The White Moonlight in One’s Heart Self-Saving System

Chapter 129: Interstellar (seven)


The weather was as brilliant as ever, and the temple was flooded with sunshine.

Li Yuebai stood in the center of the temple, looking at the flashing information on the screen, like falling ice and snow, cold from head to toe.

Encountering a deformed black hole in the vast universe is like encountering a vortex and hidden reef in a long voyage in the ocean on the earth.

Fortunately, judging from the content of the distress signal, things haven't reached the worst point yet.

"Host..." the system stopped talking.

"Let's put aside the unimportant things first." Li Yuebai said.

He quickly went through the candidates who were suitable for rescue, and was considering who to ask for help, when the sound of an aircraft landing on the platform outside the temple door sounded.

somebody is coming.

"Who?" Li Yuebai was in a state of nervousness and anxiety. When he first heard that there was an unexpected visitor, he couldn't help feeling agitated and asked in a deep voice.

The hatch of the aircraft slid open slowly, and a familiar figure jumped down, but the clothes on his body were changed to a dark green officer uniform.

"Ceizer?" Li Yuebai blurted out.

"High Priest." César jumped off the flying machine and knelt on one knee at the entrance of the temple, his gaze still full of respect for Li Yuebai, but his tone became much more urgent: "I have something important to ask. "

"Now is not the time to talk about this." Li Yuebai flatly refused.

Even César can't take up a minute or a second of his time now, Lei's matter is the most urgent.

"I want to know what's going on with General Ares." César seemed to have not heard it at all, and said again: "General Ares is going to battle this time, because the Marshal... didn't give him enough soldiers. It is very dangerous, I have been very worried, and now, the scheduled return time has arrived, but the central console has not received any news of his return... "


César has always been very concerned about Lei's movements, and now that such a big accident happened, it is impossible for him not to hear the news.

However, César was worried, why did he come here so quickly

"Why did you come to me?" Li Yuebai sternly said, "Would it be possible for me to know about the affairs of the military department earlier than the people in the military department?"

"Because you are the most trusted person of General Ares!" César said, "So I judge that you may receive more news than the military department... Please, tell me."

"Did you receive Lei's distress signal?" Li Yuebai sighed.

"Distress signal? No." César lowered his eyes, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes.

Indeed, it is impossible for Ray to send the distress signal to César, and the only person he trusts most is Obscure Moon.

Seeing César's anxious and serious expression, Li Yuebai made a decisive decision immediately.

At the same time, the system dialog box also jumped out:

Dear host, according to the original owner's choice, please tell Cecil the coordinates of Leares, and ask Cecil to come to the rescue.

Li Yuebai pressed OK without hesitation.

"Lei's fleet encountered a deformed black hole." Li Yuebai stepped forward and put his hands on César's shoulders: "He has lost contact with Amiens now, and it is very dangerous."

César's eyes widened suddenly.

"It's a matter of urgency, so I solemnly request you, Lieutenant Cizer of the Third Fleet." Li Yuebai said solemnly: "I beg you to go directly to rescue him without asking for instructions, without approval, or without a transfer order. "

According to the normal procedure, after Li Yuebai received the distress signal, he should first forward the signal to the military headquarters, and the marshal and generals would hold a meeting to discuss the authenticity and credibility of the signal, and then go through several complicated procedures to estimate the risk , Deploy personnel... Finally, the rescue is set out.

This set of procedures takes too long, too long.

Therefore, Li Yuebai chose Cesare.

Only César would go to the rescue without hesitation.

Moreover, César now has sufficient manpower, enough to organize a high-quality team.

"... I promise." César lowered his eyes: "And, I am very grateful."

"I should be the one who is grateful." Li Yuebai felt that he was despicable, and even took advantage of this young man's love to make him willingly step into danger.

However, it is too late to dwell on moral issues.

Li Yuebai stretched out his hand, gently helped César up, and then leaned into his ear, and whispered Lei's coordinates.

Coordinates are a set of three complicated numbers. In the vast universe, only coordinates are reliable and unchanged from time immemorial.

After taking down the coordinates, César bent down and kissed the back of Li Yuebai's hand, then turned and left without hesitation.

Li Yuebai was about to watch him board the aircraft, but saw that the whole world suddenly froze and stopped.


The system issued a crisp beep.

