The Whispering Verses

Chapter 1919: The call of dreams


In the sound of rain, the strange but inexplicably memorable whistle gradually faded away. So, Xia De in front of the flower shop said in his heart -

"Vision Demon."

The dark vision became slightly curved, but other than that, Shade did not observe any traces of demons. He was finally relieved:

"I didn't notice any element when we shook hands just now. It seems that I was really overthinking. What an interesting person. There should be more interesting people and interesting stories like this in this world, right?"

He thought to himself, and looked back at the wilted rose in the window of the flower shop, wondering in which city the next time would be. When he looked up, he saw the demonologist Sean Asmon walking towards him.

Do you really think it's normal to meet like this every time

Xia De slowly took the umbrella, extinguished the candle, and put away the half-burned candle:

"So next time I arrive in a new city, I plan to always carry the Demon Hunting Seal with me."

The umbrella popped open with a bang, and the raindrops attached to the umbrella surface splashed everywhere:

"Every time I meet him, I get a brand new Rhodes card. Maybe we should not only consider whether he is related to the devil, but also whether he is a Rhodes card salesman sent by the Prophet's Association."

Interesting idea.

As "she" smiled, Shade walked towards the river where the lights were already on:

"You know what? Actually, I can whistle, too. But I'm not as good as him. Do you want to hear a tune from my hometown?"

(Little Mia is running...)

"Shad! Shad!"

While Mimi Huhu was sleeping, Xia De seemed to hear someone calling his name, and it was a very familiar voice.

"Shad! Shad! Open your eyes! Oh, teacher, teacher, I succeeded again! Come on, I finally ran into the goddess of luck again! This is simply a miracle, Teacher Feliana, you are here too, come on! Shad! Shad!"

In his dream, he shifted his gaze from the moon in the sky and looked around curiously:


The pretty Red Dragon Witch's lively voice seemed to be right around him, but Shade just couldn't see it. He didn't know if it was his dream or if Fiona's voice really came from the Fifth Age. The last time he heard Fiona's voice was when he used the Conch of Missing in the Black Mist Camp.

However, compared to the Fifth Age when Fiona was able to connect to the past before she was born, it seems even more incredible that she can connect directly from the Fifth Age to the Sixth Age at this time.

Xia De was just curious and wanted to wait a little longer to carefully distinguish whether it was a dream or the big-tailed red dragon girl really created a miracle, when the voice calling his name appeared again:

"Shad! Shad!"

The tone of voice changed. It was no longer Fiona's voice, but Yin Luna's voice...

"Hmm? Yin Luna?"

Xia De finally woke up from his dream, opened his eyes and saw Yin Luna's face against the familiar ceiling background.


He sat up in surprise, and Yin Luna withdrew her face from the bed as he stood up suddenly. Xia De looked outside the curtains and saw that it was still dark, and the cat beside the pillow was still lying there, but it squinted its eyes and made threatening sounds at Yin Luna.

If Yin Luna wasn't already very familiar with the cat, Xia De would not be surprised that it would immediately pounce on the girl who had rashly broken into the house.

"Now it's reality... Yes, it's Tuesday morning, half past five. Oh, Yin Luna, why are you here?"

Xia De blinked his eyes while breathing out, trying to clear his mind. Then he looked at the girl beside the bed, Yin Luna said apologetically:

"Something happened at Green Lake. Sister Defulin is helping with the church. Your pair of butterflies refused to barge into your home, so they asked me to come. I'm so sorry for barging into your home without permission."

Currently, apart from Shad, the only girls around him are Grace and Helen, Miss Sylvia and the chosen one who can use the space maze at will.

Yin Luna actually wanted to complain about Xia De in her heart, because he insisted on staying at home instead of in a hotel. But thinking that if he stayed in a hotel, he might not sleep with the cat anymore, Yin Luna felt that Xia De's insistence on going home to rest was actually a good habit.

"Don't be sorry. There's nothing secret in my house that you can't see... Something happened? Oh, okay, okay, let me sober up... No problem, I'll be there now."

As he spoke, he yawned loudly, and the voice of Fiona in his dream that remained in his ears completely disappeared:

"What happened at Green Lake?"

"Space folding has occurred."


"An entire street in Green Lake City completely overlaps with Michaela Blast Furnace City. Matter, living people, everything you can think of, all overlap. The people in the church said that this is a spatial overlap, just like copying space, connecting space, hiding space, and extending space. It is a disaster that is prone to occur at the current stage. Now that place belongs to both cities at the same time, and with the right methods, you can go to both cities from there at any time."

