The White Moonlight in One’s Heart Self-Saving System

Chapter 125: Interstellar (3)


It's too dazzling.

The crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling cast light without hesitation, making the boy's blond hair shine brightly, and his pair of eyes were also golden, like carefully carved topaz, making his skin whiter and more delicate. Only about fifteen or sixteen years old, with a slender figure and indistinguishable beauty, but she doesn't show coquettishness at all, and her face is full of innocence and innocence that has never been seen in the world.

Li Yuebai reacted for a second before looking away pretending not to care.

As the High Priest of the Star Ring Sect, he had to pay more attention to every move he made. At that moment, he had paid too much attention to the young man, and it would be noticed by the people around him, which is not good.

He looked around pretending not to care, but fortunately, his gaffe was not noticed.

Because other people couldn't help but cast their eyes on the young man.

The young man realized that he had inadvertently become the focus of attention, and couldn't help feeling a little shy and embarrassed. He showed an apologetic smile, saluted Li Yuebai from a distance, then took a step back, and hid in the darkness again.

In fact, the young man was very low-key from the very beginning. He wore a plain gray uniform and stood quietly in the dark beside Richard. He didn't speak or make any unnecessary movements. When he met the high priest's cheers, he turned around politely. Coincidentally, at this time, the crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling changed an angle under the control of the machine, and shone the light on him.

Master Richard narrowed his eyes and looked at the young man. His heart was agitated for a while, and his face turned ugly. He lay back, raised one leg on the footstool, and reprimanded the young man, "Cesar, don't Then you're worthless, my young master's family has a lot of contacts with important people, and a mere it worthy of your hospitality?"

Richard's love for the high priest has become distorted since the last attempt at courtship. The more he wants, the more he will verbally derogate and make a contemptuous gesture, but he is also afraid of being taught by Lei again. Therefore, he only dared to insinuate in a strange way, and did not dare to directly name the high priest.

"The subordinate was rude." The boy lowered his eyes and said in a low voice.

Although he was wearing casual clothes, he wore a metal nameplate on his chest, with his name and rank engraved on it—Cesar Besefani, corporal of the First Fleet of the Church of the Star Ring.

Such a beautiful boy turned out to be a soldier, and his surname is rare.

Li Yuebai was secretly surprised when he heard familiar footsteps behind him, it was Ray Ares.

Seeing Li Yuebai standing not far from Richard, Lei couldn't help but frowned, stepped forward unhappily, and took Li Yuebai away.

The two came to a clean land.

"Lei, the soldiers you recruit are getting younger and younger." Li Yuebai said with a smile: "The blond boy next to Richard, named César, looks only fifteen or sixteen years old, but he is already Soldiers of the First Fleet."

"The First Fleet is under the direct jurisdiction of Marshal Augustan." Lei frowned and said, "I didn't recruit that young man."

Indeed, Lei had only recently decided to recruit troops on a large scale. Those young people who had just been recruited by him had not officially entered the fleet, let alone had metal nameplates, and it was even more impossible to come here to attend the banquet.

"Does this mean that the marshal is also willing to absorb more young forces into the army, and has already done so." Li Yuebai said.

Lei sneered, and said disdainfully, "The one you saw just now is not a real soldier."

His tone was full of contempt, Li Yuebai's heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't help but look in César's direction again.

I saw Master Richard touching César's waist presumptuously.

"Not long ago, the Marshal invited me to help train the First Fleet." Lei said coldly, "I didn't see this boy there."

Having said that, the meaning is very clear.

There are always a few places in the First Fleet, they are soldiers in name, but they are actually Master Richard's personal guards.

As for what this personal guard meant, it was kept secret.

Master Richard is a full-fledged little tyrant, he wants to take possession of beautiful people when he sees them. Naturally, it is impossible to let Cesare go. Therefore, Cesare may have never really fought with the First Fleet.

Li Yuebai couldn't help but fell silent.

He searched again in the memory bank.

The surname Besephone is very rare in the countries of the Star Ring Church, and belongs to another religious system.

The boy's hair color and eye color are so special, and his surname is Besephone... In all likelihood, he is a member of the Ming Cult.

The number of followers of Ming Cult is very small, their hair color and eye color are very light, and they live in a certain island country on an inconspicuous asteroid. They are self-sufficient and rarely communicate with the outside world.

Fortunately, the overall thinking of the Xinghuan Cultists is relatively tolerant, and they believe that minority sects like Mingjiao should also be free and respected, so they rarely bother them, and they have lived in peace for thousands of years.

After Li Yuebai said this conjecture, Lei's face became even colder.

"Ozuki, you know, I don't have any good impressions of Ming Cultists." Lei said disdainfully.

Lei's character has always been conservative. He is always hostile and wary of people from different ethnic groups and different countries.

The topic of that insignificant teenager César quickly slipped away.

The two chatted about something else, and soon, the banquet began.

