The White Moonlight in One’s Heart Self-Saving System

Chapter 120: No lower limit X text (9)


After only three days, Lin Xie could no longer hold back.

On the surface, he stood still and looked calm, but in private, he stretched out his tentacles in the dark, and began to greedily inquire about all the news about Wang Hanzhi.

Every time he received a new message, the anger in his heart increased.

His father kept Wang Hanzhi under house arrest and never left him. Due to his physical condition, he did not make any actual violations, but the scary and ambiguous tendency had already been revealed in all aspects.

Lin Xie always thought that his hatred for his father had already turned into a kind of indifferent numbness, but now, that familiar hatred and disgust had returned.

His father's betrayal of his mother in the early years was already unforgivable, and now it has become even worse, even taking away his own son's personal belongings... Lin Xie almost felt that he was living in an absurd drama—father and son competing for the same... male favorite? Even if this kind of incident is published in gossip magazines as pornographic news, the scale is too big.

As soon as the word male favorite appeared in his mind, Lin Xie felt inexplicably stabbed severely.

No, Wang Hanzhi is not a male favorite at all, he has never belonged to anyone.

He is a demon, the nightmare of his childhood, and the person he hates the most.

I want to take revenge on him, tear him apart, deprive him of all his dignity, make him helpless to resist, and can only cry and beg for mercy, calling him master...

But now...

He could only watch helplessly as his father snatched him away carelessly.

No, this won't work.

Before destroying him with his own hands, he absolutely does not allow other people to touch him, even if that person is his own biological father.

Lin Xie sat quietly, a strange light flashed in his eyes.

He reached under the table, pressed the switch, and took out from the compartment under the table a gun and a small Colt revolver with an ivory handle studded with pearls.

He put the gun in his palm and caressed it casually.

So what if it's his biological father, over the past few years, he has rehearsed countless scenes in his mind, isn't it just pointing the gun at his father's face

There was a cautious knock on the door.

"Come here." Lin Xie narrowed his eyes, pointed the muzzle of the gun at the door, and pretended to aim jokingly.

His movements and demeanor are no different from those teenagers who are obsessed with toy guns.

"..." The subordinates cautiously opened the door and came in, and were immediately stunned by the black muzzle of the gun.

The subordinates froze at the door for a moment, and then they came back to their senses, realizing that this difficult master of his family was young again, and wiped off the cold sweat before daring to walk in.

After standing still in front of Lin Xie, they exchanged a few glances with each other, and then concealed, and hesitantly reported the latest news.

Lin Xie sensed something was wrong—his subordinates seemed to be hiding something from him.

Under his questioning, the subordinates finally confessed.

It turned out that just now, Lin Tianyu handed over the management of the cemetery to Lin Dong.

The cemetery where my mother was buried.

Lin Xie didn't say anything, just slowly hid the little revolver in his palm, stood up unhurriedly, and walked out the door.

"Master, are you going to...?" The subordinates had never seen their young master so leisurely, and they were a little panicked.

"What are you doing in a daze?" Lin Xie didn't look back, his voice was relaxed: "Follow me to the temple of Uranus."

The subordinates realized the seriousness of the situation, and their expressions became more serious.

They didn't dare to disobey Lin Xie's order, they just gathered their troops and followed silently.

"Host!" The system hastily reminded: "Lin Xie has a new move!"

"What?" Li Yuebai shuddered and concentrated his attention.

He was locked in an inconspicuous dark room next to Lin Tianyu's ward. There was a dead silence in the dark room, only the sound of people coming and going could be heard outside the door.

The system dutifully played what Lin Xie had just done to Li Yuebai.

Uranus, the god of the sky, the first king of the gods in Greek mythology.

Cruel, selfish, greedy for power.

He abused his wife and imprisoned his children.

Therefore, he was overthrown by his own son.

"What exactly is Lin Xie trying to do?" The system wondered: "I can see his movements, but since he didn't express it in words, I don't know his exact purpose."

"He's going to kill someone." Li Yuebai's heart sank: "To be exact, he killed his father."

I don't know how long it took, gunshots and explosions sounded outside the door.

After a roar, the door of the dark room also collapsed, exposing the bare door frame.

Li Yuebai escaped from the dark room amidst the smoke and dust, and saw that the corridor was already full of Lin Tianyu's men lying in disorder.

He casually took the gun out of a comatose person, and took the gun to Lin Tianyu's ward bit by bit.

