The White Moonlight in One’s Heart Self-Saving System

Chapter 122: No Lower Limit X Essays (11) (Completed)


"Host, congratulations, the task is completed." The system said.

"Come home with me." Lin Xie buried himself on Li Yuebai's shoulder, his voice muffled.

His tone sounded tough on the surface, but in Li Yuebai's ears, it was almost pleading.

"What? Don't Mr. Lin hate me?" Li Yuebai smiled wryly.

From the moment the system said "mission completed", he knew that Lin Xie was in love with him.

But I didn't have that kind of relationship with Lin Xie at all. If I say a moment of heartbeat, it's not completely absent, but most of it is distressed. I feel that Lin Xie is just a poor child, far from love, of course You can't just agree.

Lin Xie acted as if he didn't hear it at all, and hugged himself regardless.

Li Yuebai struggled a few times, but couldn't break free, so he remained motionless in embarrassment, afraid of making the other party anxious.

"System, what's going on!" Li Yuebai hurriedly asked the system: "The notification sound just jumped out, the task has been completed, why don't you let me leave this world?"

"Please wait a moment, host, I am checking for you." The system was also a little confused, and said while checking: "That's right, host, the Lord God has never stipulated that you can leave this world immediately after clearing the level..."

"But in the first few worlds..." Li Yuebai recalled.

"Yes, in the first few worlds you have traveled through, once you have completed the customs clearance conditions, you will leave the world and return to the lounge after a few hours." The system explained: "But that is not absolute, not all The world is like this... When you can leave depends on the will of the Lord God."

"That is to say, even if I complete the task, the Lord God can imprison me at will?" Li Yuebai's heart burst into anger: "This evil dictator!"

"The world is very complicated, the rules are very chaotic, host, everything is possible." The system said: "But please believe me, I am willing to help you..."

"Then tell me how to leave quickly." Li Yuebai said irritably.

"Is that why you don't like Lin Xie?" The system was indignant: "In order to complete the task, you captured him, and now you are eager to escape from him. In your world, this kind of behavior seems to be called scum..."

"Don't bother me." Li Yuebai wanted to kick the system away.

On the other side, Lin Xie's confession continued.

"Of course I hate you, to be exact, I hate you to death." Lin Xie bit his neck viciously: "But it's only you..."

Only Wang Hanzhi can easily arouse Lin Xie's emotions and desires.

There is always a thin line between extreme hate and extreme love.

Li Yuebai was almost driven mad by the two sides of the system and Lin Xie. Coupled with his anger at the main god, he was furious for a while. He didn't know where the strength came from, but he pushed Lin Xie away.

"Master Lin, now, let me teach you a good lesson." Li Yuebai slapped the dusty desktop hard, and said sharply: "Don't be immersed in one-sided love, love is mutual… "

Li Yuebai actually felt a little guilty.

He has always been very aware of his flaws. He is the Holy Mother, and he is easy to soften his heart. Now he feels that Lin Xie is pitiful and painful. Maybe after a while, this feeling will be transformed into... he likes it.

Do you really want to spend the rest of your life with Lin Xie in this world? It seems to be a bit difficult to accept. I feel that I will be bound, I will lose my freedom, I will...

And no matter what, the emotional progress of this wear is really too fast.

These anxieties directly led to Li Yuebai's occupational disease.

He started to talk at length, eloquently, citing scriptures, he couldn't feel what he said, and there was only one central idea: Lin Xie, don't make trouble.

Lin Xie stood motionless opposite him, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he was listening carefully, but in fact... his love and desire remained undiminished.

The sky was getting dark, and the clouds outside the window looked like it was going to rain.

The two men in the dilapidated office building still haven't reached any compromise.

Li Yuebai felt that he was about to collapse.

No matter how terrifying the enemy was before, I didn't get too entangled, as long as I defeated the enemy.

But facing a person who insists on loving her... what should I do

I'm afraid that even the heavens can't bear to see such entanglement, and there is a rumbling thunder outside the window.

