The White Moonlight in One’s Heart Self-Saving System

Chapter 128: Interstellar (6)


Li Yuebai took Cesar back home.

To be able to snatch Cesare from Master Richard so smoothly, I still have to thank Richard's father, Marshal Augustin.

For the sake of his own reputation, the marshal tightened the constraints on Richard. Once he knew about this disgraceful entanglement, he would naturally be furious. Since the high priest (especially the pope on top of the high priest) already knew about it, he didn't intend to rush the West Zell dealt with it, so he had to follow the high priest's wishes and deal with this "ordinary dispute" according to military law.

After arriving at the temple, César still looked ignorant and unbelievable. He couldn't imagine that he had escaped from Richard's sphere of influence so easily.

He shyly expressed his gratitude and apology to Li Yuebai.

"You don't need to thank me." Li Yuebai said lightly: "You made a mistake, and you came here to admit your mistake and reflect on it."

"Yes." Cecil replied obediently.

He tried his best to hide his joy, but he still smiled unconsciously.

She was already good-looking, but any facial expression was a foul.

Seeing his appearance, Li Yuebai couldn't help but feel better, and almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

César's file was also transferred together with him. Li Yuebai looked it over carefully and found that Lei's guess was indeed correct. César came from the island country that believed in meditation.

"Cesar, what is your belief...?" One day, Li Yuebai asked casually.

"I... don't believe in any religion." César replied obediently.

"Don't you believe in the Ming religion?"

"No." César shook his head: "In the place where I was born and raised, people around me believed in meditation, but the belief did not change their fate... Sorry, I was wrong to say such things in the temple. "

"It doesn't matter." Li Yuebai forgave him in a good mood: "The God of Star Ring is tolerant, even for those who don't believe in Him..."

The temple is the temple of the Star Ring Sect, but some of the dignitaries and servants who come and go do not believe in the Star Ring Sect. This is not a big deal in a country with enlightened folk customs.

As for Li Yuebai himself, he was originally an atheist, so it didn't matter.

Moreover, the content of César's hard labor is not to serve in the temple, but to clean up the small garden under the temple. In this case, it doesn't matter what he believes in.

After a while, Li Yuebai found that his joking guess had become a fact.

César did have an obsessive obsession with Rayares.

He would replay Lei's classic battles over and over again, use the computer to simulate the appearance of Lei's favorite warship, and even stare at Lei's portrait in a daze when he was alone. When someone suddenly mentioned Lei's name, César His face turned red involuntarily.

"Host, please be sorry." The system said solemnly: "The system has consulted the information. In your native language, there is a special word to describe your current situation."

"What the hell?" Li Yuebai frowned.

"In layman's terms, this word is called ntr, and it can also be represented by a specific color." The system became more serious.

"What the hell!" Li Yuebai said angrily, "I'm single!"

In his heart and the system, he complained wildly, but on the surface he still had to maintain the state of a kind and amiable male god. Li Yuebai felt that his schizophrenia was getting worse.

"I just don't know whether the host you like is Ray Ares or César." The system continued to analyze seriously: "What Lei can provide you is a sense of security, but César is more likely to arouse the desire for protection."

"I don't remember when I signed a contract with such an eight-woman system." Li Yuebai said: "Lei is my friend, and I only have friendship with him."

"What about César?"

"Ceizer is beautiful and cute, that's all." Li Yuebai said.

"You are really Liu Xiahui." The system praised seriously.

Lei would take time to come to the temple during his busy work schedule, and every time he saw César, his expression was very unsightly.

"Hazy Moon, why did you do this?" During the secret conversation, Lei expressed 100% disagreement with Li Yuebai's approach: "Why do you keep him by your side?"

"Ceizer is a genius." Li Yuebai said, "I don't understand why your prejudice against him comes from..."

"He is a cultist." Lei said in disgust.

"He is not." Li Yuebai explained gently: "Not all residents of the island country are Buddhists."

"That is also a foreign race in the island country." Lei said: "Don't trust the foreign race."

"Why do you judge a person by his birth?" Li Yuebai said: "Master Richard is the son of the marshal, a true follower of the Star Ring Sect, and a nobleman of the state... Is he trustworthy?"

"Anyway, it's not allowed!" Lei's voice was a little arrogant: "Hazy Moon, are you really not afraid that he has other plans? This kid is weird, I can feel it."

"You can feel it because..." Li Yuebai was speechless.

No wonder Lei always disliked Cesare and disliked Cesare very much.

César's love for Lei is too strong, Lei is so sensitive, how could he not feel it

In the real world, celebrities also hate overly fanatical "illegitimate meals", and ordinary people also hate stalking suitors. How could Lei not hate César

Recalling all kinds of criminals who love to hate in the social news, all kinds of sickness, Li Yuebai couldn't help but measure his back slightly.

César likes Lei, but has never received a response. Will this cause César to blacken

After getting along for a long time, Li Yuebai denied this possibility.

In many cases, the essence of love and hatred is lack of self-confidence.

Although César was weak on the outside, his heart was unimaginably strong, especially in terms of self-confidence, even far surpassing himself...

