The Whispering Verses

Chapter 1929: The Green Lake Monster


When Shad opened his eyes hugging Luvia on Wednesday morning, the first thing he thought of was not the "strange ceiling", but that this day had finally arrived.

Get up, let the cat out of the closet, wash up, go home to get goat milk and newspaper, and go to the hotel for dinner.

Today, Reverend Augustus and Doctor Schneider did not eat at the same table with Shade. They went out early in the rain. Reverend Augustus wanted to meet the old ghoul Mr. Nicholas Green for the last time. The doctor heard that there were ghouls with high IQs, so he wanted to meet them together - he seemed to think that the other party's psychological state was a very interesting research topic.

It was very rare that Dorothy, who should have been sleeping soundly at around 7 o'clock, actually got up. She ate breakfast at the same table with Shad and Luvia. While Shad was reading the newspaper, the writer asked Luvia:

"You stayed at his place last night, didn't you?"

She was not unhappy about this, but she was puzzled:

"Did Shad lock the cat in the closet again? Why didn't he put Mia here with me? Wouldn't that be more convenient?"

Xia De tilted his head and looked at her from behind the newspaper:

"I'll spend the night with Luvia and leave you in charge of Mia, which will make me look more like...what's the word?"

"A profligate man?"

The girl with purple eyes said with a smile, and after the cat meowed, they laughed even more happily.

Tonight is the time for the Edwards family's banquet. All the actions in the past two months have been in preparation for tonight. Tonight's enemy is the Edwards family, led by Laplace Klein Howard, a traitor to the Prophet's Association and a fortuneteller who has surpassed the thirteenth ring.

In addition to the Edwards family, the Abyss Drowned Cult, which has been keeping a low profile recently, the Tyranny Club which was recently defeated by the Church, the mysterious Society of Truth which has never appeared, and other alliances of fortune tellers that Shad is still unclear about will all become obstacles for him to land on the island.

In addition to the fortune teller himself, there is one-sixth of the skull of the angel of death, poetry cards, soul storybook, Envy Edwards, the eldest son of the third generation who transcends time and space, and the ancient evil door in the bottle. These are huge dangers that ordinary ring sorcerers cannot overcome.

This day was destined to be troubled. After breakfast, news came that the water of Green Lake had turned green. Then, just after eight o'clock in the morning, as the rain slowed down, a crack in the sky appeared behind the rain clouds, which was actually observed by ordinary people in the city.

Outside of Green Lake, the area where the crack appeared in the sky already occupied one-third of the Old Continent. According to its characteristic of increasing diffusion speed, the entire material world should be able to observe this strange "astronomical phenomenon" tonight.

In the city of Green Lake, even on the main roads, not many people were seen. Although it was a working day on Wednesday, the city had basically stopped all work and production because of the "urban flood disaster warning" issued in advance by the city hall. The citizens didn't know what was going on, but the sense of danger passed down from generation to generation made most people choose to curl up at home on this rainy day and wait for the heavy rain to pass.

The space fusion phenomenon is intensifying. In the eyes of the ring sorcerers, more and more scenes of the cities on the other side of the river appear in Green Lake City and Mikaela Blast Furnace City. Even though the Prophet Association has given advance warnings and the church has arranged a space stabilization ceremony based on the church, two space fusion phenomena still occurred in the city before 10 o'clock in the morning, causing nearly a hundred people to become chimera-like monsters.

Although the number of people affected in the Green Lake incident so far is far less than the "petrification plague" in the Randall Valley, the petrification curse can be cured, and once encountering a spatial anomaly, ordinary people are almost certain to die.

At 10:30 in the morning, Shad, who was discussing with Miss Aurora in the basement how to leave the island if everything went smoothly tonight, learned that an abnormal elemental reaction had occurred in the alley on the east side of Green Lake Hotel.

He set out immediately, and after rushing there with Miss Sylvia, he discovered that the alley that was originally used for passage was a hundred meters long, but now it was reduced to only five meters when observed with the naked eye.

This was not the garbage alley where Little John had stayed before. In addition to the Green Lake Hotel, there were other buildings on both sides of the alley. But those buildings were not damaged, only the space of the alley itself was compressed.

"It's a small matter, not serious. I can handle it myself."

Miss Sylvia put down her umbrella and prepared to cast a spell, and Shad stepped forward and held the umbrella over her head.

The witch smiled and whispered a spell, and the power of the witch's secret technique gradually affected the surrounding space. The two stood at the entrance of the alley motionless, but saw that the alley kept getting longer until it returned to its original length.

