The White-eyed Wolves I Personally Raised Are All Coveting My Legacy

Chapter 34: Becoming a father to the hero for the second time (3)



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This sentence is too sharp. Chen Zhao has always been deep in his thoughts. Ordinary provocations or insults can't really make him furious. But the word father is his Achilles heel.

Chen Zhao went to university smoothly because of the bursary fund he received. On the day of entering the school, other students reported to the dormitory accompanied by their parents. Only Chen Zhao, he is himself.

And the most embarrassing thing is that after Chen Zhao sat on the hard seat of the train for more than 30 hours, he was still carrying the worn-out bedding packed in sacks behind him.

It's still hot in September, and you can see the embarrassment along the way. Almost immediately made him a man of the hour. After all, these days, how can there be such poor people

However, within two days, Chen Zhao spoke on behalf of the freshmen, and Chen Yu, as a special guest, personally gave him a voucher that could be exchanged for subsidies.

How ridiculous, his biological father is a billionaire. But my son couldn't even afford a new quilt.

Just like now, one of his father's random playthings can buy him from the brokerage company and humiliate him face to face.

"Si Yang, you'd better restrain yourself." Chen Zhao finally lost control, but he was still enduring, but his eyes staring at Si Yang became more and more gloomy.

But Si Yang took out a cigarette and lit it slowly. His fingers were slender, and his index and middle fingers were slightly bent. It was clear that he was just holding a cigarette, but it gave people an inexplicable sense of charm.

This man is too lustful.

Chen Zhaoyuan was in a rage, but this scene wiped out three points of his anger without bloodshed. "I don't seem to have seen you smoke before."

Si Yang skillfully exhaled a puff of smoke, "There are still many things you don't know. But in the future, you don't need to know."

When Si Yang said this, he felt a little sad.

"Go out, choose any guest room upstairs. For the next six months, you will live here with me first."

"I thought you needed to avoid suspicion." Chen Zhao said subconsciously.

Si Yang was really amused.

"Chen Zhao, you're so stupid." After wringing out the cigarette in the ashtray, Si Yang straightened up and met him face to face.

Si Yang, although he doesn't have the first love face that is popular in the entertainment industry nowadays, he is really a beauty. The sharp jaw line is soft, and it is by no means a fake made by Internet celebrities. And the most alluring thing was her thin lips with no blood.

It's clearly a cool curve, but it always makes people want to kiss.

too close.

Chen Zhao took a step back, but in the next second, someone knocked on the door of the study.

Chen Zhao turned his head and saw a tall man leaning against the door.

It's Chen Yu! Chen Zhao's eyes became sharper instantly.

Before leaving, the secretary said that Chen Yu would come. Chen Zhao originally thought it was being polite, but he didn't expect it to be true.

But Chen Yu didn't pay attention to what he meant, and went straight to Si Yang's side, "Did I bother you?"

When he said this, his arms naturally wrapped around Si Yang's waist, and pulled him into his arms.

Chen Yu started from scratch. When he was young, he was a well-known gentleman in the circle. When he became stable in middle age, he did not lack exercise. It is said that he was proficient in horseback riding, skiing, and golf. The figure maintained by years of exercise is quite impressive.

Just being here has a lot of presence.

Si Yang didn't speak, but turned his head to look at him.

Chen Yu is like Chen Zhao 20 years later, his handsomeness and sunshine have all been precipitated by the years into a more profound charm. The current Chen Zhao may not be able to match even flattery.

"The newly bought one?" Chen Yu looked at Chen Zhao a few times, but it was Si Yang who asked.

"Yes." Si Yang nodded, "Choose carefully."

Chen Yu was noncommittal, as if the person in front of him was not his own son, so he sat down on the main seat at will. Si Yang also took advantage of the trend to be by his side.

"I brought you the contract that you asked the secretary for earlier." He said so, but the folder was held in his hand, and he didn't pick it up on his lap.

Si Yang immediately understood that this Chen Yu was worthy of being an old fox, but he knew how to play.

He simply bent down, put one hand on the gap between Chen Yu's inner thighs, and just looked down like this. Most of his body was hanging in front of Chen Yu's chest. Especially the tight waistline, the shirt slid down, revealing a piece of porcelain white skin.

Chen Zhao watched it there, feeling very ridiculous.

But Chen Yu skillfully put his hand there.

Si Yang's skin is so good, with a little force, a little color can be printed on it. But others didn't notice it, and instead squandered their own temptation recklessly.

No one can escape this pure debauchery.

Chen Zhao watched from not far away, and felt that his breathing was a little heavier.

"Didn't I tell you to go out?" It was Chen Yu who spoke this time. As if he just found out that Chen Zhao was still there, his tone was very cold, almost biting.

Chen Zhao subconsciously followed suit. But when he was about to leave the study door, he couldn't help but look back.

Just saw Chen Yu's hand, slowly moving upward along Si Yang's waist, and finally stopped at the position of his heart. As if feeling the beating there, his gaze became hot.

Chen Zhao couldn't help but clenched the hand that was hanging by his side. Si Yang raised his head, met his eyes through the crack of the door, slightly pursed his red lips, and said silently, "Aren't you leaving?"

Chen Zhao's heart tightened, and he fled in despair.

It has to be said that the sound of Chen Zhao running away was too loud. It can still be heard clearly even through a door.

However, after he left, Chen Yu and Si Yang in the study separated unexpectedly, sitting on both sides of the desk. The ambiguity of a few minutes ago was swept away, and now the two seem to be life and death enemies fighting at the negotiating table.

