The White-eyed Wolves I Personally Raised Are All Coveting My Legacy

Chapter 58: Becoming a father to the hero for the second time (29)



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The young man's hand movements patting Chen Qiao's body stopped for a while, and he continued to comfort him after a while, saying, "Sleep, he will be back."

"Well. Then I'll wait for him." Chen Qiao still couldn't see his face under the quilt, but his tone was much lighter.

He was also really tired these days, and he really fell asleep after a while.

Xu Yang sighed, but his eyes were a little astringent. Because he knew that at this time, Si Yang might have already entered the operating room.

After returning the heart to Chen Yu, Si Yang also left. Of course, he still won't lose his word to Chen Qiao, because his heart will come back with Chen Yu. From now on, as long as Chen Qiao doesn't betray his father, Si Yang will naturally accompany him all the time.

But this kind of ending is too tragic for this child.

He still remembered what Si Yang told him at the end.

"Chen Qiao is not bad, no one taught him. You lack a bole. If you can help him sincerely, you will definitely have a place in the entertainment circle in the future."

"But Chen Qiao is only fifteen years old, how can you be sure he can do it?"

Si Yang smiled confidently, "There are no fools among the people I have taught."

And because of Si Yang's self-confidence, Xu Yang lost his previous cautiousness, and really let Si Yang arrange the way for him, that is, according to Si Yang's order, to accompany the prosperous prince who has not yet grown up. .

Chen Qiao didn't know that after Si Yang woke up from the Hongmen Banquet, he quickly gathered a team of his own.

Most of them are now buried in Chen Zhao's newly established small brokerage company, otherwise, even if Chen Zhao has a big event, it is impossible for Chen Zhao to start a company on the ground. But he was different, he was left by Si Yang alone to assist Chen Qiao.

So from the first time Chen Qiao met Si Yang, Xu Yang carefully watched every detail of him and Si Yang together many times, and kept it in his heart.

This was passed on to him by Si Yang, the purpose is to let him know Chen Qiao better, and let him know more about Chen Qiao's weakness, Chen Qiao's intelligence, and Chen Qiao's loneliness.

"From now on, it's up to you how far Chen Qiao can go." These were the last words Si Yang left to Xu Yang before he left.

Xu Yang tasted the taste of the last words in it, and finally chose to change his name. And the word Yang is also the last chance for him to leave Chen Qiao to miss Si Yang.

Because Xu Yang understood that among all the people, only Chen Qiao was destined not to have the chance to meet Si Yang for the last time. And this is also Si Yang's punishment for him.

After all, the beginning of the tragedy of Si Yang and the Chen family was when Chen Qiao was forced to send Chen Zhao to a grand banquet.

Sighing, Xu Yang ended his memories, covered Chen Qiao with the quilt with all these sympathies, and comforted him softly, "Don't cry when the little uncle is gone, Prince, he asked me to tell you that you have grown up gone."

But Chen Qiao in his sleep didn't hear anything. Instead, he curled up his lips as if dreaming of some beautiful picture, showing a sweet smile.

At this time, on the other side of the country, after Chen Zhao intercepted the person, he wandered leisurely to the vicinity of the hospital.

He was waiting for the news that Chen Yu failed the operation and died in the hospital.

"This Chen Yu is really dead." The person who cooperated with Chen Zhao also sighed, "Even if he can't get sick again, he can't be so loose. Even the donor is not sure whether he will arrive, so he has already started the operation. This The subordinates left behind by Chen Zhao must not be mentally handicapped."

"Let's push the wall down!" Chen Zhao sneered at first, but after thinking about it for a while, he realized that something was wrong.

Their actions were a little too smooth. As the man said, even if Chen Yu was dying of illness, he must have planned for himself before he fell into a coma. What's more, Chen Yu's secretary is a loyal watchdog, and they have detained him for half an hour now. Even if everyone else had fallen and scattered, it was absolutely impossible for him to remain silent.

Unless... The person they detained was not the one Chen Yu really wanted to change his heart!

Chen Zhao suddenly became excited, and immediately picked up the phone in his hand and dialed it, "Check it out for me, whoever went to see Chen Yu today."

"Especially when I went to see it with that secretary Chen Yu!"

The person on the other end of the phone has also been monitoring Chen Yu's side, and he gave the answer without thinking carefully, "No one, just his little love from before."

"Little lover? What's your last name? What's your name?"

"You know him too, it's Si Yang!"

"Oh, Si Yang!" Chen Zhao heaved a sigh of relief, "What about the others? Are there others?"

"No, he's the only one. The secretary picks it up in person. I guess this is Chen Yu's favorite. I just don't know what he will do if Chen Yu dies."

"He won't do anything, and he has no feelings for Chen Yulai!" Chen Zhao suddenly said this, and then hung up the phone.

It was clearly stated there that no one else went to the hospital to see Chen Yu, and only Chen Yu had one operation related to cardiology. The person is still with him, and there is no movement from Chen Yu's side. It is very likely that Si Yang stabilized the situation.

That person has always had his own ideas and measures, and he can always make things calm and orderly. So with him here, it is always normal that there is no change on Chen Yu's side.

Chen Zhao really thought so in the beginning, but after waiting for a while, the unspeakable restlessness still made him agitated.

No, still no.

