The Whispering Verses

Chapter 1922: convene


Miss Danister at the window said softly in her heart, and turned away from the window. But when she looked at the study again, she saw two girls in black and white long skirts, holding hands and standing by the coffee table. A group of red glowing butterflies were flying around them, and the fiery red color seemed like everything was burning.

Tong Kong shrank, and subconsciously wanted to retreat, but then she remembered that she was no longer the girl who had not yet graduated:

"Angel-level relics, Red Butterfly Twins... Yes, considering the time, it's time for you to appear together again."

Some memories of her school days came to her mind, and she knew what kind of power the two underage girls in front of her represented. As the top humanoid angel-level relic, even though she was now at the thirteenth ring, she could not easily say that she could defeat them:

"It's been a long time since we last met. You guys are at Green Lake this time. Are you... the old gods - the twin gods?"

She suddenly understood and looked at the twins with pale skin, gloomy faces, bloodshot lips, and strange anomalies... Considering that Helen also pretended not to know Shade when she first met him in the Sixth Era, the sisters' acting skills are still good:

"Wait a minute, you two... humanoid relics, are you also qualified to be the chosen ones?"

The red butterflies were still flying, but the two sisters remained silent. The coldness gradually covered everything in the room with white frost, and a red butterfly landed in front of Miss Danister. After the sorceress reached out and touched the red butterfly, it turned into a fire butterfly, and in the firelight, the note fell into her hand.

Crooked and twisted, like the letters written by a toddler who has just learned to write, they spelled out a complete sentence:

"Wednesday night, follow the red butterfly."

“Why would I do this?”

She looked up and found that the twin girls holding hands were gone. She looked at the note in her hand again, and the crooked letters slowly disappeared under her gaze.

The sorceress took a few deep breaths and then looked out the window at the rain again. Shade had already reached the gate of the manor, where the carriage was waiting for him:

"Red Butterfly Twins, do you want to snatch the qualification of being chosen from the God Summoner after both sides are injured?"

Of course, Shad didn't know what Grace and Helen had done. He returned to Green Lake Hotel and went home immediately and gave Miss Danister's ring to Megan and Audrey.

However, when he lent out the ring, the other witches were in the restaurant on the second floor, discussing plans around a long table covered with maps and documents. So when Shade took out the ring and put it in Audrey's hand, the room, which was originally filled with talking, suddenly became quiet. The ring seemed to have a strong attraction, causing everyone to turn their heads and look at the two of them.

"Miss Danister promised me that if she saw the ring on Wednesday night, she would protect Megan and Audrey."

He explained so, and the witches continued to discuss who would stay here and who would go on the cruise on the Duin River tomorrow night, as if the previous pause had never existed.

Afterwards, Shad did not stay, but went to the Randall River Valley through the space maze.

In the courtyard of the Forgotten Church, the flowers planted in the flower beds by the girls of the Golden Dawn Opera Troupe are now in full bloom. Compared with the rainy Green Lake area, the Randall River Valley, known as the "City of Spring", has only blue skies and warm spring breezes on this quiet Tuesday. This is what Shad imagines spring to be like.

Breathing in the fresh air, he left the church and came to the yard, calling out to the "Guardian" under the tree in the yard. As the soil crawled and rose, the chosen one of the earth appeared again in the image of Miss Lathers's father and came to Shade.

The shadows of the trees fell on the two of them, and the beauty of spring was so clear in the Spring City after the disaster. If it weren't for the battle of Green Lake tomorrow night, Shade would even want to spend the whole day here in peace, but he knew he couldn't do that yet:

"Wednesday night, the Battle of Green Lake. We need your help."

The guardian nodded slightly:

"I am willing to serve you."

“The summary reports are all here.”

He handed the report file bag given by the witches to the other party. Of course, this could not have been written by the witches themselves. It should be the intelligence compiled by the girls under their command:

"The situation this time is a little special. Due to the existence of the space barrier, most people cannot join the battlefield immediately. After you arrive in Green Lake City, you can go to the Green Lake Hotel to join us. Or, if the church tries to contact you, you can go to the island with the first batch of the church. The enemy this time is the traitor of the Prophet Association, Laplace Klein Howard. He reached the thirteenth ring a hundred years ago. Now that he has abandoned his human identity, he will become stronger."

The guardian nodded again:

"No problem. The changes in space will not affect the power of the earth. If necessary, I can appear in the Green Lake area now."

"How long can you stay away from Randall Valley?"

Xia De asked again with concern.

"If it doesn't exceed 5 hours, there won't be any problem."

After communicating with the guardian, it was already noon on Tuesday. When Shade returned to Green Lake Hotel, he was surprised to find that everyone was there.

