The White-eyed Wolves I Personally Raised Are All Coveting My Legacy

Chapter 1: Becoming a father to the hero for the first time (1)



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In the monastery where sandalwood is everywhere, a row of green bamboos are planted along the base of the wall. Looking at the beautiful scenery, it is a good place for self-cultivation.

Look in along the side hall door. On the table in the middle is a statue of Avalokitesvara, and there are more than 20 long-burning lamps, large and small.

"I quit my job the day before yesterday and planned to look for a baby full-time. I beg the Bodhisattva to bless my baby with everything going smoothly and good health."

"Bodhisattva, I have copied the "Heart Sutra" a hundred times, and I still feel that my daughter and I have a great mother-daughter relationship, which cannot be broken, definitely cannot be broken."

"I can't resist the persuasion of my mother-in-law and my mother. I'm pregnant. I didn't betray the baby. I just wanted to find him more attentively after giving birth."

The men and women kneeling below each had a gloomy expression. Even when they were smiling, they seemed to be wearing masks, weird and unnatural.

They are all parents who have lost their children. They gather together and hug each other to keep warm. As for today's gathering, they must come every month. One is to get some little gossip from each other, and the other most important is to wait for the arrival of the patron.

But today, the young man who always appeared on time was unexpectedly late.

No, to be precise, he had already come, but he was too lazy to get in the car.

In the open space about 200 meters away from the Buddhist monastery, there is a big red SUV hidden under the shade of trees. If it is a trot, it might not even let out a wisp of exhaust gas, but it is matched with a stable chassis. The SUV with a thick body and the polished Rolls-Royce logo on the front of the car inexplicably have more heritage of a big family.

But the young man who stretched his legs and leaned against the back seat of the car was more eye-catching than this car. With an extremely handsome face, he was meticulously dressed in an iron-gray suit, and from head to toe he exuded the abstinence of an elite son. A half-smoked cigarette was held between his fingers, and the smoke lingered, adding a bit of youthful and promising cynicism.

He is the financial backer Si Yang that these people are waiting for, but after careful calculation, he is not this Si Yang.

Although they have the same name and surname, the soul in the shell is a tasker who was forcibly bound and brought here by the fast travel system.

"Master Si, it's already time, why don't we go in?" The secretary next to him asked cautiously.

In his opinion, although the person in front of him is young, he is not easy to serve. Just like that predecessor, who guarded carefully for five or six years, wasn't he kicked out like a dog two days ago by this understatement.

It's not easy to work, especially for such a capricious young man, you have to be extremely cautious in every word.

But Si Yang's response was extremely casual. He casually shook the mobile phone screen in his hand, which was showing the movement of the Buddhist monastery, in front of the secretary, "It's a good time not to go now. These people just want me to see their motherly heart."

The secretary was at a loss for words, Si Yang clicked his tongue, and his tone became more willful. "I'm acting so hard, it looks like I don't have enough money."

He was clearly a young man in his twenties, but his sharpness made the secretary feel that there was a breath of air in his throat for no reason.

Si Yang didn't expect his response, and continued to watch the video on his phone bored.

For Si Yang, such an opening chapter is so boring that it makes people want to sleep.

No matter what movie, there is an existence who thinks he is giving everything but actually adds trouble and is useless. The original body he wore was like this.

The same name and surname, the adopted son of the hero's family, the original body was taken away by traffickers together with the villain and the hero when he was in elementary school. In the end, he was rescued because he was old and seriously ill and was thrown on the way halfway.

But when he was fully awake and able to identify the traffickers, the two younger brothers had disappeared. I always felt that the loss of my brother was my original sin. Even after his adoptive parents passed away in depression, he kept maintaining this posture, looking for his brother who didn't know where he was until he died on the road.

Is it good fortune to trick people

As for Si Yang's mockery of those mourning parents just now, it didn't come out of thin air. Who would have thought that half of the children they had been searching for for more than ten years, after finding them, those children would not die well. And these tragedies all come from their family background.

Just watch the hero and villain in the original movie.

Let’s talk about the male protagonist first, he managed to escape, but found that his family was ruined, his parents died of regret, and his adopted brother died on the way to find himself.

Teenagers, without any education, can't even recognize words, it is too difficult to accept orders in danger. In the end, under the danger of being surrounded by wolves, he was led into the trap of commercial fraud, and finally imprisoned for commercial crimes.

As for the boy who was kidnapped with the male lead and helped him escape in the end, it didn't end well either.

After the male lead escaped, his legs were broken and he was disabled for life. Although he was taken back in the end, he was directly reduced to an outcast and died in the family struggle.

The rich and noble sons who have no worries about food and clothing will end up like this, but those from ordinary families will also suffer the same fate. The difference between the mountain village and the city, the level of education, the accent and the vague memory, and the emotional catharsis and overcompensation of the parents after finding their children will only increase the jerkyness of them and their families.

