The Whispering Verses

Chapter 1932: [Origin · Space] Hua Yang


In the rain, Xia De, soaked all over, gradually walked out of the river, turned into a red butterfly and flew into the middle outlet that was still spewing water, then turned into a human form and walked inside. The outlet was so huge that Xia De would not touch his head even if he stood up straight. The water flowing out almost reached his knees, but Xia De did not care.

After walking more than ten steps inside, he stopped at "her" reminder. He closed his eyes and used "Strong Spatial Perception". When he opened his eyes again, he saw that in the huge pipe where only water flowed, there was a metal box decorated with gold.

The box was a typical "treasure chest" in appearance. Not only was it made of gold, but it was also decorated with diamonds and various gemstones on the surface and joints. Even if you only took a glance at it, you would know that there must be some incredible treasures in the box. But correspondingly, such an exaggerated shape would only appear during an opera troupe performance.

The box was almost completely submerged by the water, with only the top exposed above the water. The constant scouring did not cause it to rust or corrode, but only caused some garbage that flowed along the water to entangle around the box. The surface of the box was still smooth, with the luster of wealth.

Amid the loud sound of splashing water, Xia De frowned slightly and took a step back. Then the thunder in his hand exploded, and the dazzling spear formed by the silver-white thunder was thrown out by him:

“Thunder gun!”

The magic struck the box head-on, and just as Shade had expected, the box, which had been dented a little by the impact of the lightning gun, immediately "bounced" up.

Xia De watched as two thin legs appeared under the box, supporting the box to stand up and free it from the water. Thin arms stretched out from both sides of the box, waving wildly in the air.

The lid of the box snapped open, but there was no gold or silver treasure inside, but sharp teeth and a thick bright red tongue were exposed. With two slender legs as legs and the treasure box itself as a body, this humanoid creature opened its big mouth and waved its slender hands towards Shade.

"So it's you, the Clerical-level Relic - Treasure Box Monster."

This is a relatively well-known humanoid relic. Shad had seen this thing on the "Fishbone Pirate Ship" with Leicia, who used the alias "Miss Princess".

The characteristic that a treasure chest monster usually exhibits is that it transforms itself into a treasure chest to attract people to open it, and then takes the opportunity to eat the people who are attracted.

But different treasure chest monsters have different behaviors. For example, the one on the "Fishbone Pirate Ship" only blocks the passage of the cabin corridor, while the treasure chest monster in Green Lake City hides in hidden space gaps and then continuously throws "treasures" out to attract people to come and find the source of the treasure.

If Xia De guessed correctly, those people who came to look for treasure should have been eaten by it.

With these thoughts flashing through his mind, Shad took a step back and disappeared on the spot, leaving the monster that opened its arms to "hug" him empty-handed.

However, Shade, who appeared behind the treasure chest monster, did not launch an attack, but threw two "sin chains" at the monster. The rustling sound of the chains was covered by the sound of water. One of the chains was nimbly dodged by the monster with long legs, and the other chain collided with the thick bright red tongue that popped out of the box.

The collision was not loud, but what surprised Shade was that the tongue of the treasure chest monster actually bounced off the chain of sin. This was the first time that the chain was completely bounced off. But thinking that his greed came from this thing, and the treasure chest monster seemed to be a sin in itself, Shade was not very surprised.

The monster turned and pounced on him again. Xia De stood there, holding his breath, counting one, two, three in his mind:

"Moonlight Greatsword!"

With his hands clenched in the air, he thrust forward, and a silver sword appeared out of thin air, piercing through the "mouth" of the treasure chest. This monster was a relic, and it was extremely difficult to destroy. Apart from hypnotizing it to make it fall asleep and then attacking it like Lecia did in the past, its only weakness was its mouth.

However, when Shade was in Coldwater Harbor, he only had two rings, but he was able to deal with it with the cooperation of Lecia, so the battle at this time was certainly not difficult.

The greatsword turned into specks of silver light that scattered into the air. The monster's slender limbs and the treasure chest itself turned into lime, and then dissipated into a pile of dust like sand and merged into the water.


One after another, jewels and gold and silver jewelry fell into the water along with the sand. These were the treasures contained in the "treasure chest monsters". In fact, after killing these monsters, you can get their treasures in most cases. Last time on the "fishbone pirate ship", it was obvious that the pirates had looted the monsters' treasures in advance, so there was no harvest at that time.

"These things have whispering elements attached to them, which will amplify people's greed. They need to be processed before they can be sold... .. Hmm? Not just ordinary items?"

