The Whispering Verses

Chapter 1924: Witches' Banquet


Xia De, holding the cat, thought for a while before he understood the meaning of this relic:

"That is to say, if this sword were to pierce through me and Little Mia, people would think that there was only Little Mia, or only Shade. As for why a person grew out of a cat, or a cat grew out of a person's chest, people would subconsciously ignore this question and think that it was normal for a cat to have a human-shaped tumor, or for me to have a 'cat on my chest'."

"Yes, that's about it."

Ms. Aurora nodded, and Luvia continued:

"The origin of this relic is very clear. Around 879 of the Fifth Era, a couple committed suicide with this sword. Afterwards, the ordinary sword was possessed by vengeful spirits and turned into a so-called 'demon sword'. Because it was too weak, the witch who found it simply purified the vengeful spirits, kept the curse on it, and threw it into her warehouse as a collection. Unexpectedly, it later became a relic."

"The records of the Prophet's Guild are correct. The sword was purchased by the Council from the Prophet's Guild around 1235 of the Sixth Era, about 600 years ago. The Council was willing to purchase it not because it was valuable, but because it regarded the sword as a relic of ancient witches. Since then, the sword has always been in the hands of the Council. The only positive characteristic is indeed the one Luvia just mentioned, but there are many negative characteristics."

Miss Aurora counted:

"First, after being pierced, the evil spirit in the sword will continue to affect their minds. Second, after being pierced, one of them may lose his or her sense of existence forever. Third, after being pierced, there is a chance that the opponent will be killed in one blow, which requires resistance to death. Fourth, while being considered as a whole, the strength of both will be reduced. Fifth, the blood dripping from the sword is highly poisonous, and it is a poison that affects the soul. Sixth, although the two will be considered as a whole after the characteristics are exerted, it is not completely impossible to see through. After all, our enemy this time is a fortune teller who has surpassed the thirteenth ring."

Xia De nodded in understanding:

"The closet and the invisibility cloak are intended to help me follow Megan and Audrey by hiding me; this sword, on the other hand, allows me to follow them by making me a part of them."

"It's like this. If you want to try other methods, the Council can actually produce a lot of relics. Even if the Council doesn't have them, the witches all have their own private collections. But again, our opponent this time is a fortune teller who has surpassed the thirteenth ring. In fact, these three are enough for this attempt."

The second half of Miss Aurora's sentence that she didn't say was probably that if these three relics couldn't be concealed, then there was no need to try other methods.

"So far, the hide-and-seek wardrobe has the best effect, but it's too big. The sword has a very strange effect, but we have to pay attention to its negative properties. The invisibility cloak is the most convenient to use, but it's also the easiest to be seen through."

Luvia concluded, so Miss Aurora asked her:

"Do you have any other suggestions? Bei Yasi said that the Orthodox Church is also making similar attempts, but the church has not come up with any innovative ideas."

The purple-eyed girl shook her head, thinking that she still had the last Homeland Coin in her hand. Once the Green Lake Hotel fell tomorrow night, she would immediately perform divination.

Now that the Green Lake negotiations have been suspended, the outsiders who originally rented the Green Lake Hotel have also left along with the Tobesk nobles who left the local area. This is good news, and it has vacated a lot of rooms in the hotel.

At dusk that afternoon, Sister Develin moved in with the blind nuns who had come to Green Lake. They lived on the second floor, next to Durrut Giles and Rust Edwards. Strangely enough, the spirit of the little girl, who had always been afraid of Father Augustus, was quite friendly to Sister Develin.

Shad even asked the girl, who was already familiar with him, why she was so friendly to the nun, and the girl said:

“There’s something warm about her.”

She opened her arms and drew a big circle in the air:

“It’s like the temperature of the ashes left after burning wood on a dark snowy night. Although the temperature is not high, it can provide a reassuring warmth.”

Xia De looked at her in surprise:

"You've been doing well in your recent grammar lessons."

After checking into the hotel, Durrut Giles had no intention of wandering around the city, so in his spare time, the history lecturer took on the role of grammar and basic mathematics teacher for Rust Edwards.

"Giles, Giles~ I'm praised!"

The girl clapped her hands and floated away, looking very excited. Of all the Edwards, she was probably the least nervous about the family dinner tomorrow night. Shad hoped that at this time two days later, she would still be able to wander around the hotel so freely. But he was also a little curious, when Rusty Edwards saw her father who strangled her to death again, would she still be able to maintain her childish innocence.

