The Whispering Verses

Chapter 1930: A dog's request for help (plus update)


At 1:30 pm, Shade was trying to cast the "Moon Thorns" on the first floor under the advice of Miss Aurora, the great witch of "Light". The witch had a new idea and tried to use the moonlight thorns as the outermost defense of the hotel. Shade's current spellcasting ability was not enough, so she wanted to use her own strength to assist Shade in casting spells.

The two were discussing which location to use as the node for casting the spell when the faint sound of a dog barking was heard amid the sound of rain outside the hotel door.

The voice stopped outside the door. Miss Aurora looked at her niece in surprise, so Miss Haley Aurora opened the door and soon discovered the situation outside:

"There's a puppy outside... It looks like someone kicked it and it's dying."

"Puppy? Since we're stopping here, check if it's okay and bring it in. Feed it some potion."

Miss Aurora said, not really caring about it. So the young girl called other sorceresses to check the puppy at the door to prevent it from being a trick like Transfiguration.

Xia De didn't care much at first, and was about to continue discussing the spell with Miss Aurora, but then he looked outside the door:

"I don't think so."

He walked to the door, looked out at the girls' curious eyes, and then frowned.

The puppy outside the door is the dog of Little John, the boy in Garbage Alley.

Since the rainstorm, little John has lived in the hotel as a helper. Seeing that he is young but hardworking and has no bad habits, the Green siblings have decided to let him live here in the future. Shade has also arranged for Paradise Island Pharmaceuticals to sponsor and pay for his future tuition.

But he definitely couldn't stay in the hotel today, it would be very dangerous after dusk. If Shade remembered correctly, Mr. Soren Green arranged for a hotel servant with an empty room in his house to take him away temporarily, and the puppy should have gone with him. Shade couldn't imagine why it appeared here.

He reached out and used "false immortality" to maintain the life of the weak puppy, then dripped a few drops of potion into its mouth, and the serious injury was almost completely healed... This was the top healing potion prepared by the Council for tonight. After the puppy recovered, it barked at Shade twice, then jumped off the table, trying to get Shade to follow it.

Shad then caught it and put the fish training ring on its claw.

"The fish training ring can only be used on species that like to eat fish, such as cats and seabirds. Fortunately, dogs are not among them."

The effect of the relic appeared almost immediately. The puppy, who was struggling to jump off the table, was stunned for a moment, then looked up at Xia De and said in a childish voice that was hard to tell whether it was a boy or a girl:

"Save him, save him."

The fact that it was able to find this place by itself showed that it was quite intelligent. After it had the fish training ring, it was able to fully describe what had happened.

This matter was not very complicated. After the puppy described it, Xia De decided to solve it himself.

"You don't have to go in person. It's raining outside. I'll send someone."

Miss Aurora, who had also listened to the puppy's story, said, and Shade shook his head:

"Since this matter is related to me, I will handle it myself. I will be back in an hour at most, and then we can continue to discuss the matter of the Moon Thorn."

The witch knew that she couldn't persuade Shade, so she found an umbrella for him, and then watched him holding the umbrella and taking the puppy into the rain.

Shade did not take off the fish training ring, but let the dog wear it to guide him. The accident happened on the bank of the Duin River, not too far from the Green Lake Hotel. Therefore, even without a carriage, Shade arrived at the destination quickly.

The heavy rain washed away the bloodstains, and the many people that the puppy had mentioned were no longer on the small pier in the city. Only the boy's shoes were left in the grass on one side of the pier.

The surface of the river was hit by ripples from the heavy rain. The puppy could not track the scent in this weather. The only weakness of Shad's Blood Echo when tracking blood under normal circumstances was rain and rivers.

"Tell me again what happened here."

Shade straightened up with his umbrella in hand and spoke to the puppy at his feet who was still desperately trying to sniff out the scent of its owner.

"Master, John went to the house with the fat woman at noon and ran out after dinner. He heard that many people found treasures by the river, and some people found very rare playing cards, so he wanted to find one for you."

Xia De knew all this information.

"There were many people looking for treasures by the river. Those men found something, and then they started fighting for some reason. The master wanted to leave, but a man said that he saw the master found something good, so he asked the master to hand it over. But the master found nothing, and he had nothing, so he was slapped several times by the man and passed out. I wanted to save the master, but I was kicked, so I had to go find you."

Although this puppy does not have the "philosopher" temperament like the goat not long ago, it describes things quite clearly.

Xia De frowned slightly and was about to jump into the river to try to find more clues, but at this moment, the puppy started barking at another bush.

