The White Moonlight in One’s Heart Self-Saving System

Chapter 124: Interstellar (2)


A man in a black uniform strode into the temple.

He didn't salute Xinghuan.

After thousands of years of evolution and progress, the Halo Sect has gradually evolved to be very enlightened and free while retaining the original teachings, and will not restrain believers with strict teachings.

Although the countries of the Star Ring Church are small in size and population, they are very rich. Most of the people's money comes from interstellar transshipment trade, religious income, tourism income... It is precisely because of this that the people live a leisurely life, think freely, behave lazily, and hate fighting , Matter determines consciousness, such citizens, their feelings for religion stop at piety, they do not go to extreme fanaticism, and they do not have the habit of praying four times in the morning and evening.

As the military leader of the Star Ring Church, Leares always did his own thing. The moment he stepped into the temple, he just lowered his head and drew a ring on his heart with his slender fingers. Then, he walked straight to Li Yuebai.

As the distance got closer, Lei's appearance became more and more handsome. He had a straight figure, and his every move showed well-trained vigor. His eyebrows were long and sharp, and a pair of black eyes were extremely penetrating.

You only need to simply search the database, and you can see how domineering and hostile this admiral once displayed on the battlefield, enough to make lawless interstellar pirates terrified.

But at this moment, there was no aggression in his eyes looking at Li Yuebai, but a smile on the contrary.

"Ray?" Li Yuebai couldn't help but also smiled.

Just when I was about to speak, I realized that this was still in the temple, not an ordinary place. You can't speak too casually, but you should be a little more cautious.

"General Ares, at this moment, you should be dealing with military affairs. Why did you come here in a hurry? The God of the Star Ring has never taught us that we can abandon our duties in order to worship Him." Li Yuebai said.

"I'm not here to worship the gods, but to look for you." Lei heard the teasing meaning in his serious tone, and said in a deep voice along the way: "Dear High Priest Pardell, I have an important to discuss matters with you."

Li Yuebai nodded, stepped out of the temple with Lei, and went to a lower garden.

When he arrived in the garden, he was surrounded by unknown bright flowers, and unknown strange-shaped birds made melodious and melodious chirping sounds. In such a mundane atmosphere, Li Yuebai finally let go of his holding posture.

"Ray, what happened?" he asked in a gentle tone.

As soon as the words fell, I saw the other party's sharp long eyebrows tightened, showing a preoccupied expression.

"Hazy Moon." Lei whispered, "Our country unintentionally drew a long double-edged sword."

The original owner's name is Obscure Moon Pardel. According to the origin of human beings, the legend of the distant blue star, Palder is the name of the god of light, and the moon refers to a beautiful satellite that exudes soft white light. No matter from which angle you look at it, the name They all fit the image of the original owner very well.

"Double-edged sword?" Li Yuebai couldn't help but frowned.

Ray Ares briefly explained a few words. Li Yuebai soon understood.

Just the day before yesterday, a rich amount of high-purity iridium ore was discovered on laj8807, an inconspicuous asteroid satellite of the Starring Church State.

Iridium is the rarest and most precious metal in today's interstellar world.

Its elemental chemical properties are extremely stable, and it is most suitable to form the core components of sophisticated weapons. No army can exist without relying on it.

At the same time, it is extremely rare in the entire universe. Even the most advanced smelting factories consume tens of thousands of tons of ore and spend several days to extract even one gram of pure iridium metal.

laj8807 is a barren unmanned satellite. There is no water, no plants, no stars, and no inhabitants. Hundreds of years ago, the Pope of the Star Ring Church State had a whim and sent people there A self-circulating building was built on it, barely providing shelter for the explorers who traveled thousands of miles to explore—but the place was too desolate and boring, and there were no beasts to fight. Gradually, the building It was also empty, and no one visited for many years.

A few days ago, a daring interstellar pirate fleet came to the Star Ring Church to plunder the kingdom. The location of the plunder was on a planet not far from laj8807. The army quickly launched a pursuit of the pirates. The pirates were invincible. During their hasty escape, they fired several plasma cannons, one of which happened to hit laj8807.

laj8807 A hole was blasted into the hard crust of the earth, hot magma spewed out, and after contacting the icy air, it quickly condensed into a solid state.

However, both the armies of the Star Ring Church states and the interstellar pirates clearly saw the strange green light shining on the solidified magma—that is the unique light of high-purity iridium ore.

Laj8807 has a diameter of 3,000 kilometers. In addition to the hard crust on the surface, it is full of magma—rich in high-purity iridium, which can be calculated with a little laboratory calculation—these iridium metals are enough to support hundreds of luxurious tubes Starfleet!

