The Whispering Verses

Chapter 1905: Rose garden


Luvia and Yin Luna were invited to attend the banquet through the Prophet Association and the Church of the Sun respectively. Now that the battle of Green Lake is about to start, the ring magician groups don't mind their members relaxing for the last minute.

When the familiar maids smiled and opened the downstairs door for Xia De, Xia De saw two people standing at the door of the house looking at the starry sky, both of them turned around and smiled at Xia De.

Luvia was wearing a pale purple dress, and her short brown hair, which seemed to have grown longer recently, was tied up by the precious unicorn tail feather. She had silver earrings on her ears and a silver Ouroboros pendant on her chest, which symbolized her status as a member of the Prophet's Association.

Yin Luna was wearing an off-white long dress with three complicated layers on the hem, and emerald and ruby decorations tied around her waist. She did not wear any symbols of the Church of the Sun, and the style of her dress was relatively simple.

"Very beautiful, this dress suits you very well, Yin Luna."

Xia De praised softly, and the seventeen-year-old girl also smiled faintly.

The three of them left the gate of the mansion and walked towards the back garden of the Rose Manor. Since this place is called "Rose Manor", it is naturally because there are many roses cultivated in the garden, and now is the season when these flowers bloom.

In the garden, only the underground gas lamps arranged around the trail were on. The three of them walked in it, listening to the noise coming from the second floor of the mansion in the distance, and felt a little bit of tranquility.

Tifa had arranged for a maid to guard outside the garden, so no one would come here to disturb the conversation of the three. The three of them walked together for a while, and then Luvia spoke:

"Today's ceremony was considered a success. With the two angel-level relics - the TARDIS Mirror and the Nameless Tortoise Shell, and the assistance of sixty-three fortune-tellers, we finally gained something. There are no conditions required to enter the normal world from another island, but to enter another island from the outside, without the consent of the authority, you can only force a breakthrough on a specific date."

"The nearest date won't be next Wednesday, right?"

Shad asked.

Luvia, who had already received the invitation from Yin Luna, nodded, stopped and looked at Xia De, who was wearing a formal suit under the moonlight, and reached out to help him straighten his collar:

"Yes, next Wednesday night, the night of the Edwards family banquet. Because we have to coordinate with the astrological signs, the attack will be a little later. Even if the church and the association are able to land on the island, it will be after the Edwards family banquet begins, maybe even close to midnight."

Xia De nodded silently:

"To land on the island, we need to coordinate with the stars and hold a ceremony to force a breach. This is the plan for a large-scale attack. There should also be a way to allow a small number of people to enter the island, right?"

Yin Luna smiled:

"We knew you would guess it. Yes, but we need someone on the island to cooperate. The Furen brothers will bring a special relic to the island, and through the resonance of the relic, they should be able to forcibly send some people to the island. But this method is not reliable, and the fortune tellers on the island may not have thought of it."

“Is there a third way?”


It was Luvia who answered again:

"Use special vehicles that can penetrate space."

The followers of the old god, the Gate of Radiance, have mentioned that even if they find the entrance to another island, they will need a special vehicle to enter. Presumably, this is the method recorded in their materials.

"Can you be more specific? I remember that there is a similar vehicle in St. Byrons. I once took the Sage-level relic Midnight Dream Carriage from St. Teresa's Square directly to the academy in the far north. Is this the kind of vehicle you are referring to?"

Luvia shook her head slightly, and the three of them continued to move forward. In front of them was a large patch of blue roses, and some unknown flying insects were hovering above the ground lamp on one side:

"Because of the special nature of that island, and the defensive measures set up by Laplace Klein Howard, only special ship-shaped vehicles can be used. Moreover, even relics may not be feasible. They must have extremely strong space penetration properties."

"Currently, the Five Gods Church and the three major colleges are preparing to mobilize all the relics that can be used in the current environment to try to see which one is effective before Wednesday."

Yin Luna added, Xia De frowned slightly:

"I have an idea, but I'll talk about it later. As long as there is a boat, it will be fine?"

"It has to be Wednesday, but we can use the boat to set off earlier. We can try to set off about half an hour after Edwards and his men land on the island. Using this method, we need a fortune teller to guide us on the water, with a specific direction and trajectory, in order to try to break through the barriers of space."

Yin Luna then concluded:

“That is to say, after Edwards and others land on the island, there will be a total of three groups of people who can land on the island.

The first group, relying on the little tricks of the Forlan brothers on the island, the Green siblings, the witch couple, and even the Mirror Association should be able to do the same. But this method is difficult, so only the thirteen ring warlocks can try it first. If successful, the first group can even go to see the fortune teller with Edwards and others.

