The White-eyed Wolves I Personally Raised Are All Coveting My Legacy

Chapter 51: Becoming a father to the hero for the second time (21)



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But fortunately, Chen Qiao is far smarter than he imagined, and he is also better at training. This child was his last move, and also the key to the lives of Chen Yu and Chen Zhao. After only two months, everything was settled.

Si Yang taught people his own way. In the previous world, Yu Zheng was not taught by him himself, and he could quickly learn to be inseparable.

But now, he taught Chen Qiao hand in hand, wishing to break apart many details and feed them to him. This prince is not an idiot, so he naturally benefited a lot.

On this day, the newcomer that the child had just signed was finally spotted by the big director and selected into the crew. Although she was only the fourth female lead, she was the kind that could actually have her name printed on the poster. For newcomers, it is already a step up to the sky.

When Chen Qiao heard the manager's reply, he immediately smiled. This is the first time his vision has been recognized, at least he was able to pass the audition, which shows that the person he chose this time has something real.

"Si Yang, Si Yang!" Chen Qiao rushed to Chen Yu's office on the top floor of Xingsheng. Generally, when Si Yang doesn't go out, he stays with Chen Yu.

But before he entered, he was stopped by the secretary.

"Mr. Si is asleep, please keep your voice down."

"Sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep in broad daylight!" Chen Qiao muttered unhappily.

But the secretary hesitated whether to let him in or not. While Chen Yu was having a meeting, Si Yang had just taken medicine. After the drug reaction passed, the whole person fell into a coma.

So the secretary was afraid that Chen Qiao would go in and affect Si Yang's rest, but he stopped him because he was afraid that Chen Qiao would become suspicious. After all, although Chen Qiao is nothing, but Chen Yu has been very awakened recently and cannot make mistakes.

However, with such a hesitation, Chen Qiao passed him and pushed open the door of the lounge.

He was so excited that he even planned to wake up Si Yang and tell him the good news. Although even Chen Qiao himself didn't understand why he had to tell Si Yang, but he had this kind of thought in his heart, and even hoped that Si Yang would smile and praise him, saying that he was really capable.

With that in mind, he threw off the secretary and went straight into the lounge.

The curtains in the lounge were drawn tightly, and Si Yang was nestled in the middle of the big bed. Chen Qiao took a closer look, but found that Si Yang seemed to be having a nightmare. The whole person curled up together, and even trembled from time to time.

"Si Yang? Si Yang? Wake up!" Chen Qiao pushed him, but the skin he touched was cold. Wipe his forehead with a thin layer of sweat.

"Are you sick? Get up, and I'll take you to see a doctor." Chen Qiao became anxious all of a sudden, and hurriedly dragged Si Yang away from the bed.

As a result, the quilt was lifted, revealing Si Yangguang's naked upper body. He was even shirtless.

"!" Chen Qiao was startled, and quickly let go.

Si Yang fell heavily on the bed, and finally slowly opened his eyes.

"Cigarettes." Hearing what Si Yang said, Chen Qiao subconsciously took the cigarette case by the bed, lit one and handed it to him.

Si Yang didn't smoke, but leaned against the head of the bed between his fingers and continued to close his eyes. It took a long time before he slowly raised his hand, bowed his head and took a sip.

The smoke slowly spewed out from the mouth, blurring Si Yang's face, and the narrow eyebrows and eyes became more and more cold after being tainted with coldness. Chen Qiao was suddenly a little scared, he felt that Si Yang looked too heartless, as if he would be hurt if he got close.

"You, don't be in a hurry."

"It's okay." After smoking a cigarette, Si Yang seemed to be still not very sober, so he immediately lit another.

It wasn't until he smoked this cigarette that he completely recovered his former appearance.

"What are you looking for me for?" He got up and got out of bed, walked barefoot to the closet, picked up a shirt casually and put it on his body.

It was Chen Yu's, and it looked loose when worn on Si Yang's body. However, his clothes are good, and his collarbone is also good-looking. If he is exposed to the outside, it will only make people unable to stop their eyes, and they will not care about other things at all.

Chen Qiao stared at him for a while, walked up to him, and buttoned all the buttons on Si Yang's collar.

Si Yang didn't understand.

Chen Qiao explained seriously, "What's wrong with you, you're still so promiscuous, you're not afraid of catching a cold!"

"..." Si Yang was amused by him, "Such a straight man is careful not to find a wife in the future."

"There's nothing terrible about not being able to find it. It's really terrible to freeze to death!" Chen Qiao didn't hear Si Yang's teasing at all, and replied him seriously, then took out another Chen Yu from the closet and put it on the thickest coat. Put on the clothes for Si Yang.

"Are you all right? I saw you were cold all over just now."

"It's okay, it was just a nightmare."

"A ghost like you can have nightmares when you see sorrow? The ghost in the dream is so scary!" Chen Qiao saw that Si Yang didn't want to go into details, so he changed the subject after muttering, "My new choice is made!"

He thought of his purpose of coming here, and hurriedly discussed it with Si Yang. After hearing what he said, Si Yang quickly made better follow-up arrangements.

Chen Qiao has always been walking sideways in Xingsheng. Although he was a prodigal before, he just used a few resources to promote some 18th lines that could not be popular. It's a pity, but you can earn it back in the end.

But it's different now, with Si Yang's teaching, Chen Qiao's vision of seeing people has become more accurate, and his foresight to see things, and his skills at the negotiating table have also made great progress. Now he really looks like a prince.

But unlike Chen Qiao, life on Chen Zhao's side was not easy.

For the drama he is currently filming, the director has very high requirements in terms of acting skills, and Chen Zhao's weakness of not being a major has been revealed.

He can't accurately find the position of the camera while performing his acting skills like other actors with professional background. And because of this ng many times. Although for the director and other actors, these are not big things, they are all normal phenomena.