Is it going to rain

Li Yuebai had to temporarily stop preaching to Lin Xie, and walked to the window.

This office building is too dilapidated, and the windows are not closed tightly. If there is a thunderstorm and a gust of wind, it will be difficult to take shelter from the rain.

Li Yuebai closed the window tightly, but he could still feel Lin Xie's gaze on his back, and couldn't help but shudder.

He looked out of the window—the dark clouds covered the sky, the city became gray, and the golden high-rise buildings in the past turned into gray boxes, lifeless.

At the edge of the dark clouds, there was still a terrifying dark red light shining.

A gust of wind blew by, and the plastic bags and garbage downstairs were blown into the air.

God, why bother to set off the atmosphere like this, those who don't know think that my mission has failed...

Li Yuebai shook his head and smiled wryly.

Obviously the mission was successful, but why am I so entangled in this.

Could it be that he really loves Lin Xie so much that he can't catch up with him

Li Yuebai couldn't help but look back at Lin Xie again.

Sure enough, Lin Xie was still looking at him with an aggrieved but resolute expression, as if he would not let you go if you didn't agree.

But Li Yuebai couldn't say the promised words.

Looking at it, he saw that Lin Xie's expression changed.

Lin Xie frowned suddenly, showing a surprised expression, and then rushed towards him.

"What?" Li Yuebai couldn't help being surprised when he saw his appearance, and turned to look out the window.

Lin Xie's usual airs are very good, it's not that he saw something particularly frightening, it wouldn't be like this.

Is there a monster outside the window

Li Yuebai looked out the window and couldn't help being stunned.

I thought I was just joking and thinking about monsters outside the window, but it couldn't be true, but I didn't expect... I didn't expect something more terrifying than monsters to appear.

Meteorite, meteorite!

The sky is full of meteorites! They are like crazy shells, bombarding the surface of the earth!

The ear-piercing roar, the hot burning flames...

The sky that was originally covered with dark clouds was now bright red.

Li Yuebai rubbed his eyes subconsciously, wondering if he was wrong.

Isn't this the x-wen world? Why did time travel suddenly become a sci-fi blockbuster

After several loud bangs, the window glass was shattered.

Li Yuebai was caught off guard by Lin Xie who jumped up and hugged him fiercely, dragging him to the door.

"System! What's going on!" Li Yuebai almost yelled in his heart: "Is the Lord God tmd going to kill me?"

"It's not the main god, this time it's not the main god." The system hurriedly checked: "It's the author of this world!"

"...?" Li Yuebai thought for a moment that he had heard wrong.

"It's the author of this x-art world!" The system was heartbroken: "Host, think about it, a good x-art has now been made into such a tangled unfolding by you, and there are so many consecutive chapters without meat..."

A page popped up in Li Yuebai's mind.

It is the page of Strawberry Literature Network.

Li Yuebai hastily clicked on the article "Capturing the Gao Leng Male God [Nian Xia]".

After a quick scan, it turned out that the content had all been rewritten.

It's all based on the plot I'm playing now!

There is no meat at all for several consecutive chapters!

And I kept rejecting Lin Xie in the latest chapter!

And Lin Xie went up before even raising his gun! I've been trying to influence myself!

The comment area is no longer available!

The comment area was full of curses and wailing.

"Author, are you a big liar? Where's the meat you promised?"

"Fruit off!"


There is also the author's explanation statement, the author said: "I'm sorry everyone, I originally wanted to write about meat, but I don't know why, but it has become this strange look... Maybe I was hijacked by aliens..."

The readers in the comment area certainly don't believe it.

So, after a while, the author issued another statement: "This article is out of my control, I decided to kill it decisively, and use a meteorite to escape..."

Meteor escape!

Li Yuebai bit his finger anxiously.

The so-called meteor escape is a popular term in the novel world, which refers to some unscrupulous authors who wrote a novel on a whim, and halfway through the writing, they were exhausted and couldn't continue writing, lost inspiration, and lost energy , I really can’t finish writing, but I want to finish it again, what should I do? Let the world in the novel fall from the sky with meteorites! Kill everyone! That's how it's done with confidence!

