The White Moonlight in One’s Heart Self-Saving System

Chapter 127: Interstellar (five)


Maybe it was because César's words were too deceptive. Li Yuebai, who was still sitting upright on the judges' table, couldn't help but stand up and walked to the center of the simulation room.

After a while, the battle situation was reversed.

Richard's team, who were still hiding in Tibet and dying, slowly found a rhythm that suits them after César took over the command, and stabilized the situation. Gliding in the dark space, found a fleeting weak point in the encirclement, and used it as a breakthrough to break through the encirclement in one fell swoop.

However, the enemy army that had been greedily surrounding them was now in a state of confusion.

Twenty minutes later, General Ray Ares stepped into the door of the simulation room, followed by a group of hurried men.

"Lei, you have to look at this." Seeing him coming, Li Yuebai hurriedly greeted him in a deep voice.

"?" Lei frowned, and strode to Li Yuebai's side.

Li Yuebai explained the general situation, and quickly replayed the battle that Lei just missed on the small screen.

Soon, the outcome was decided, and the holographic projection showed a spectacular series of explosions.

Immediately afterwards, several huge scores were displayed.

Won, Cesare won.

Amid the applause, the hatch of the holographic simulation cabin was opened, and Master Richard stumbled out. He was full of anger and threw his helmet on the floor angrily.

"Congratulations, Richard Augustin, your team won." Li Yuebai couldn't help but tease.

Master Richard didn't argue, he just stared fiercely at César who was climbing out of the simulation cabin, wishing he could tear him apart and eat him right away.

The strands of blond hair on César's forehead were wet with sweat. He stood there with his eyes downcast, didn't speak, and didn't dare to look into Master Richard's eyes, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, which was very cute.

After all, he is still a child, so he is always happy when he wins a battle.

"You are the commander of this battle? César?" Lei asked in a deep voice.

"Yes." Cecil replied in a low voice.

Li Yuebai couldn't help but stepped forward, put a hand on his shoulder, and patted him comfortingly.

After going through the previous incident and this one, Li Yuebai found that he had a strong desire for appreciation and protection for César.

But Ray doesn't seem to think so.

"If this is a real war." He said sharply: "You are now in prison, waiting to be court-martialed, César Beselphine."

Cesare's shoulders trembled.

"Lieutenant Richard Augustin is the leader of the team and a comrade-in-arms that you should protect with your life." Lei frowned, "And you attacked and killed him despicably. Such behavior is unforgivable."

"But Lieutenant Augustan's command obviously made a mistake." Li Yuebai couldn't help but retorted.

"In war, what soldiers have to do is to absolutely obey the orders of their superiors." Lei's voice was as firm as steel: "Even if the orders of your superiors are to make you commit suicide... you must absolutely obey! Such a principle, the moment you first enlisted in the army It should be understood and followed.”

There was a dead silence in the simulation room, and an atmosphere of panic began to spread.

After mercilessly giving Team Richard a zero score, Lei left the simulation room and went on to have a meeting with the other captains.

Master Richard also had a straight face, and arrogantly ordered the whole team to go back to the waiting room for a rest.

"System, why do I feel more and more... my role is useless and superfluous?" Li Yuebai couldn't see the development of the plot more and more clearly.

"Host, are you so eager to be the central figure?" the system joked.

"Maybe I'm used to it?" Li Yuebai thought about it for a while: "In the past few time travels, everyone revolved around me to do things one after another, but in this world, the plot has developed for so many days, why is there no conflict? focused on me?"

"Who does the host think the current conflict is focused on?" the system asked.

"Of course it's César, and Lei." Li Yuebai didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "The more I think about it, the more I feel something is wrong... Why is César more like the protagonist of this world?"

"Oh? Does the host think that César has the qualities of a protagonist?"

"Of course." Li Yuebai said without hesitation: "He has a mysterious background, is very young, extremely talented, extremely capable, decisive in doing things, daring to do things, and is oppressed by a hateful villain... how do you think about it?" They are all 100% protagonist configurations! Not to mention there are—"

"… What?"