Miss Sylvia did not relax, but looked around seriously:

"Do you feel it?"


She took out the potion that Megan made with the "Seven-Colored Mushroom" and controlled the droplets to enter her eyes. In just a blink of an eye, she saw a monster composed of three wolves, a sheep and a giant fly gradually appearing in the gap in the space that was gradually becoming stable.

Those creatures were not simply interwoven together, but were pieced together bit by bit using different parts of animals in a way that completely violated normal human logic and aesthetics. Even though Shade had seen many monsters in the past year, he still felt instinctively uncomfortable because of the shape of this monster.

At this moment, he even felt that the vengeful spirits in Midhill Castle, who were wandering between life and death, were so lovely and charming. After realizing his own thoughts, Shade also understood more and more what his opponent was this time.

"Come together."

Miss Sylvia, who was also disgusted by the weird appearance of the monster in front of her, said softly, and then the two of them took a step forward at the same time and disappeared in the rain at the same time.

The four sheep-wolf heads of the spatial chimera monster looked in all directions, while the thousands of densely packed small eyes on the huge fly-head compound eyes monitored all directions at the same time.

Xia De's figure appeared in front of him first, and he stepped on the ground with his right foot.

"Space stability aura."

He leaned forward and slashed down with the moonlight sword held in both hands.


A strange sound came from the body of the horrible monster. It tried to move in space, but the ripples caused by the water on the ground meant that the space stability aura had been activated. So the sound waves emitted by the monster became deeper and deeper. The huge energy driven by the sound waves evaporated the rain on the surface of the body. At the same time, Xia De felt that the sword he swung was as slow as if it was stuck in the mud.

Then, Miss Sylvia appeared behind Shade.

The witch's palm slapped Shad's shoulder, and Shad immediately stopped the magic to stabilize the space. The witch behind him grabbed Shad's right arm, and then swung the sword with him.

Invisible light flashed from the rain, and then turned into dark blue sword marks. The magic-dimensional slash, through the witch's hand and Shade's sword, was swung out, and the cracks of the distorted space and the moonlight gathered together, splitting the monster that had just entered the material world in half.

It did not have the ability to split into two separate entities. After the left and right parts fell into the puddle on the ground, they turned into a handful of white powder and disappeared in the strange light and shadow. Miss Sylvia took out the test tube and let the glass-like powder fly into the container.

These powders are the same as the powders Shad obtained when he and the doctor killed the space chimera when he went to the island to find Leicia. After being identified by Mother-in-law Cassandra, this is an extremely rare "space dust" that can be used to replace the materials for most space rituals and even magic. For example, when Shad uses the Lager's jump, he can completely use a small amount of powder to replace the "weather vane blue grass extract".

This is a rare material, and the monster that this material comes from will become the nightmare that the Green Lake area cannot get rid of in the next few hundred years, just like the murlocs in Coldwater Harbor, the undead in Midhill Castle, the plant monsters in the depths of the Pantanal Swamp, and the rock giants in the Randall River Valley.

Although the operation was to begin in the evening, in order to prepare in advance, after a quick lunch, the group heading to Megan's cruise ship left first, intending to drive the cruise ship currently anchored on the Duin River upstream for a distance.

Compared to the Green Lake Hotel, the cruise ship's defense is not strong, but its advantage is that it has good mobility and can even take off on the water. Therefore, although there are only Miss Benannis of the 12th ring, Granny Cassandra of the 10th ring, and Sister Divlin of the 11th ring on the cruise ship, the security there is no worse than that of the Green Lake Hotel... You know, Grace and Helen are also with Granny Cassandra.

Although most of the sisters' powers were sealed because of the "Sleeping Princess", even Shade couldn't be completely sure how much of their power had recovered in half a year.

The guests who rented the Green Lake Hotel had already left temporarily for various reasons, either on their own initiative or because they were forced to do so. After lunch, the hotel's servants, the kitchen cooks, and the helpers also left.

The witches' followers finally moved into the hotel, and Leicia and Ajelina also arrived this afternoon along with many of Miss Carina's maids.

The Red Butterfly Day started from then on, and Dorothy even dragged Shad downstairs to greet Leicia. Although they were both very sorry that they could not have an intimate and passionate three-way date with Shad on this Red Butterfly Day, they also knew that this was a serious matter, so they held hands, hugged Little Mia, and took Ajelina with them to the room upstairs that Miss Sylvia had handled to wait for the night to fall.

Little Mia was held by Ajelina. She would stay with her sister all night. After all, theoretically, that was the safest place in the entire hotel, and the cat and the little princess were the two weakest creatures in the hotel.