The White-eyed Wolves I Personally Raised Are All Coveting My Legacy

Chapter 28: Becoming a father to the hero for the first time (28)



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The old butler collapsed immediately, he desperately pushed away the bodyguards who blocked him, and stood in front of Si Yang's tombstone.

"Yu Zheng! That's your brother!"

Yu Zheng was expressionless, "Didn't you all say that he was dead? Tell me to come and find him myself. I'll take a look and see if he's dead or not."

"Dig!" He turned his head to look at the bodyguards who were almost terrified, and said hoarsely, "Is my talking not working?"

"..." Several bodyguards came up silently, took the shovel and shovel but did not dare to do it.

They are all Yu Zheng's confidantes, and none of them is an idiot if they can do this.

These years, they followed Yu Zheng's side, and often followed Yu Zheng crazy to find Si Yang's traces. But the little bit that the secretary said was just the tip of the iceberg, but anyone with a discerning eye knew that Si Yang was dead.

"Young Master Yu, it's useless to dig out the ashes. If you can't do DNA verification, it's meaningless."

However, Yu Zheng grabbed the tool directly, "Isn't it coming? Then I will do it myself!"

He stubbornly walked to Si Yang's tomb, shoveled hard and went down.

The old housekeeper couldn't bear it anymore, he went up and slapped Yu Zheng's face, "How long are you going to make trouble! He has given you his whole life, so let him go when he dies!"

"Go away!" Yu Zheng pushed him away fiercely, but the old housekeeper raised his hand again and slapped the other side of his face.

Everyone thought Yu Zheng would dodge, but he didn't. The old butler looked up, only to find that Yu Zheng's face had burst into tears at some point.

"Young master, the others are gone, why do you still hate him?" The old housekeeper held his hand with a choked voice, coaxing him to let go, and took him away from Si Yang's tomb.

"Stop messing around, let's go home."

Yu Zheng looked at him, a little dazed. It was not until several seconds later that he suddenly said a word, "If, if even Si Yang is dead, will I still have a home?"

When he said this, his tone was very soft, not the kind of gentleness that he usually deliberately pretended to be, but more pure, even so simple that it was a little naive and soft.

This kind of softness is very familiar to the old housekeeper. Officially two years ago, the appearance of Yu Zheng when he was just brought back to the Yu family by Si Yang.

It was also the way Yu Zheng yearned for, admired, and could even be called admiring his noble, elegant, and omnipotent elder brother.

The old housekeeper and the secretary looked at each other, and suddenly felt an emotion that could almost be called fear.

In their hearts, they always felt that Yu Zheng hated Si Yang to the core, and in Si Yang's plan, it was indeed arranged in this way. But why does the current Yu Zheng not look like he hates him to the core

No, no! The secretary was the first to realize, and he suddenly realized that Yu Zheng might have another kind of affection for Si Yang. He confronted Si Yang more than once... and even found a substitute like Lin Tang.

On the surface, it is for humiliation. But after some acting, it may not be without true feelings.

He suddenly grabbed Yu Zheng and called him, "Young Master."

Yu Zheng broke his hand and said to the bodyguards behind him, "You guys, go and check everything about Si Yang when he was alive. Find two more people, one is Lin Tang and the other is Lu Meng. No, these two can be found after all.”

"Then no matter what price you pay, dig three feet and find Si Yang's attending doctor back then. Go abroad, right? I don't believe that the whole family went abroad."

"Within three days, find all the people!"

"These two buckle up, don't let them run away or have an accident."

Said, Yu Zheng turned around and left.

This time he went down the mountain alone, just like when Si Yang brought him here for the first time, like an unwanted abandoned dog, dirty and weak. Will always be arranged to the end.

However, this is different from what Yu Zheng imagined. He always thought that when he met Si Yang again, he would be a victor, so he locked Si Yang up and let him watch him, watching him push the Yu family to unprecedented heights step by step, watching Get married and have children and live the happiest life.

Seeing him regretting, listening to his begging, and even if Si Yang is unwilling, he would rather die than surrender, Yu Zheng has already thought about how to coerce him, how to punish him, including how to force him to act, even if he is acting, he will be cheated. That's what I said when I was young, "Brother will always be with you!"

So now, even if everyone told him that Si Yang was gone. Yu Zheng couldn't let himself believe it, that this man who had given him so much humiliation and beating, and held his hands in front of him countless times and crushed his sincerity, died like this.

The death was so silent, so understated, it was not even as "magnificent" as those little guys who were killed by Si Yang himself in the past.

