those bad guys in the Third Age. If it weren't for you, we would definitely be suspicious of each other, and we would become more suspicious as each other becomes stronger. In the process of doubting ourselves and each other, do you think we can still maintain our current relationship?"