The Whispering Verses

Chapter 1925: The Witch and the Nun's Invitation


Afterwards, even though Xia De was sitting here, he couldn't hear who said:

"For Shad."

The depressing atmosphere was finally relieved by the girls' laughter. Shade suspected that it was Grace or Helen who said it, especially Helen as the younger sister. But the twin girls were talking quietly with Sister Defulin and Dorothy, and they didn't look like the ones who spoke just now.

The dinner lasted for an hour. It was a pre-war gathering, but more importantly, it was to boost morale. Therefore, not only did Grandma Cassandra speak, but the witches also spoke.

When it was Shad's turn, he solemnly promised again that he would bring Megan and Audrey back safely, and then the girls complained that he was causing psychological pressure for the ladies at the table.

"Shad, you have to promise us that after the Battle of Green Lake, you will date us like before."

Miss Aurora suggested again, and Miss Sylvia and Miss Benanis, who understood what she was talking about, smiled with a blush on their faces. The red-haired Duchess wanted to laugh at first, but then she felt that she seemed to have a better choice. Megan looked at them thoughtfully, while the other girls didn't quite understand what Miss Aurora said.

In short, after dinner, everyone's mood has adjusted and they are ready to face the decisive battle tomorrow night with all their strength.

Of course, you don't have to worry about washing dishes when eating in a hotel. After leaving the restaurant, Shad was thinking about whether to visit Resia and Ajelina, who had not yet moved to Green Lake Hotel and would arrive tomorrow evening. But Audrey stopped him on the stairs and called him to his room on the third floor to talk.

"What's wrong?"

After the door closed, Shade asked the brown-haired girl in front of him. Audrey pursed her lips and asked:

"Are you going home to rest tonight?"

"This is the last night we stay here. I need to prevent any other situations from happening. Sister Defulin is staying here tonight, probably for the same reason."

A smile appeared on her face:

"Well, we agreed to stay here overnight, so you can't lie. I'll come to your room tonight after ten o'clock. We don't know what will happen tomorrow. Since this is the last night, I have something to say to you."

She tried not to show her emotions at the moment:

"Don't tell others that I'm coming to see you tonight, otherwise, they will say that I have poor mental quality and can't stay calm."

Xia De nodded gently, knowing that she was still a little nervous and uneasy:

"I have always been here. Just as I promised you at the beginning, I will accompany you to the island to meet your ancestors."

The Great Witch of Knowledge and Wisdom nodded slightly, then turned around and left the room. Shad closed his eyes and decided to bring the Arrow of the Chosen One to the island tomorrow. The arrow was not big and not easy to carry. If Megan and Audrey were really in danger, and neither Shad nor Miss Danister could rescue them, he would use the alchemical bow he bought from Old John at a high price to shoot the arrow and make them "the Chosen Ones of Wisdom and Knowledge".

Of course, this was the worst outcome Shad could have imagined.

He did not leave the third floor immediately, but went to talk to Father Augustus and Dr. Schneider again.

The doctor and the priest didn't feel bored at all, they had already made all the preparations. Especially the doctor, he was still upset about arriving at the Randall Valley two months ago, but got lost in the forest and did nothing except helping Luvia.

"I'm with the priest this time, so I won't get lost."

He said this confidently, and then Shad noticed that the priest looked hesitant, obviously knowing how bad the doctor's luck was.

"What do you mean by that look, priest?"

The doctor asked hesitantly.

However, Shade did not let the priest and the doctor directly participate in the defense of the hotel tomorrow night. On the one hand, the two were willing to help him, and he did not want the secret they kept to be exposed so easily; on the other hand, because the final battle would definitely start on the island, saving some energy in the early stage might be able to play a better role after nightfall.

Shad didn't have any plans for that night, as he had promised Audrey to stay at the hotel that night, so he went home early and sorted the things he would need for tomorrow into a hidden space so that he could take them out from the basement of Green Lake Hotel at any time.

Needless to say, weapons, potions and relics were not the first time that Shade prepared for a decisive battle. In addition to his usual Night Watcher Higgs Dragonhead Stone, Yggdrasil Key, three leaves of eternal youth, twenty-sided dice of fate, perfume bottle of desire, he also brought the master key seized from the labyrinth demon - Yaru.

The demon had this relic alone besides the coin, and Shade never understood its purpose. Fortunately, the master key was not very big, so it was very convenient to carry with him.