The ward was in a mess, only Lin Tianyu lying on the bed, and Lin Xie standing beside the bed.

Lin Xie lowered his head, and pointed the gun firmly between Lin Tianyu's eyebrows.

And Lin Tianyu's face was filled with unbelievable shock and anger. He coughed violently and wanted to reprimand Lin Xie, but he couldn't utter a complete sentence.

"You abandoned your mother, and later hurt her countless times, right?" Lin Xie asked in a low voice.

Lin Tianyu couldn't answer, but his expression showed that there was no misunderstanding.

"You even handed over her resting place to a man who hates her."

"..." Lin Tianyu was still coughing. He looked at Lin Xie with disappointment and disdain. It was obvious that he had no affection for his wife, and he didn't understand why his son always stood by his mother.

Li Yuebai stood quietly at the door, momentarily at a loss.

According to the rules of the world, outsiders should not disturb the plot of father and son killing each other.

"There is no such plot in the original work. In the original work, Lin Tianyu died of illness." The system said: "So, the host, it is your existence that changed the plot and intensified the conflict between the two, leading to this result."

"I'm really sorry." Li Yuebai smiled bitterly: "But the trigger for Lin Xie's father murder was Lin Tianyu's handing over the cemetery to Lin Dong."

"Judging from the scene just now, that's right." The system agreed.

"I can't be responsible for this matter." Li Yuebai said: "This matter has nothing to do with me. It's not that I conspired to manipulate Lin Tianyu and let him hand over the management of the cemetery to Lin Dong."

"Sorry, host." The system said: "The system shouldn't push all the responsibilities to you."

"It's okay, I'm not angry, I just feel strange." Li Yuebai said: "It's just that it's too late to say anything now. If I were a reader, I should also look forward to the moment when he pulls the trigger."

"Yes, this is an essential climax of the novel." The system said: "It's like Kronos overthrowing his father Uranus and becoming the new king of the gods."

"But... what will happen after Lin Xie kills Lin Tianyu?" Li Yuebai trembled in his heart.

"The Lin Consortium has always had both black and white. Such a huge change, Lin Xie may be able to settle it, or it may be destroyed from now on. Who can say for sure?" The system answered with difficulty.

"Even you can't predict it?" Li Yuebai frowned.

"Even if this is just a small X article, its complexity makes it impossible for me to predict the future." The system said.

"Don't think about predicting the future." Li Yuebai took a deep breath and looked at the messy ward: "Help me find out what is suspicious in this ward."

Three minutes passed, and Lin Xie still didn't pull the trigger.

No matter how much he hated his father, at this moment his heart was occupied by a part of sorrow, and it was difficult to pull the trigger without hesitation.

"Stop." A cold voice came from the door.

Lin Xie's hand holding the gun was still steady, and he didn't deviate from the target. He just turned his eyes slightly and looked towards the door.

When he saw Wang Hanzhi, he was still indifferent and arrogant, which made people...

"Mr. Lin, put down the gun." Li Yuebai's voice was emotionless.

What Li Yuebai was holding in his hand was the gun he had just found from Lin Tianyu's subordinates, and the muzzle of the gun was steadily aimed at Lin Xie at this moment.

"Wang Hanzhi, sometimes I really want to kill you." Lin Xie only felt that the fire in his heart was blazing again.

He imagined the scene of meeting Wang Hanzhi again countless times, but he never thought it would be like this.

"You don't just want to kill me." Li Yuebai smiled bitterly: "And I came here to stop you."

"Prevent me from killing my father?" Lin Xie seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the world: "Wang Hanzhi, how much did my father give you?"

Lin Xie felt that his endurance had reached its limit.

He had never hated a person so much.

Wang Hanzhi, Wang Hanzhi, Wang Hanzhi...

This person would always appear in front of him coldly, crushing all his wishes.

The raging fire in his heart turned into hatred for Wang Hanzhi.

Hate to the extreme, but can't say anything.

"Wang Hanzhi." Lin Xie showed an extremely ugly smile: "I know how your marksmanship is."

"..." Li Yuebai was silent. This body has indeed not undergone combat training, and its combat power is extremely weak.

"Even if your muzzle has already touched here." Lin Xie pointed to his heart: "I can easily take your life within a second."

"Then why don't you try it?" Li Yuebai smiled.

"You think I dare not?" Lin Xie's eyes turned red for a moment.

Kill him, kill him and it will be over.

