The White Moonlight in One’s Heart Self-Saving System

Chapter 126: Interstellar (4)


After leaving the Marshal's mansion and arriving at his own residence, Li Yuebai still couldn't help recalling what happened in the banquet hall.

César's skills are quite good, far beyond what a recruit of his age should have. His movements are nimble and agile, his angles are accurate, and his speed is extremely fast...

Doubts came to my mind—if César was bound by Master Richard all the time, where would he have the time to train? Why is there such a good performance

Moreover, as Master Richard's subordinate, why would he openly side with Lei regardless of the consequences of angering his master

For a moment, Li Yuebai almost suspected that all this was a farce directed and acted by Master Richard himself, in order to win César's trust.

However, after carefully observing Master Richard's subsequent reaction, Li Yuebai denied this possibility.

Master Richard's behavior has always been straightforward, and he doesn't like to go around in circles. If there is any conspiracy, he can't hide it at all.

This time, the plan to attack Lei did not succeed, and the disappointment on Master Richard's face was clearly written.

Because of the marshal's face, Lei didn't really get angry, but just warned Richard: Prepare well for next week's exercise.

Then Ray turned and left, leaving Richard in place with a very ugly face.

The marshal handed Richard over to Lei to control him, which of course also included training in military capabilities.

Drills are a means for Lei to test Richard's homework.

Of course, it is impossible to fight with real swords and guns. It is just to use the computer to simulate the battle. Let Richard lead a combat team to fight against Lei's men. Only if he wins can he be considered qualified.

Although Richard has been domineering since he was a child, driving the aircraft to run around everywhere, but in terms of such a mentally exhausting battle, even an ordinary second lieutenant under Lei can't win.

"Host, don't forget, you will also be there to visit next week's exercise." The system reminded.

A dialog popped up again in time: Hello host, please be sure to accept Rayares' invitation next week to visit Richard Augustan's simulation exercise.

Li Yuebai confirmed without hesitation.

"Does Ray want me to go and see how Master Richard makes a fool of himself?"

"No, the system thinks that Lei wants you to learn more about what fighting in space looks like." The system said.

"I hate war." Li Yuebai said.

"Everyone knows that you hate war." The system said: "That's why the Pope is relieved to entrust Fleet X to you for safekeeping."

"Fleet x..." Li Yuebai was startled, and raised the staff in his hand.

Since he crossed over, he has been holding that staff in his hand, and the reason is only known to a few high-level people - there is a secret switch hidden in that staff, a switch that only the high priest can activate.

The staff is actually a remote control that controls Fleet X, a fleet of automated machines that are always on standby in orbit around Amiens.

Fleet X is composed of 10,000 unmanned fighter planes, each of which is equipped with a powerful neutron cannon, which is as powerful as a powerful army.

This is the church's private armament, which only belongs to the church, and neither the prime minister nor the marshal has the right to touch it.

If Fleet X is in the hands of others, the prime minister and the marshal will definitely be worried, worried that that person will take the opportunity to launch a coup and seize power... But in the hands of the high priest, everyone is at ease.

Because the High Priest's position is too obvious - hate war, hate killing. Unless it is absolutely necessary, the fleet will never be used.

"System." Li Yuebai looked carefully at the staff in his hand, and sighed: "Can Fleet x withstand the attack of the empire or the alliance?"

"Maybe it can withstand half of their fleet." The system replied honestly: "No more."

"..." Li Yuebai understands that there are more than one and a half fleets of the empire or the alliance, and the weapons x he holds are just a drop in the bucket.

"System, didn't you ask me how I plan to protect this country?" Li Yuebai lay down on the big white bed wearily: "I plan to start with large-scale weapons."


"In the real world where I grew up, as long as a country has nuclear weapons, it is enough to deter other countries." Li Yuebai said: "I don't know how it is here."

"In this interstellar world, technology is developing rapidly, and there are many weapon research institutes, including official and private ones." The system said.

"Search carefully." Li Yuebai said, "Maybe you can find what I want."

"Yes, the system is happy to provide you with such a service." The system was silent for a moment, and then displayed the latest achievements of its country's weapons research institute.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the sky outside the window gradually changed from pitch black to pink, and the whole night passed like this.

Li Yuebai read all the latest weapon research results seriously, and was finally out of anger.

None of them worked!

It looks weird and varied, but in fact they are all meaningless inventions on paper.

"It can't be said that it is completely useless, host." The system patiently said: "Look at this, invented by Dr. Paul Baccigalupi's research institute, the all-planet space folding shield... maybe it can protect Amiens ?”

"I've read it carefully." Li Yuebai was about to collapse: "What's the use of this thing other than locking yourself up and suffocating to death?"

The so-called all-planet space folding shield is a thing that can be used as a prison.

As long as the switch is turned on, it can create a huge energy field, covering the entire planet where it is located. The consequence is that outside aircraft cannot enter this planet at all. As long as they approach, it will be like passing through a portal. The same, was instantly teleported to the back of the planet.

It sounds good, but the problem is - people on the planet can't get out at all.

This feeling is equivalent to building a solid shell outside one's own room, and then suffocating oneself to death inside.

In this era of the big universe, no planet is willing to become an island, so this invention is not only useless, but also dangerous.

"Why did this doctor design such a dangerous invention?" Li Yuebai said: "What if it is activated accidentally and seals Amiens inside?"

"Don't worry about this, host." The system said: "The all-planet space folding shield is controlled by telepathy, and it will only be activated when 50% (inclusive) of the inhabitants of the planet agree to activate it."

"According to your survey, how many residents will agree to start it?" Li Yuebai asked.

"Currently 0.00000001%."