Such a probability is equivalent to a diamond falling from the sky, which happened to hit the pope's head.

The military department was ecstatic at first, and then, the joy turned into extreme panic.

Tens of thousands of years ago, there was a proverb on the distant blue star, which was called - the crime of embracing a jade.

The countries of the Star Ring Church have a small area and a small population. They only survive in the gap between the two superpowers, the Galactic Empire and the Democratic Federation, only by relying on religion and diplomatic means that are indifferent to the world.

Now, the news that laj8807 is rich in iridium ore has been exposed to the public. Even if all the interstellar pirates are wiped out, the news will still spread like wildfire. Within a day, it will spread to every corner of the universe, attracting Countless ferocious beasts staring at each other.

Between the Galactic Empire and the Democratic Alliance, there has always been a long and arduous tug-of-war, intermittent and endless.

Now, we are in a short period of peace, but anyone with a little long-term vision can see that this kind of peace will not last long, it may be twenty or thirty years, or a few years... Maybe this generation can witness The next big fight.

When the war breaks out again, no matter which side it is, they hope to occupy laj8807 of the Halo Church state and take all the iridium mines for themselves... Only in this way can they build hundreds of luxurious fleets and destroy all the enemies.

The military power of the Halo Church states is not in the same order of magnitude as the Imperial Alliance. Even with a military genius like Ray Ares, it is still very difficult to win the self-defense war.

Perhaps, the best option is to hand over laj8807.

But such a choice is only a slow suicide.

If laj8807 is handed over to the empire or the alliance, the empire or the alliance will of course seize every second of their time to mine and develop, and the entire star ring church state closest to it will unfortunately be reduced to a mine, a giant factory , is used to continuously smelt ore, causing endless pollution.

"I will never allow laj8807 to be given to those bastards for nothing." Lei paced back and forth in the garden irritably. There was a wild and bold light in his eyes: "Only by winning can we survive."

The garden was very quiet, and there was no one else around, so he didn't care about his status as an admiral, and spoke a little aggressively.

"Lei, calm down." Li Yuebai's expression and tone became serious: "Do you want to start a war with the empire, the alliance...?"

"At that point, fighting is the only option."

"Your military talent is beyond doubt." Li Yuebai said: "But..."

The military strength of the countries of the Star Ring Church is not enough, far from enough.

"It's not enough if we start the war in the next second." Lei said calmly, "Fortunately, the God of the Star Ring has given us enough time... enough time for us to raise military expenses, recruit soldiers, build a fleet, and carry out the tasks that should have been done long ago. implemented plan."

Since a few years ago, Leares has become the representative of the young generals of the Hawk Faction in the countries of the Star Ring Church.

He is brave, tough, and even somewhat rebellious and paranoid. As soon as he became a general, he gathered a group of talented staff and drew up a plan to revitalize the country's military.

The biggest difference between Obscure Moon Pardel and Ray lies here.

It can even be said that the political and military views of these two people are completely opposite.

Obscure Moon is against any kind of war, against sending anyone to battle.

When Li Yuebai was contemplating, there was a soft ding in his head, and a dialog box popped up in the system:

Dear host, the original owner's choice here is to oppose Leares' claim for war. The original owner believes that the problem should be resolved through peaceful means. Please follow the original owner's choice to follow the plot, otherwise the self-destruct procedure will be activated.

"I have the same opinion as the original owner." Li Yuebai said.

"The system also guesses in the same way." The system said: "You and the original owner's ideas always have something in common."

Li Yuebai pressed OK.

"My friend." Li Yuebai looked directly at Leares, and said calmly, "This time, I still can't support your point of view."

"No surprise." Ray raised his eyebrows.

"I don't want to see our land engulfed in flames of war, and I don't want to see our people have to go out of the campus, onto the battlefield, and turn into ashes in the universe." Li Yuebai said: "I will seek politically. solution."

"Politics?" Lei laughed loudly: "Hazy Moon, maybe you are right, maybe your prayers can move the god of the star ring, let him come here to protect our galaxy and people; maybe you can influence the empire The Emperor and the President of the Union, let them have a cup of tea in this garden and forget all about the war."

"...But I will not stop your plan, and I will even help you if necessary." Li Yuebai interrupted his continuous sarcasm: "It's just an extra line of defense."

Lei was silent, he walked towards Li Yuebai, opened his arms and held him tightly in his arms.

They have known each other since they were young, and they have disagreed for many years, but their relationship has always been unbreakable.

"So, the current plot is that you have taken two different paths, trying to save the country from two different directions." The system concluded.

"Yes." Li Yuebai said.

"But you don't look like you are going to save the country, do you?" The system rarely made a joke, and the tone was still serious. Maybe the system thought that this sentence was not a joke, but an objective statement.