"Dear host, congratulations on reaching the time-travel time point!" The system emphasized word by word: "From this second onwards, you have fully grasped the initiative, and the original owner's choice in the original plot will no longer be your standard. You can Complete autonomy! Now, go save the world!"

Only then did Li Yuebai remember the rules announced by the system when he first came to this world.

At that time, the system said that at the beginning, it could only experience and observe, and major decisions must be made according to the original owner's choice in the original plot. Travel through time points and take full control of the initiative.

"I have completely taken the initiative now?" Li Yuebai's voice trembled.

"Yes, host." The system replied.

"I..." Li Yuebai's heart sank, and he suddenly felt unprecedented fear.

Fear is like a huge net, wrapping him in it, unable to break free.

"System, don't joke with me!" Li Yuebai snapped.

"Dear host, I have never told you any lies." The system said seriously: "Everything is true."

"Then...that is to say, I have already made a mistake." Li Yuebai suddenly felt that he was more vulnerable than ever before: "But... where is the mistake? I actually..."

The IQ and responsiveness that I was so proud of became a joke in an instant.

"Your mistake was that you shouldn't have told César the coordinates of Leares." The system said without emotion.

"..." Li Yuebai raised his eyes and looked at Cizer's back, feeling unbelievable.

"Who the hell is César?"

"Bad guy." The system said decisively: "I'm sorry, host, due to the restriction of the main god, I can only wait until now before I can tell you the truth."

"It's not your fault." Li Yuebai sighed wearily: "I should have expected it earlier."

"No one can predict it, even you." The system said: "This is a deliberate joke of the Lord God, and you can't escape it."

"Tell me, the next plot."

"Yes." The system said heavily: "After César got Lei's coordinates, he quickly led the Third Fleet to rescue..."

"Third Fleet?" Li Yuebai frowned: "Sizer is only the captain of the First Squadron of the Third Fleet, and has no authority to lead the entire Third Fleet."

"What if Marshal Augustan gave him this power?" the system asked.

"Marshal Augustan?" Li Yuebai was startled.

"Yes, César and the Marshal are in the same party and close allies," the system said.

Li Yuebai almost crushed the staff in his hand.

This time, he was actually deceived so thoroughly.

César has a trait that I feel pity for, people will like it or even be addicted to it unconsciously, so that they don't even examine what he suspects... Then again, he is really impeccable, no matter how you look at it , also useless.

"The relationship between the Marshal and General Ares is becoming increasingly tense, and you also know that General Ares will encounter a deformed black hole this time, which is not unrelated to the Marshal," the system said.

The ground control center of Amiens is responsible for scanning, monitoring and detecting whether there are obvious dangerous obstacles on the route of the fleet. Things like deformed black holes should have been detected early and informed the fleet to avoid them, but this time they did not detect them. Come out... It is very likely that the Marshal ordered the people at the console to do something to deliberately conceal this discovery.

"After Cizell found Lei, of course he didn't carry out a rescue." The system said: "He sent people aboard the flagship to repair the damaged signal sending and receiving system, and immediately injured Lei without any precautions."

"No one can hurt Lei Ares." Li Yuebai couldn't believe it, and his first reaction was to sternly deny it.

"Don't underestimate César." The system said: "And at that time, Lei faced not only César alone, but also many elites from the Third Fleet."

"Why did the people of the Third Fleet follow Cesare's orders, but instead deal ruthlessly to the more familiar General Ares?" Li Yuebai only felt angry.

"Because they accepted not only the orders of César, but also the orders of the Marshal." The system said: "The Marshal denounced General Ares as a rebel and charged him with countless crimes. The officers can only obey the Marshal's orders." What's more, César is the most loyal admirer of General Ares on weekdays. As long as César cooperates with the marshal to slander him and slander him, the officers will naturally believe and obey... "

"What is the purpose of the marshal and César? Why did they attack Lei?" Li Yuebai tried to forget his anger for a while, thinking about the reason logically: "Although Lei did not get along with the marshal, he never intended to impeach the marshal. He didn't want to It is impossible for the Marshal not to know about rebellion..."

"Because of you, host." The system said in a deep voice.


After César imprisoned Lei, he did not return to Amiens, but stayed there, and sent a contact request to Obscure Moon.

He threatens Obscure Moon with Lei's life, forcing him to hand over the Fleet X in his hand.

"Fleet X..." Li Yuebai looked at the staff in his hand, which was the controller of Fleet X.