"It's safe for the time being." Li Yuebai said helplessly: "So Amiens has fallen into such serious internal and external troubles? Not only must we always guard against foreign aggression, we must also always guard against local lunatics."

"You can't say that, host, the research institute is also for science..." the system justified.

In short, the current conclusion is that it is useless to rely on research institutes.

A week passed quickly, and it was time for the drill.

Li Yuebai boarded the ship ptr6743 of the No. 1 Fleet.

There were many young soldiers coming and going on the ship, but only Master Richard and a few of his men were going to participate in the exercise.

After all, this exercise was just a small-scale test for Master Richard.

When passing the bridge, Li Yuebai stopped and admired the infinite stars outside the transparent barrier.

In this era, human footprints have spread all over the galaxy, but all the evil nature has not changed at all, killing and plundering are still happening in every corner.

In the past few days, the figure of Cesare Besephone appeared in Li Yuebai's mind from time to time.

Even though he had never known each other and had no interest involved, he still didn't want to see this young man being abused by Richard.

Thinking of this, he has come to the simulation room specially prepared for the exercise.

The simulation room is not big, and it is empty inside. There are no extra machines, only twenty holographic simulation cabins, which are quietly arranged on both sides of the floor, ten on each side.

Since it was an exercise, of course it was impossible to drive fighter planes to bomb each other in space, everything had to be simulated by computer.

The personnel participating in the exercise enter the holographic simulation cabin, turn on the holographic mode, and then they can manipulate the virtual "fighter plane" through the network. The combat status will be displayed in the air in the center of the simulation room through holographic projection, so that the judges can see it. Be clear.

Li Yuebai came a little earlier. After taking his seat at the judges' bench, he looked around, but he couldn't find Lei.

"Where's General Ares?" Li Yuebai asked a guard.

"Report to the High Priest, General Ares is having a meeting with the chief of the Third Fleet, come over later." The guard snapped to attention and hurriedly reported.

Lei has been really busy recently, so there is really no need to personally supervise this kind of trivial matter.

There was a sound of leather boots—Master Richard led his nine subordinates and walked into the simulation room with their heads held high. It was precisely because Lei was not present that Master Richard became even more arrogant, as if he was determined to win .

At the end of the line, Li Yuebai saw Cizer.

At that moment, Li Yuebai felt a prick in his heart - César was wearing a gray military uniform, but there were still red scars on his neck and wrists, which were obviously caused by something like a whip. whipped out.

But César didn't have the slightest fragile expression on his face. He just opened his beautiful golden eyes and stared blankly at the holographic simulation cabin, showing an expression like a very hungry child seeing candy, greedy It's so cute.

What's the matter, César loves mock drills? Li Yuebai secretly guessed.

The 10-to-10 simulation exercise will start soon.

Master Richard's enemies are ten ordinary soldiers sent by Lei. There are no weak soldiers under a strong general. Although they are not high in rank, they have rich combat experience and are extremely capable. They are more than enough to deal with a dude like Master Richard.

Both sides entered the holographic simulation cabin according to the procedure. In the center of the simulation room, a huge three-dimensional image was projected—on the left and right sides, there were 100 fighters on each side, arranged in a formation, approaching each other dangerously.

There is a sound collection system in the holographic simulation cabin, and Li Yuebai can hear the commanders of both sides giving orders in words.

Even if you don't understand military affairs, you can tell that Master Richard's command is really lame.

He ordered his men to form a conservative dense formation, advance slowly, and was soon surrounded by Ares' men in a pocket formation.

"Damn it..." Master Richard cursed and commanded the breakout in a hurry, but he was still unable to break through the enemy's stable encirclement.

Countless intense light spots flashed, and both sides opened fire.

In a short while, Richard's side lost more than a dozen fighter planes.

Li Yuebai stared intently at the holographic image, and couldn't help but search for the 10 planes commanded by Sizer... and soon found it. Sizer's fighter group was in the most dangerous position in the formation, facing the enemy most directly, but Surprisingly, none of them were missing!

what happened

Everyone could see clearly the fierce firepower of the enemy just now, but César survived such a hail of bullets

Li Yuebai frowned and looked more carefully.

There was another wave of firepower pouring down, and Cizer's reaction was extremely fast. He commanded 10 fighter planes at the same time, and nimbly dodged the enemy's firepower, as fast as a swallow in the rain.

This kind of reaction ability and reaction speed is probably only under the thunder.

Master Richard's side, because of the delay in reversing the defeat, was already beginning to be angry.

"Captain Augustan." César's voice sounded, although a little timid, but firm: "It is recommended to change to a wild goose formation and break through from the left wing..."

"Shut up!" Master Richard cursed through gritted teeth, "Do you think you have the right to order me?"

"..." César didn't reply.

Therefore, Li Yuebai watched helplessly as Richard's team struggled hard in the enemy's encirclement. The fighter planes were destroyed one after another, and the number became smaller and smaller.

Although he didn't like Master Richard, Li Yuebai still felt it was a pity to see the whole team fail.

However, the next developments once again exceeded his expectations.

Several fighter planes under the command of César suddenly turned an incredible angle in the air, turned their muzzles, and aimed at the only three remaining fighter planes of Master Richard.

"Cesar, you son of a bitch..." Master Richard burst into cursing again.

But it was useless to scold them fiercely, the three fighter planes quickly became a few wisps of cannon fodder in the simulated universe.

The second half of Master Richard's cursing was abruptly cut off by the cold computer system.

All 10 of his fighter planes were blown up. In theory, they were killed and no longer belonged to this team, let alone command.

"I'm sorry." César's voice was trembling with nervousness, but also contained hope that could not be suppressed: "Everyone, now, listen to my command."