"—It looks good." Li Yuebai said.

"Host, your analysis is very reasonable." The system said: "But if he is the protagonist, the emotional line is also indispensable."

"That's the point!" Li Yuebai said, "Between César and Lei..."

"Host, please don't say such irresponsible words." The system said seriously: "If General Rayares knows that you think so, I'm afraid he will be furious."

"Hasn't he already lost his temper with César?" Li Yuebai said helplessly, "The conflict between the two of them is too intense."

The drama between Ray and Cizer is simply a standard idol drama.

The identities of the two are very different, both have good looks and distinct personalities. Lei looked down on Cesar very much at first, and Cesare blocked an attack for Lei inexplicably. No matter how you look at it, it is a very dramatic setting. If Add some bloody elements, enough to linger for hundreds of episodes.

"It's so intense that I'm jealous." Li Yuebai thought for a while and added.

"Which side are you jealous of?"

"..." Li Yuebai was stumped by this question.

He stood in the empty simulation room and thought for a while, but couldn't think of a result, and suddenly felt his eyes light up.

Cecil is back.

"High Priest." César returned to the simulation room alone, and bowed politely: "I'm here to retrieve the lost items."

On the floor was a shiny badge that Master Richard had snatched off as he climbed out of the simulator in a huff.

César picked up the badge and said goodbye politely.

"Wait, I have a few questions for you." Li Yuebai said in a gentle voice, "Cesar, how long have you been in the fleet?"

When César heard the high priest's question, he hurriedly stopped leaving, stood quietly, facing Li Yuebai, and replied, "Two years."

"According to General Ray Ares, you have been serving as Lieutenant Richard's personal guard for the past two years, and you have never conducted a formal actual combat exercise." Li Yuebai said: "So, why do you have such excellent commanding skills? ?”

There was a strange gleam in César's eyes, like a greedy child who hears someone talking about candy.

"Because I admire General Ares." César replied, "I have studied all the battles he participated in—"

"Do you have enough time?" Li Yuebai frowned.

César's eyelashes trembled, and he mustered up his courage to say, "Even in my sleep, I will dream about the battle situation."

"—Sizell!" Suddenly, a team member hurried over: "Why haven't you gone back? Lieutenant Augustan is about to lose his temper..."

César bowed to Li Yuebai and left immediately.

Li Yuebai stood alone for three minutes.

César was just an insignificant soldier, but everything about him was irresistibly fascinating. The terrible scars on his neck and the back of his hands always appeared uncontrollably before Li Yuebai's eyes.

How big a fault would it be to allow such a child to be ruined by Master Richard

Li Yuebai didn't hesitate any longer, and walked straight to the lounge.

There were not many people in the lounge, and several team members were sitting or standing, with more or less panicked expressions.

After seeing the high priest, they trembled even more.

"Don't be afraid." Li Yuebai smiled and said in his usual soft tone: "Where is Master Richard?"

"..." The team members looked at each other and dared not speak at first. After a long time, someone pointed tremblingly at a small door next to them.

Without hesitation, Li Yuebai immediately used his high-level authority to break in.

After all, the state of the Star Ring Church is based on religion. On each battleship, certain authority is reserved for the pope and the high priest. Although it is still impossible for the high priest to gain control of the central computer control room and weapons, but A lounge in the area can still be completely unimpeded.

Although the scene in front of him was expected, it still made Li Yuebai's heart ache.

Master Richard viciously strangled Cesar's neck, and pushed him down on the bed, while the other hand was still tearing at Cesar's clothes—half the success.

"Cesar, who do you think you are?" Master Richard turned his back to the door, indulging in beast-like anger and desire, completely unaware of the existence of the high priest: "You are just a lowly heretic You are just a son of a bitch, everything about you, including your life, is in my hands... Even if I throw you out of the porthole and let you float forever in the endless void like space garbage, no one will even look at you …”

Master Richard's current mood is indeed very irritable.

