The White Moonlight in One’s Heart Self-Saving System

Chapter 11: Shangjing musicians (eleven)


"Little Xianzi, you are usually capable, why are you idle today!" The eunuch of Shangyao was furious: "Walking around all day long, you don't go to decoct medicine, tell you to pass the message, don't want to live anymore?"

"Elder-in-law, father-in-law, please forgive me! I just went to the medicine dregs room and found that several boxes of medicine dregs were missing! So I have lost my mind and I can't find it anywhere..."

"Drug residue stolen?" The eunuch frowned? : "What happened? When did it happen?"

Li Yuebai moved his ears aside and listened carefully.

"My servant just found out, father-in-law, you should take someone to investigate!" Ding Xian said anxiously.

"What a big fuss! The medicine dregs were stolen, not the jewels. What's the big deal?" The eunuch snorted.

It turns out that for the decoctions and medicines boiled in the palace, the medicine dregs must be kept, sealed in small wooden boxes, sealed, and stored in the medicine dregs room by category, carefully locked, as a reserve. If there is any problem with the medicine, check it Medicine dregs, you know.

However, there are almost no incidents that require investigation of medicinal residues.

Because all the soups and medicines have been tasted countless times by the eunuchs before they enter the mouth of the nobles. If they are poisonous, they have been tasted out long ago, so there has never been a case of being poisoned and having to check the medicine dregs. The room is also useless.

"Little bastard, what can you do if you lose a few boxes of medicine dregs!" The eunuch snorted and kicked Ding Xian hard: "Hurry up and get the medicine!"

"Yes, yes." Ding Xian was kicked hard, his body tilted, he couldn't maintain his balance, and hit Li Yuebai hard.

Li Yuebai originally had an extremely lack of motor cells and balance cells, and often laughed at himself that the cerebellum was underdeveloped, and the body of this Musician Yun was extremely weak. After being hit like this, he also lost his balance and fell over the bridge railing.

The railings of the bridge are designed to be low and delicate for the sake of aesthetics. It is said that the empress specially ordered the craftsmen to make them in this way. Aesthetics comes first.

Li Yuebai scolded countless WTFs in his heart, and then grabbed Ding Xian's robe with his last strength.

As a result, the two were entangled inseparably and fell down.

Li Yuebai didn't know who broke the ice, he only knew that his brain exploded all at once.

This ice, this water, zero degrees Celsius, is so cold that it will explode!

Li Yuebai can swim a little, but it is in a heated swimming pool. Now immersed in icy water, the body becomes stiff in an instant.

If you can't move, you will sink.

He struggled desperately with willpower, not knowing whether he was paddling or tearing Ding Xian's robe.

"Come, come, come!" The eunuch Shang Yao was also in a hurry, calling for people to come over.

After an unknown amount of time, Li Yuebai opened his eyes and saw a black shadow rushing towards him, and was immediately pulled into a hot embrace.

"His Royal Highness?"

Murong Nan didn't even have time to take off his black robe, so he jumped into the water, grabbed Li Yuebai tightly, swam to the shallow water, was drenched in icy water, and stepped out of the pond step by step with Li Yuebai in his arms .

There was another big news in Yuanheng Palace.

Master Yun Yue stumbled and fell into the water, His Royal Highness jumped into the frozen lake to rescue him, regardless of his own illness!

All the court ladies and eunuchs are secretly discussing in private, how heroic, how domineering, how elegant, how much His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is...

In the bedroom, Li Yuebai sneezed in his thick fur.

He didn't remember how he got out of the water, he only remembered that he clung to Murong Nan's neck tightly by reflex, and finally managed to break it off.

Murong Nan carried himself all the way back to the bedroom, then simply and rudely stripped off his clothes and threw him back on the couch. A group of people next to them were busy, taking the stove, heating hot water, and cooking ginger soup.

Fortunately, both are safe and sound.

"His Royal Highness, why did you jump off yourself?" Li Yuebai was helpless: "If something happens..."

"I won't get into trouble if I don't jump down!" Murong Nan rushed up to pinch him viciously: "Brother Yun, what the hell are you doing? Another trick?"

"No, I promised not to hide it from you." Li Yuebai didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "It was really an accident, and I didn't want to jump into the lake either."

"However, it can be regarded as a blessing in disguise." Li Yuebai took a sip from his teacup, "Next, the direction of Taishi Zhao's framing of me became clearer and clearer."

No, this is not a frame, this is basically the truth!

In the northwest corner of the harem, there is a deserted courtyard called Huixinyuan. It is usually uninhabited, overgrown with weeds, covered with cobwebs, dark and humid. Fortunately, it is winter now, and it doesn’t look too dirty after a snowfall. , It’s just getting colder, there is no charcoal fire, only wet wood can be burned, the smoke is filled, and the quilt in the bedroom is also thin and damp.

Shan Hui, who was deposed as a commoner, lived here.

"Mother, are we going to die here?" Lian Xin cried with tears all over her face.

"Why are you crying? It's really useless." Shan Hui clenched her silver teeth, her voice was full of anger, but she was not flustered: "Your Majesty's love for me is reliable, otherwise he would have given us to death long ago, as long as Master Grand Master is still in the court, so there is a chance to make a comeback... Maybe we can win the round!"

"However, Mrs. Shan Lan has been confined to the Jingsi Nunnery, we can't communicate with each other!" Lian Xin was still anxious.