Not only the great witches and the witch apprentices, but also Luvia and Yin Luna have come. When Xia De saw Yin Luna in the restaurant on the second floor of the hotel, she was talking excitedly about what happened this morning, and how she used the power of "balance" to separate the fused space again, so that the space returned to normal.

"Although the space has returned to normal, the objects and human bodies that were fused together cannot be restored. I can't turn back time. The dead are really dead."

I still feel a little disappointed when I say this, but there is nothing I can do about it. The angel halo has been broken, but Yin Luna returned the night watchman to Shade. Afterwards, everyone sat down at the long table that had hosted the Edwards family twins and had lunch together.

Now that the plan for Wednesday has been roughly completed, the witches finally decided that Edwards and others should not stay in the hotel.

After Sister Defulin arrived in the afternoon, everyone discussed again and finally decided that Megan and Audrey, Mr. Soren Green, Durrut Giles and Rust Edwards would stay in the hotel, while Ms. Helena Green and Maria Edwards would go to the witches' cruise ship.

As for the great witches, except Megan and Audrey, Miss Sylvia of the tenth ring, Miss Aurora of the twelfth ring, and Miss Carina of the twelfth ring stayed here, while Miss Benanis of the twelfth ring and Grandma Cassandra of the tenth ring went to the cruise ship.

Meanwhile, Shade had arranged for Father Augustus and Doctor Schneider to stay in the hotel, but their main purpose was the remaining skull. Resia would wait with Dorothy in the room on the third floor tomorrow night, and as for Grace and Helen, Shade wanted them to stay with Resia and Dorothy, but the Red Butterfly sisters wanted to go on the cruise with Grandma Cassandra.

Since this was their own idea, Xia De did not object. After all, he had the Butterfly Summoning Flute in his hand, and he could summon the two sisters at any time if necessary.

“Brother Edwards of the Mirror Society does not know what the arrangements are, but the church has determined that both brothers Foran will stay at the Peace Church in Green Lake.”

Yin Luna also revealed the plan here:

"First try to stop them from returning to the island. If that fails, immediately have the camp by the lake prepare to land on the island."

"We are also preparing to land on the island if the first phase of the plan fails."

Miss Sylvia introduced that lunch was over, the table was cleaned up, and covered with papers again. On the huge water curtain behind her, the plan was demonstrated:

"It has been confirmed that Shade's small wooden boat has a high probability of being used. In addition, Xiwei also brought a Secret Keeper-class boat, but I'm not sure if it can also be used."

Miss Aurora smiled. Her family specialized in shipbuilding and shipping. Before planning to go to the Green Lake area, they had considered the need for a ship.

"If the defenses of the hotel and the cruise ship fail, Shade will follow his plan and try to follow Megan and Audrey to the island, while the others will follow Luvia Annette on board and take a small boat to the island under her guidance, provided that the enemy's manpower is eliminated to the greatest extent possible."

Luvia nodded:

"This will be at least half an hour later than Edwards and his men, and we will definitely encounter resistance after landing on the island. Considering the limited number of people that the two ships can carry, I'm afraid your followers won't be able to land with you this time. The battle on the island will mainly depend on you."

"Since they can't land on the island, let them do what they can in the first defense phase. The Speaker approved a lot of supplies this time, so we will try to use them up and let the Speaker know that we have done our best."

Miss Carina said, and everyone else nodded.

Xia De, who was sitting at the table, asked again:

"Ajelina stayed with you. Where will you arrange for her to go tomorrow? Are you really going to let her come here too?"

"Yes, right here, with Leicia."

The Duchess said, and Shade frowned slightly:

"I have no objection to letting Ajelina see the world. It would be good for her, but you have to know the danger this time. Is it really necessary to let her stay on the front line of the battlefield?"

"Times have changed. The Witch Council is not an organization where witches gather together to drink afternoon tea and touch unicorns. Look at the other girls, Tifa..."

The black-haired head maid in a black and white maid dress stood behind her and nodded gracefully to Shade.

"Miss Swift."

Behind the old witch, the young girl with long flaxen hair smiled.


Although she had only been Miss Benannis' apprentice for less than two months, Her Royal Highness the Golden-haired Princess was still proud to participate in this operation.

"Ms. Hayley Aurora."

Miss Aurora's young niece nodded slightly while holding the documents in her hands. She was still shy in front of strangers, but her level of handling documents was surprisingly almost the same as Tifa's.

"Let Ajelina stay. She can learn more. The sorceress of the Cavendish family is not just a useless pretty vase."

The word "vase" triggered some memories in Xia De, but after hearing her say this, Xia De no longer objected:

"Let Ajelina and Leicia stay on the third floor together. It will be a good opportunity for someone to help me look after Mia."