He has a dream as vast as the stars and the ocean, and his angle of consideration is often higher than that of ordinary people. Every time he finishes talking with him, Li Yuebai will be slightly shocked, and then his sympathy will increase even more.

Such a person, no matter how much he is hated by the people he likes, he will not be hit to the point of blackening.

Six months later, Cesar's "punishment period" ended.

"Cesar, from tomorrow onwards, you don't have to stay with me anymore." Li Yuebai called César over, and said softly, "Your sins have been redeemed, now you can leave."

"Leave?" César hesitated, "Honorable High Priest, where can I go after I leave?"

"According to the military law, soldiers who have committed faults can retire after paying off their crimes." Li Yuebai smiled and said, "Cesar, you are free."

"What if I don't choose to retire?" César bit his lip.

"Then what you are going to face is another difficult road, a road that no one will choose." Li Yuebai's heart sank: "Return to the fleet, but what awaits you is a torrential punishment , and the hardest task, the most dangerous battlefield."

The fleet has always been very cruel to soldiers who made mistakes and returned, not to mention, César completely offended Master Richard...

"I want to go back." César raised his eyes, with a strange hope shining in his golden pupils.

"Why." Li Yuebai's face turned cold.

"for… "

"General Ares?" Li Yuebai snapped.

César's eyes trembled, and then he lowered his head.

"You are really the stupidest child I have ever seen." Li Yuebai sighed, reached out his hand, and stroked Cecil's soft blond hair.

"I want to stand by his side and help him realize his ideals, the ideals of all of us..." Cesar whispered.

"Is it worth it even if you sacrifice your life?" Li Yuebai sighed.

"Even at the expense of life." César's voice was firm.

He leaned down and gently kissed Li Yuebai's shoes: "Dear High Priest, thank you..."

César returned to the fleet.

Fortunately, this time, under the pressure of his father, Master Richard did not dare to accept César, and César was incorporated into the Third Fleet.

On the first day, he was sent to chase down one of the most vicious space pirate fleets.

Due to the exposure of the iridium mines, the behavior of space pirates became more and more rampant. They dared to come and wander around the countries of the Star Ring Church in broad daylight, aiming at laj8807.

Therefore, the army of the state has to often send a fleet to guard around laj8807, deal with pirates every day, and deal with spies sent by the empire or the alliance from time to time.

Li Yuebai was very worried about Cesar's life at the beginning, but after several actions, Cesar was unscathed, and even won several wonderful victories and made great contributions.

In this way, Li Yuebai's hanging heart gradually relaxed.

Just one year later, César was exceptionally promoted to be the sub-captain of the First Squadron of the Third Fleet, and his military rank was also rapidly promoted like a rocket, and he soon wore the badge of lieutenant.

Such a rapid improvement was due to his outstanding ability and bravery in combat on the one hand, and on the other hand, it was also related to the chaotic status quo of the military department.

Recently, Marshal Augustan fell into a predicament of internal and external troubles.

As one of the three giants of the state, his relationship with the other two giants—the pope and the prime minister—has dropped to a freezing point.

Originally, the three of them, as the leaders of the military, politics, and religion, always restricted each other. However, in recent years, due to the exposure of the iridium mine, the views of the Pope and the Prime Minister have become closer, and the two have shown signs of joining forces. The original triangle Out of balance, the marshal was pushed to the edge.

There were rumors that the Pope and the Prime Minister planned to join forces to impeach the Marshal, remove him from the leadership of the military department, and even carry out assassination.

At the same time, the generals under the marshal are also ready to move, and some plan to join the pope and the prime minister in order to become the next marshal.

Marshal Augustin realized that the danger was coming. He sighed day and night and was in a panic all day long. He came up with an idea of frequently mobilizing the fleet to strengthen his control and avoid the danger of being overthrown by his subordinates.

Bangguo has ten fleets, and each fleet has the phenomenon of blindly worshiping its own general, especially Rayares, who is in command of the second fleet, is almost worshiped as a god by his subordinates.

Therefore, the marshal disrupted the top ten fleets by streamlining the establishment and cutting off redundant reasons, and reorganized them.

The result is that soldiers do not know generals, and generals do not know soldiers.

Fortunately, this is the era of interstellar wars, and soldiers are almost mass-trained products of the assembly line. The combat effectiveness of each fighter is similar, and their personal characteristics are not obvious. For an excellent commander, it doesn't matter who his subordinates are.

Before Li Yuebai had time to celebrate Cizer's promotion, he received bad news.

Something happened to Rayares.

When he went out with a small group of people to clear up the bandits, he accidentally encountered a deformed black hole. The whole team was pulled by the strong attraction of the deformed black hole, deviated from the track, and lost contact with Amiens.

Due to the interference of the strong pulse signal near the black hole, the ship suffered some damage, and the communication channel almost failed.

At the moment before the complete failure, Lei made a decisive decision, sent out a distress signal, and reported his current coordinates.

Due to communication barriers, this distress signal was only successfully sent on a few private channels.

Fortunately, it included his private communication channel with Li Yuebai.