The Whispering Verses

Chapter 1908: Dance of the Witches


The Duchess just laughed and remained silent without saying anything. Although Shade didn't look at her expression, he knew that she definitely didn't want anyone to talk to her at the moment. After that, for a full five minutes, no one came forward to talk to her until Leicia and Margaret came over.

"Aunt, what's that expression on your face?"

The only one who didn't care about the Duchess's mood was Resia. Seeing that Shade and Miss Carina were standing not too far away and both of them were silent, she guessed that someone must have suddenly fallen into a state of emotion.

After Leicia spoke, Shade felt the atmosphere around him change immediately. He finally turned around and saw the smile on the witch's face:

"A thinking expression. Thinking makes girls wiser."

She said this, and greeted Margaret, and then said to Shad in her heart:

"Anros just asked you to meet him at the bathroom door."

She raised her eyebrows slightly, and Shade widened his eyes slightly:

"Just now? When?"

"About half an hour ago."

She smiled, and Xia De frowned slightly:

"Then how do you..."

"I know he's going to get you into trouble, so why would he let you go?"

She nodded to Xia De with satisfaction, and Xia De was a little confused again:


"I've figured it out. No matter what, we can't live in a peaceful era, and I can't stop you from taking risks for others. But at least I'm luckier than those witches in the Fifth Era. Even if they became demigods, they couldn't catch your hand."

She didn't reach out to grab Shad's hand, but just looked at him with her golden eyes.

The conversation between the two was conducted in their minds through the witch's unknown secret technique, so in the eyes of Resia and Margaret, Shad and the Duchess were just exchanging glances while holding their wine glasses, and then the two of them stared at each other in shock.

Leicia glanced at Ajelina beside her, hoping that she would break the silence. The little princess knew it was best not to do so at this time, but under the pressure of her sister's majesty, she could only cough twice:


The silence was broken again, and Shade and Miss Carina looked away. Then Shade said something to Megan and walked towards the door. The three princesses and Miss Carina gathered together. The witch looked at the bright red liquid in the wine glass and asked softly:

"Do you think he would feel very tired sometimes? Does a person really need to bear such a heavy responsibility?"

Margaret pursed her lips thoughtfully, thinking that the women of the Cavendish family were really taking advantage and still complaining; Leicia looked at Shad's back and thought of all he had done for them so far; only Ajelina was also staring at the wine glass in Miss Carina's hand. In that deep red color, she seemed to see much more.

On the other side, although Shade was half an hour late, Director Anros was still washing his hands in front of the sink in the bathroom on the second floor. In front of him was a mirror of good quality. The glass city on the other side of the lake was rich in glass, and the mirror making technology was also quite good.

Director Anros was indeed very capable of holding this position. He had no intention of asking Xia De why he was so late. Instead, he looked at Xia De in the mirror and spoke directly:

"It's time for the organization to need you again."

"Because of tomorrow's event?"

"Because of tomorrow's event."

Tomorrow morning, Miss Carina and Margaret will ride together in a carriage to the City Hall. As the Duchess waves to the crowd, someone will fire a shot. Afterwards, a small-scale conflict breaks out between the border troops of the two countries, but it is brought under control. Because of this series of events, Carsenrick and Delarion will simultaneously announce the suspension of negotiations and ask the negotiating delegation to leave the Green Lake area.

At this point, the nearly two-month Green Lake negotiations officially ended with only minimal results.

The underlying reason for this is that the True God Church is fully preparing for the final battle of Green Lake. But it is impossible for everyone to know about this, and Director Anros is obviously one of the people who knows about tomorrow's events:

"In our entire department, there are only four people who know the truth, including you and me. I know you will definitely go and see it tomorrow. Don't do anything. The lady should have told you so I won't repeat it."

He turned off the faucet, approached the mirror, and wiped his eyebrows with his wet hands:

"Remember the organization that tried to bring about a conflict between the two countries by assassinating their negotiating delegations?"

Of course, Shad remembered that when he was investigating the colored mushrooms, he ran into MI6 and Gray Gloves meeting in a high-end entertainment venue in the Glass City to discuss the matter. But in the end, Margaret, Prince Samuel and Duke Simiel were still assassinated.


