The Whispering Verses

Chapter 96: The Sorceress's Divination


After the meeting, everyone left, leaving Dr. Schneider to rest in bed - although he was very reluctant to do so.

Shade winked at the female fortune teller, indicating that he wanted to talk. Although Shade did not understand the doctor's complicated gestures in Lake View Manor, Miss Annat easily understood what Shade wanted to express.

So, Shade walked around Roentgen Avenue, stood at the corner and waited for a while before he saw a carriage stop beside him. Miss Annette waved to him from the window.

"Detective, what's up?"

Because both of their destinations were the city center, Xia De got on the carriage and it set off again.

"This shouldn't be considered taking advantage... Do I need to give half of the fare to Miss Annatte later?"

He was still thinking this as he sat down.

"I want to ask you for help with divination. Help me with divination about Detective Sparrow. Oh, the former Detective Hamilton."

Shade elaborated on his suspicions about Detective Sparrow, and emphasized that they were only suspicions at the moment:

"That's about it. I suspect Mr. Sparrow Hamilton is actually a senior spy of Carsonrick. Although he is dead, his identity will not have any impact on me, but I am still a little worried, so I want you to help me predict who Mr. Sparrow is."

The girl with purple eyes listened patiently, and frowned when she heard the word "spy":

"Although ordinary people cannot come into contact with ring magicians, intelligence departments of the kingdom, such as MI6 in Draerion or the Gray Gloves in Carsonrick, will employ ring magicians for counter-divination. However, they are usually not very strong. After all, diviners are very rare."

Miss Annat said with a hint of complacency, and then extended her hand to Shade:

"Can I give it a try? Do you have any personal belongings of the detective? The body is not necessary, just the items he used regularly will do."


Xia De took out the notebook of the former detective. This notebook contained daily diaries, some of which were not sure whether they were true or false. It was the most suitable personal item.

"Wait a mininute."

Miss Anat unbuttoned the top button of her white shirt inside her coat, then took off the butterfly-shaped hair ornament on her head and let Shade hold it first. After touching it, the voice in her ear immediately reminded her that it was a relic.

"The whispering elements of the relic will affect the result of divination, so generally no relics are carried during divination."

The fortune teller said, stretching her hands behind her head, tidying up her short brown hair, and simply tying it with a bracelet with purple crystals. She pulled her sleeves up slightly, revealing a small part of her fair arms, and then placed the diary on her legs covered by her skirt.

"Will it be troublesome?"

Shade asked curiously.

"It's simple. He's just an ordinary person, and I'm just going to roughly predict his past, so I don't need a crystal ball or anything like that. Sparrow Hamilton is just an ordinary person, not someone who's out of destiny like you. I'm still confident in predicting someone like that."

As she said this, she closed her eyes solemnly, folded her hands together and pressed them on the notebook. At a certain moment, Xia De clearly saw her in front of him, but he felt that Miss Annat was not here. After this illusion, there was no sound or light effect, but the indescribable temperament of the fortune teller lady changed, becoming deeper, more mysterious, and more calm.

She opened her eyes, and Xia De saw a flash of purple light in her eyes.

"Ordinary fortune tellers wouldn't make their eyes glow, right?"

He thought in amazement but didn't ask any more questions.

The fortune teller said hesitantly:

"There is indeed a problem. First of all, it can be confirmed that this is indeed an ordinary person. His hometown is in the United Kingdom of Carsenrick. Most of the observations of the vague past can be seen through the fog, but in the few years after he was recruited from the army, nothing can be seen. Very effective but very clumsy anti-divination method, it is indeed like the style of the ring wizards hired by the Gray Gloves."

MI6 is the most mysterious intelligence department in the Kingdom of Delarion, but it is also an organization that most people on the street have heard of. The name of MI6 is very similar to an organization in Shade's hometown, and the functions are also similar. They are directly responsible to the Cavendish royal family of Delarion, responsible for the intelligence infiltration of Carsenrick, and the investigation of domestic spy organizations.

The similar intelligence agency of the United Kingdom of Carsonrick is called the "Gray Gloves". It is also very mysterious to the public, but almost everyone who reads the newspaper has heard of it once or twice.

"So what are the chances that Sparrow is a spy?"

Shade returned Miss Annat's butterfly-shaped hair accessory.

"More than 80% chance. I've encountered similar situations before. Combined with your guess, it's basically certain that it's a spy."

Xia De took a deep breath. He finally understood the secret.

Fortunately, Detective Sparrow had plenty of time to deal with his affairs before his death. I think he has dealt with all the hidden dangers concerning himself and just needs to complete one last contact with his superiors.

Therefore, Xia De did not need to worry about the impact of his identity as a foreign spy. As long as he burned the letter in September, the secret would have nothing to do with him.

"So he was a spy, so that explains why he happened to buy the house in St. Teresa's Square. Detective, although we are ring sorcerers, we cannot underestimate ordinary people with guns. High-ring sorcerers are not afraid of bullets, but you are definitely afraid. So, you can continue to investigate the matter of Sparrow Hamilton, and there may be interesting discoveries, but you must be careful not to get too involved in political matters..."

Miss Anat was shocked:

“It’s very troublesome.”

"I understand. I just want to know who he is. After all, he is a benefactor to me."

Xia De said, feeling somewhat melancholy and somewhat relieved:

"I'm sorry to bother you this time."

"It's just a small matter. I can't predict your fate, at least not without paying a price. Only high-level sorcerers can see the fate of people like you. But for ordinary people, it's just a small matter. Speaking of which, do you want to go home or go to the Black Raven Library first?"

Xia De looked out of the car window. It was still bright outside.

"Please take me home first. I'll change my clothes and get a mask. The fare..."

"You don't have to be so polite."

Miss Annat waved her hand and followed Shade to look outside. There was road construction nearby, and carriages were waiting in line to pass through the narrow construction area. This seemed to be the routine maintenance of the underground steam pipes by the Tobysk Municipal Department in summer. The afternoon sun shone through the mist onto the face of the girl with purple eyes. She held her face with her hands and tilted her head to look at the block where the carriage passed:

"Compared to what we have to do, these are just small things."

After returning home, he greeted the cat who seemed to have just finished a nap, then changed into a very ordinary outfit, found a mask and put it on before setting off. Detective Sparrow placed a lot of items for disguise in the room on the second floor for work reasons, so Shade didn't have to spend money to buy more.

The main entrance of the Black Raven Library is on the avenue facing the street. Ordinary guests must enter through the main entrance, but the address given by Miss Annat is the entrance to the side door.

The alleys near the side door had multiple exits. After arriving nearby, Xia De first walked around twice to familiarize himself with the terrain nearby. Then he went into the alley, put on his mask, put on his coat inside out, put on his vest, and walked towards the side door of the library.