He looked at the glittering "hill" piled up in the water, squinted his eyes slightly, bent down, put his hand into the water, and then stabbed it into the jewels, and finally took out a key:

"The Key of Time..."

He put the key away, took out a handkerchief from his pocket, turned it back into cloth and covered the jewels with it. Because of the whispering element, it would cost a little more spirit to turn them into toys, but Shade didn't care.

He scooped up the toys in his hands, straightened up and put them away, but was suddenly startled to see that under the slightly turbid water, there was actually an object that had not been turned into a toy.

To be precise, it was not an object, but a card lying underwater, but not damaged by it:

"What? This is..."

Even Shade, who had not been emotional when he blew up the tavern just now, held his breath. He sensed the surroundings and confirmed that this was not a trap, then he quickly bent down to pick up the card from the water. Then he realized that the card was not damaged in the water because it was embedded in the center of a transparent glass plate.

After shaking it a few times, the water droplets on the glass were removed. Then, on the card, a man whose face could not be seen clearly was facing away from the card, holding a book in one hand and pointing to the inside of the card with the other hand. The background of the card was a strange and luminous bubble in the infinite black starry sky.

Xia De controlled his trembling hands, took a deep breath, and looked at the top of the card again.

There is a number 10 in the upper right corner and a familiar moon in the upper left corner. Between the two, in the center of the front of the card, there is a black vertical line in a white circle, which is the logo of the "Original" series.

Then he moved his eyes to the bottom of the card, where there were a few lines of small words:

After drawing this card and before the stop phase, you can choose whether to activate the one-time effect: toss a coin. If it is heads, the opponent discards the first card and the last card at that time and draws a new card. If it is tails, exchange your first card with any non-"Moon" suit card shown by the opponent.

"The effect of space is forced exchange."

He flipped the glass plate to the other side, and it was indeed the familiar Rhodes card back pattern. Then he applied a little force with his fingers, and the glass from an unknown era completely shattered.

The glass shards fell into the water and were washed into the Duinhe River by the current. Shade held the cards in his hand and waited for a while. The "she" beside him smiled softly:


The stranger had his back to the pipe exit, so the thin sunlight that barely penetrated the dark clouds could not illuminate the smile on his face at the moment.

From the time he passed by this card in the Lost Forest in the Fifth Era to now on the eve of the decisive battle at Green Lake, the Impermanence of Space has finally come into Shad's hands in a completely unexpected way.

He raised his hand and placed the card in front of his right eye. He looked forward again, but saw nothing unusual. Shade was not disappointed, but wiped his hands, carefully took out his deck, and replaced it with Moon 10 Genesis Space.

He turned and looked at the exit of the pipeline a dozen steps away, and at the city across the river, he felt that his exploration in the Green Lake area was finally complete.

Xia De believed that he could not hide the smile on his face, because when he returned home after losing the crystal shoes and then emerged from the basement of the hotel, the girls he met could see that he was very happy at this moment.

"Shad, you're back? Huh? Why are you so happy?"

When they met Miss Aurora and Miss Carina who were talking on the first floor of the hotel, they asked Shade, who was walking briskly, what good things had happened to him. When Shade showed the Genesis Space and told the story of the boy and the treasure box monster, the red-haired Duchess raised her eyebrows unexpectedly, and then thought of the divination last night:

"Is she really so accurate in divination?"

The rain is still so heavy, and when people are preparing to welcome something big, they will find that the speed of time passing is the same as the speed of raindrops falling, which can only be felt but not touched.

Time soon came to five o'clock in the afternoon. Because the invitation letter only said tonight but did not specify the specific time, everyone had agreed to treat the time after five o'clock as the time when Laplace Klein Howard might "force the invitation" at any time.

The clock in the corner of the first floor of the hotel rang five times. In the Green Lake Hotel, where Ajelina was the only ordinary person left, everyone took action... ... Although Mr. Soren Green was not a ring wizard, he was definitely not ordinary.

Hurrying footsteps went up and down the stairs, and pleasant voices commanded or told information. Auras burst out on the walls, and the complex and dense ritual arrays carried elements of miracles, blasphemy, enlightenment, and whispers, perfectly connected and integrated to work.

Even the most accomplished ritual master could not tell how many rituals were performed in the Green Lake Hotel in the few minutes after five o'clock, and how many magic spells, incantations, and witchcraft were involved.

The final battle of Green Lake is finally about to begin.

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