This is the kind of ending that leaves readers abhorred.

However, after announcing the use of meteorites to escape in the article "Capturing the High-Length Male God [Nianxia]", it received applause from the readers instead.

After all, readers are here for the meat, and now the author is unable to write about the meat for some strange reason. Of course, he must decisively use meteorites to end everything, so that readers will not be hung up all the time.

So, today's result is ushered in...

"System, what will happen if I die here?" Li Yuebai gritted his teeth and followed Lin Xie out.

"Maybe it's okay, maybe I'll never wake up... Maybe..." The system hesitated, unable to explain why.

"I really misjudged you." Li Yuebai sighed: "I thought you would be a system that was completely loyal to me, but it turned out..."

"I'm sorry, host, but these are beyond my control. I will try my best to protect you." The system paused, and expressed its position again.

"I understand, it really is the main god who is making troubles." Li Yuebai sighed: "It stands to reason that when I travel in, the original author can no longer control the world, but in this time travel, the main god still gave the original author The ability to control the world...although the original author lost to me in controlling the characters, but in controlling the meteorites... still has high authority."

"..." The system didn't dare to go along with Li Yuebai and speak ill of his boss, Lord God, so he had to acquiesce.

"Then help me survive!" Li Yuebai said viciously: "Isn't the Lord God just willing to see my struggle? Let him see enough."

Having said that, he was dragged by Lin Xie, stumbled out of the stairs, and rushed out of the crumbling office building.

There was a roar behind him, the office building collapsed, the earthquake hummed, and reinforced concrete blocks and bricks fell one after another.

Although they escaped in time, several stones flew in all directions and bounced straight at them.

Li Yuebai closed his eyes, but the expected pain did not happen.

At the moment when the stone hit, Lin Xie put his arms around him, and squatted down on him, protecting his whole body above him.

Li Yuebai was so suffocated by his movements that he raised his head, only to see that Lin Xie's forehead was bleeding.

" are hurt!" Li Yuebai was stunned for a long while, but he could only say such a vulgar line.

"It's okay." Lin Xie wiped the blood from his forehead nonchalantly, and said with a frown, "Go to the car, let's get out of here."

The two stumbled towards the square where the cars were parked at the fastest speed.

"You don't know...the world is going to be destroyed." Li Yuebai said with difficulty.

Seeing Lin Xie working so hard, he felt another pain in his heart—this child really doesn't know anything,

"The end of the world?" Lin Xie looked up at the sky, and smiled self-deprecatingly: "It looks a bit like it, but what about the end of the world?"

"Are you really not afraid?" Li Yuebai was taken aback.

"Get in the car." Lin Xie grabbed Li Yuebai, opened the door, and ordered.

The car was parked not far away, and arrived soon.

Li Yuebai huddled nervously in the co-pilot's seat, quickly calculating a plan in his mind.

Meteorite, meteorite... How can I defeat the original author's meteorite attack

Lin Xie had calmly started the car, the engine roared, and the car rushed out at an extremely fast speed.

Several meteorites have already fallen in the city, destroying several buildings.

On the streets, people were already in a mess. Ant-like black crowds fled from their homes one after another and flocked to the square. On the streets, there were crowded crowds everywhere. The main roads were blocked, and the overpasses were all blocked. It became a frozen sea of cars, on the big screen, on the radio... news about meteorites falling from the sky was everywhere.

Fortunately, the location of this office building is already in the suburbs, and the road outside is not congested, so you can escape for a while.

But how long can you escape

Li Yuebai curled up quietly in the co-pilot's seat, playing countless movies about escaping from the end of the world in his mind.

The scene outside was shockingly chaotic, he didn't want to see it, so he turned his gaze to Lin Xie.

Lin Xie was just driving the car indifferently, not paying any attention to the blood flowing from his forehead.

This way... Li Yuebai was suddenly in a trance, thinking of Ye Qing in the second wear, he had experienced similar scenes with Ye Qing countless times, and Ye Qing was driving the car quietly like this, as if all monsters and ghosts He couldn't even raise his eyelids.