Yin Luna introduced it as simply as possible. Xia De opened his mouth slightly and nodded:

“Finally it showed up.”

I picked up Little Mia from beside the pillow. The cat, who was unwilling to move because it was not time to get up yet, was soft and warm. It seemed that this cat had the ability to become even more adorable when sleeping.

"In addition, after three o'clock this morning, reports of abnormal space phenomena came from almost all the parishes in the Old Continent. The cracks in the sky in the Green Lake area finally appeared at night and gradually spread to the entire material world."

The seventeen-year-old girl pursed her lips:

“The church needs to control the folding of the two cities, which requires separating the overlapping streets. Otherwise, further spatial fragmentation will quickly occur with those two streets as the center.

The Fulun brothers have gone to help, but it is not enough. The thirteen rings of the church can only temporarily prevent the phenomenon on that street from spreading too quickly. The power of the relic cannot be used indiscriminately, otherwise it will accelerate the collapse of space. The strongest user of space magic in the material world is the principal of your Saint Byrons, Professor Pigman, the 'Silver Guardian'. Saint Byrons has urgently called him here, but he said that he is good at space sealing, not space stripping. "

She looked at Shade:

"The great witch of the space also went to check on the situation, but she couldn't deal with this phenomenon either. Before I went to the Green Lake area, I was trained in the Church and learned ancient magic, which is to use the power of 'balance' to stabilize the broken space. But I'm not Sister Defulin, nor am I the guardian of the earth. I don't have their power... Shade, you have a way, right?"

Xia De, who had just woken up, took a second to fully understand what she meant:

"My... space stabilization aura can prohibit abnormal space phenomena other than mine within a certain range, but the coverage area is not large. Moreover, it is not certain whether the completed space fusion is still considered an abnormal space phenomenon..."

Yin Luna did not give up, still looking at the man in pajamas on the bed. Xia De covered his forehead and thought for a while:

"But there is a way."

The seventeen-year-old girl smiled:

"Then come with me, Shade. I said there might be a way to escape. Now let's go back. Let Miss Sylvia show up with you, solve the problem and leave."

"No no, it's not me, it's you. Come with me."

As he lifted the quilt, Yin Luna blushed and turned around, only to see that Xia De was sleeping in pajamas:

"Mia, I'm not going out, you don't have to follow me. Yin Luna, come with me."


The lazy cat cried out while lying on the pillow, but after Xia De led Yin Luna away in slippers, he jumped out of bed and followed them.

The two of them and the cat quickly went to the basement and entered behind a hidden wall. Shade had placed many important items here. If a stranger broke in, he would probably be able to rob most of his belongings in one go. Fortunately, apart from him, no one else could set up a signpost without touching the statue.


The wooden box on the shelf was opened, revealing a golden halo that was rusty and covered with cracks.

"This is... ... "

Although it looked like it was about to break into pieces, Yin Luna could still sense the powerful divine power within it.

"Angel Halo, disposable. I used it on the night of the lunar eclipse. At that time, I relied on it to fight against the Hidden Mirror Man and the ancestors of the Edwards family. However, it will be completely broken in one or two seconds now. Anyone who wears it can temporarily possess the false status of an angel, but it is just possession, not true transformation into an angel. The main purpose of this thing is to have almost unlimited spirit and to perform magic better."

Xia De handed the box to Yin Luna:

"I'll leave it to you. This was given to me by a friend, but unfortunately he can't make a second one in a short time... Oh, let's go to the Geocentric Forge to strengthen it."

The space earth core furnace left by the ancient gods is now on the side of the stairs in the basement. It can consume the "earth breath after traversing the earth" to strengthen it, or add ore to smelt items. The angel halo given by the Augustus priest was so perfect that no matter how it was strengthened, it would be like adding unnecessary details, and it would only pollute its own purity with the power of the earth, so Shade did not intend to strengthen it at the beginning.

But now that the halo has been broken into pieces, strengthening it might allow it to be used longer.

The fact was just as Shade had thought, but he did not simply strengthen it. Instead, he shaved off a part of the remaining half piece of mountain copper when he sold it to Megan and added it in.

The "Angel Halo" strengthened by the Earth Furnace was no longer bright gold, but instead became a simple copper color, but it did look much more complete. Even though Shade was not good at alchemy, he fully believed that it would be more useful than before.