The Whispering Verses

Chapter 1910: The Clash of Civilizations The Green Lake Incident


The traces of the whispering element on the man were very strong after contact. The level of the relic that controlled him was at least sage level. However, the characteristics of this control relic seemed to be mainly reflected in "concealment" rather than "reliability".

Xia De looked at the royal guards who had already come, and the carriage not far away, and then looked at the man who was still smiling and waving. Although he knew that nothing would happen in the end, safety was the most important thing after all:

“It really is about becoming part of the historical process.”

From the sleeve of his drooping right arm, he drew out a long-prepared silver fountain pen. He raised his left hand high, waving at the approaching carriage:

"Long live the Cavendish family, and may Duke Carina always be in good health!"

His voice was drowned out by the crowd and was inconspicuous, just as inconspicuous as the man being controlled beside him.

The carriage was getting closer and closer, and the man holding the silver pen and the man with the silver pen pressed forward together. People cheered and celebrated, and Miss Carina's golden eyes also saw the silver pen shining in the morning light on this Sunday.

But then, Xia De placed his right hand on the shoulder of the man next to him:


The whispering element fought against the power of magic, and finally magic prevailed. Then, Shade reached into his pocket with his right hand, turned the steam bomb he had asked for from Leicia this morning from a toy into a real object, and stuffed it into the man's hand from below.

The man was controlled by Xia De and took off the silver pen from his chest. Xia De then hung his silver pen in his shirt pocket.

The carriage approached, the sun was shining brightly, and the cheers startled the birds in the sky. Dark clouds were approaching, and a rainstorm was about to come. The temperature in the spring morning made the palms of many people sweat.

The royal guards walked in an orderly manner, and the carriages rolled over the stone slabs of the road that had been specially repaired before the negotiations, making a steady and rhythmic sound. The Duchess and the Southern Princess in the carriage were so charming in the sunlight, and the sunlight reflected by the cap of the silver fountain pen on the side of the road was so dazzling.

"Oh, what are you going to do?"

Suddenly, there was a commotion on the roadside, and two men rushed out of the police cordon. The man without the pen on his chest held up the steam bomb in his right hand, grabbed his lapel with his left hand and shouted:

"I'm wrapped in a steam bomb. If anyone dares to move, I'll die with them all!"

The man with the silver fountain pen on his chest took advantage of the time his companions had bought and pointed his gun at the window of the carriage, shouting:

"For the glory of Carsenrick! Remember, the one who assassinated you is the ace - the Grey Eagle!"

The muzzle of the gun was aimed at the weak and stunned face of Carina Cavendish. With a bang, Margaret hurriedly pulled Miss Carina's sleeve, allowing her to lower her head to avoid the bullet.

Then, the blonde princess picked up her pocket pistol and prepared to shoot outside the window as planned, but found that there were not one person outside but two people. But she still shot at the pen as planned, and after the gunshot, a blood flower exploded on the stranger's chest. He fell to the ground holding his chest, then rolled suddenly, using his physical strength to knock down the police and a large group of people like hitting a ball.

Screams and exclamations continued. The man holding the steam bomb stared at his "companion" with wide eyes, and was then thrown to the ground by the fearless royal guards. The people piled up into a small hill and pressed him down. He used up his last bit of strength to roll the steam bomb in his hand towards the crowd:

"For Carsonrick! For Carsonrick!"

He shouted like this, but few people could hear him, and the rolling steam bomb caused even greater chaos.

Dark clouds rolled in from the north, casting shadows over the earth, the chaotic streets and the frightened people.

Green Lake border, south of the small village of Flynn.

Captain Rades, who had a cold face behind the straw pile, put down the telescope in his hand, nodded to the soldiers behind him with nervous and uneasy expressions, and then crossed the border together and walked towards the riverside mill in the south of the village. Five minutes later, warning shots from the Carsenrick side appeared from the pig farm on the other side of the river. Captain Rades did not retreat, but raised his pistol and shouted:

"We didn't cross the border, this is Delarion's territory!"

He pointed at the sky and pulled the trigger. After a gunshot that seemed to shake the sky, other sporadic gunshots rang out one after another, and soon the crackling became more and more frequent, and then the first steam bomb was thrown.

More and more troops gathered towards the exchange of fire, and the originally peaceful countryside was flooded with bullets and flames on the weekend morning.

Captain Raddes, who caused all this, led the patrol team of only five people left after the arrival of reinforcements, and retreated to the entrance of Little Flynn Village under the cover of the follow-up team.