The incessant rain is annoying, but it also gives people peace of mind as they can stay indoors.

The sound of rain made the city silent. Although the storm had clearly arrived, the depressing atmosphere still made people feel that something more terrible was about to happen.

After the negotiation delegations were completely evacuated on Tuesday morning, the city halls of Green Lake and Michaela Blast Furnace successively issued orders prohibiting navigation on Green Lake, and announced that in order to thoroughly search the area, a one-day full curfew would be imposed on the entire area starting on Wednesday afternoon.

People who didn't know the inside story took it as an advance warning that the armies of the two countries were gathering to prepare for a battle in the Green Lake area. But all the ring sorcerers knew that this was the church's warning to the ring sorcerers who were still in the area not to cause trouble for the church at this time.

At the same time, this is also a means of protecting ordinary people in the area. It is hard to say how many people will be affected by the battle at Green Lake. It would be best if the battlefield was confined to that island, but once the high-level warlocks' battlefield came near the city, it would be hard to say how many casualties there would be.

Shad stayed in the hotel that afternoon, repeatedly confirming the plan with the witches and Luvia, and communicating with Helen, Grace and Dorothy.

The best case scenario is to prevent the Edwards family from uniting as one, and let Durrut Giles and Rust Edwards become the chosen ones. But if the story in the Green Lake area really goes to another ending, Shade also has his own way.

But when he was free, he would also think about what the story of the chosen one in the original past life was like. He had done so many things in the Randall River Valley this year to prevent Siris from actively going to death and becoming a part of the "Guardian", and finally reversed the ending. But for Green Lake, he really couldn't guess what the long-haired Luvia did in the Sixth Epoch without him.

"Don't think too much. Luvia will tell me one day."

Tomorrow is Wednesday, and we certainly won’t be able to have dinner together tomorrow, so everyone attaches great importance to Tuesday’s dinner.

Even though it was raining heavily outside, the Green siblings arranged for the kitchen to prepare a sumptuous banquet in advance. When the sun disappeared below the horizon behind the dark clouds and the gas lamps with strange halos lit up on the roadside in the cold and wet rain, the six witches, four witch apprentices, Dorothy, Luvia, Sister Defulin, and even Grace and Helen, who didn't like to participate in such activities, sat down with Shade in the restaurant on the second floor.

The restaurant on the second floor was originally simply decorated, but with a wave of the hands of several witches, it became well-decorated. Miss Carina provided silver tableware and candlesticks. When the sumptuous dishes covered the table in the candlelight, Shade found that the atmosphere here was quite depressing.

He still remembered that the witches also held such a dinner before the battle of Randall Valley. However, compared with more than two months ago, this time it involved the safety of the Great Witch of the Parliament. Even though everyone was prepared, everyone was still a little worried.

Granny Cassandra, the oldest and most experienced witch here, replaced Miss Aurora in the Randall Valley. In the silence before the banquet began, she stood up with her glass in hand.

Miss Rita Swift, who was sitting next to her, wanted to help her, but the old witch refused:


In the light of the gas lamp on the wall, she raised the wine glass high, her voice old but exceptionally high:

"Times have changed. In the past 1,800 years of the Sixth Era, there are no more days when the witches could drink tea under their parasols, discuss their business, and comment on current events in newspapers. We will once again become the brave and strong girls of the Fifth Era to welcome the next era."

Everyone looked up at her. Shade, who was asked to sit in the main seat, held down the cat, who was eager to eat.

"In the next era, whether there will still be witches like us, whether there will still be our parliament, will be decided by you sitting here. We are not just doing this for ourselves, but also for the next generation of witches, the next generation of witches, for the friendship of the parliament, and for the common promise."

Granny Cassandra cast a stern look at the other five witches:

"Look up at me. Our ancestors have experienced more dangerous times in the past, and the Council has also suffered the strange death of the Great Witch. Today is the most powerful era of the Council in a thousand years. We have even found Shade, so why are you worried? Now, please raise your glasses with me."

The cups were picked up by fair hands, and the six witches spoke together, clinking their cups into the air.


"For the future of the parliament and the witches. The battle of Green Lake must be our victory!"