Li Yuebai searched and found a silk handkerchief in his coat pocket, lifted it up and wiped the blood that flowed down for Lin Xie.

"Warning you, don't move around." Instead of being grateful, Lin Xie frowned.

"Master Lin, your blood is about to flow into your eyes, which will affect your eyesight." Li Yuebai explained helplessly.

"...Thank you very much." Lin Xie replied lightly.

Sounds like pouting.

A meteorite fell from the sky and exploded a hundred meters in front of the car.

On the originally smooth road, a huge crater suddenly appeared.

Lin Xie slammed on the brakes and the car stopped.

"There is nowhere to escape..." Li Yuebai smiled, stretched his waist, looked outside at the scene that looked like hell on earth, and said, "Forget it, let's die here."

Lin Xie frowned when he heard such dejected words, and looked at him suddenly: "Wang Hanzhi, this doesn't sound like something you would say."

"I have one more thing I shouldn't have said." Li Yuebai smiled, leaned into Lin Xie's ear, and said in a low voice, "I'm going to die anyway, so it's okay to play with you..."

He clearly felt that Lin Xie's body trembled suddenly.

No man can refuse such a blatant invitation from the person he likes.

"Host, actually..." The system was startled: "But didn't you not fall in love with him..."

Li Yuebai's affection for Lin Xie is indeed not to the level of love, but after the thrilling escape just now... he has a miraculous feeling for Lin Xie. Maybe this is the so-called suspension bridge effect

Lin Xie just looked deeply at Li Yuebai, then turned his face to one side: "No."

"..." Li Yuebai felt like an idiot: "Why?"

"I listened to everything you just said." Lin Xie said helplessly, "Even if it's the end of the world, I don't want to force the person I love."

"..." Li Yuebai felt that he was hit.

It took him a few seconds to calm down, then lowered his voice and said, "What if, what if the person you love forces you?"


Li Yuebai didn't hesitate any more, turned his body and kissed the person beside him.

The moment the lips and teeth met, the roar outside stopped.

The meteorite seems to have no weight, defying gravity and the laws of physics, just hovering in the air.

The interior of the car is lively and fragrant, and it is beautiful.

The meteorites disappeared silently into the air, drifting away like smoke.

Two hours later, Li Yuebai finally came back to his senses, grabbed Lin Xie's shoulders, and tried his best to look out the car window.

The sun is shining outside, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant. Fortunately, this is a suburb, no one passes by, otherwise...

"Host, congratulations!" The system said: "The author is very satisfied with the expansion of the meat, so he took back the meteorite... Host, you are really wise, and you have no plans."

"What are you looking at?" Lin Xie pushed Li Yuebai, who was still moving around, back to the soft seat.

"Outside... the end of the world will not come..." Li Yuebai struggled to tell him the good news intermittently.

"Oh." Lin Xie kissed his lips again: "It doesn't matter."

It doesn't matter

Li Yuebai couldn't complain anymore.

Lin Xie really is a child with a brain, as long as he can sleep with someone he likes, it doesn't matter whether the world is ending or not.

Of course, I have to say, this is human beings...

"Host, you saved the world in... such an unspeakable way..." The system praised sincerely: "You are really great."

Great ghost.

The system is ridiculous.

The moment I kissed Lin Xie, I didn't think about saving the world, but... I just wanted to kiss.

Human desires are sometimes so strange.

"Anyway, you are safe now." The system said: "The Lord God has just issued a notice, please live in this world for a while... The length of time is up to you, and then we will start a new journey."

"The length of time is up to you...very good." Li Yuebai pondered, put his fingers into Lin Xie's hair, rubbed it, and then whispered, "Hey, I'm leaving anytime now."

"It's up to you, anyway, I can't restrain you." Lin Xie calmly let him rub it.

Compared with such gentle words, his actions can be called rough.

In this way, even the craters on the road quietly disappeared.

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Fifth wear: interstellar