The Whispering Verses

Chapter 61: Study session


Worried about the development of subsequent events, Shade went to Dr. Schneider's clinic on Saturday afternoon. Because he left early, he arrived very early, so Miss Louisa and Father Augustus were not there at that time.

Shade shared this with the doctor, who was also quite concerned about the commission related to "Mrs. Lazoya":

"We have basically concluded that Madam Lazoya is a member of the Mercury Blood. But this does not mean that the helpers mentioned by Mrs. Lawrence are definitely no match for the unknown Madam Lazoya."

Dr. Schneider said as he sat on the sofa. Seeing that Xia De was puzzled, he explained:

"The helper Mrs. Lawrence mentioned is suspected to be known through the noble ladies. And you have to know that although the extraordinary is not prominent in this era, for the great nobles, ring sorcerers are not a very secret matter. Even the royal family has connections with the Thaumaturgy Academy. And to be fair, Mercury Blood is not a very strong organization. Although I don't know the Lady Lazoya you mentioned, she should not be more than two rings stronger than me at most."

Dr. Schneider pointed to himself, without displaying too much self-aggrandizement.

"That is to say, there is also the possibility that Mrs. Lawrence was too cautious and the helpers she gathered were very impressive."

Shad asked.

"Yes, although most of the ring sorcerers above the tenth ring come from the Orthodox Church and the three major colleges and will not be employed by ordinary people, low-ring sorcerers with informal origins are willing to attach themselves to the great nobles for various reasons, mainly gold pounds."

The doctor said, but after thinking for a moment he added:

"Of course, it's just a possibility. After all, no one knows what kind of powerful person Mrs. Lawrence knows. Xia De, don't be too curious about some things."

"Of course, the commission relationship has ended, and I have reminded the employer as much as possible."

Xia De nodded, forgetting about it for the time being:

"By the way, I still owe six pounds this month. I'll pay it off now."

Miss Louisa also came to the doctor's clinic soon after, but after waiting for a long time, Father Augustus still did not show up, so the three of them went to the doctor's reception room on the second floor to start the study session.

This was quite strange to Shad, as it was his first time attending a study session with mysterious people. However, after experiencing it, he found it to be no different from an ordinary study activity.

The three of them shared the difficulties they encountered in learning to become a ring wizard and exchanged their new insights and experiences.

Because of the incident with mercury blood that night, Shad shared his private meeting with Professor Garcia and claimed that this was preferential treatment for the college's key training subjects.

He concealed the bizarre encounter in the past time and space, and did not mention that he really saw God, just like he did to Professor Garcia. But even so, Miss Louisa and Dr. Schneider were also shocked.

Because there had never been a student from the History Department in the group, they didn't know whether this was normal or not. They just told Xia De to be careful in everything.

There was no mention of Professor Sanchez, let alone the professor pointing out that there were problems with the other four members of the group. He talked about Peter, the dwarf rat with mercury blood, the followers of the evil god Lord of the Blood Feast, and finally about spells and magic.

Not counting the Light Magic he created himself, Shade now has the three basic spells, Blood Echo, and False Undeath, and the only thaumaturgy he has is Silver Moon Slash and Moon Shadow Illusion. Doctors and writers both believe that Shade should consider acquiring thaumaturgy and spells from other sources only after he has fully mastered the remaining healing magic and determined his area of expertise as a ring sorcerer.

The main problem now is the learning of thaumaturgy.

"You don't understand your own spiritual runes well enough, which is why your magic is so weak."

Miss Louisa gestured with her hands and said, she was sharing her experience with Shade:

"You need to truly understand the power of Silver Moon, or at least have some experience with it, rather than just understanding it literally. You can learn thaumaturgy according to the standard process, but the way to master it is different for everyone."

Miss Louisa asked Shade to demonstrate the effect of the Silver Moon Slash. The brilliant silver light mark made the writer and the doctor slightly dazed, but the destructive power was only enough to cut an apple, but it made them frown.

Without asking Xia De to demonstrate the illusion again, Miss Louisa touched her earlobe, leaned on the sofa with her head tilted, and asked:

"Hamilton, what do you think of the silver moon in the night sky?"

"... just as it is in the book."

Xia De had only been in contact with the moon for less than a week, and indeed did not have a very deep impression of it. At most, he thought the silver moon was very beautiful.

"That won't work. Maybe you can try another method. For example, come into contact with items related to the power of the Silver Moon to deepen your understanding."

The doctor suggested that this was what the ring sorcerers often did. If there were no spiritual runes, they would contact the corresponding books and items. If they did not understand the magic enough, they would contact the power related to the magic.

"Lending books from the academy?"

Shade asked, mentally counting his pitiful savings.

"It's OK, but it's too expensive. Let me think..."

Miss Louisa was very enthusiastic in helping Xia De to find a solution. She frowned and looked at the doctor first. After the doctor shook his head, she said to Xia De:

"There are currently no moonlight-related items in our group, but there are many ring sorcerers in this city."

After some final thought, Miss Louisa gave Shade a note with the address:

"Go to this store. Old John probably has what you need. When you meet him, don't forget to tell him that I introduced you."

"In this case, will he give me some discounts for your sake?"

Xia De looked at the address on the note and felt it looked quite familiar.

"No, Old John will give Louisa a commission."

The doctor smiled and said, and Shad finally knew why the address looked familiar. This was the pawn shop where he sold his cane, and Old John was the owner of the shop, John Jones.

The topic of thaumaturgy ended here, and the doctor was more concerned about Shade's engraving of the spiritual runes of light.

Xia De has not been lazy these two days and has read the 43-page book "Crazy Light Chaser" in its entirety.

“If I were to give my impression, this book would be like illogical ramblings or the crazy imagination of a mentally ill person.”

The text has no main plot, and there is no connection between the previous sentence and the next sentence. If Xia De had not known the power of this book, he would never have read it a second time.