What is even more frightening is the kind that has already given birth to a second child. After returning home, how will these children find their family status? But after the conflict broke out, the inferiority complex in their bones could only make them suffer.

Comparing the loving mother and father's heart when looking for children now, it seems to be a complete joke.

"Let's talk about the specific tasks again." Si Yang was used to being in the top position, even though the system technology was higher than what he knew, he still had a faint sense of command.

"Save the hero."

"Understood." Si Yang was noncommittal, and ended the internal conversation between himself and the system.

The word "save" is a bit ridiculous to Si Yang, after all, he has struggled on his own since he was a child.

In the real world, Si Yang himself is like a villain.

Parents got married in business, and it was well known that his father didn't like him. It can be seen that the name is the king of subjugation. As for the mother, she didn't even bother to care about him, it was just that maintaining a marriage in name only made it easier for her to mess around.

People who grow up in a big family with bloody storms, a little carelessness will be a disaster, and they can turn their hands into clouds and hands into rain, that is all because of human blood.

And Si Yang's grandfather taught him this way. To choose a wolf king, the best way is to throw the cub into the pile of tigers and leopards and let him grow from biting.

When Si Yang first entered the old house, he had fantasized about getting asylum, but in fact, he was kidnapped on the first night.

Pain, panic, despair, Si Yang will never forget everything about that day. But after escaping, Si Yang became the veritable heir of the Si family.

But even for Si Yang like this, he still has a light in his heart.


Si Yang is afraid of the dark, even though he closes his eyes at the exact time every time and forces himself to fall asleep. Only that day, the old lady who met once, lit a night lamp beside his bed.

And one night passed, and the old man left the world the next day.

Si Yang guessed that she died unexpectedly. But there is no evidence. Even when he seized power from the Si family and killed two generations of Si family with his own hands, he still got nothing.

System: I can let you travel back to ten years ago and get the truth.

Si Yang twirled the word "truth" on the tip of his tongue, and finally agreed.

"Okay." So far, there is nothing else that can make him not feel bored.

"Is Young Master Si not coming?" The voice from the phone interrupted Si Yang's thinking. Si Yang lowered his head, the people inside became uneasy because he hadn't arrived.

But the people in the organization were quite calm, "No, Master Si said, if you can't find it, you'll die if you find it!"

"That's right, that's right, Young Master Si will definitely come." A few people who were kneeling before the Bodhisattva also came out, and when they heard what they said, they also agreed with them firmly, as if they said so, and things would develop like this.

However, in Si Yang's eyes, it was all a joke.

In the end, it was nothing more than money for these people to care so much about him.

The world is so big, after a child is lost, apart from posting missing person notices aimlessly, he just follows the news of the arrest of human traffickers all over the world.

Looking for a child, the whole family is extremely poor, and there are many people who have sold their houses, just for the hope of finding the child back.

Although the Yu family has fallen a lot, it is still a wealthy family in the end, and the original person supported all the expenses of these people. Of course, the original body did it voluntarily, and it was regarded as accumulating blessings for his younger brother. It's a pity that three or four years have passed, except for repairing Buddha statues according to God's will and going to Tianjin Port to buy a fishing boat to release sea fish and waste money, no one's children have been found. It's so overwhelming that it's impossible to live or die.

Looking at the Mantian Buddha in this Zen garden, it's a complete fucking joke!

Why bother? Si Yang changed his posture, pointed to the secretary beside him, "Go in and tell them the news!"

In the original body's memory, the plot behind this was very clear, someone wanted to give up, everyone cried, and then encouraged each other.

Si Yang found someone early in the morning, and he could tell them in advance, but he had to wait for this juncture to pass, for no other reason, he just wanted to see how these people would react

This group of people fooled the original body and searched for a lot of money, which was of no use, and he turned them back to make fun of others, which is considered very kind!

The secretary probably guessed his plan, and felt more and more chills in his heart. But when this chill touched Si Yang's beautiful eyes, it immediately melted like ice and snow.

This person has a very good appearance, even if he hides his evil bones, what he says is full of friendship.

"I'm thinking too much about staring at me like that. Baby, don't forget, office romances are strictly prohibited by the company, huh?"

"Young Master Si, don't make fun of me." The secretary hurriedly turned around and left, and Si Yang's deep smile could be heard from a distance.

The standard joy in it makes one's spine tingle. But when he really went inside, there was this charming but instantly frozen blood.

Si Yang is really ruthless.

At this time, in the meditation room, everyone was talking about the recent situation.

"I distributed leaflets in three more cities, and there are only more than 700 cities left to cover the whole country. My husband divorced me the day before yesterday. He said I was crazy and couldn't stand a woman who was sick like me. I'm going to see the doctor."

"But only I know, there are only more than seven hundred left. Even if I leave one in three days, in more than two thousand and one hundred days, I will definitely be able to leave and find my son back!"

"Yes! It's definitely possible. I found a fortune teller, and I heard it's quite accurate. He told me to go south, and my wife and I plan to go and have a look. Three trigrams a day, we are sincere, I'm sure I can."