"Master Taishi has the eyes and hands to see the sky, and there will always be a way." Shan Hui didn't rush.

"But the day after tomorrow, the emperor will bring people from Dali Temple to interrogate us in person!" Lian Xin was still afraid: "At that time, if we can't stand the interrogation, we will definitely tell the truth, and it will be over!"

"Hmph, I was waiting for that moment." Shan Hui sneered, "The success or failure of life and death depends on that moment!"

In the middle of the night, everything was silent.

At the gate of Huixin courtyard, dozens of guards are on duty in shifts, with strict discipline.

A man in black appeared in front of the guards, waved the token in his hand, and said in a low voice, "From the Ministry of Internal Affairs, come to deliver charcoal."

The captain of the guard carefully looked at the token, and said with a smile: "Let's go, but you must come out within half an hour."

"Thank you." After the man in black thanked him, he was put into the courtyard.

Naturally, Shan Hui had another sleepless night. When she put on her clothes and got up to pace the courtyard, she saw a man in black coming in through a corner door.

The man in black took off the hat on his head, revealing his face—a thin and stern face, with an aquiline nose and sharp eyes.

"Master Grand Master, why are you here in person?" Shan Hui also gasped in shock, hurriedly let Grand Master Zhao into the hall, woke up Lian Xin, and asked her to boil water and pour tea.

In fact, there is no tea at all, only water.

"Why should I come in person?" Zhao Taishi sighed, "If I send someone, is it reliable?"

He has many connections in the harem, this time the Xin Yuan is a cold palace, although the guards are tight, it is all to prevent Shan Hui from running away, as long as he is accommodating, he can still come in and say a few words.

"It's true, those dog slaves are more useless than the other, and stupider than the other!" Shan Hui's lips turned pale with anger. She tried her best to train so many undercover agents, but all of them were useless!

"How is sister?" Shan Hui asked coldly, she was not really worried about Dan Lan's safety, but just wanted to know the situation.

"It's closed in Jing Si Nunnery, similar to yours, but it's more difficult to get in than here, so I didn't go to visit." Grand Master Zhao said.

Jing Si Nunnery is a nunnery in name, but in fact it is often used to confine female prisoners.

"Why is it harder to enter a nunnery than mine?" Shan Hui was puzzled.

"The empress thought that I would sneak into the Jing Si Nunnery and exchange news with my wife, so the empress deployed a lot of people there, surrounded like an iron bucket." Grand Master Zhao sneered: "She would never have thought that instead of going to Jingsi Si'an came here instead."

"As soon as the Grand Master comes, I feel relieved." Shan Hui said worriedly, "What should I do next?"

"Naturally, it's a counterattack!" Zhao Taishi said: "If your Majesty continues to investigate thoroughly, he will definitely find out many things about us. If we forbear and give in, we will be waiting for death."

"How to fight back?"

"The news came out from the palace today that Master Yun Yue fell into the water, the crown prince was very anxious and rescued himself." Grand Master Zhao said: "Your Majesty, do you think this matter can be used by us?"

"Exactly!" When Shan Hui heard this, she suddenly realized.

Before, she was misled by a lot of evidence pointing to "the empress and Yun Leshi have an affair", she only thought that there was a lot of evidence in this direction and it was tenable, but she didn't expect to go in the wrong direction!

Recalling carefully now, Master Yun Yue was afraid of women, so he only shared a room with His Highness the Crown Prince, and I heard that they even shared the same bed... All kinds of performances were so obvious that they couldn't be more obvious!

She slapped the desk resentfully, and said: "That's right! Grand Master, you are not in the palace, so you don't know anything. All the performances of the crown prince and Master Yun Yue have been noticed by the servants! But, before, everyone only suspected the queen. I have an affair with Master Yun Yue, so just ignore it!"

Next, Shan Hui told Taishi Zhao all the information she had and the undercover information in detail.

Both of them are shrewd and cunning characters, and they communicated with each other, so they immediately discussed and decided on a new strategy.

"It's just, who should tell His Majesty? When should I tell His Majesty?" Shan Hui said.

After deciding to fight back and formulate a strategy, the next step is to discuss the executor and execution time.

"Naturally, your majesty should come and speak to your majesty in person." Taishi Zhao cupped his hands and said, "I am a man with eyebrows and eyebrows, and an important minister in the court. It is inconvenient to say some things to your majesty, but you, your majesty, are much loved and are a harem Girl, you can talk to Your Majesty about anything."

"That's right, it just so happened that the day after tomorrow, His Majesty will bring someone to interrogate the concubine in person." Shan Hui frowned.

"Yes, that is an excellent opportunity." Grand Master Zhao stroked his palms and said, "Your Majesty will pretend to confess her guilt and obedience to arouse His Majesty's love and compassion, and then, by confessing and repenting, she will instill the prince's new crimes bit by bit. To Your Majesty. Your Majesty has always been very scheming, can spit pearls in her mouth, and has a charming and charming appearance. She is loved by His Majesty, and she will definitely turn the whole case around with her words!"

Concubine Shan was overjoyed.

Yes, although she is now in the cold palace, she has the right time, place and people in her hands, and everything is ready! When it comes to the interrogation scene in the future, it will definitely turn the world upside down!

"Your Majesty rests first, and I will leave." Grand Master Zhao stood up and left: "Tomorrow night, I will come again to have a final discussion with your Majesty."