The Whispering Verses

Chapter 1920: Early morning in the rain


"Yin Luna, hold this again."

Xia De also gave the Night Watchman to Yin Luna:

"This sword can enhance the effects of magic. Although the church has similar relics, it is unlikely that a better sword will be found in the short term. As for how it came into your hands... just say that the Witch Council paid a price and borrowed it from the God Summoner. Afterwards, the church will have to compensate the Witch Council to repay the price the Council paid to the God Summoner."

Xia De, who was wearing pajamas, said, and put the sword into Yin Luna's hand:

"Go, show them that although the Chosen One of Balance is not as high a ring sorcerer as Death and Earth, you are the real protagonist of this era in the eyes of Luvia and me."

He yawned again, and at the same time the cat at his feet opened its mouth and yawned, but when Shad looked down at it, the cat immediately closed its mouth.


Yin Luna pursed her lips and looked at him:

"But such a useful alchemical item should be kept until Wednesday..."

"I have my own plans for Wednesday."

Besides, the priest will go to the island himself for the remaining one-sixth of the skull.

"Oh well."

She looked at the sleepy man in pajamas in front of her:

"Um... ... "

I wanted to say something, but the words were on the tip of my tongue and I couldn't say them. I wanted to leave and go deal with things over there, but I felt that it would be too hasty to just leave.

"What's wrong? Do you want me to come with you? Then wait until I change my clothes."

"No, no, with this, I can do it on my own."

She wanted to say thank you, but she felt that it would seem distant. Yin Luna had always thought that she was a good talker, but now she realized that it was just her illusion.

The girl was worried about losing something, and was a little annoyed by her own "stupidity". This should have been a good opportunity to strengthen the relationship. Then, somehow, she said something that made me want to travel through time and punch myself afterwards:

"Consider this halo as my birthday gift."

Even many, many years later, Yin Luna Emilia Beyath still didn't know why she said this.

The next moment he realized what he had said, his face turned red, and he lowered his head, wishing he could turn into an ant and disappear.

And Xia De looked at her in surprise:

"How can this be? Birthday presents should be given to you on your birthday, and I've already prepared them."

As he spoke, he calmly moved to the side, blocking the black scale, the golden apple and the bouquet of flowers that were clearly placed beside him.

Yin Luna blushed and opened her mouth, not knowing what to say this time. Xia De saw her embarrassment:

"Good luck with your operation, then."

Blinking, Shade hesitated, but still kissed her forehead:

"It's been a tiring morning."

Yin Luna suppressed her heart that was about to jump out of her chest;

"I'm leaving now. You should be able to hear good news from me when you go to Green Lake Hotel for breakfast later."

After saying this, he waved to Xia De, turned around, touched the statue and left as if he was running away.

"Yin Luna was really acting weird just now, is it because she didn't sleep well?"

Xia De muttered to himself, then bent down and picked up Little Mia:

"Do you want to go back for a nap?"


Mia, who was very sleepy just now, has become active again now, and it seems that she doesn't need to rest any more. Xia De was originally wondering how the cat woke up so quickly, but when he walked up the stairs in his slippers, he guessed belatedly that it probably understood what Yin Luna said about "breakfast".

Although he woke up earlier than usual, Xia De did not go back to sleep. Taking advantage of the free time in the early morning, he washed up and went to the basement to sort out the relics he had collected and decided what to bring on Wednesday. This was not an easy task, because Xia De now had more and more relics.

When the milkman delivering goat milk arrived outside the door, the cat that had been waiting in the hallway immediately ran into the basement and meowed to remind Shade. After Shade opened the door, he looked at the drizzling Tobysk City and naturally muttered:

"It's still raining."

Then I realized that this was not Green Lake City. Tobisk had been sunny with smoke shrouding the city for the past few days. The newspaper even said that the precipitation in the Tobisk area this spring was significantly less than in previous years.

"The sky is normal, the cracks haven't spread here yet."

Xia De looked up at the sky again, used the key to open the milk box hanging on the side of the door and took out two bottles of goat milk. After putting them on the shoe cabinet, he put the two empty glass bottles that he forgot to put in yesterday into the milk box.

He did not go back immediately, but stood on the steps at the door and looked at the St. Teresa's Square in the early morning rain. Although it was still early, the morning wind was not cool at all. Suddenly he realized that the rain-praying month had entered the second half of the month, and spring was coming to an end.

After two months of traveling in Green Lake, he didn't even have the chance to take a good look at the spring in Tobesk after the city's equestrian competition:

"Time flies so fast. It's already been a year in the blink of an eye."