Sometimes, speaking skills are very important, and things are still the same thing, but what order to say the most empathetic tears is a special skill.

But this group of people are all very proficient. After all, the financial master, Si Shao, every time he pays the travel expenses, he will have a strong emotional color.

Four years is enough for them to figure out the various ways of doing this.

But even so, they talked about the past one by one, and when it came to a middle-aged woman, a different kind of desolation finally appeared.

She suddenly covered her face and cried, "I... I can't find it anymore, I'm pregnant. I can only continue after giving birth."

Many people were stunned, and then comforted them one after another. But who would have thought that starting with this woman, there would be three or four other families who also gave up.

"My baby may really never come back. There are old people on us, and we have to live. We are not worthy of being parents, and we can no longer be unworthy of being a son and daughter..."

The audience was silent, only the sound of crying. One's own flesh and blood, that is bought by one's own flesh and blood, if it is not desperate, who would be willing to give up. Because once you give up, this is a sin that cannot be eliminated in the ultimate life.

Just then, the secretary came in.

"The child has been found." The first half of the sentence was news that made them ecstatic, but the second half of the sentence was a terrifying hell.

"Young Master Si said that they have been found, but I know that it is inconvenient for some of you to come home, so I won't bring any letters to everyone this time."

"What do you mean?" Those people didn't understand at first, but they suddenly realized later that Si Yang's meaning was very simple, only one of the children from the past and the present can be kept.

"If you want to apply for a birth certificate, you must issue a death certificate for Yuan's eldest son. The dead can't be brought back to life, so we don't look for it. You do it yourself. For the rest, someone will contact you later to tell you where the child is."

"Finally, now that the children have been found, the Family Searching Association is officially disbanded."

The secretary said he turned around and left, but there were many people chasing after him.

"Sir, sir, please tell Young Master Si, we... We didn't know the child was found!"

"I'm a mother. If I can keep it, how can I give it up? It's the flesh that fell from my body. Please, please, please intercede with Master Si. No, just let us meet."

The secretary broke away from them, walked two quick steps and got into the car, but those people stood guard outside the car, and even knelt down and begged.

The secretary and even the driver couldn't bear the redness of the eye circles. But Si Yang seemed to be watching another good show.

"Master Si..." the driver swallowed.

Si Yang looked up at him, with sympathy similar to his, but what he said was not human, "I sent all my money to the Bodhisattva, do you still expect me to become a Bodhisattva?"

In the original world, these couples who had a second child only had to warm up for a few months after they found their children, and those children who couldn't blend in later on even had overly depressed children who committed suicide by jumping off a building.

He didn't have any good virtues, but he didn't want to make these things disgusting in front of his eyes.

"Drive, it's time to pick up someone!" Looking away, Si Yang closed his eyes, as if planning to fall asleep.

Neither the driver nor the secretary dared to persuade him anymore, and drove the car away obediently. The pleadings outside the car drifted away with the distance, and finally revealed some inexplicable hypocrisy.

On the other side, in the shelter.

Yu Zheng was dressed in rags, and he was crowded into a corner with a group of terrified boys and girls.

This room is not cramped, it can even be said to be spacious and comfortable. But they were too scared, like quails huddled together after being frightened, the more crowded they were, the more they felt alive.

They are all abducted children who have been rescued and sent here one after another in the past few days. It is said that they have contacted their family members to pick them up.

But what kind of person would come to pick him up? Do your parents remember you? What kind of life will you live after you go back

These questions are too profound for these children who have been tortured by their adoptive parents either mentally or physically. Especially the few girls who were raised as child brides-in-law, they couldn't help shaking all the time.

Yu Zheng was hiding in it, although he lowered his head, he was full of fear. He quietly hid in a corner, looking down at the old photos in his hand.

It was given to him by the policeman who rescued him, and it is said to be his relatives.

A very happy family of four, the father is calm, the mother is elegant, and the older boy has an extremely handsome face.

"Brother Siyang..." Staring at Siyang above, Yu Zheng tried to whisper.

The first sound was still rusty, but the second and third sound became smoother. Then he couldn't help laughing.

Yu Zheng knew that it was Si Yang who found him, and it was Si Yang who came to pick him up today. It's his brother.

The girl next to her saw it and was stunned for a moment. Yu Zheng has a pair of extremely beautiful eyes, when he is smiling, it seems to be hiding tiny stars.

The girl subconsciously followed him and bent her lips, her face that was pale because of fear also turned rosy.

At this moment, the door suddenly opened, and the mayor walked in accompanied by a young man. An iron-gray suit fits well and is ironed, and his hair, which is slightly lighter than ordinary people, makes his facial features extraordinarily refined, but his eyes are completely different from this suit.

He casually glanced at the crowd, but he didn't pay attention to anyone. He turned his head slightly and casually asked the accompanying mayor, "Who is my brother here?"

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