"Unfortunately, you can't kill me." Li Yuebai said: "I have already placed people in the cemetery... Once I die, they will burn your mother's grave..."

After saying this, Li Yuebai felt for a moment that he saw the beast trapped in the cage.

"Listen to me, put down the gun." Li Yuebai mechanically spit out emotionless words: "The matter will be resolved, be good."

For a moment, Lin Xie had the illusion that there was nothing he could do.

He obviously has the aura of gods blocking and killing gods and Buddhas, but after meeting Wang Hanzhi, he will always stab the weak point steadily and resolve everything.

Three seconds later, Lin Xie sneered and threw the small revolver in his hand in the corner.

At the same time, he himself walked towards Wang Hanzhi step by step.

"Are you satisfied with this?" He grabbed Wang Hanzhi's shoulders viciously with his empty hands: "I x you..."

"Not yet." Enduring the pain in his shoulders, Li Yuebai walked around Lin Xie's back with his right hand, aiming the gun at his back: "Stand still."

The violent mood swings made Lin Xie breathe heavily, and he was almost unable to stand still. He clutched Wang Hanzhi tightly as if venting his anger, as if he wanted to crush his bones one by one, or grasped the only one in the turbulent waves. One mast, for the first time in my life, I felt my mind went blank.

After standing like this for a century, Li Yuebai heard a long electronic sound: Di——

He raised his eyes and looked at the screen in front of the hospital bed. On the black LCD screen, a red horizontal line appeared.

"Your father is dead." Li Yuebai touched Lin Xie and whispered.

"It's 21:30 at night, and Lin Tianyu passed away due to illness." The system said: "The arrangement is exactly the same as in the original work."

At the same time, there were chaotic footsteps outside the hospital door.

People came, many, many people, both black and white.

Lin Xie didn't care about those people, but lowered his head wearily and rested his head on Li Yuebai's shoulder.

Li Yuebai only felt that his shoulders were wet with hot tears. This was the first time he saw Lin Xie crying. How could Lin Xie cry? It's not real...but it did happen.

"Why don't you let me kill him with my own hands?" Lin Xie's voice was hoarse and strange: "Why?"

"This is a trap." Li Yuebai said helplessly: "I can't predict what will happen if you kill him yourself. It is very likely that you will die..."

"People like us are not afraid of such things." Lin Xie smiled wryly.

"I know that Young Master Lin can mix black and white like a fish in water." Li Yuebai said: "But others have worked so hard to design it for so long, you may not be able to avoid it..."


"Lin Dong, your half-brother." Li Yuebai took a deep breath: "It was Lin Dong who persuaded Lin Tianyu to get the management right of the cemetery, and deliberately revealed this news to you to make you lose your mind. "


"If you really kill Lin Tianyu, the camera Lin Dong installed in the ward will record everything."

"You..." Lin Xie narrowed his eyes, put a little distance between himself and Wang Hanzhi, and carefully looked at Wang Hanzhi's face: "Why do you know so much?"

"I am Lin Tianyu's attorney, so of course I know a little more than you." Li Yuebai sighed: "As long as we get the evidence of your patricide, Lin Dong may regroup Lin Tianyu's subordinates and use fair and just reasons. Come to impeach you, even assassinate you, even take you to court."

The chaotic sound of leather shoes stepping on the ground sounded, and countless people rushed in.

The moment people rushed in, Li Yuebai pushed Lin Xie away.

He must save face for Lin Xie and not let outsiders see Lin Xie's fragile side.

Lin Xie rubbed his temples wearily, and regained his cold expression and deep eyes. He stood in front of the hospital bed and greeted everyone's questions with his usual aura.

Li Yuebai stood in the corner, his sharp eyes pierced through the gaps in the crowd, and saw Lin Dong. Lin Dong hid in the back very calmly, did not rush to the front, and did not question Lin Xie on the spot.

Because Lin Dong knew that he might not be able to take advantage of it.

Lin Xie did break into his father's ward, and pointed a gun at his father... But in such a family, such things are so common and not considered a serious crime.

In the final analysis, Lin Tianyu died of illness, not Lin Xie shot him to death.

Lin Tianyu's subordinates will not be at odds with the young master because of this.

The ambition that Lin Dong once had has now turned into depression.

Wang Hanzhi... If it wasn't because of Wang Hanzhi's presence... Lin Xie might really have sent a bullet into Lin Tianyu's heart in a fit of rage.

The great opportunity and the perfect plan were completely ruined by Wang Hanzhi.