A long table was set up in the banquet hall, almost running through the entire venue, enough to seat dozens of people. The long table was carefully covered with snow-white tablecloths, and dozens of sets of silver tableware were neatly arranged. Everything was meticulous and just right. Too luxurious.

After the exposure of the iridium mine happened, the upper echelons of the Halo Church states were full of worries. Therefore, this time, there was no singing and dancing at the banquet, but everything was kept simple.

Marshal Augustin presided over the banquet. After delivering the toast, he toasted everyone and left early.

The style of military officials has always been like this, and they don't want to waste precious time on drinking wine.

At the other end of the long table, Master Richard and the young nobles under him were in a different situation. They talked excitedly about the war, the heroes in myths and legends, and the invincible warriors on the battlefield. , smugly boasted about his ability to fly a fighter plane, and threatened that he would be able to fly across the stars and make contributions in the future, which was a lively scene.

Li Yuebai was besieged by a group of elderly aristocratic wives. The wives chattered with him about the God of the Star Ring, worshiping and praying, which meant they would not let him go.

While coping with it with a smile, he glanced in Ray's direction.

Lei nodded to himself, then drank the wine in the glass, and was about to get up and leave the table.

The military affairs are busy, and Lei has no time to delay here.

"I really envy my friends." Li Yuebai said to the system with a wry smile, "I want to leave too, it's too tiring here."

"Host, don't rush to relax, something is about to happen." The system said: "Please pay attention to Master Richard's movements."

"Huh?" Li Yuebai frowned and looked in the direction of Master Richard.

I saw that although Master Richard was still talking and dancing, his eyes were erraticly looking at several corners of the banquet hall.

If you look along the line of sight, you can see what the hell he is up to.

Several of Master Richard's attendants had already quietly ambushed in three different corners, holding high-power water guns in their hands, which were filled with green viscous liquid. Now, the muzzles of several water guns, All aimed at Lei who was about to leave.

bad boy!

Li Yuebai almost laughed out loud.

It must be because Lei taught Master Richard a hard lesson last time, so Master Richard has always held a grudge. Then, while his father was away, he planned to play a prank and make Lei make a good fool of himself.

"Host, aren't you worried?" the system said calmly.

"What am I worried about?" Li Yuebai smiled: "If Admiral Ares can't even dodge this, then it's really a hell."

His memory bank is full of memories of the original owner's time with Lei when he was a teenager. Which boy has never been mischievous when he was young? When it comes to pranks and water pistols, Ray was really at his best when he was a teenager, and Master Richard was a complete clumsy junior compared to Ray.

Lei had already noticed it, and he didn't take it seriously. He just shrugged, blinked his left eye at Li Yuebai, and signaled: Anyway, the marshal is not here.

Li Yuebai held up the glass to cover his lips, and took the time to change into a comfortable posture, planning to watch a good show.

As a result, a few seconds later, the good show took place in a form that he hadn't expected at all.

Master Richard snapped his fingers, and several followers rushed to press the trigger of the water gun.

Immediately afterwards, Li Yuebai's eyes blurred, and he saw a figure jumping out and blocking Lei's face.

Lei almost reflexively caught the man and threw him out, but fortunately he stopped after seeing clearly.

It was César, his pretty little face was tense, and he blocked the splashing green liquid with his body without hesitation. In fact, those green liquids came from three different directions, and it was impossible to block them all, but he just stood there with his arms open and let the viscous green liquid spray all over his head and body. .

Those who went to the banquet couldn't help exclaiming, some laughed, and some frowned and reprimanded.

Li Yuebai hurriedly got up and walked towards Lei.

Soon, the liquid in the water gun was sprayed out, and several followers secretly threw away the water gun and ran out. The instigator blew a whistle, pretending that everything had nothing to do with him.

"Lei, are you okay?" Li Yuebai stepped forward with concern.

You don't need to look to know that Lei's straight black uniform has no stains, and not a single drop of liquid has been splashed.

But César's appearance was much more miserable. His gray clothes had all turned green, dripping wet with a strange-smelling liquid, his hair was not much better, and there was still a large patch of green mucus on his cheek.

"Ceizer." Li Yuebai turned to him: "Thank you, but you really don't have to do this."

"..." Probably due to the first close contact with the high priest, César blushed, did not speak, and showed a lovely smile.

"Go and clean it up, it's not an example." Li Yuebai reached out and patted him on the shoulder.

The sticky green liquid stained his hands.

"Host, the system thinks you are disgusting like this." The system said dryly.

"Stupid, this way I can take the opportunity to slip away." Li Yuebai said: "The noble ladies will not come forward and hold my hand and beg for my blessing..."

"Cesar, get the hell out of here now." Seeing that the plan had failed and Admiral Ares was not dealt with, Master Richard could not help but vent all his anger on César, who did not obey the command. His face was gloomy, A few low growls squeezed out between the teeth: "Get out! Don't appear in front of me again today!"