No one knows what kind of life Yu Zheng has lived in the past two years. Even after Si Yang left, leaving behind a relatively clean Yu family, but when the company is really running, it looks different.

Sleeping in the shadow of swords and swords without blood, Yu Zheng felt that he couldn't make it through countless times. But if you just think about it, Si Yang might be lying in a nursing home with a beautiful foreign scenery, comfortably teasing with the little nurse who takes care of him, then he can get up again and continue to talk to those old people. The things are playing with their eyes and beating their hearts.

But now, they told him that Si Yang had already died? It was cremated to ashes, and there was only such a tomb that was filled with innocence

He won't believe it! These people are lying to him!

Yu Zheng stopped and suddenly turned his head to take a look. Behind him, the old housekeeper, the secretary, and even his own confidants all looked at him with eyes that were softer than pity.

Yu Zheng took a deep breath, turned his head resolutely, and strode down the mountain.

As the mountain wind blew over, he suddenly trembled, and subconsciously called out, "Brother."

---------- For the next three days, Yu Zheng lived extremely peacefully. Business is in order, and life is also in order. He even eats three meals very regularly, and he is very healthy. When looking at people, he always had a smile on his face, as if he wasn't the one who went mad and wanted to dig a grave.

But everyone who knew him well knew that this was a sign that Yu Zheng was on the verge of breaking out.

Soon, the fuse was delivered to the door.

Stuck in the last hour of the third day, Yu Zheng's confidant who specially helped him investigate came back.

"Find out?"

"It's all been found out." He promised in a low voice, but he still dared not hand over the results of his investigation. Yu Zheng looked up at him, the subordinate bit his lip, and finally put the thick folder on Yu Zheng's desk.

"Young master, you... my condolences."

Yu Zheng was speechless and turned to the first page. It is all the cases that Si Yang went to the doctor that year.

Yu Zheng also checked this thing two years ago, but he knew nothing about it. But now he is different from when he was in danger and was ordered in those days. Although it is difficult to find him again, how could he not.

However, many times, when the truth is revealed, it is better to remain silent.

For example, Yu Zheng, who doesn't know everything, is actually happy.

He turned over the first page of the case, and the old medical records clearly recorded Si Yang's entire medical treatment process.

Si Yang was indeed diagnosed with the disease half a year before he was brought back to Yu's house. But Si Yang's choice was to give up treatment.

"Why?" Yu Zheng asked his confidant. His tone remained calm.

The confidant replied, "Dr. Tao said that the youngest didn't want to be hospitalized. He was... at that time... no, it was because he couldn't leave at that time."

"Oh." Yu Zheng ignored the change in his tone, and continued to look down.

The rest was pretty much as far as he knew. When he saw the three life-saving injections, Yu Zheng's hands trembled.

Because he has an impression of this thing. On his birthday, Si Yang came back to Yu's house early. At that time, he was carrying a small box. He opened it while he was in a mess, and found that it contained three medicines. At that time, he thought that Si Yang was seriously ill because he was carrying medicine with him, but in fact it wasn't

Is it not because of a serious illness, but because he is about to die

Yu Zheng suddenly felt cold all over. He skipped over these hastily and looked back.

It is Si Yang's expenditure record.

It's different from what he imagined. Si Yang looks like he is expensive and likes to enjoy himself, but unexpectedly he doesn't spend much in his life. Not even the current self.

But even so, Yu Zheng found several ridiculous contents in it.

One is to find relatives and release lives, and the other is to repair Buddha statues.

"Does Siyang still believe this?" Yu Zheng wondered if his subordinates deliberately put it in to tease him.

However, the subordinate continued to shake his head, "No."

"The family-seeking association is a non-governmental organization organized by the young and old to find lost children. The release of life and Buddhist practice may be some of their means of praying for the children."

"Blessing? For whom? For me?" Yu Zheng still asked back, his face expressionless, calm as if talking about other people's affairs.

The confidant was really anxious, and hurriedly persuaded him, "Young Master Yu, your condolences."

"Hehe, mourning?" Yu Zheng tossed the folder indifferently, "For this kind of wolf... this kind of person, what do I have to mourn for?"

"Okay, I know he's dead, you can go out." Yu Zheng waved his hand, signaling his confidant to go down. But he never opened the following content.

He had a vague idea in his heart, as long as he saw the investigation later, he could verify it. But Yu Zheng didn't dare, he was afraid that after seeing it, he would wish to stab himself to death.

