The Whispering Verses

Chapter 1923: Return to the spell


Seeing that Shade had arranged for Ajelina, Mother-in-law Cassandra asked again:

"Devlin, what are your plans?"

The blind nun beside the old witch replied softly:

"The chosen ones of balance are placed in the Peace Church. I will leave the church and go to the cruise ship. The only ones who will be able to take effect in the end are those who can land on the island."

"That's good. This way we have more manpower. Originally, there were only Vanessa and Granny Cassandra on the cruise ship. I was a little worried about that, but now it's enough."

Miss Aurora was very happy about this:

"Although we don't have the Thirteenth Ring here, our combat power is barely sufficient. We can't arrange all of our followers to go to the battlefield, but there are already many girls who are loyal enough. If the fortune teller really wants to go head-to-head with all the forces in the Green Lake area, he will definitely lose without even landing on the island. The only uncertainty now is how he is going to invite his descendants to the island."

The plan and backup plan have been discussed almost completely, and everyone has to make their own preparations for tomorrow's battle, so the afternoon meeting did not last too long. Although Sister Defulin decided not to act with the church, she still returned to the church with Yin Luna that afternoon.

Shade took Luvia to his room, but he didn't want to do anything private in broad daylight, but for another key information:

"How can I use the Angel Relic Poetry Card that can summon ancient heroes to activate its properties?"

The relic had been housed in the Prophet's Guild until it was stolen, and there is very little information about it elsewhere.

Luvia was a little surprised:

"Are you planning to grab that card and call upon the witch from the past to help? That's a good idea."

"Hmm... Just assume that's what I think. How do I use the cards specifically?"

Shade asked, and the purple-eyed girl recalled:

"I saw the detailed containment report... and I remember it.

First and foremost, you need to know as much as possible about the deeds and life of the ancient hero you want to summon, which will greatly affect the power of the hero you summon. Secondly, you need to have items related to the poetic hero. They don’t have to be items used by the hero, but can also be symbols such as swords and horses. Finally, there is the spell. Yes, this relic requires a spell to activate. "

"What spell?"

"I don't know, but it's on that card. It's ancient writing, so it's definitely not a problem for you."

But Shade didn't want to use the cards himself. He was worried that the fortune teller who guessed the existence of "The Sixth Era of the Past" would use the cards to summon something else:

“Are these the only three conditions?”


Luvia nodded in confirmation:

"Choose the object to be summoned, learn his life story, hold the relevant items, and recite the spell to activate the relic. This is a relic related to time, and its danger also comes from time itself. The association's containment files do not clearly mention where the specific danger lies, but only warn fortune tellers not to use the power of time casually. Time, like fate, is extremely fair to everyone."

"That's what I'm worried about. The fortune teller has his own offspring with the gift of time and space to explore the past. If he ends up summoning what I think he is, that would be terrible."

Xia De sighed deeply. Just as Luvia was about to say something else, there was a knock on the door, and then Miss Sylvia walked in:

"Oh, Shad, you're here."

Seeing Luvia was there, he teased again:

"Is it convenient for you to talk to me now? Or, I'll give you some time."

She didn't come to chat with Shade, but showed Shade a triangular charm made of silver metal. Witches are good at making all kinds of charms, because witches in the Fifth Epoch like to study how to make their accessories beautiful and useful.

"Some time ago, you and I discussed the return-home effect of your puzzle lock 'Cinderella'. I was inspired and looked through some past documents before I finally made this."

The Great Witch of Space "modestly" introduced the effect of the spell to the two people:

"Bend the metal, activate the properties, and you can return directly to the first floor of this hotel. I call it the 'Return Spell'."


Shade was shocked:

"This is really..."

"Don't be so surprised. It's not as powerful as you think. I only have a superficial understanding of your puzzle lock. Therefore, the production of this thing involves the power of the parliament and can only be used by women. Moreover, it can only be used over a short distance. Not to mention that you can cross half of the Old Continent like you can, this spell may be ineffective at a distance of half a city. The reason why we chose to return to this hotel is because there is a matching ritual in the hotel for positioning."

She shook her head regretfully:

"This kind of thing can only be made in the Green Lake area. Although spatial instability increases the danger of crossing space, it also reduces the difficulty of crossing space. If I leave the Green Lake area, I won't be able to make this thing... unless I continue to be promoted."