The two have not spoken for a while, Chen Yu is unfathomable, but Si Yang is famous in the Vanity Fair, and when it comes to the city and patience, the two are on par.

It was not until a while later that Chen Yu beckoned Si Yang to come over.

"How do you feel today? Are you still feeling bad?"

"It's okay, I just feel cold."

"Then don't dress like this. Is it because you feel uncomfortable when you catch a cold?" Chen Yu raised his hand and fastened the buttons of Si Yang's unbuttoned shirt one by one.

His movements are very gentle, and his eyes are very serious.

More than ten days ago, when Si Yang just signed the agreement with him, Chen Yu also called the doctor to inject Si Yang with medicine so gently.

For the next ten days, Si Yang was under his surveillance every day. Until the final inspection results came out yesterday morning, the two were a 100% match. Chen Yucai finally agreed to Si Yang's exchange terms.

Give Si Yang the rights, provide him with money, so that he can buy Chen Zhao from Xuezang's company and bring him to Xingsheng. This is the deposit Chen Yu paid to Si Yang.

And now, Si Yang should show some sincerity.

Chen Yu took out several bottles of medicine and put them in front of Si Yang. He opened them one by one, prepared them one by one, and finally handed them to Si Yang.

"You're really smart, so don't you regret it?" Chen Yu said these words very slowly, almost a kind of bewitchment.

No one is not afraid of death, so Chen Yu was very curious, why did Si Yang insist on saving Chen Zhao, who was stupid and arrogant.

However, Si Yang put the pills into his mouth without hesitation, and swallowed the water. After taking the medicine for half a year in the last world, Si Yang has gotten used to it.

Maybe it was because he drank too quickly, his lips were still stained with water, but he didn't wipe it off. Instead, he asked Chen Yu directly, "Then will you allow me to regret it?"

how come? A healthy heart is one in a hundred. Chen Yu is obsessed with cleanliness, he thinks the donations of those criminals are dirty, and Chen Zhao is too stupid in his opinion. Only this Si Yang is different.

He made himself unable to see through, like a layer of fog, without peeling off the layers with his own hands, he could not explore the truth inside. This will be his biggest pastime for the next five months.

Chen Yu didn't speak, his eyes became deeper and deeper.

The coveted beast finally showed its claws. But Si Yang couldn't care less about these things.

The medicine Chen Yu gave him took effect quickly, but within five minutes, Si Yang's head suddenly burst into severe pain.

It was like a thousand needles being nailed into the skull together, the pain was so intense that Si Yang couldn't help retching. But then, he forced himself to calm down.

If it weren't for the cold sweat protruding from his forehead, and his increasingly pale face, it would be almost the same as usual.

Leaning on the table, Si Yang lit a cigarette. But this time, he just held it between his fingers, and the aroma of nicotine blurred the pain, but it didn't help.

However, what followed was an even more terrifying cold. It was like being naked in a world of ice and snow, with every inch of skin sticking to the ice, and the bone-chilling chill ran down the soles of the feet and went straight to the heart.

Si Yang's fingertips trembled twice, and the smoke fell on the carpet, leaving a black scorched mark.

Chen Yu finally stopped watching, he got up and hugged Si Yang in his arms.

"Do you regret it?" This is the second time Chen Yu asked this question today.

Five months later, the brain-dead donor donated his heart. This is easy to say, but it is not so easy to actually do it.

It is illegal to take a heart from a living person, so Si Yang must ensure that he is already a living dead person before donating.

And the medicine brought by Chen Yu has this effect.

In the next five months, with the continuous erosion of drugs. Si Yang would watch his spirit become weak and his thinking slow down bit by bit. Wisdom becomes mediocrity, then numbness becomes a puppet, and finally becomes a living dead, lying on a hospital bed, waiting for others to dig out a healthy heart and replace it with another person...

But the most frightening thing is not the heart transplant surgery, but before the surgery, when Si Yang took the medicine every day.

It was only the fifth time today, and if he didn't take it once, the pain he endured would be even higher. And the cold in the body will gather more.

After the last month, although he could still walk, he could only immerse himself in the cold in a daze, no different from the living dead or walking corpses.

This kind of torture, no matter how firm the will is, will be tortured to the point of collapse. In clinical trials, 90% of the people who did not make it to the end went crazy or committed suicide.

Of course, Chen Yu would not give Si Yang such an easy opportunity. Because he needs Si Yang to sacrifice his healthy and beautiful heart to himself at the most appropriate time.

So he was even more curious, how long could Si Yang endure

Chen Yu's body temperature behind him was extremely hot, and it was the biggest temptation for Si Yang who was falling into an ice cave.

Yet his back is always straight, an uncompromising stance.

Chen Yu looked down. He was half a head taller than Si Yang. From his angle, he could clearly see Si Yang's misty eyelashes, bloody lips pursed out of patience, and under the slightly open neckline. The exposed slender collarbone, and then the fair and delicate skin. Even from this angle, Chen Yu can vaguely see the beautifully lined lower abdomen.

Chen Yu subconsciously tightened his arms around Si Yang's waist, "Do you really not regret it?"

This is the third inquiry today, and it fell into Si Yang's ears, but the words were vague. Si Yang had to react for several seconds before he understood what Chen Yu said.

But he still didn't let go, but raised his head, "I really want to know, you... what are you looking at now?"

The cold and pain that went deeper and deeper into the bones had already made Si Yang's voice tremble, but even so, he still said these two sentences in Chen Yu's ear in an extremely proud tone.

"Do you feel it?"

"To your son's boyfriend?"

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