"Maybe you find it unbelievable, but that's the truth." The system said: "No matter how great General Ares is, in this incident, he is nothing more than a hostage. The biggest mistake in his life is to become a high priest." best friend."

It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous.

Li Yuebai rubbed his temples, feeling a little unsteady on his feet.

"Host, if it were you, how would you choose?" the system asked.

The life of the person who cares and the fleet x...

Li Yuebai felt that he was about to be crushed when the heavy burden fell down all of a sudden.

It's a dilemma, and it's a sin to choose either side.

But if he had to choose one, Li Yuebai thought that his final decision should be the former.

"Just like your choice, Obscure Moon surrendered the control of Fleet X, and César also released Ares as promised," the system said.

"If the goal of the Marshal and César is to get Fleet X." Li Yuebai gritted his teeth: "Then their ambition will definitely not stop here, this is just the beginning."

"Yes, César commanded the Second Fleet, the Third Fleet, and Fleet X under the command of the Marshal. Then, in the name of protecting the Marshal, he surrounded Amiens."

"He wants to occupy Amiens? Occupy the entire Star Ring Church state?"

"His purpose is to make the Marshal the sole ruler of the Star Ring Church nation." The system said meaningfully.

"Where does César's loyalty to the marshal come from?" Li Yuebai was disgusted.

"There's no such thing as loyalty, it's all about interests." The system put on a sophisticated tone.

"System, are you saying that everything that happened between Master Richard and César during that time...was all acting?"

"Acting? No, no, no." The system denied: "Host, with your insight, if Master Richard is acting, you can tell it at a glance."

That's right, it was precisely because of Master Richard's impeccable performance that Li Yuebai did not become suspicious.

Now it seems that it is not that Master Richard's acting skills are too good, but that he was completely kept in the dark, completely blinded by his father and "subordinates".

It is not known when the partnership between Marshal and César was established, perhaps when César had just entered the First Fleet as a soldier, or earlier.

The purpose of the Marshal is to defeat the Prime Minister and the Pope, and become the only leader of the Star Ring Church state. Unfortunately, the Pope has Fleet X in his hands, which is very tricky, so he made such a big circle, just to trick Fleet X into his hands...

After Cesare surrounded the Star of Amiens with a mighty fleet, the Marshal began to pretend to be confused, pretending that he had nothing to do with Cesare, leaving himself clean and only Saying that everything is César's own idea, he has no ambitions.

Immediately, the marshal recalled several other fleets, sitting on heavy troops, and staying behind closed doors.

At the same time, Cesar put forward a negotiation condition for Amiens—the prime minister and the pope must leave the state and go into exile overseas. If they don't, there's only one outcome—war.

As soon as this sensational news came out, the entire Star Ring Church state fell into chaos. The people were confused about the situation. They didn't know whether to support the Marshal, or the Prime Minister and the Pope. They were discussing and arguing endlessly every day.

Confusion and hesitation turned to fear of death as they witnessed fleets of fleets suspended in low Earth orbit.

Even those who supported the Prime Minister and the Pope did not dare to resist Cesare's fleet with flesh and blood.

At this time, Ozuki had already collapsed under the pressure of strong self-blame.

He is willing to use all means to express his apology to Lei, but it is impossible to do so. Lei has never woken up. He was seriously injured by César's attack and has always been in a coma. The best on Amiens The doctor tried his best, but he could barely maintain his life.

Even though Obscure Moon is full of hatred and loathing towards César now, there is nothing he can do about it. It is impossible for him to act impulsively, it is impossible to call on the people to fight against César, it is impossible to ignore the lives of hundreds of millions of people, the only choice is humiliating peace.

The Prime Minister and the Pope must leave, and the Marshal will take power and become the sole ruler of the Halo Church state.

Seeing this, Li Yuebai's anger turned into sorrow.

"Maybe I misunderstood César's character, but his ambition and dignity... Did I also misjudge?" Li Yuebai said: "I always think that he has ideals as vast as the stars and the sea, and that he has the ideal of surpassing everyone. In the end, he just wanted to be a running dog for the marshal, a despicable dictator, which is really... disgusting."

"Host." The system sighed inaudibly: "It is like this, no, it's not like this..."

"say clearly."

"Ceizer is not Marshal's lackey." The system paused every word: "On the contrary, Marshal is Cesare's lackey."