"How many spells have you made?"

Luvia asked curiously, the effect of this spell is very useful in certain specific situations.

"Less than ten. The rarity of the raw materials is secondary. The main reason is that the production process is very complicated. I can't devote all my time to this."

She took out another identical amulet and gave one to Shade and Luvia:

"Take it, I hope it can be useful. I really don't have the confidence to fight this time. I am the lowest-ranking witch in the council. It seems that after this matter is over, I have to consider promotion as soon as possible. Otherwise, I can only do such logistical work in the future, or serve as a tool to open the portal."

She really underestimated herself. No matter what enemies or disasters she faced, the power of the Great Witch of Space was always indispensable.

That afternoon, the witches of the council also received two other relics that might help Shad and allow him to go to the island with Megan.

Shortly after Miss Sylvia left, Miss Aurora brought two relics to Shad, one was a silver cloak, and the other was a long sword dripping with blood in a box held by Miss Haley Aurora.

"Let me briefly introduce it. This is the most suitable relic selected by the Council. That cloak is an invisibility cloak for sage-level relics to escape death."

"Oh? It's this relic? I thought it was in the hands of the Church of Nature."

Luvia was very surprised and took up the cloak and put it on. The smooth silk-like fabric covered her whole body and made her body completely transparent, leaving only her head floating in the air. This scene was quite terrifying.

Xia De reached out to touch her body, but his hands could not touch anything:

"Is this considered invisibility? This is basically disappearing."

He commented as Luvia lifted her cloak and gave it to Shade to inspect, while Miss Aurora continued the introduction;

"Yes, after putting on the cloak, not only can others not see you, but you will no longer exist as a physical entity that can be touched. But the real value of this relic is the 'escape from death' in its name. When you are about to die, use the relic to cover your entire body, and you will never die. It's like this invisibility cloak can also hide from death's pursuit. Your thaumaturgy of false immortality is similar to the effect of this relic, but the immortal state after putting on the invisibility cloak will not be broken by more serious injuries."

"It's really amazing... What are the disadvantages and costs?"

One side of the cloak was silver, and the inside was some kind of linen-colored cloth, which also prevented the garment from being invisible. The end of the cloak was sewn with some elderflowers with fine stitches, but the flowers and vines were connected so that they could be interpreted by Shad's "Language Understanding" -

Escape is not the end, death will come.

"Although it can be invisible, beings with strong inspiration can still vaguely sense it. Its hiding effect is actually not as good as that of the Secret Keeper-level hide-and-seek wardrobe. And the main feature of this clothing, that is, the feature of escaping death, once triggered, it means that you can never come out from under the invisibility cloak again. Otherwise, no matter what method is used, once the cloak is lifted, you will die immediately."

Ms. Aurora said, and Luvia added:

"The association attaches great importance to this relic. They believe that this clothing is related to the ancient god of death, and it is even possible that it was created by the ancient god. In addition to what Miss Aurora said, the association also recorded that the person wearing the cloak may disappear completely and never be found again. No one knows what the invisible person will encounter after hiding himself."

"So, if we roll this cloak into a ball, will it make the cloak invisible?"

Shade asked curiously, pulling out Mia who was trying to get under the cloak.

"Don't do this, it will cause the relic to get out of control."

Miss Aurora warned, and then took out the blood-dripping sword from the box held by her niece. However, the blood drops will automatically disappear as they fall, and will not contaminate the floor of the hotel:

"This relic is of the same level as the hide-and-seek wardrobe, and is of the Secret Keeper level (level 3). It's not that the Council doesn't have Angel level (level 1) and more Sage level (level 2) relics, it's just that there are too few high-risk relics with minimal side effects. Your Night Watchman is perfect in this regard."

"Secret Keeper-level weapons, long swords, are already very rare."

Shade commented, but Luvia shook her head.

"I recognize this too, Shade. This is not a weapon. This is similar to your 'Thorn of Eros'. Although it looks like a weapon, it is actually a ritual item."

She obtained the consent of Miss Aurora and introduced her to Shade:

"The Secret Keeper-level relic, the Concentric Sword. Two different objects pierced by this sword will be considered as a whole."