The rain was not heavy, so he walked out of the house and looked up at his house at the door. He thought about how the house was almost abandoned when he took over last year. Now not only can every room be used, but he also found out why the house had killed one owner after another in the past... ... Even now, the house has found a mistress.

Use the plural here.

"My grammar is not very good, you know, I am a stranger."

Shade smiled and answered in his heart, then he remembered that Mr. Euclid, who left the source of chaos and the letter, mentioned not only the chosen one of the moon, but also that he had noticed a lot of dangers during the three months he lived here (Chapter 1088). Among them, the "sigh of the dead" was clearly the boundary between life and death on the third floor, but he still didn't know what the "jumping sound of the dice" and the "beeping sound of the flames" were.

"That stargazer seemed to have very good hearing, and all he observed were sounds."

Xia De was looking at his house and thinking in his heart, while Xiaomia poked her head out of the door and looked at Xia De, not understanding why Xia De hadn't come back to prepare breakfast yet.

The courier wearing a raincoat drove the post office carriage into St. Teresa's Square. Seeing that the door of number six was open, he first came to the door of number six:

"Good morning, Mr. Hamilton. Here is your newspaper. Go home now and be careful not to catch a cold. The spring flu is raging in the city these days."

The big-nosed middle-aged courier said, and Shad nodded with a smile, seeing that the front page of the newspaper, which had been preserved very dry, was still reporting on the large-scale military mobilization in the Green Lake area.

He shook his head, and at this moment, the door of the neighbor next door also opened. The resident of No. 7 was a researcher at the Steam Machinery Equipment Research Institute of the Kingdom Army, and he was not at home all year round, so the one who opened the door was Mr. Smith, the neighbor of No. 5 on the other side.

"Oh, Mr. Hamilton, you woke up so early too?"

"Yes, I was woken up by my cat. It always reminds me to get up on time."

Shad was standing under the eaves of his house and talking. As for the gray-haired Mr. Smith, who wore a red button-down sweater on his upper body in addition to his plaid pajamas, the elderly did need to pay attention to the temperature in the early morning on rainy days.

Since they met, Mr. Smith stood under the eaves of his house and chatted with Xia De, who was also wearing slippers.

The topic of conversation was naturally the Green Lake region reported in the newspaper. The former chief secretary of the Kingdom's Treasury was worried about the future of the two countries. Even though he knew that the assassination of Miss Carina and Princess Margaret was not done by MI6 and the Gray Gloves, he still believed that the hasty termination of the Green Lake negotiations would most likely lead to a further deterioration in relations between the two countries.

"Oh, Mr. Hamilton, don't worry too much."

At the end of the chat, Mr. Smith comforted him, and Xia De was stunned for a moment before he understood:

"I have received an urgent letter from Miss Carina, which was sent by steam train. She said that she was just frightened and not injured. She will be back soon. I wish her good health."

The worried old man nodded, not in the mood to tease his young neighbor about his affair with the kingdom's Grand Duchess.

When Shad brought Mia, a newspaper and two bottles of goat milk to Green Lake Hotel, it was still pouring rain outside.

He met Little John, who was temporarily staying here, in the kitchen. The boy was now helping in the kitchen, so he had taken a bath and had new clothes. The puppy was kept in the backyard of the hotel. When he saw Shad, the boy greeted him timidly, and only thanked him loudly when Shad was about to leave.

But this was not what Shad was concerned about. He met Father Augustus and Dr. Schneider who came down to the first floor for breakfast, and only then did he hear that the matter in the city had been resolved.

"Detective, you really missed something exciting. At about three o'clock this morning, a rainbow of light appeared in the northwest. I woke up with a start and almost thought I was still dreaming."

Dr. Schneider said to Shade.

The spatial fusion that Yin Luna mentioned, under the fierce collision of spirits and elements, formed an optical phenomenon that ordinary people could see with their naked eyes. This in itself was an extremely dangerous signal, indicating that the abnormal phenomena in the world could be easily observed by ordinary people, which meant that the changes in space had reached a level that had to be resolved immediately.

Today is Tuesday, and there are less than 40 hours until Edwards's night banquet. Shade still has a lot of things to do. During breakfast, he talked with Father Augustus and Dr. Schneider about the plan after landing on the island on Wednesday. After breakfast, he said hello to the witches who came to Green Lake Hotel to continue discussing tomorrow's plan, and then went out in the rain again:

"What are you going to do?"

Miss Carina grabbed Shade's sleeve:

"We are all here, who else are you going to look for? Didn't Annat say she would be here soon?"

"I'm going to see Miss Danister."