Taking a deep breath, Yu Zheng added, "By the way, let those two go!"

"The old butler also told him to go back to the old house, and Xu Lin will continue to work."

"Then Lin Tang and Lu Meng are still looking for it?" "Not anymore." Yu Zheng shook his head, "Since he is really dead, there is no need to look for it."

"Yes." The subordinate went out and quickly finished the matter according to Yu Zheng's instructions.

However, when sending the secretary back to the company, he specifically asked, "You are someone close to Yu Shao, pay more attention these two days, maybe something is wrong with him."

The secretary nodded in agreement, and pushed open the office door.

Yu Zheng was looking at a project, he didn't feel sad, he didn't cry, just like when he just learned about Si Yang's death two years ago, as if he and Si Yang were strangers.

The secretary didn't ask, as if the three days of captivity had never happened, he was still by Yu Zheng's side, and together with him, he made good use of the materials for tomorrow's memories.

But this superficial calm is false in the end.

Three days later, the secretary suddenly discovered that a small bottle of medicine appeared in Yu Zheng's bag. He secretly took it out to have a look, it was sleeping pills.

However, Yu Zheng never suffers from insomnia. This person has always been so calm that he can force himself to lie down and sleep as usual even if the sky is falling. So why can't I sleep all of a sudden

But before the secretary asked, something had already happened to Yu Zheng.

That night, Second Young Master Shi made a mess and invited Yu Zheng and several other brothers to dinner.

Yu Zheng hasn't played much in recent years, but he still gets together with them from time to time. He has always been restrained, but today I don't know if it's because of his special joy, everyone drinks a toast, red and foreign are mixed together, and he drank a lot.

As soon as the venue heated up, he leaned on the sofa, as if he was a little drunk.

It just so happened that Yu Zheng was wearing a silk shirt today, with two buttons unbuttoned and his tie hanging loosely, which formed an indescribable contrast with his usual abstinence. He really looked like a cynical young master .

Someone suddenly said, "Damn it! They're two brothers, they're exactly the same when they're drunk."

"What are you talking about!" Shi Er Shao felt bad when he heard it. Where did Yu Zheng get his brother from? Except for Si Yang back then.

But that man also drank too much, and he confides everything when his upper lip touches his lower lip, "Si Yang! Was Gu San also there that day?"

"I went with my brother, the last one to leave. Si Yang was leaning on the sofa at that time, and his posture was the same as Yu Zheng's."

"Tsk tsk tsk, I will never forget that scene in my life. Later, I told my brother, if a person like Si Yang is willing to spend the night with me, I am willing to give all the money in my hand... Hey! It is all the money, Give him real estate and stocks!"

"You're fucking drunk! What nonsense are you talking about!" Gu Quan, who was sitting next to him, thumped in his heart, but before he could smooth things over, Yu Zheng got up on the other side.

There was a bang, the sound of a wine bottle being smashed on the table.

Yu Zheng pinched the neck of the buddy who spoke just now, and aimed the half bottle with glass shards at the man's head.

"What did you just say?" Yu Zheng still smiled, but the hostility in his eyes was terrifying, "I didn't hear clearly, how about you say it again?"

"Fuck! Yu Zheng, you're fucking crazy!" The man was so frightened that he sobered up.

Shi Ershao and Gu Quan hurried over to hold Yu Zheng up, and the man pulled away.

But Yu Zheng couldn't stop it as if he wanted to fight desperately. In the end, it was Gu Quan who took the bottle with all his might, and Shi Er Shao hurriedly hugged him tightly.

"Yu Zheng! Yu Zheng! Calm down!" Shi Er Shao kept calling him.

Gu Quan threw away the wine bottle, and quickly poured a cold towel over, trying to sober Yu Zheng up.

But before the towel touched Yu Zheng's face, Gu Quan was stunned.

He saw Yu Zheng crying.

Not the kind of hysterical crying, but a dazed, silent cry.

Yu Zheng was just twenty years old, and even though he was in power, he was still the youngest among them, and he was alone with both parents dead.

After crying like this, everyone present felt sour, and he couldn't get angry at him for making troubles and smashing people.

"What's the matter?" Coaxing Yu Zheng to sit down on the sofa again, Shi Er Shao wanted to persuade him.

But Yu Zheng pulled his sleeve and said something in a trembling tone.

"Si Yang... Maybe I killed him..."

"..." Everyone knew about this matter two years ago, and Shi Er Shao didn't know how to answer him for a while.

However, Yu Zheng repeated again, "I, I don't have an older brother anymore..."

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