He was obsessed with César's beauty, but he couldn't stand his betrayals one after another.

César's clothes slipped off his body, revealing fair skin, criss-crossed with fresh welt marks, to be exact, they were not drawn from the whip, but from the belt of the military uniform.

Master Richard has skillfully held the belt in his hand again, and with a wave of his hand, the end of the belt with the copper buckle draws a full arc in the air, and it is about to be thrown off.

"Stop." Li Yuebai said sharply.

"..." Master Richard froze, dropped his belt, and turned around.

"Lieutenant Richard Augustan." Li Yuebai said: "Please pay attention to your behavior."

"Oh, it's the high priest." There was a disdainful smile on the corner of Richard's mouth, and he dragged his voice and said in a strange tone: "Aren't you planning to leave after visiting this failed exercise? "

"No, if I leave in a hurry, there will be no way to stop your mistake."

"Hehe, I'm really sorry, even if you are the high priest, you have no right to stop me." Richard smiled sinisterly: "As a lieutenant, I did not violate military law at all by disciplining my subordinates like this."

Li Yuebai's face turned cold, and he was about to teach this dead dude a lesson, but the voice of the system quickly brought him back to reality.


"Huh?" Li Yuebai felt a little annoyed, wondering why the system jumped out to make trouble at this moment.

"Host, do you still remember the rules I told you?" the system said slowly.


"At this stage, you must obey the original owner's choice, and you must not change it without authorization," the system said.

"Why are you emphasizing this all of a sudden now?" An ominous premonition rose in Li Yuebai's heart.

"Because the system is worried that your next choice will cross the line." The system said.

Li Yuebai's anger suddenly burned.

He didn't speak, just looked at César.

César's neck was still pinched by Master Richard, and his expression showed a trace of unwillingness and despair.

The so-called crossing the boundary, does it mean that the original owner did not save César here, but he planned to save him... If this is the case, the change will be too big.

"What happens if you cross the line?" Li Yuebai asked the system viciously.

"The self-destruct procedure will be activated, and the whole world including you will be destroyed..." the system said.

"Forget it." Li Yuebai said angrily.

"Host, you..." The system became angry: "Are you trying to anger the Lord God!"

"I don't remember you being so loyal to the Lord God."

"I am the system, and I don't have the feeling of human loyalty." The system said: "I just want to be responsible to you, my host, please be sure to obey the original owner's choice."

A familiar dialog pops up:

Dear host, the original owner saved César here and helped him get out of Richard's control. Please follow the original owner's approach, otherwise the self-destruct procedure will be activated.

Li Yuebai read it carefully three times before he was sure that he hadn't hallucinated.

He froze for a moment and almost laughed out loud.

What are you tm doing gasping for the system!

"What does panting mean?" The system was puzzled.

"Don't ask." Li Yuebai choked on the system in a good mood.

He should have known a long time ago that the original owner and his own personality are similar, so how could he not save César.

"Ceizer." Li Yuebai said, "Follow me."

"..." César barely raised his eyes, his eyes full of disbelief.

"High Priest, even you have no right to take him away." Master Richard restrained his arrogance a little bit, but still did not let go of the hand that was holding Cesare's neck.

"I have no power, but military law..." Li Yuebai smiled.

In just a moment, he sent the system to find out a way to take César away.

"Military law?" Richard frowned.

"Military law stipulates that if a soldier commits the crime of beating an officer, he must be dismissed and sent to the temple to do hard labor." Li Yuebai said slowly.

"Hahahahahahaha..." Richard burst out laughing: "High Priest, have you misunderstood the military law? It is indeed a crime for a soldier to beat an officer, but now, I am an officer..."

"That's right." Li Yuebai smiled happily, and even winked at César.

"..." César was stunned for a moment.

"The opportunity is fleeting, don't miss it." Li Yuebai said.

César closed his eyes, and then, with a sudden struggle, he hit Richard hard on the cheek with his free right hand.