But for Chen Zhao, being inferior in such details would bring him a lot of mental pressure.

And these are not the most painful things for him, what really makes him feel tormented are the rumors about Si Yang outside.

At the earliest time, Chen Yu doted on Si Yang, and everyone guessed that Si Yang was Chen Yu's favorite little lover at the moment, and let him mess around casually.

Some people even bet how long it would take for Si Yang to get tired of playing with Chen Yu and give up.

Chen Zhao wanted to retort intellectually, as long as Chen Yu was not an idiot, he wouldn't really let Si Yang go. But there was always a very unrealistic thought in his heart.

He prayed almost every second that Chen Yu and Si Yang would break up, so that even if he did everything he could, he would try his best to get Si Yang back and slowly warm his cold heart back.

But when the news came that Si Yang was bringing Chen Qiao, Chen Zhao's heart sank completely. "Which manager of yours is really skillful, coaxing Chen Yuyan to obey, and handing over the crown prince to him with confidence. But Si Yang also has something to do. Chen Qiao has made a lot of progress recently. Given time, he can be the next one." Chen Yu."

This is what the director told Chen Zhao at the wine table. Chen Zhao listened with a smile on his face, but wished he could crush the wine bottle in his hands.

Chen Yu is next.

What a great review. He really never dreamed that Si Yang would be so devoted to Chen Qiao. Did he forget what Chen Qiao did to them back then? If it wasn't for Chen Qiao, why would Si Yang need to take his place in some shit Hongmen banquet, which caused the two of them to be strangers now.

However, Si Yang can treat the perpetrator so well now, has he really forgotten

Chen Zhao wished he could rush back to question him immediately. But soon, he figured out the deep meaning of it.

To put it bluntly, Si Yang didn't care about what happened back then. As for the crimes suffered at the Hongmen Banquet, it can be written off after feeling cold to himself. As for Chen Qiao, he is Chen Yu's favorite son, so Si Yang is naturally willing to take him well.

But even so, Si Yang claimed to be Chen Yu's partner and was willing to take care of his children, so why should he be treated differently

He is also Chen Yu's son, isn't he? Even compared to Chen Qiao, Chen Zhao is more legitimate!

So why exactly? He was raised as an actor, but Chen Qiao was deliberately trained to be a man in charge of actors. Did Si Yang trample on him on purpose

However, as soon as this idea came up, what Si Yang said someday echoed in Chen Zhao's mind again.

Si Yang no longer even hated him. Now he is only regarded as a money-making machine, so naturally he doesn't need to pay attention.

What is ruined or not, he was a lowly life, Si Yang didn't step on him, he was thinking of old love long ago.

But, how can you be so heartless

Chen Zhao clutched his chest, feeling that it was stuffy and empty. Si Yang lost most of his life at the Hongmen Banquet, but in the end he got it all back from Chen Zhao. Now, whenever Chen Zhao thinks of the word Si Yang, he will be in agony and cannot sleep at night.

These days, Chen Zhaoquan lived in a pathological way of self-abuse, and his spirit was quickly wiped out. Except for acting, it seems that nothing else can touch his experience. Even after the show, he still concentrates on studying the corresponding knowledge, and the whole person is like a play lunatic.

But the taut strings will break one day. The final of the variety show that Chen Zhao participated in finally arrived. As one of the top four, Chen Zhao participated in the final championship competition.

Unfortunately, it's playing again. But this time, Chen Zhao has learned to put on the wire by himself without the help of others.

"Mr. Chen, are you okay!" The assistant next to him noticed that the bruises on Chen Zhao's body were all left by the crew, which was shocking at first glance.

"It's okay." Chen Zhao shook his head and smiled brightly. It seems that the cloud is calm and the wind is breezy, but that trace of reluctance can explain everything.

"Could it be that Si Yang is embarrassing you again?"

The affairs of the Chen family have long been known in the circle. Chen Qiao doesn't like Chen Zhao, and it's not a day or two that Chen Yu ignores him. Now that Si Yang and Chen Qiao are mixed together, Chen Zhao's situation is also known. Not so good.

Looking carefully at Chen Zhao's face again, as expected, he lost weight again! It can be seen what he has been through these days.

"If it doesn't work, let's change jobs!" The little assistant was familiar with Chen Zhao, and he also had some background behind him, so he spoke more casually.

"It's not that easy. But it doesn't matter, as long as there is a chance." Chen Zhao replied with a calm attitude.

And his calmness caused many people to give him a high look.

Soon, news came from the front that the recording was about to start. Someone came over and asked Chen Zhao, "There's a lot going on backstage today, is your manager here?"

Chen Zhao was silent for a while, not knowing how to answer. In fact, he hadn't seen Si Yang for almost a month.

But at this moment, a very flamboyant young voice came from over there, "If you want me to say that you know what's in your heart, why do you want to take a look?"

Chen Zhaoxun looked around, just in time to see Si Yang and a young man walking towards him side by side.

I haven't seen him for a month, but Si Yang is still the same as before, only his eyes are more genuinely gentle. But it wasn't for him, but for the nagging teenager beside him.

It is also the object of his most jealousy and resentment - Chen Qiao.

But Chen Qiao couldn't see the heat, so he tilted his head and looked at him twice after walking in, "He looks okay, not as good-looking as Dad. Okay, we are all here today, let's play well!"

The child Chen Qiao was raised awkwardly, and he never spoke properly when he had something to say. It is clear that he came here to give Chen Zhaozhen a place, and it can be regarded as an apology for running on him in the past.

But when it fell into Chen Zhao's ears, it had a different meaning.

Chen Qiao was showing off his might, after showing off to him, after taking away his father, he also took away Si Yang.

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