After Lei left, Li Yuebai lay down on the wicker chair and couldn't sleep until he yawned just now and woke up.

"System, haven't you explained it clearly to me?" Li Yuebai stretched his waist and said, "Before I completely gain control of this body, all decisions must be made according to the original plot." In other words, you will remind me one by one of the original owner's efforts to save the country."

"So you just sit on the sidelines and wait for the rabbit?" The system said helplessly: "I have to say, your choice is very wise..."

As if responding to Li Yuebai, another crisp "ding" sounded.

A dialog box popped up: "Dear host, tonight, you need to go to Marshal Augustan's mansion to attend his private reception."

"Marshal Augustan..." Li Yuebai frowned.

"Leares will go too." The system reminded: "You must accompany him and assist him."

There are three supreme rulers in the star ring church state.

Pope, prime minister, marshal.

They are in charge of religion, politics, and military affairs respectively, mutually supporting and restricting each other.

Marshal Augustan is the immediate boss of Ray Ares. He has already gone through half the journey of his life, and his face often has a weather-beaten kindness.

Ray Ares was young and ambitious, and he was in the limelight. He often had disputes with the marshal because of military deployment issues, regardless of the marshal's face. Although the marshal admired his thorny subordinate, he was also very troubled, and would suppress him from time to time, and conflicts between the two frequently occurred.

"Oh? Is this pair of old ancestors and young ancestors going to meet again?" Li Yuebai smiled secretly in his heart: "Then I really have to go."

"Exactly, that's why the original owner attended the reception." The system said: "Only the high priest can ease the conflict between the marshal and the general."

At nine o'clock that night, Li Yuebai took a carriage to the Marshal's mansion.

The so-called carriage is actually a means of transportation made of machinery. Its appearance has restored the appearance of Blue Star’s ancient carriage, but the horse’s skin is silver and bright. It is a machine made of the purest metal. It walks with elegance and elegance. Modern.

Li Yuebai wore a lighter robe with less complicated decorations, but he still felt that his sense of existence was too strong.

When he stepped out of the carriage with the help of his attendants and stepped onto the road leading to the gate, everyone's eyes turned to him, some with admiration, some with piety, and occasionally... lustful gazes.

"Dear High Priest, your arrival has added a radiance to our hearts." The butler of the Marshal's Mansion stepped forward to greet him politely, speaking words of praise.

Li Yuebai greeted the people around him with a kind smile, and then walked to the banquet hall under the leadership of the housekeeper.

"By the way, there is something I need to inform you in advance." The butler politely reminded: "The young master is here tonight, please forgive him for being young and stubborn..."

The Marshal had several children, the youngest Richard was his favorite. He was old and busy with military affairs and had no time to discipline him, which naturally led to some bad consequences.

Richard is only seventeen years old this year. His handsomeness and mischievousness are well known in the entire star ring church state. He often gets entangled with a group of noble teenagers, drives the aircraft to crash around, plays and makes trouble everywhere, and treats civilians and even nobles who don't like it. Wanton beating and scolding... He is a dandy boy with strong destructive power.

After all, the marshal is a marshal, and it is impossible for him to allow his son to affect his image. Therefore, after repeated reprimands to no avail, he unexpectedly came up with a trick—to give Leares the power to discipline Richard.

Richard was also a little afraid of Lei, so he had to restrain himself a lot.

But half a year ago, Richard still did something that angered Lei—he pursued Obscure Moon Pardell.

Of course it was mildly rejected.

Since Richard was born, he has never seen anyone who dared to go against his will, and immediately resorted to violent means, intending to forcibly take the original owner away—of course, Lei stopped it in time.

That time Lei was really furious, and he beat Richard hard, regardless of Richard's identity.

Since then, Richard never dared to do anything to blaspheme the high priest.

Recalling this story from the original owner's memory, Li Yuebai read it carefully, and a smile could not help but appear on the corner of his mouth, he just thought it was too interesting.

Immersed in such an interesting story, he stepped into the banquet hall step by step, and soon saw Richard's figure.

Richard was wearing a gorgeous velvet uniform, with exquisite weapons on his waist, with a look of disdain on his face, surrounded by a few little noble boys who were flattering.

He is indeed a very hateful boy, but his appearance is impeccable, he is the kind of evil and bad handsome, enough to make girls scream.

But no matter how handsome he was, it was difficult for Li Yuebai to have more affection for him, so he turned his eyes to Richard - there stood a blond boy, who looked a little strange, with his back to the crowd, with half-long blond hair like Shines like real gold.

When the blond boy turned around, Li Yuebai only felt that his eyes were stinging.