It seemed as if an endless stream of troops were rushing from the entrance of Little Flynn Village to the battlefield between the mill and the pig farm by the stream in the south. Captain Rades didn't want to move anymore. He stumbled and sat behind the pile of valleys at the entrance of the village. He touched the wound on his forehead caused by a stray bullet. Against the background of dense gunfire in the distance, he looked at the military doctor who was preparing to treat the group of people.

He waved his hand to refuse the doctor's approach, and leaned against the grain pile to look up at the sky. Dark clouds came from the north, and the sky gradually became darker until the sun could no longer be seen.

Drops of water slid down the captain's cheeks. The middle-aged man, whose face looked a little old for some reason, touched it and realized that it was raindrops.

The rain fell quickly, and "Captain Eight Guns" Napoleon Rades leaned against the grain pile, sitting at the entrance of the village outside the battlefield, looking at the sky.

He knew that a new era was about to come.

(The wheel of history is turning...)

The news that Duke Carina and Princess Margaret were assassinated in Green Lake City spread throughout the Green Lake area within half an hour. The subsequent rumors of the exchange of fire between the two countries' troops in the border area made the citizens who did not know the truth wonder what happened today and whether the peaceful era would end because of this.

For the first time since the Green Lake negotiations began, the city of Green Lake was placed under martial law. Police and a steady stream of troops blocked every important intersection in the city and searched all suspicious locations for the assassin who had been shot in the chest and whose whereabouts were unknown.

The torrential rain washed the entire city in just half an hour. The heavy rain soon turned into a rainstorm, but policemen wearing raincoats and riding horses could still be seen on the streets.

On the third floor of the Green Lake Hotel, the rumbling sound of rain outside the window made Dorothy frown. She asked Shad, who was sitting beside the bed, with some dissatisfaction:

"I understand that you made the safest choice at the time, and I also know that you are not afraid of a bullet hitting your chest, but is it really necessary to let her shoot you?"

On the table were blood-stained cotton, bandages, and potion bottles of various sizes. Megan bent over to check the recovery of Shad's chest. They had just cut open Shad's heart and removed the bullet stuck in it.

Blood certainly did not make the sorceresses frown, but Dorothy was still dissatisfied. Little Mia lay on Shad's lap, looking sick and worried. She had been curled up there while they had been operating on Shad.

"Was this Margaret's idea or Carina's? After this incident, I must let Resia talk to them."

"It was my own idea. They probably only realized now that I was the extra person who showed up at the time."

"That's not what they should do. I know your actions made the plan more perfect, but..."

The blonde girl said as she picked up the conical bottle with a label on it, shook it gently twice, poured it into the steaming teacup beside her, then turned around and handed it to Shade.

Shade drank the prepared potion, and Megan took her hands off Shade's chest, leaving no scars at all:

"No problem. His Heart of Stone magic is quite unique. It greatly enhances the cardiopulmonary function while making the heart no longer a fatal part of the human body. If I hadn't seen the flesh and blood structure in his body, I would definitely doubt whether Shad is really a human being."

But she also agreed with Dorothy:

"But this is too risky, Shad. You can't do everything by yourself. Is there no one else around Karina? Are all the MI6 officers in Delarion civilians except you?"

Xia De was shirtless, stroking the cat curled up on his legs:

"I am always worried about others doing it. I understand your concerns, and I won't do anything I'm not sure of. A conflict will break out in the Pantanal region sooner or later, and the negotiation ends at a really bad time. I can only delay the direct conflict between the two countries by doing this, and I hope it will be useful."

I turned my head slightly and looked out the window. It was raining really heavily today.

"Several years from now, what happened today will probably be called the Green Lake Incident. I hope I made the right choice."

He raised his hand and rubbed the Ring of Immortality on his finger, then restored the bloodstained shirt to its original appearance.

Dorothy wanted to say something, but she just came over and helped Shad put on his clothes. Megan didn't say much, and took the blood-stained bandages and cotton cloth on the tray to dispose of them.

After all, if these things were left behind, they might become curse materials for others.

But before she could leave the room, there was a knock on the door. The girl at the door opened the door and handed her a letter.

It was raining heavily outside, but the creased letter was not wet at all.

Megan opened the letter and raised her eyebrows:

"Is there such a thing?"

Then he handed the letter to Dorothy, who read it and gave it to Shad. Shad quickly glanced through it and knew why the witch was so surprised:

"The Dragon Feast Cult wants to contact the God Summoner through the Orthodox Church to meet privately?"