After Xia De pushed aside the grass, he actually saw a gold bracelet. After picking it up, he confirmed that it was definitely pure gold jewelry, and it looked like an antique. The bracelet was stained with blood that had not yet been washed away.

"Whispering Elements..."

The traces of the element are quite faint, but this item is just an ordinary item. Some kind of relic has added the power of greed to this jewelry, but for Shade who has the Greed Spirit Rune, this weak mental influence can be completely ignored:

"The rumor about the treasure in the river is indeed related to the relic."

Thinking in his mind, he took out an empty wine bottle, sucked the blood into the bottle as the raw material for blood brewing, and then dripped the fermented wine into his eyes. After blinking, a bloody shadow of a sturdy man stretched all the way from the dock to the tavern on the roadside.

Dripping blood into the eyes to observe the bloody trajectory is to utilize the echo power of blood and time and space, so it is not afraid of rain.

Without taking off the puppy's fish training ring, Shade led it across the street and into the tavern. After pushing the door open and entering, more than 30 people, all wet, sat on both sides of the tavern and looked at Shade together.

The tavern was warm and dry, but most of the people were dripping with water, and some had towels covering their heads. As for the tavern itself, it was a common downtown tavern in Green Lake. The only thing worth mentioning was that there was a huge knitted blanket hanging on the back wall of the tavern, and the pattern of the blanket was roughly a map of the Old World.

It seems that these men who are confronting each other are located on the north and south sides of this huge map of the old continent.

"Sir. We are closed today. Please leave."

Xia De didn't pay attention to the looks from the more than 30 people, so the tavern owner who was sitting on the right side of the crowd stood up and said, Xia De turned around and closed the door. Of course, he closed the door in the tavern.

Look at two groups of people:

"Are you all the people who were collecting treasures by the river? Why are there so many of you?"

It was obvious that someone in the crowd was about to stand up and throw Shade out. Fortunately, the tavern owner, who was wearing an apron and holding a gun, did not want to cause a conflict on his territory:

"We are from Delarion, and the people on the other side are from Carsenrick."

He first pointed at his own side, and then at the thirteen people confronting them:

"These old men from the South suddenly appeared here today. They said they were walking in the Glass City and ended up here. Humph, they sound so good about illegally entering the country."

The pub owner snorted. As for the men around him who were obviously not decent people, they were probably gang members nearby or hooligans who drank in the pub all year round. To be able to open a pub in such a neighborhood, he must know a lot of people.

"So, you two just started fighting?"

Shade asked again, and finally someone couldn't help it. The man sitting behind the tavern owner, who was a head taller than Shade and had a hound tattooed on his right arm, slapped the table and stood up:

"If you don't want to be thrown out by us, get out now!"

Shade reached for his waist skillfully and took out his revolver. At the same time, the two groups also took out their weapons. As the pistols were raised one by one, under the dim light of the gas lamp in the tavern, not only Shade was targeted, but the two groups also aimed at each other.

There were more than thirty people with fifteen or sixteen guns, and the muzzles of the guns on three sides formed a triangle, pointing at different people.

Shad held his pistol and looked at the others, and the others looked at him, while the dog stood at his feet and looked at everyone.

After a second of silence in the tavern, Shade took the initiative to speak:

"I'm not trying to cause trouble. Answer me two questions and I'll leave right away."

No one put down his pistol. The tavern owner frowned and asked:

"What do you want to know? If you want the treasure, go upstream along the river. But I warn you, no one who tried to find the treasure came back."

Xia De ignored him:

"First question, for some property, you openly fired guns and even killed people in the city. Are those things enough for so many of you to share?"

As mentioned in the puppy's description just now, when the boy tried to leave the crowd, those people had already fired their guns.

The fat owner of the tavern controlled his urge to curse and said in the accented Delarion language:

"Not just for the treasure, of course, but also because they are Carsenrick people."

More than a dozen people behind him immediately echoed:

"Yeah, not just for the treasure. They're old Southern!"

"They want to steal our stuff!"

"Since these things appeared in the upper reaches of the Duin River, they belong to the Drarion people!"

"Yes, we must unite and defeat these Kasenrick people!"

"Are you still a Delarion? Do you think we are doing something wrong?"

"Damn it! Are you a traitor?"

"You are not loyal to Draerion!"

The chaotic voices of agreement accused each other in the chaos, not mentioning the treasure at all, but emphasizing their respective identities. They spoke righteously, and some of their words were obviously heard from newspapers and people who had recently marched. Obviously, these illegal social organizations in the downtown area had nothing to do with the dispute between the North and the South, but they were still able to say such things.

Of course, the guns in everyone's hands did not move at all because of this.