Chen Yu's current situation is between life and death, and it's not a struggle for power in the market. What's the use of having Si Yang

Si Yang can help him stabilize the situation, can't he help him find someone who can change Chen Yu's heart? Chen Yu had already entered the operating room, and if he could not get a suitable donor, he had to die during the operation.

So even he understands such a simple truth, why did Chen Yu arrange for Chen Yu to enter the operating room? He has no donor!

Chen Zhao turned around and asked the partner beside him, "Are you sure? This person is indeed the heart-changing partner Chen Yu is looking for?"

"Mr. Chen, you gave this news to our boss before. What do you mean by asking?" There was no news, not to mention that Chen Zhao couldn't calm down, and the collaborator also felt something was wrong.

There have always been a lot of rumors about Chen Yu in the circle, and although Si Yang became famous late, and it was short-lived, but after all, he is famous. Now that these two people are together, who knows what it is

Maybe it's just a fairy jump, Chen Zhao is a fool, designed by these two as a chess piece, just to deal with the people behind them.

The man felt that the situation was wrong, and quickly contacted the country. However, it was unexpectedly discovered that the direction of the wind in the country has also changed.

At this time, Chen Yu's own subordinates also sent him an email. Coincidentally, it is about the situation on the other side of domestic prosperity.

Chen Qiao unexpectedly stabilized. Not only has it been stabilized, but Xingsheng's original vacant capital has also been filled. A pie fell out of thin air, unexpectedly protecting Xingsheng as solid as gold.

"What's wrong, Chen Qiao doesn't have that much liquidity in his hands. His mother did leave him some things, but even including his grandparent's house, it's just a drop in the bucket compared to the spread of Xingsheng Shop."

"Chen Yu is not here. Although Chen Qiao can act as an agent, he definitely does not have such a great authority. Someone must have given him the bottom line. Who is it?"

"It's someone named Xu Yang. But it wasn't originally called this. It was changed two weeks ago."

"Send me the photo to take a look."

The subordinates were still checking, and the clock was ticking, Chen Zhao subconsciously held his breath and waited. Soon, when the photo was sent, Chen Zhao suddenly got up from his seat. He knows this Xu Yang! It was clearly the subordinate that Si Yang always brought with him after he left Chen Yu.

Because he appeared suddenly, although he was inconspicuous, he still remembered this person.

But why did this person appear in Xingsheng? What exactly did Si Yang ask him to give Chen Qiao, so that Chen Qiao could have the Dinghai needle immediately

Chen Zhao always felt that the things inside were completely different from what he thought.

However, in the next second, a very absurd idea rushed into his mind. He suddenly realized that the money that Si Yang had spent before, after careful calculation, after the funds were returned one after another, it was really almost the amount that Chen Qiao was short of now.

But it's not right, Si Yang probably took some out of it and gave it to him. It looks like sixty to seventy million. In Chen Qiao's current situation, he couldn't support it even if he lost a fortune. Where did Si Yang get such a large amount of cash

Chen Zhao speculated repeatedly, and then remembered another thing. After the Hongmen Banquet, Director Xu once told him that Si Yang won a check in the game at the dinner table, no more, no less, exactly 70 million.

So what Si Yang handed over to Chen Qiao was his entire net worth. So he cared about Chen Yu so much? To the point where you would rather give everything you have to Chen Yu

Then why didn't he give Chen Yu his heart as well

Chen Zhao was furious, but in the next second, he calmed down.

He had a sudden change of mood, could it be that the person who changed hearts with Chen Yu was actually Si Yang? That's why he gave Chen Qiao his wealth and cronies.

After all, he won't need it in the future!

No, it won't be such a coincidence. Chen Zhao kept contradicting himself.

But his rationality kept reminding him that if it wasn't such a coincidence, the things before and after would not be explained at all.

He still remembered that when he and Si Yang met for the first time after the Hongmen Banquet, Chen Yu's secretary followed Si Yang and waited on him, even asking about the temperature of the air conditioner. Later that night, Chen Yu came back. The relationship between the two was ambiguous, coupled with the rumors in the circle, he really thought that Si Yang was being taken care of by Chen Yu.

But if you think about it carefully, this is actually impossible!

Chen Yu is not the kind who will be confused by beauty, no matter how beautiful Si Yang is, it is impossible for Chen Yu to protect him at the Hongmen Banquet as soon as they meet.

Unless, the two of them have other deals.

For example, change hearts.

Chen Zhao felt cold all of a sudden.

"Chen Zhao, Si Yang who loved you died early at the Hongmen Banquet." Si Yang repeated this sentence to him three times later.

Every time Chen Zhao felt that this was Si Yang's deliberate revenge. But now he suddenly tasted some other flavors.

He suddenly realized that this sentence was not actually Si Yang's retaliation, nor was it Si Yang's refusal, but he was narrating the facts.

If Si Yang had made a deal with Chen Qiao at the Hongmen Banquet and agreed to give him his heart now, wouldn't that be death? It's just a probation sentence, and he can still struggle for a few more months.

Chen Zhao's face suddenly turned pale, and he immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

That belonged to Secretary Chen Yu.

The phone was answered quickly, Chen Zhao cut to the chase, and questioned him in a trembling tone, "Tell me, who is it that returned the heart to Chen Yu?"

The secretary was still silent at first, and then asked Chen Zhao in a rather indifferent tone, "Don't Mr. Chen know everything? It's Si Yang!"

"!" Chen Zhao let go of his hand, and the phone immediately fell to the ground.

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