"We suspect someone will take advantage of the situation tomorrow, so we need you to keep watch in the dark. Although the church will send someone to watch the scene tomorrow, we can't put all our eggs in one basket."

He looked at Shade in the mirror, and Shade nodded:

"I understand. It would be ridiculous if the pretend assassination turned into a real assassination."

"Yes, people from the Sixth Division will spread out over the entire street tomorrow. But among the operators, you are the only one who knows the truth. Remember, the characteristic of a real assassin is that he has a silver pen on his chest. Without the pen, it must be fake. If it involves that aspect, the church will definitely take action, but if it is still the action of ordinary people, we can only rely on ourselves."


Xia De nodded again, and Director Anlos said nothing more. He took out a handkerchief from his pocket, wiped his hands, turned around and left, and patted Xia De on the shoulder when he passed by him. This should just be to encourage Xia De, not to ask Xia De to meet him at three o'clock tonight.

In order not to arouse suspicion, Xia De did not leave with Director Anlos, but also went to the sink to wash his hands. Looking up at himself in the mirror, "she" beside him whispered:

What are you thinking about

The eyes of Shade in the mirror looked towards the ears of the real Shade to confirm that there was no one there:

“This time, I really witnessed history.”

Could it be that serious

"I hope not. I hope so."

That night, Xia De never saw Director Anlos again. This ordinary-looking middle-aged man always appeared in the right place and left in the right place.

For Shade, the grand banquet that night was generally quite pleasant. No unlucky cultists broke into the banquet, and no strange murders suddenly occurred.

After the dance officially started at 9:30, Megan danced the first dance with him, and then Miss Aurora danced the second dance with Shad.

After the dance music started, Shade was basically busy. Audrey was the third, followed by Miss Benanis. This female opera singer who had a scandal in Randall River Valley earlier this year was dancing with a man again, which made the reporters present quite excited. However, after Miss Benanis danced that dance, she no longer accepted any invitations from anyone.

Megan danced the fifth dance with Shad, saying that she was Shad's partner. Then Miss Sylvia danced again with Shad to a soothing tune.

Audrey asked to continue dancing with Shad, saying that she was Shad's partner. Although the other girls did not have the title of "Wisdom and Knowledge", they would not be fooled by her:

"You've jumped three times already. Oh, we count by the body, not by the soul!"

So Audrey was forced to sit down and watch Hillis holding the hand of Shad, who had changed his appearance again, and walking towards the crowd.

"You were smiling at me smugly just now, and now you are sitting with me, aren't you?"

Miss Carina, who was holding a wine glass at the side, laughed and teased. She seemed quite pleased with herself. The brown-haired witch snorted:

"At least I had a lot of fun tonight. I wasn't forced to chat about boring topics with strangers. I even danced three times with him. Thank you so much for teaching him how to dance. I can see that he's still a little rusty, but it's better to learn it this way."

The red-haired witch shook the wine glass:

"Really? Should I tell you that although you danced with him tonight, he will stay here all night."

She smiled and blinked:

"Don't let your imagination run wild. I'm just staying here overnight. My nieces and nieces are here, as is Princess Margaret, and there are so many maids. I won't do anything bad."

Audrey's mouth twitched:

"You are so blatant, aren't you afraid that I will really tell other people about this?"

"Can you?"

Miss Carina asked, taking another glass of wine from the maid beside her and handing it to Audrey.

The two of them clinked their glasses gently:

"Of course not."

"So, you sisters might as well be bolder. You see, I am bold enough, so I got ahead of everyone else."

The Red-haired Witch could only show off this matter over and over again to Audrey and Megan who already knew the secret, but she could not show off in front of other people.

"How long has it been since you met Shade until you considered yourself bold? Half a year? A year?"

Audrey suddenly asked, and put her right index finger with pomegranate red nail polish on her lips, revealing her own smile on her face:

"How dare you? Duke, I have only known him for two months."

The Duchess's expression changed:

"Useless comparisons will make girls' hearts ugly."

"What are you talking about? Why do you all look so happy?"

Miss Aurora, who had just returned from the bathroom, sat comfortably beside them with a glass of wine, and her niece, Miss Hayley Aurora, stood where Tifa, who was going to change her clothes, should stand.

Miss Carina pulled her hair by her ears and exchanged glances with Audrey, who was gently shaking her wine glass.

"Postpartum care for chocobos."