"The Spear of Kindness and the pages of poetry manuscripts, keep these two at home. The Demon Hunting Seal... take it with you, it might be useful. And the Profane Cross, I used the Soul-Sucking Demon Blade to absorb divinity in the Randall Valley, so I still haven't used it. But this time, it seems that we won't encounter the evil god... Safety first, take it with you. I must take the Arrow of the Chosen One with me this time, and the Source of Chaos... The labyrinth demon is dead, but since we may get lost in space this time, we must take it with us. God's Gift Box... For safety reasons, take it with you to the Green Lake Hotel, it might be useful."

Then he looked at the "Six Rings of Mia" placed in six ring boxes of exactly the same style, namely the Transformation Ring, Fish Training Ring, Vampire Ring, Plague Doctor Ring, Eternal Life Ring and Mood Ring.

The cat brought by Shade also saw the rings, wagging its tail eagerly, watching Shade pick them up one by one. However, Shade finally left the vampire ring and the ring of mood, and took the other four.

"This is for you."

Shad put a fish training ring on the cat's tail to encourage the cat to learn to speak as soon as possible.

Then he sorted out the other alchemical items he wanted to take with him, and finally drew two disaster cards from "Filianna's Notes": Twin Lovers and Shadow of the Deep Sea.

Even though he knew that using the power in them would lead to the early arrival of disaster, Shade still put them in his pocket decisively. Power is valuable only when it is used, otherwise it would be meaningless for him to bring them from the past life to the present time and space.

After packing up, I returned to Green Lake Hotel. I thought there would be nothing else to do tonight. I just had to wait for Megan and Audrey to come over and talk about things at ten o'clock.

But as soon as he appeared in the basement of the hotel, the girls who guarded and maintained the core of the basement ritual told him that Sister Defulin wanted to see him.

The nun did not want to discuss the fire on the island with Shade, but handed Shade an umbrella:

"Come out with me for a moment."

"No problem. Let's go to the lake and see what's happening with that island now? Or are there any strange spatial anomalies in the city again?"

The nun wearing the silver eye mask did not answer, but slipped out a roll of parchment from her sleeve. Shade recognized this, it was the witches' task list.

Now it was the eve of the decisive battle at Green Lake, and most of the tasks on the very long list that Shade had seen for the first time had already been completed by the Great Witch and her girls. There were tasks that were obviously helpful for exploration, such as harvesting "Colored Mushrooms", and there were also tasks that had nothing to do with Edwards and his group.

But since the thirteen-ringed witch of time thought these tasks were useful, others certainly wouldn't doubt it. While running around Green Lake, Shade also solved some problems. The golden hair of the witch of time that was rewarded was still in his basement.

Sister Defulin invited Shad to go out on this rainy night for a task on the to-do list. But before the two of them went out with an umbrella, the nun asked Shad to take the old lantern he had obtained in the Mansion of Sin, which could hold most of the fire.

When they went out, there was no carriage waiting for them. The nun led the way silently, crossing two streets to the south, and stopped in front of an apartment building with no lights on.

This is a very ordinary three-story apartment with a loft in Green Lake City. The overall area is not large, squeezed between the flower shop and the second-hand bookstore. The nun turned her head and looked at Shade. The silver eye mask with dense patterns, under the light of the dim gas lamp on the right, only the right corner reflected a strange light mark.

Although she didn't say anything, Xia De understood what she meant. He walked up the steps in front of the door, closed his eyes and listened to the sound. He struggled to distinguish the sound of no heartbeat from the sound of raindrops. Then he knocked on the door lock and went straight into the hallway.

The umbrella was folded, and the flames flowing from Sister Defulin's hands evaporated the water stains on the ground and the foot mat. In order not to arouse the suspicion of the neighbors, Shade did not turn on the lights in the hallway, and the nun who followed him in naturally did not turn on the lights either, after all, she did not need eyes to see things.

Then the nun pointed upstairs, and Shade nodded. In order to maintain his image, he did not take out his shoe covers, hat, and gloves, but walked up the stairs quietly. But after walking up three steps, he found that Sister Defulin did not follow him.

Turning around, he noticed the abnormal firelight, and then saw that the nun had kneeled on the wooden floor of the hallway, touching the floor with the slender flame in her hand.

After a moment of silence, a burning bonfire formed directly in the hallway. The fire was not bright, only illuminating a corner of the hallway, but in the dark environment and the sound of heavy rain outside the door, it was particularly reassuring.