The second group relied on a special ship-shaped relic to penetrate the space barrier between the two islands. Because the relic's carrying capacity was limited and it was most likely only one-way, this method was relatively reliable, but it could only guarantee a small number of people landing on the island. If successful, the second group would lag behind Edwards by half an hour to an hour.

The third batch, the church relied on brute force to open the space gap. Green Lake gathered the top ring sorcerers and fortune tellers in the material world, so there was no reason to be stumped by such a thing. With this method, a large force could land on the island, or high-level sorcerers could land on the island, but they would be three hours later than Edwards and others, or even longer. "

"Shad, it's still unknown whether you can force your way onto the island with Witch Edwards. What are you going to do?"

Luvia asked, and Shade stopped again and made a crack in front of him. Behind the gradually opening crack, the dark moon illuminated the deserted pale beach and the wooden boat parked at the junction of the beach and the black waters:

"Do you think this ship can penetrate the space barrier?"

Yin Luna and Luvia both knew that the ship summoned by Shad's strange magic was related to this. After thinking about it, they felt that it should be possible:

"But if you use the second method, you will be at least half an hour behind them."

Luvia reminded him, and Shade nodded again:

"I have three ideas at the moment. The first idea is to find Nadia Foren of the Dragon Feast Cult and get relevant information from her. The second method is that the invitation letter mentioned that the boatman will be waiting by the lake, so I will try to deceive the boatman. I will use the magic of calm posture to turn into a stone statue and follow Megan and the others to the island."

"But isn't the stone statue you turned into a little too big? If it was motionless, it might be possible to deceive, but if the witch is moving the stone statue, there is no way to hide it no matter how hard you try."

Yin Luna said, Xia De sighed:

"So I turned into a cat first, and then into a stone statue, so that I would be smaller. I didn't really want to do this, but... it was the only way."

Luvia and Yin Luna thought about it for a moment, then smiled together:

"Why don't you try it now and we can help you check how it works."

Although he knew they had "bad intentions", he really couldn't try again at that time. Xia De nodded helplessly, took off the relics he was carrying, and looked at the two girls who looked expectant:

"Luvia, help me carry these things and go away. Yin Luna, you come and look after my stone statue and cover it with illusion."


Yin Luna nodded quickly, and Luvia looked at Xia De with some anger, but after taking the keys, perfume bottle, dice and a few rings, she really walked away.

Under the moonlight, the stranger's shadow turned into a ball of light, and then the ball of light turned back into the cat's shadow. The silver cat fell to the ground, and before Yin Luna reached out, the petrified wings spread out from both sides of the cat, and then wrapped the whole cat up, completing the whole petrification process smoothly.

Although she felt sorry, Yin Luna still bent down and touched the stone, then cast an illusion to cover it up. At the same time, she understood that although Luvia was lower in level than her, her attainments in illusion were better than hers, and as a fortune teller, her ability to break illusions was also stronger, so Xia De chose to carry the stone statue himself:

“But after all, you chose me.”

She happily prepared herself and asked Luvia, who had walked away, to come over.

The girl with purple eyes walked back and looked at Yin Luna in the moonlight. After five or six seconds, her eyes were fixed on the cat-shaped statue placed behind her black high-heeled shoes.

"It's faster than I thought. I'm really not good at illusions."

Yin Luna shook her head regretfully, and Xia De appeared behind her:

"This is just a try. In the next few days, Megan can prepare targeted illusions. Also, I have completed the last exploration of the time key and learned how to use the philosopher's stone."

He took out the silver ornament tied around his neck, which glowed scarlet in the moonlight. The silver ornament was inlaid with the Philosopher's Stone:

"The making and alchemy of the elixir are of no use to us for the time being, but using the Philosopher's Stone as a one-time consumable can achieve the 'extreme effect' of casting spells, which should ensure that I can follow Megan to the island smoothly."

He has great confidence in the Philosopher's Stone, and Yin Luna and Luvia also have confidence:

"But after all, there is only one Philosopher's Stone. Using it like this... It's fine to use it, after all, it's for saving people."

Yin Luna nodded, and Luvia asked again:

"The first is to find Nadia Foran. The second is to combine your magic with the witch's illusion. Maybe we can use some relics. So what about the third? What else can we do? The coin I have left here should be able to solve the problem."

"The coin is the last resort. The third method is a roundabout way. Since we can't directly reach the island from the material world, we might as well leave the material world first and then enter another island from another place."